ties still need to investigate the feasibility and effec-
tiveness of the method, eventually leading to practi-
cal implementations. Regarding the use of one-time-
disclosed PUF-generated cryptographic keys for mul-
tiple applications, we emphasize our recommendation
of the use of separate keys for different purposes, or
at the very least, one separate encryption key for the
purpose of firmware upgrades.
In this paper, we have proposed and discussed tech-
niques for runtime monitoring of security properties
in safety-critical embedded systems and for secure re-
mote firmware upgrades. These techniques are aimed
at solving two related problems that become critical
as the level of connectivity of these systems increases.
Some important challenges remain to be solved be-
fore these techniques can be effectively applied in
practical systems, and it is our hope that the com-
munities of computer security and embedded systems
will evaluate and discuss these techniques, eventually
leading to practical implementations.
This research was supported in part by the Natu-
ral Sciences and Engineering Research Council of
Canada and the Ontario Research Fund.
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