Diabetes Among Children (DAC)
Project - Exploring Opportunities with Support from Mobile Applications in
a Cross Cultural Indo-Swedish Study
Jenny Lundberg
, Soniya Billore
and Clara Axelsson
Department of Mediatechnology, Linnaeus University, PG Vejdes väg, Växjö, Sweden
Department of Marketing, Linnaeus University, PG Vejdes väg, Växjö, Sweden
eHealth Institute, Linnaeus University, Bredbandet, Kalmar, Sweden
Keywords: Diabetes, Indo-Swedish, Global Health, Quality Assurance Systems, Metronics, Open Systems.
Abstract: In this paper we present opportunities and challenges to meet the worldwide challenge of diabetes. Diabetes
has devastating long-term complications that cause very great personal suffering and social costs locally and
globally. The prevalence of diabetes is increasing globally as an epidemic and affects 415 million people
today, which is expected to increase to 642 million in 2040. In this paper we explore possibilities to join in
Indo-Swedish R&D collaboration. We present and motivate the research purpose. Furthermore we present a
research framework for mobile application development between Sweden and India. The scientific framework
is elaborated and this paper ends with specific challenges and further work.
According to the International Diabetes Federation
(2015), 415 million in the world have got diabetes and
it is estimated that by 2040, 642 million will be
diagnosed with diabetes. Probably no other condition
constitutes a challenge to the patient as diabetic, as
glucose levels is dependent on the content of each
meal, and the physical activity before and after that
time, all the time, and every day. Level of emotional
stress also affects sugar levels via the hypothalamic-
pituitary-adrenals (HPA) cortisol-producing systems
(Melin, 2015). Too little insulin is a threat in the long
term, due to the risk of complications, and too much
can lead to serious symptoms, mental and physical
impact, in the worst cases, coma or death within
minutes-hours. Patients should preferably combine
information on food intake, especially the amount of
carbohydrates, and previously scheduled and physical
activity, and the current stress level, to calculate the
optimal dose of insulin before each meal, several
times per day.
Diabetes has two main types. In type 1 patients are
dependent on insulin injections several times a day, to
survive; in type 2 are many dependent on insulin for
control, and to minimize the risk of complications
(Forbes, 2016) (Thunander et al., 2012). Diabetes
means risk of death in the short term, if not cared for,
and the high risk of long term complications such as
macrovascular (myocardial infarction, heart failure,
stroke and peripheral arterial insufficiency, if not heal
foot ulcers and amputations) and microvascular
(retinopathy / blindness, kidney failure with dialysis
or transplantation, and nerve problems).
Diabetes puts high demands on the individual
when it comes to individual care, and in the case of
children it puts higher demands on the family and
especially the parents. Complications can occur and it
is commonly known that this creates difficult health
conditions and high social costs. Potentially this can
be handled with support from not only medical
science but also the latest developments in mobile
devices and sensor technology. The measurements
obtained from the close interaction of the mobile
applications with the patients, here the children, and
the consequent big data can be used to handle some
of the issues in this area. Given that diabetes in
children is a growing concern all across the world,
this pilot project aims to look at the development and
use of mobile applications designed specifically for
them. As part of the background motivation for this
study a focus group was conducted in India among
paediatricians and diabetologists to inquire about the
knowledge and usage of mobile applications for
Diabetes. It was observed that the doctors were aware
Lundberg J., Billore S. and Axelsson C.
Diabetes Among Children (DAC) - Project - Exploring Opportunities with Support from Mobile Applications in a Cross Cultural Indo-Swedish Study.
DOI: 10.5220/0006231804070412
In Proceedings of the 10th International Joint Conference on Biomedical Engineering Systems and Technologies (BIOSTEC 2017), pages 407-412
ISBN: 978-989-758-213-4
2017 by SCITEPRESS Science and Technology Publications, Lda. All rights reserved
of such applications on a global level but these were
not used commonly by the diabetic children in India.
Also it was not an established practice yet for the
doctors to recommend any mobile application to the
parents or the children to support their lifestyle in
dealing with this challenge.
In this background we present the situation related to
diabetes from the two countries specific perspectives.
This presented within the three subsections India,
Sweden and motivation for the Indo-Swedish
research study.
2.1 India
The presence of Diabetes among children is a
growing concern in India. According to a recent
report (The Times of India, 2014) there are almost
70,000 cases of children with Type I and nearly
40,000 cases with type 2 diabetes. Obesity and the
fast food fad is a common factor coupled with the fact
that nearly 68% of urban children do not engage in
regular exercise (type 2). Praveen and Tandon (2016)
discuss the incidences of type II diabetes among
children in India and underline that obesity is the
leading cause of the situation. It is also of concern that
parents, caretakers and schools emphasise the need
for a healthy lifestyle among the children so that type
II incidences can be curbed and brought under
control. One of the possible influencers could be the
digital support systems such as mobile technologies.
Forbes, 2016 reports that the mobile penetration is
India has reached nearly a billion subscribers and the
market has the third largest smartphone users in the
world. This opens immense opportunities for using
the mobile technology for health related benefits. The
first diabetes app named Diabeto was launched only
recently in 2015. This application connects to
glucometers of 30 different types and helps to keep
track of the sugar levels, insulin levels including
Bolus and Basal. Further it keeps the data stored in
the cloud and presents visual representations of the
patient’s data for further, more efficient diabetes
management. There is growing awareness about this
application for Diabetes management in India and
there is also growing interest among health and
technology entrepreneurs to develop more
applications for Diabetes.
Figure 1: The Diabeto application. Photo credit:
Figure 2: The synchronisation of the app with the
glucometer. Photo credit: http://www.medgadget.com/
In the next section, the situation related to diabetes
in Sweden is presented.
2.2 Sweden
Sweden has the second highest presence of diabetes
among children in the world approximately 7-8000
individuals and 800 are diagnosed every year. But
there are some popularly used applications such as
Triabetes, a CE marked medical software (iTunes,
Triabetes). Research, development & innovation
related to diabetes are ongoing and mature enough
with rich data material to do further analysis on.
Different quality assurance systems where devices
related to diabetes are included exists. CE markings
(Läkemedelsverket, 2016) and other initiatives as for
example Diabetesappar.se are a collection of apps
related to diabetes developed in cooperation with the
Swedish health care professionals and Swedish
application providers to facilitate and improve
everyday life for patients and healthcare. Modeling of
HEALTHINF 2017 - 10th International Conference on Health Informatics
diabetes (Marmarelis and Mitis, 2014) are considered
in essence in regular technical issue, with glucose -
insulin regulations. Furthermore, there are national
approaches towards open quality assured databases
such as the National Diabetes Registry, NDR with a
specific open registry for children, Swediabkids. In
the pictures below, figure 2, an example of a diabetes
kit for children in Sweden is presented. Furthermore,
continuous monitoring (CGM) like for example the
automatic insulin pumps are examples of additional
products in use.
Figure 3: Example of children's “diabetes kit” in Sweden.
Photo credit: Jenny Lundberg.
2.3 Motivation for the Indo-Swedish
Study of the DAC Project
For children and adolescents diagnosed with diabetes
lifelong lifestyle changes are inevitable to ensure
quality of life. Dietary regulations, sound exercise
and monitoring as well as medication need to be
obtained regularly every day (Barndiabetesfonden,
2016). This is an immense task for the young and their
family who all need to be highly motivated to succeed
long term. Cafazzo et al., 2012 have shown that
motivation for self-monitoring can increase with the
help of specialised mobile applications.
It is believed that the experience of healthcare and
researchers Sweden could be used to explore the use
of similar applications for the diabetic children in
India. An Indo-Swedish cross cultural study of the
lifestyles of diabetes among children can provide
sufficient data and enable a higher level of
generalization that can be translated to create more
efficient and open mobile applications for the young
This research will conduct the following exploratory
steps to have a deeper insight of the situation
regarding e-initiatives and specifically mobile
applications for Diabetes among children.
1. Explore the possibilities for designing e-
initiatives with a study of the child patients and
the level of adjustments and adaptations needed to
deal with Diabetes as a health condition
2. Explore the personal needs of the patients in order
to obtain a personalized and microscopic look to
their needs and wants for the e-initiative
3. Utilise information portals and big data sources to
study the possibilities of building an interactive
mobile based empowerment platform for virtual
4. Design mobile based solutions to empower and
assist the children and their parents to deal with
the presence of this diagnose.
5. Connect the results of the above to health industry
entrepreneurs for mobile app. creation and
development. This includes connecting Swedish
entrepreneurs to the ones in India so that
collaborative efforts on technology and user needs
can be optimally utilised for creating market
specific mobile applications.
As seen from the framework, the research attempts to
explore in depth the situation of the children suffering
from Diabetes type I and II in the countries of Sweden
and India. The research will be done for mainly 2
aspect, A: the lifestyle of the children and the
requirements that the children have given their health
condition. By requirements it can mean a number of
parameters such as access to health and medical
advice, infrastructure support in terms of access to
sports and other facilities that can help keep their
body healthy and active, emotional support from
families and friends, and access to other children who
suffer from the same health situation through a
network or group either online or otherwise where
they and their families could meet and support each
other. The other parameter is B: systems that support
diabetes management in children such as the quality
of awareness regarding the condition among the
families, schools and local society and the
relationship between them and the local health care
units. Also this will explore the technological support
that children have access to as they themselves want
Diabetes Among Children (DAC) - Project - Exploring Opportunities with Support from Mobile Applications in a Cross Cultural
Indo-Swedish Study
to know more of their health condition and how best
they could manage it. For example , the use of mobile
applications that can be used to bring the knowledge
, awareness and management of the diabetes related
health situation closer to the children suffering from
it as well as making the platform user friendly.
Figure 4: Research framework for mobile application
development between Sweden and India.
It is known by our initial secondary research on
the topic that Sweden has been using a number of
mobile applications for Diabetes management but the
situation is not the same for India. It will be
interesting to further see how the applications in
Sweden are customised to children patients if any.
By knowing the situation for parameters A and B
described above we can have a list of factors that need
to be tested against the presently available
applications and explore the possibility of including
new ones in them. Further on, the research will take
the next step of bringing these observations to the
world of entrepreneurship by building a link between
the mobile app developers in the health industry of
Sweden and India. It is believed that since Sweden
and India have increasing number of diabetes affected
children in very varied social and cultural settings, the
knowledge created through the study will help
generalise some important human and disease related
elements that could be used on a wider context for
Diabetes management among children on a global
Novel technology with sensors / actuators, Internet of
Things (IoT), micro sensors and open socio-technical
systems, e.g. Internet-of-Things have unique
opportunities to produce scientific data on e.g.
diabetic patient's situation occurred. From here, and
directly from the electronic medical record can be
models based on real data and large data sets over
time be developed and on contributing to a more
secure basis for informed decisions in everyday life,
such as about insulin doses, for patients and
caregivers. The second area of this project concerns
the so-called Big Data management. Much
information is available today in the electronic
medical record, but not available. Output data must
be retrieved by experts in analysis departments, in e.g.
Excel. Basic facilities required, for example. standard
reports, for everyday recurring purposes. Most
diabetic patients are and will be in developing
countries, with type 2 diabetes, with more
sophisticated technology the so-called artificial
pancreas will not be an option, but there techniques
that can be used with smart phones are more
accessible. A combination with the automatic
biological data, as pulse rate, as visualized in parallel
with glucose levels and insulin doses, would provide
additional information, e.g. about symptoms
associated with hypoglycaemic events.
Hypoglycaemia is still the biggest obstacle to
achieving ideal blood glucose control, incl. fear of
hypoglycaemia. Many factors influence the outcome
of doses of insulin in diabetes, such as age, sex,
duration of diabetes, type of insulin used (short- and
A: Explore
of the
B: Explore
support systems
that assist
management in
1. Family
2. Schools
3. Health Care 4.
support e.g.
type 1
applications for
management in
Sweden and
India and
possibilities for
Swedish and
Knowledge creation on generalisations
of important human lifestyle related
parameters that
can be included in the
support system, in this
case mobile a
HEALTHINF 2017 - 10th International Conference on Health Informatics
long-acting types), the patient's body composition,
physical activity, why automatic data collection via a
"bio-bracelet", which such as Smart Band, and
practical visualization of these complex tasks, and
their interactions, both can be helpful for patients and
their advisers or assistants in clinical settings, and
provide information to be analysed at the graduate
level, can provide new information that can be
converted into new clinical counselling. Analyses of
data for glucose levels and insulin doses with details
of HbA1c levels, over time, longitudinally, can
provide both new insights into the relationship
between glucose variability (i.e., frequency and
amplitude of the high and low values) and the level of
HbA1c (and over time relation to the development of
diabetic complications), and in the patterns of glucose
levels, frequency of episodes of hypoglycaemia,
relationships actually taken insulin doses, etc. are not
available today, and not for larger groups of real
patients outside of clinical trials, and put them in the
with bias (s) involved. The complex situation of
diabetes care is a major global challenge (Guariguata
et al., 2014) and is a good example of the area where
the development and utilization of techniques to
facilitate better target fulfilment can spread easily
benefit both individuals and society (Sundström,
2016), (Hu et al., 2015), (Lundberg, et al., 2015),
(Eriksén, 2015).
Collaboration between different expert domains are
of interest to battle the challenges related to diabetes.
Closer collaboration between stakeholders, with care
institutions and related partners for a healthy lifestyle
among children are desired.
To the system-cross organisation at Linnaeus
University giving us this unique opportunity to
initiate a small scale R&D cooperation. Furthermore
to the paediatric clinics, endocrinologists in Växjö
and Kalmar hospitals for support.
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Diabetes Among Children (DAC) - Project - Exploring Opportunities with Support from Mobile Applications in a Cross Cultural
Indo-Swedish Study
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