Towards a Multi-level Approach for the Maintenance of Semantic
Silvio Domingos Cardoso
, Chantal Reynaud-Dela
, Marcos Da Silveira
, Ying-Chi Lin
Anika Groß
, Erhard Rahm
and C
edric Pruski
LIST, Luxembourg Institute of Science and Technology, 5, avenue des Hauts-Fourneaux,
L-4362 Esch-sur-Alzette, Luxembourg
LRI, University of Paris-Sud XI, Orsay, France
Institute of Computer Science, Universit
at Leipzig, P.O. Box 100920, 04009 Leipzig, Germany
Semantic Annotation, Annotation Maintenance, Ontology Evolution, Life Sciences.
Semantic annotations are often used to enrich documents as clinical trials and electronic health records. How-
ever, the usability of these annotations tends to decrease over time due to the evolution of the domain on-
tologies. The maintenance of these annotations is critical for tools that exploit them (e.g., search engines and
decision support systems) in order to assure an acceptable level of performance. Despite the recent advances
in ontology evolution systems, the maintenance of semantic annotations remains an open problem. In this pa-
per, we introduce, based on previous experiments, the main components of a multi-level approach towards the
automatic maintenance of semantic annotations. We further provide examples for strengthening our proposal.
The use of Knowledge Organization Systems (KOS)
(Hodge, 2000), such as classification schemes, con-
trolled terminologies, thesauri or ontologies in the
medical field to annotate medical data is gaining in-
terest over the last years (Gimenez et al., 2012; Funk
et al., 2014; Yimam et al., 2016). Usually, KOS
elements are used to annotate documents such as
clinical reports or medical images in order to make
their semantics explicit for humans and software ap-
plications. The KOS entities (concepts, properties,
relationships, etc.) are associated with documents
producing semantic annotations (Da Silveira et al.,
2015). This process is commonly made by humans or
automatic annotators and brings many benefits for end
users such as, enhancing the retrieval of relevant in-
formation for decision support or improving semantic
interoperability between systems (Uren et al., 2006).
However, the dynamic nature of medical knowl-
edge forces to continuously revise KOS content.
Thus, semantic annotations based on previous ver-
sions of the KOS can be impacted and loose their
validity. Therefore, mechanisms to adapt these im-
pacted annotations to the new version of KOS are re-
quired. In our previous work (Groß et al., 2012; Car-
doso et al., 2016), we have shown a strong correlation
between the modification of KOS elements and the
modification of semantic annotations. We also man-
age to categorize the various evolution that can affect
KOS and associate these changes with modifications
of elements defining annotations.
In the literature, three families of approaches deal-
ing with annotation maintenance can be found. The
first one addresses the problem of automatic detection
of inconsistent annotations (Eilbeck et al., 2009; Qin
and Atluri, 2009; K
opke and Eder, 2011; Zavalina
et al., 2015). However, mechanisms to support the
correction of impacted annotations are not proposed.
The second family of approach put the focus on the
automatic detection and manual correction of invalid
annotations (Maynard et al., 2007; Auer and Herre,
2007; Burger et al., 2010; Abgaz, 2013). How-
ever, these approaches only consider basic ontology
changes, e.g., deletion and addition of concepts in
ontology while more complex changes are important
to consider and requires human intervention to per-
form the maintenance which is hardly applicable in
the medical domain by virtue of the huge amount of
annotations to adapt. Last, the most advance works
implement an automatic correction of the annotation
(Luong and Dieng-Kuntz, 2006; Tissaoui et al., 2011;
Cardoso S., Reynaud-DelaÃ
otre C., Da Silveira M., Lin Y., Groç A., Rahm E. and Pruski C.
Towards a Multi-level Approach for the Maintenance of Semantic Annotations.
DOI: 10.5220/0006230104010406
In Proceedings of the 10th International Joint Conference on Biomedical Engineering Systems and Technologies (BIOSTEC 2017), pages 401-406
ISBN: 978-989-758-213-4
2017 by SCITEPRESS – Science and Technology Publications, Lda. All rights reserved
Park et al., 2011; Frost and Moore, 2014). This is
mostly done based on reasoning techniques which
rely of the logic formalism of the KOS. However,
as medical KOS are expressed using lightweight de-
scription logic, these technique must be adapted.
The literature review highlights that there is no
annotation maintenance/adaptation framework able
to cope with the specificity of the medical domain
e.g., size of the KOS, amount of annotations. In
this paper we discuss the foundation of a (semi-
)automatic approach to manage semantic annotations
when their underlying KOS evolve over time without
re-annotating the documents. We further justify our
ideas based on previous experiments and examples.
We structure the remainder of this paper as fol-
lows: In Section 2 we define the annotation model
used throughout this paper. Section 3 introduces our
ideas towards the (semi-)automatic maintenance of
semantic annotations. In Section 4 we conclude the
paper by outlining future work.
The development of novel annotation maintenance
approaches requires an appropriate annotation model
covering evolution and quality aspects for annota-
tions. We refer to our previously described annota-
tion model (Groß et al., 2012; Cardoso et al., 2016)
and give a brief overview of the main aspects.
A single annotation is defined as a = (i, c, {q})
where an instance item i I
is annotated with an on-
tology concept c ON
, and a set of quality indicators
{q} Q. An instance might be an electronic health
record (EHR) or a question item from a case report
form (CRFs) as used within clinical trials. In general,
a concept can be used to annotate many items and an
item might be annotated with several concepts. Dif-
ferent quality indicators can be used to retain qual-
ity, reliability and provenance information for each
annotation, e.g. by attaching numerical confidence
values, categorical ratings or evidence codes (Groß
et al., 2009). Note that the quality of automatically
generated annotations can vary significantly depend-
ing on the used methods, tools and their configura-
tions (Funk et al., 2014).
Both, instance data and ontologies, underlie con-
tinuous changes. Hence, we denote I
as an instance
in the version u and ON
is an ontology in the ver-
sion v. In this proposition paper, we focus on main-
taining annotations due to evolution of ontology. We
include further elements in the annotation model to
better trace KOS changes and to correctly update the
annotations. For instance, we retain the position of
an annotation within an instance item (o f f set) since
items can cover several concepts. The o f f set can be
useful, e.g. to link concepts from different versions
with the same part of an item. We further consider the
semantic relationship between a KOS concept and an
item or the annotated part of an item. For instance,
one item can be annotated as equivalent to a concept,
more/less specific, partial match, etc. The semantic
type of an annotation is useful to update outdated an-
notations. For instance, instead of removing an im-
pacted annotation after concept deletion, one could
preserve the annotated item by linking it to the super-
class of the removed concept and changing its seman-
tic type to “less specific”. As additional provenance
information, our annotation model includes an ele-
ment to indicate which concept attribute (e.g., title,
synonym, preferred terms, etc.) has mainly been used
to produce an annotation. This can be valuable dur-
ing the maintenance process, for example, to decide
whether a basic attribute change is relevant and might
entail an annotation modification.
As discussed in Section 1, our long term objective
is to design a (semi-)automatic approach for main-
taining semantic annotations valid over time if the
underlying KOS is evolving without a complete re-
annotation of the document and by guaranteeing a
high quality in the annotation after maintenance. We
have analyzed the evolution of several KOS of the
medical domain and we identified the behavior of an-
notations under different scenarios. We rely on these
findings to derive different aspects to take into con-
sideration for the maintaining semantic annotations.
It can be seen as a multi-level approach that can be
split according to inputs, process and outputs. It al-
lows us to optimize the annotation maintenance task
by considering at each step more information of dif-
ferent nature to maintain annotation that remain in-
valid after the previous step.
3.1 Maintenance Process
The different maintenance processes we have identi-
fied consist in: i) Automatically detecting inconsistent
annotations caused by the evolution of the underlying
KOS; ii) Using information gained from the evolution
of the KOS only to adapt impacted annotations; iii)
Using information of external KOS to maintain anno-
tations that could not be maintained by considering
local resource; iv) Using change patterns to finalize
HEALTHINF 2017 - 10th International Conference on Health Informatics
Set of annotations,
set of ontology
Set of classes,
rules, set of
ontology changes
Rules and
Rules and change
Process Output
ontology changes +
annotation changes
Apply rules in local
Load new rules
to process
external resource
Load new rules
for ontology
Apply rules
and correct
Apply rules
and correct
Set of impacted
Identification of
invalid annotations
Annotations for
Annotation correction:
Ontology change rules
Annotations for
Annotation correction:
External resource
Set of ranked
Annotation correction:
Change patterns
Figure 1: A multi-level framework for supporting annotation maintenance.
Identification of
invalid annotations
Ontology change rules
External resource
Change patterns
Ontology change rules
Annotation:        because a split
Rules: 
Action: 
307.51 307.51
External resource knowledge
Annotation:         because a ChgAttValue
Result in ontology change rules: The annotations were not corrected by rules
Search in external sources:
     
i.e.: bulimia was found in other ontology and it has a sameAs correlation with the changed concept
Action: 
Change Patterns:
ChangePattern (
Partial Match 
Physiological Processes
Level 4
When previous levels have not worked!
Annotation:  
  
   because a ChgAttValue
superClass 
D055705 SubClassOf 
Find annotations that
might be impacted by
the KOS evolution
Apply formal heuristics
to maintain the
annotations using KOS
Access external resources
to retrieve additional
information to maintain the
annotations. These
information are validated
using formal heuristics
Use of change patterns to
identify the correlation
between concepts over time
and maintain the
Figure 2: Examples illustrating the behaviour of the framework at each level.
the maintenance and optimize the quality of the set of
adapted annotations.
Identification of invalid annotations: It consists
in identifying invalid annotations by analyzing the
evolution of the associated KOS. To this end, it
takes as input a set of annotations and two suc-
cessive versions of the used KOS namely K
. The identification of concepts that have
Towards a Multi-level Approach for the Maintenance of Semantic Annotations
changed between K
and K
can be obtained
using an ontology Diff tool (Hartung et al., 2013;
Noy et al., 2002) as well as additional information
specifying the type of changes that have affected
these concepts. As it is the case for ontology map-
ping adaptation (Groß et al., 2013), such informa-
tion plays a key role in the maintenance task be-
cause it will determine the type of correction to
apply to the annotations in the next levels. For in-
stance, the deletion of a concept attribute can lead
to the deletion of annotations but the deletion of
the same attribute value in the context of a split
of concept can lead to the migration of the anno-
tation to the evolved version of the concept (i.e.
the result of the split). It is therefore crucial to
consider not only basic ontological changes (i.e.
addition/deletion of concept) as it is the case in ex-
isting approaches for annotation maintenance but
complex changes (i.e. split/merge of concepts)
to optimize both the maintenance process and the
quality of the adapted annotations.
Annotation correction using ontology change
rules: It consists in using information derived
from the set of annotations itself as well as the
data of the Diff between the two KOS versions K
and K
coming from the previous level to adapt
the identified invalid annotations. At this level, the
correction of annotations can be specified in rules
that combine the context of evolution of the KOS
and the status of the annotations. Under these con-
ditions, the rules must specify the maintenance ac-
tion to perform. For instance, we observed cases
where an annotation was impacted because in its
new version the label of concept associated with
this particular annotation adopted the plural form.
Therefore the corresponding rule can look like:
“If the label of concept is set to its plural form
then do not change the annotation”
The type of ontological change contained in the
Diff allows to propose more elaborated correction
rules acting directly on the element of the anno-
tation model like the o f f set. For instance, if the
attribute used to annotate the text contained in an
EHR is modified (e.g., a new word was added at
the end of the label), then we check if we can find
this modification in the text of the document to
annotate (e.g., if the new word is also adjacent to
the old text) by checking the information located
at the o f f set position. The corresponding rule is:
“If the label of concept increase and the data lo-
cated beside the offset of the annotation is equal
to the added word then increase the offset”
Another example is depicted in Figure 2. The an-
notation sneezing associated with the concept hav-
ing as code 784.09 in ICD-9-CM version 2006 is
no more valid in 2007. It is the direct consequence
of the split of concept 784.9 between 2006 and
In the example of Figure 2 the depicted rule
checks if a concept was split. Basically, it speci-
fies if the concept 784.99 from the new version of
ICD-9-CM was engendered by a split of concept
and whether it has a label (or an attribute value)
which is equal to the same text of the annotation.
It also verifies that the new version of the concept
784.9 (if it still exists) has no label of concept that
fully match the text of the annotation. As a result,
the action to maintain this annotation is to change
the source concept of the annotation to 784.99.
Annotation correction using external resource
knowledge: It consists in using information in-
ferred from external knowledge sources to main-
tain the annotations that could not be corrected
using local resources of the previous level. Ac-
tually, in many cases the drift of ontological con-
cepts can be characterized only by considering the
semantic relationships provided by other ontolo-
gies (Pruski et al., 2016). Often labels of con-
cept are completely different, from the syntactic
point of view, before and after evolution. There-
fore, considering local resources only does not al-
low to characterize their evolution and, in turn,
cannot be reused for annotation maintenance pur-
pose. The example depicted in Figure 2 about the
evolution of the label of concept 307.51 of ICD-
9-CM “Bulimia” in 2004 to “Bulimia nervosa” in
2005 shows another use case that requires external
knowledge source. Applying existing approaches
on annotation associated with this concept would
simply lead to the deletion of the annotations. But
the consideration of external resource (here map-
pings between ICD-9-CM and SNOMED CT pro-
vided by Bioportal) tells that these two terms are
synonyms therefore the annotation can be kept.
Nevertheless, the nature of the external knowl-
edge resources can vary. Whether RDF datasets
like BIO2RDF (Belleau et al., 2008) or expres-
sive OWL ontologies contained in Bioportal (Noy
et al., 2009) are considered, the inferred informa-
tion can be of different quality and can affect the
quality of the maintenance process.
Annotation correction using change patterns:
At this stage, information provided by the Diff
and the use of external resources are not suffi-
cient to maintain invalid annotations. The anal-
ysis of the morphosyntactic form of concept la-
bels can reveal information to take decision about
the maintenance of annotation. This technique has
HEALTHINF 2017 - 10th International Conference on Health Informatics
already been explored in the context of ontology
mapping adaptation (Dos Reis et al., 2015) but re-
mains less relevant in terms of quality in the re-
sulting maintenance decisions. Change Patterns
are modifications observed in attribute values of
a concept using linguistic-based features to iden-
tify the correlation between concepts over time.
For instance, a Partial Copy between concepts is
computed if and only if there exists a partial over-
lap between words from an attribute present in the
KOS version K
and an attribute in the new KOS
version K
(i.e., the attribute a
becomes a
For instance, the annotation “Physiologic pro-
cesses”, shown at the bottom of Figure 2 pro-
duced using MeSH in period 2008/2009 was re-
moved. This is due to a change in the attribute
value in the definition of the concept D010829
leading to “Physiological Phenomena”. Assum-
ing the following conditions: i) we do not have in-
formation inside the ontology to handle with this
change, ii) the super class from concept D010829
is Thing iii) external resources do not provide the
necessary information to make decision, the ap-
plication of four change patterns (total copy, total
transfer, partial copy, partial transfer) consider-
ing only the attributes in the same sub-ontology
e.g., the sub classes from concept D010829 allow
to change the concept associated to this annotation
from D010829 to D055705.
3.2 Output
Our approach was designed to process the annota-
tions according to different levels of granularity, but
the outputs only contain three kinds of data.
The first one refers to the nature of the annota-
tions. It makes the distinction between annotations
impacted by the evolution of the underlying KOS and
non impacted annotations. We described in details
these annotations in (Cardoso et al., 2016).
At the levels dealing with the correction of the
annotations, the outputs are: i) the corrected anno-
tations and ii) the set of annotations that need fur-
ther investigation. Once corrected, the annotations are
also enriched with evolution information making fu-
ture modifications easier and enhancing their quality.
If invalid annotations remain, the definition of an-
other levels exploiting different kind of information
for maintenance purpose need to be implemented.
The complexity of the evolution affecting KOS, the
nature of the annotation, the specificities of the kind
of object to annotate need to be taken into account in
the definition of the additional levels. The rules that
are used at each level also need to be defined by con-
sidering the quality of the adapted annotations.
We have presented a multi-level approach towards
the (semi-)automatic maintenance of the annotations
turned invalid after the evolution of their associated
KOS. Our proposal is based on literature review as
well as experimentations and consists in the progres-
sive integration of complex information of different
nature and various sources for correcting invalid se-
mantic annotations without re-annotating documents.
As future work, we will put the stress in the definition
and validation of such a framework. Since our anno-
tation framework will be used to (semi-)automatically
correct outdated annotations, the used methods will
need careful evaluation according to the quality of the
produced results. For future work, we also plan to
evaluate the different maintenance approaches using
several annotation datasets from the biomedical do-
main such as annotated CRFs or EHR.
The National Research Fund (FNR) of Luxembourg
and Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft (DFG) sup-
port this work under the ELISA research project.
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HEALTHINF 2017 - 10th International Conference on Health Informatics