We Need to Discuss the Relationship
An Analysis of Facilitators and Barriers of Software Ecosystem Partnerships
George Valença
and Carina Alves
Departamento de Estatística e Informática, Universidade Federal Rural de Pernambuco, Recife, Brazil
Centro de Informática, Universidade Federal de Pernambuco, Recife, Brazil
Keywords: Software Ecosystems, Partnerships, System Dynamics, Strategies.
Abstract: Software ecosystems are a promising paradigm to develop and market software systems by means of
partnerships among companies. To ensure the healthy evolution of software ecosystems, companies must
define strategies that strength their partnerships. In this paper, we investigate the factors that drive the
evolution of software ecosystems formed by Small-to-Medium Enterprises. We present an exploratory case
study of two emergent software ecosystems in order to analyse the main facilitators and barriers faced by
participating companies. We adopt System Dynamics approach to create models expressing causal relations
among these factors. By understanding the facilitators that should be reinforced and barriers that should be
restrained, we believe that partners are better equipped to catalyse the success of their software ecosystems.
Software ecosystems figure among the most recent
and relevant trends in IT industry. A software
ecosystem is as a set of businesses functioning as a
unit and interacting with a shared market for
software and services, together with the relationships
among them (Jansen et al., 2009). They involve the
interdependence and interrelation to external
partners and stakeholders with which a software
company collaborates and competes (Olsson and
Bosch, 2016). Software ecosystems promote the idea
of coopetition, when companies embrace
competitive collaborations and start to co-evolve
their products in a hub of local and/or global market
(Popp, 2013). By defining partnerships to engage in
this networked setting, companies acquire new
skills, share features and clients, and divide R&D
costs (Bosch, 2009). Moreover, they can cope with
financial, time and knowledge constraints (Khalil et
al., 2011). Successful examples of software
ecosystems include Apple’s iPhone and the range of
complementary apps developed by third-party
players available at Apple Store, Eclipse open
source ecosystem, among other platforms available
in the IT industry. The increasing growth of software
ecosystems confirms that companies co-existing in
the same market have recognised their need to
cooperate to survive in a turbulent environment.
This paper reports on an exploratory case study
of two emergent software ecosystems formed by
Small-to-Medium Enterprises (SMEs). The tight
relationships among these companies result from
frequent joint projects to integrate their ERP
software solutions and services. On the one hand,
SMEs must cope with limited financial and human
resources. On the other hand, they have flexible
organisational structure and motivation to explore
innovative business models. These aspects direct the
way SMEs define partnerships and position
themselves in a software ecosystem.
The motivation to conduct this research is to
investigate the factors that affect positively and/or
negatively the evolution of partnerships among
SMEs establishing a software ecosystem. We
achieved this goal by adopting System Dynamics
method (Senge and Kurpius, 1993) to analyse the
factors that nurture and/or hamper the partnerships.
The contribution of our study lies in describing these
factors and presenting diagrams expressing causal
relations among them. Besides, we present strategies
that enable software companies to understand what
drives the healthy evolution of their ecosystems.
This paper is organised as follows. Section 2
describes the conceptual background of the research.
Section 3 details the research method. Section 4
presents systemic diagrams by adopting System
Dynamics. Section 5 uses the diagnostic of the
Valença, G. and Alves, C.
We Need to Discuss the Relationship - An Analysis of Facilitators and Barriers of Software Ecosystem Partnerships.
DOI: 10.5220/0006231900170028
In Proceedings of the 19th International Conference on Enterprise Information Systems (ICEIS 2017) - Volume 2, pages 17-28
ISBN: 978-989-758-248-6
Copyright © 2017 by SCITEPRESS Science and Technology Publications, Lda. All rights reserved
partnerships to delineate strategies that companies
can adopt to foster the evolution of the software
ecosystems, in light of literature in the field. Finally,
Section 6 presents final considerations.
2.1 Software Ecosystems
Partnerships differ from more general business
relationships due to (i) firms’ degree of mutual
commitment, respect, trust and influence; (ii)
communication behaviour that involves transparency
and information sharing; and (iii) tendency towards
joint problem solving; among other properties (Mohr
and Spekman, 1994). They are the seed of a software
ecosystem by allowing external actors to customise
or complement the features of existing products, and
provide technical services (Cusumano, 2004).
This network changes the dominant logic of
doing business, based on integrated manufacturing,
in-house R&D and direct sales. Ecosystem partners
focus on innovative business models, which involve
novel ways for a firm to collaborate with external
agents and for them to create and capture value from
the network (Weiblen, 2015).
The actors of a software ecosystem have
different roles and responsibilities. Manikas and
Hansen (2013) provide an overview of the most
common actors in a software ecosystem, which
includes keystone, niche player, external developer
or third party developers, vendor or reseller,
customer and user. The keystone has a critical
function, since it guarantees the well-functioning of
the ecosystem. This player is responsible for running
the software platform, creating and applying rules,
processes and business procedures, setting and
monitoring quality standards, and orchestrating
actors’ relationships. Niche players are also central
to the ecosystem, as companies that use the platform
to develop or add components (e.g. apps) to it,
producing functionality that customers require. They
create or enhance capabilities that differentiate them
from other participants. Their importance lies in
complementing keystone work and influencing
decision-making in ecosystem management.
All actors are committed to a certain degree to
ensure their own health as well as their partners’
health in the ecosystem. Hence, ecosystem
prosperity represents their own prosperity. Hartigh
and colleagues (2006) argue the health of an
ecosystem is a way of assessing its strength at a
specific moment. Iansiti and Levien (2004) propose
a classification inspired on biological ecosystems to
define health as the extent to which an ecosystem as
a whole is durably creating opportunities for its
members and those who depend on it. The three
measures of health are productivity, robustness and
niche creation. Productivity indicates the ecosystem
ability to transform inputs into products and
services. Number of applications in an App Store is
a possible way of measuring the productivity of a
software ecosystem. Robustness indicates the
ecosystem capacity to deal with interferences and
competition pressure. The survival rate of ecosystem
members is a possible metric to assess this aspect.
Finally, niche creation represents the opportunities
for actors available in the ecosystem. It fosters
diversity by creating valuable resources and niches.
The number of new players around the platform is a
way to assess niche creation.
2.2 System Dynamics
System Dynamics (SD) provides understanding
about the structure and functioning of systems in
which we are embedded. The approach supports the
definition of high-leverage policies for sustained
improvement. System behaviour is represented by
graphical schemes that combine reinforcing and
balancing cycles formed by variables from studied
phenomena. Reinforcing loops are the engine of
growth and can be virtuous (situations that reinforce
in desired directions) or vicious (situations that start
badly and grow worse). Balancing loops maintain
the status quo of a given context. Many loops also
contain delays, which highlight consequences (i.e.
factor x foster factor y) that will gradually occur
(Senge and Kurpius, 1993).
These schemes can be associated with one or
more of the 13 existing generic system archetypes.
Each archetype has a script that guides the
interpretation of the investigated context (Senge and
Kurpius, 1993). The selection of an archetype
depends on how the related script properly describes
the studied phenomenon. This is done by identifying
contextual variables that hold cause and effect
relations that fit the archetype script. The use of
system archetypes is a rich technique to describe or
predict the behaviour of a system by drawing related
causal loops of variables from the studied scenario.
Hence, it is possible to either analyse a past situation
or forecast specific scenarios by identifying potential
traps and mitigating risks of occurrence. We
highlight that the effectiveness of SD approach
depends on the ability of researchers to reflect and
comprehend the reality under study.
ICEIS 2017 - 19th International Conference on Enterprise Information Systems
Our multiple case study analysed the main drivers of
partnerships among Small-to-Medium Enterprises
participating in a software ecosystem. We translate
this goal in the following research questions (RQ):
RQ1 – What are the facilitators and barriers of
partnerships among software companies
participating in a software ecosystem?
RQ2 – How the facilitators and barriers
factors interact with each other?
RQ3 – What strategies can leverage the
success of the software ecosystem in light of
these factors?
To address these research questions, we
performed 2 case studies (Case Study I – CSI and
Case Study II – CSII) composed of 5 and 3 software
companies, respectively. We purposefully selected
them in order to obtain information-rich cases to
investigate the phenomenon of software ecosystem
partnerships in depth (Coyne, 1997).
3.1 Case Companies
CSI involved 5 partner companies from Recife,
Brazil, here named as Company A, Company B,
Company C, Company D and Company E (Table 1).
The companies integrate their products in frequent
joint projects, which are started by one or more
partners. By strengthening their relationships, the
partners have gradually created a software
ecosystem formed by the integrated software
systems developed by these complementary
companies. We initiated our study analysing the
partnership between Company A and Company B.
Preliminary interviews enabled us to identify other
relevant players: Company C, which is partner of
Company A and Company B; and Company D,
which is partner of Company B. We then mapped
Company E, as partner of Company D.
Table 1: Overview of Companies A, B, C, D and E.
Company Solutions
Company A ERP with 5 modules focused on retail
chains, distributors and wholesalers
Company B ERP with 15 modules focused on
several market niches (e.g. healthcare,
oil and gas, sugar industry and
Company C Information system with 3 modules
for pharmacies
Company D 10 information systems for hospitals
Company E Web portal for electronic quotations
CSII involved 3 software firms operating in
Recife and São Paulo, Brazil, here named as
Company F, Company G and Company H (Table 2).
They build a software ecosystem in which Company
F is the keystone and the main responsible for
sharing business deals with partners.
Table 2: Overview of Companies F, G and H.
Company Solutions
Company F ERP solutions with 60 modules for
hospitals and healthcare market
Company G 20 information systems for
Company H Services to revamp software systems
in diverse markets
We started CSII by exploring the partnership
between Companies F and G, which involves the
integration of complementary healthcare solutions.
In addition, we mapped the partnership between
Company F and Company H, which is critical to
maintain the products of Company F.
3.2 Data Collection
We undertook open-ended and semi-structured
interviews to map the factors that enable and inhibit
a partnership in a software ecosystem, which we
name as facilitators and barriers. We interviewed 20
professionals in CSI (Table 3) and 7 professionals in
CSII (Table 4). The participants played both
technical and managerial roles.
Table 3: Interviewees from Companies A, B, C, D and E.
Company Function
Company A Project Manager, Business Analyst,
System Analyst.
Company B Project Manager, Product Manager,
Release Manager, Integration Team
Leader, Business Analyst, System
Analyst (2), Tester.
Company C Services Manager, Project Manager,
Business Analyst.
Company D Product Manager, Project Manager,
Solutions Architect, System
Architect, System Analyst.
Company E Operations and Deployment Director.
Table 4: Interviewees from Companies F, G and H.
Company Function
Company F Sales Director, Marketing Manager,
Product Owner, Business Analyst,
System Analyst.
Company G Marketing Manager.
Company H Operations Director.
We Need to Discuss the Relationship - An Analysis of Facilitators and Barriers of Software Ecosystem Partnerships
One author conducted and transcribed the 27
interviews. The transcripts were later analysed with
the other author to reach an agreed understanding
about the collected data and discuss the findings.
3.3 Data Analysis
We started data analysis by searching for barriers
and facilitators in interviews discourse. Then, we
mapped factors that were common to both cases, as
a means to represent key drivers of partnerships.
These factors are considered as variables in System
Dynamics method (Senge and Kurpius, 1993). We
listed and crossed them in a table to examine causal
relations among them. Once we identified a possible
relation in such causal matrix, we inserted a code d
or i to indicate that the variable in the line caused the
variable in the column in a directly (d) or inversely
(i) proportional form, respectively. We also labelled
each relation with the values 1 and 3 to indicate
standard weights related to causal relations intensity.
We crossed the factors considering interviews
evidence and our interpretation of facts.
Then, we created SD models to represent the
variables and correspondent relations. We
considered the most relevant variables (i.e. with
greater systemic power in the matrix). By selecting
variables with high values of influence, we also
avoided the complexity explosion that would result
from a large number of contextual variables and
relationships in the models. The subsequent step was
the identification of a subset of variables considered
as critical, based on our interpretation and
interviewees’ opinions. The resultant model presents
the barriers and facilitators to describe the dynamics
of the studied context in a graphical form. It denotes
leverage points and causal cycles that contribute to
or limit the healthy evolution of the ecosystem.
In a final step, we discussed the SD models in
evaluation interviews with the studied companies.
During this process, we asked participants (i)
whether the diagram represented the appropriate
elements (factors and relations), and (ii) whether
there were other elements to include. As a result, we
performed some punctual refinements in SD models.
In Section 4.1, we present the facilitators and
barriers that influence the partnerships among
companies of CSI and CSII. Section 4.2 describes
the SD models generated for our multiple case study.
The models present a synthesised view of
facilitators and barriers identified in the partnerships
of studied companies. Given the fact that companies
of CSI and CSII share similar contextual factors
(e.g. size, geographical location, ERP application
domain, types of partnerships), we opted to conduct
an integrated analysis of facilitators, barriers and the
resulting systemic archetypes of CSI and CSII.
4.1 Facilitators and Barriers
This section answers RQ1 by describing a set of
facilitators and barriers for the studied companies to
thrive in their software ecosystems. Facilitators (F)
are factors that can contribute to the creation and
growth of partnerships. Our analysis of CSI and
CSII revealed the following seven facilitators:
F1 – Personal and Geographical Proximity
Companies’ physical proximity promotes joint
projects among them: “since it (Company B) was
near, we took the software from Company B”, cited
the software architect from Company D. In
particular, companies that operate in the same region
understand the specific needs of this market. Hence,
geographically and personally close firms often
become relevant partners.
The joint projects start with strict professional
relationships among staff of partners companies (e.g.
managers in an integration project). Once these
interactions evolve to more personal relationships,
the companies can benefit from a good
communication channel and professionals that aim
to leverage the partnership. The arguments of the
marketing manager from Company G illustrate this
scenario: “since we have worked very well (and) I
already know several people from Company F, we
will try to grow this partnership; it is a
communication channel that facilitates a lot; the
partnership flows very well”.
It means that the closer personal relationship
between staff of partner companies catalyses their
collaboration, as the services manager from
Company C detailed: “I ‘hit the door’ of Company A
to talk to the president to seek business
opportunities”. Their personal relations facilitate the
execution of projects: “communication (with
Company B) flows well since this team worked
together in other projects; it emerged a friendship
outside the firm; this helps a lot”, argued the project
manager from Company A.
F2 – Respectful Attitude
Companies that keep a respectful attitude are
fostering their partnership. The marketing manager
ICEIS 2017 - 19th International Conference on Enterprise Information Systems
from Company G highlighted the relevance of a
good conduct: “these are companies that always
respected each other, which is very important;
Company F never mentioned anything (related to
paying) a commission; they are very professional
and Company G never offered anything to them”.
The companies appreciate such attitude of a partner,
which increases the trust on the other company.
F3 – Mutual Trust
Trust results from the close relationship of the firms,
sometimes a personal proximity of their members. It
is seen as a premise for a partnership to emerge, as
cited by the innovation manager from Company C:
“to establish a partnership, you already trust the
partner; you already have confidence, you know he
is responsible; it is a premise for you to establish a
The commercial director from Company F also
argued the dependence kept by partners requires full
reliability: “(we must have) total trust, because they
hold key knowledge of the code”. The trust factor
increases with actions that favour joint projects, such
as promptly treating systems integration problems.
The project manager from Company A clarified the
relevance of trust: “I’d rather have a less competent
but reliable partner than a super competent but
unreliable one”.
F4 – Openness for Technical and Business
Flexibility for business and technical negotiations is
a critical factor for a partnership to succeed, because
companies must guarantee a win-win approach.
Companies mentioned positive experiences with
partners who were open to discuss technical and
business issues. The marketing manager from
Company G discussed this fact: “there is this
technical part, when we can integrate (our systems)
very well; people get (access to) the necessary
channels, (where) people are open and available to
help us at any time”.
The project manager from Company D
exemplified the impact of this factor in a
relationship: “the partner approached us with
interest and humility; (another) partnership did not
evolve because the partner was inflexible”. The
commercial director from Company F also stressed
the importance of easily negotiating commercial
issues with partners: “any integration that I do
consumes time with maintenance, installation, or a
failure; (so) it is fair that part of it (payment) is
reverted to me; there are firms that are very open;
others (are) inflexible; this is very bad”.
Openness for negotiation is a common trend
among SMEs: “when there is the possibility to
negotiate is because they are firms of the same size;
in general, there is (openness for negotiation)”,
declared the operations director from Company B.
F5 – Effective Communication
Good communication is essential for an integration
project to succeed and thereby for a partnership to
evolve. It is important to establish adequate
communication channels and ensure the right people
are available to have technical or business
discussions with a partner. For instance, Company F
maintains an integration team, which has a wider
view of the integrations between its healthcare
solutions and other systems. The marketing manager
from Company G explains such facilitator: “we have
much trouble to get to the person who will develop
the integration; this is something that really makes it
(integration) difficult; the (partnership of) Company
G with Company F works because of the right
channels; it is the best (communication channel) we
have (with a partner)”.
F6 – Perceived Quality of Products and
Quality of products and services is a criterion
considered by companies to select a partner, given
the relevance of quality for client satisfaction. For
instance, Company D considers the quality of a
partner team and services as a premise to establish a
partnership. Its project manager illustrated this
situation: “in addition to off the field factors like
'whether a partner has a qualified team, (we
analyse) whether his services desk is good’”.
The companies assess the quality of a system
from another vendor as an indicator to invest in a
new partnership. “A partner would hardly be invited
if beforehand we knew that he would not satisfy (our
quality criteria)”, cited Company F business
analyst. The marketing manager from Company G
explained the relevance of this factor: “they
recommend us because they know they will not have
problems in the integration; they will recommend a
firm to stay in their client; if it is a bad firm, which
gives many problems, the system crashes; it is worse
for them”. Low quality solutions can affect the
reputation of a company as a supplier, as described
by the commercial director from Company F: “the
quality of the product, its acceptance in the market
and how much it adds value (to mine)…; we need to
choose well our partners since (they) will, in a way,
influence our (system) routines and reputation”.
F7 – Availability of Standards/Technologies
to Support Systems Integration
By defining or adopting integration standards,
partners facilitate their collaboration, as illustrated
by the software architect from Company D: “the
‘Integrator’ has helped and now HL7 (international
standards for data transfer between healthcare
We Need to Discuss the Relationship - An Analysis of Facilitators and Barriers of Software Ecosystem Partnerships
systems) will help even more”. A common
integration infrastructure reduces mismatches among
products and rework in joint projects. “One of the
main gains we will have (with integration
technology) is to prevent us from redeveloping
integrations whenever someone knocks our door”,
argued the project manager from Company D. One
partner may develop the integration infrastructure or
it may emerge as a joint creation: “we are aligning
what one has with what the other has, what one may
add... Company C can contribute with definitions,
Company B with human resources, etc.”, explained
the release manager from Company B.
The following paragraphs present nine Barriers
(B) of studied partnerships. These factors are the
opposite view of facilitators: they weaken
companies’ relationships and disturb their joint
projects. Therefore, barriers may reduce the health
of their software ecosystems.
B1 – Inefficiency to Handle Integration
The non-involvement of a firm in the analysis of
system integration problems strongly weakens a
partnership: “(another) partnership did not evolve
(because) the partner was uncompromising and did
not resolve (the issue), explained the project
manager from Company D. Given the fuzzy
boundary among integrated systems, firms may try
to convince the partner that the problem is originated
in his system: “the partner often shifts the issue to
the other (company)”, declared the team leader from
Company B. Others simply prioritise other projects,
as reported by the project manager from Company
A: “sometimes the partner has more critical issues
in another project and leaves (ours) behind”. This is
common in the context of SMEs, which are often
overwhelmed, handling demands of multiple clients
with limited resources. Such low attention may also
happen because the partner does not see the client as
strategic: “sometimes partners do not give attention
since (the client) is not in their top customer base”,
cited the services manager from Company C.
When the client is not aware that multiple
vendors are providing the solution or simply does
not understand their duties in a joint project, it is
hard to know who to blame and appeal. Handling
integration issues demands a clear definition of roles
and responsibilities among partners. However, a
partner may refuse such managerial responsibility.
To avoid client dissatisfaction, some firms take
the duties of a partner not to jeopardise their
reputation. Company F currently treats this issue by
managing customer support, as described by the
commercial director: “we concentrate the support
within our firm and meet specific demands by
contacting the customers”. The lack of support
reduces companies’ trust in a partner, who is no
longer recommended to clients. “Our manager asks
not to contact Company B; we try to solve the issue
here; nowadays we do not recommend Company B”,
cited the systems analyst from Company D.
B2 – Unavailability of a Professional to
Manage Systems Integration
The absence of a permanent employee responsible
for the integrated solution is a problem, as described
by the product manager from Company B: “I
change part of the process, but this brings a big risk,
because you do not have someone in charge of the
whole (integration). Defining a professional as the
‘owner of the integration’ facilitate negotiations and
alignment of products, according to the services
manager from Company C: “we do not have this
guy, which would be the focal point; such confusion
and discussions would be minimised; (he would be
in charge of) communication and sharing of
. The duties of an integration owner
include the identification of evolution needs due to
market demands and analysis of impact of product
changes in integrations. However, they cannot afford
his salary without a running project: “There must be
someone paying him, (but) we are project-oriented”,
cited the services manager from Company C.
B3 – Weak Commercial/Prices Alignment
The commercial alignment of the firms is critical for
a partnership to evolve: “this is crucial, because if
partner price is not feasible for the deal, we have to
look for another (product)”, argued the operations
director from Company B. Partners who define high
price weaken negotiations with clients. “(Product)
price affect negotiations; we have to talk to partner
board to lower costs; it hinders some partnerships”,
argued Company E’s operations and deployment
director. This attitude leads to gradual replacement
of these SMEs in the ecosystem or the development
of the complementary system by the other company:
“we normally sell with the software from Company
B, but their cost may turn the proposal expensive; if
we had a financial module, it would cheapen the
(final) system”, explained the system analyst from
Company D. The high prices asked by Company G
might derail their partnership. “We are pressuring
Company G to lower prices because they are moving
the market away; if we do not reach a consensus, I
would opt for another partner”, cited him.
Similarly, a vendor from Chile required a high
price to include its system in a joint project, which
increased the final price of the proposal and made
Company F rethink this partnership. “I chose to use
an ERP that was already adapted to Chile, (but) it
made my offer very costly; we negotiate, but it is
hard”, argued the commercial director. Due to the
partner’s size and position in the Chilean market,
ICEIS 2017 - 19th International Conference on Enterprise Information Systems
Company F was dependent on its system. Therefore,
the partner had bargaining power. “This is a world-
class player, much bigger than us; we can have a
policy to reduce (our prices), but they (decide) in
this case; they said ‘my price is this’; it is always
better (to align with smaller partners)”, added him.
B4 – Poor Strategic Alignment of Products
Strategic alignment of products is necessary for
partnerships to thrive. “It is very difficult to
reconcile strategies and portfolios; but it is also very
difficult to survive without (it)”, declared the product
manager from Company D. The project manager
from Company D reinforced this fact: “lack of
synchronisation is very negative”. As the scope of
systems integration grows, the dependence between
products increases, as highlighted by the system
analyst from Company B: “the conflict is: I’m
evolving and I can damage something there or there
may be a need and we are eliminating for disuse”.
So far, studied firms have not formally aligned
product strategies (e.g. roadmaps, releases) and are
not prepared to jointly evolve the systems: “one
thing that makes the partnership fragile is that when
I do my strategic planning, I do it independently of
them”, cited Company B operations director. The
challenge to ensure such alignment stem from the
fact that firms attempt to manage partnerships and
parallel demands with restricted resources: “it is
difficult to (align releases) since the partner has
things going on outside partnerships”, explained the
innovation manager from Company C.
The well-functioning of a product integration
must be ensured during the lifetime of the systems
from different vendors, which demands a technical
and strategic alignment. However, such convergence
may not be perceived in partners’ daily operation, as
argued by the commercial director from Company F:
“in all partnerships / integrations we had, there is a
great and natural difficulty: I have a product
evolving with a great speed and the partner cannot
follow it”. Product strategic alignment is essential in
software ecosystems, when there is a great mutual
dependence between firms. “In a simple integration,
I do not have to make roadmap alignment with him
(partner); with Company H, which has a framework
that needs to evolve over time, if we do not evolve
together, we go anywhere; some partnerships are
for survival”, argued him. The same occurs for the
technologies: “another issue is the technological
misalignment between products; when technology is
adherent (it is easy to integrate)”.
B5 – Overlap between Features Offered by
the Company and Potential Partners
Studied firms prioritise fully complementary
vendors; as such partnership does not require scope
negotiation (i.e. decide which feature will be
provided, in case it is available in both systems). The
commercial director from Company F explained this
fact: “(a problem emerges) when there is a conflict
of interests; when (partner’s) product is competing
with our (solution); it is forbidden to do this”. If a
vendor offers a system in the same domain of
interest of the firm, it has reduced chances to
become a partner. In this case, there may be punctual
collaborations: “in some situations we can even
establish an isolated partnership, but we do not
define the partnership in a fixed form (which) can be
used in any (client) environment”, cited him.
Company F aims to keep its independence on
partners in specific areas: “some areas are reserved
for us; we do not facilitate”. When the area is
strategic, the company develops the feature instead
of searching for a partner. This attitude stems from
the possibility that a partner has to decrease the
envisaged market share of Company F, as he argued:
“the main restriction (for a partnership) is if that
(system) enters an area in which I offer (solutions)
or want to offer; the company kills the possibility
that we have to grow in this market”.
B6 – Differences in Working Practices
In our case studies, some partners have very
different working practices: “we have releases
almost every fortnight; the partner says ‘I can only
(deliver it) in 3 months’; it is another pace, another
process”, detailed the project manager from
Company A. Such differences pose challenges to
joint development, as the services manager from
Company C explained: “if I tell him (partner client)
I deliver it (feature) in 6 months, he says it makes
sense; if I tell (it to) him (retailer client), he send me
away”. This situation makes Company C to have
slower deliveries with Company B: “it has to do
with culture; this was the difficulty with Company B;
all happened very methodically”, added the services
manager. Even the evolution of technologies can be
harmed, as the operations and deployment director
from Company E described: “sometimes we are well
ahead of partners; we want them to evolve and
sometimes (their processes) are too rigid”.
B7 – Limited Authority Over Partner’s
Development Team
The lack of authority of a firm over the partner’s
team is an issue faced by firms in joint projects.
“You have to manage a team (in charge of) another
system, from another firm over which you have no
authority; it is too complicated”, argued the project
manager from Company B. The project manager
from Company A detailed this fact: “when you take
on this role (project manager), it has the dependence
(on partners since) you do not have all that strength
We Need to Discuss the Relationship - An Analysis of Facilitators and Barriers of Software Ecosystem Partnerships
in other (software) factories”. Partners can restrict
the access to their teams, even when they have
collaborative projects. In general, the teams only
follow orders from their own firms, creating a weak
functional matrix: even when a project manager
leads the joint project, he must negotiate with
managers from the partners to forward demands. “I
have power over my (development) factory, but I
cannot impose (anything) in the factory of Company
B”, detailed the project manager from Company A.
B8 – Low Availability of Financial and
Human Resources
A firm with restricted financial and human resources
may hamper the development of partnerships, as it
involves several operational costs (e.g. travels) and
strategic investments (e.g. innovation projects). In
such cases, a firm is seen as unprepared for the
collaboration, according to the commercial director
from Company F: “if the partner has no capacity to
invest in systems integrations and products, it
compromises (the relationship) as he (partner)
cannot work with you”. As small-to-medium sized
firms, partners usually face big restrictions of
financial and human resources, affecting joint
projects. “It (Company B) suffers from lack of
resources and I cannot move on, argued Company
A’s project manager. Firms that can invest in joint
projects support partnerships.
B9 – Short Expertise in integration projects
Although systems integration seems a common
practice for studied companies, in some situations
they lack such expertise, which may harm a new
partnership. The business analyst from Company F
explained this fact: “the firm with which we will
make the integration may already have the
(integration) know-how, the experience of doing
this, which we (may) not have, maybe not at the
same level”. Inexperienced and immature companies
may affect the success of integration projects.
4.2 System Dynamics Models
This section answers RQ2 by presenting SD models
that analyse the causal relations among the previous
facilitators and barriers. Figure 1 shows a SD model
for the ecosystems from CSI and CSII. It consists of
a network of causal relations among 6 facilitators
(blue) and 6 barriers (red). It is important to notice
that we neutralised their names by eliminating
adjectives and/or adjusting the nouns. For instance,
we altered the barrier inefficiency to handle
Figure 1: SD model representing interactions among barriers and facilitators.
ICEIS 2017 - 19th International Conference on Enterprise Information Systems
integration problems to effectiveness to handle
integration problems, removing its negative form.
The colours of the factors indicate how they are
perceived in the studied context. This was a means
to simplify the analysis of causal relations and avoid
inappropriate logical comparisons. The model
represents factors that already exist (e.g. perceived
quality of products and services) and those that lack
in practice (e.g. commercial/prices alignment). The
arrows associating the factors indicate the influence
they may have on each other: the factor from which
an arrow leaves tends to promote the one in which
the arrow arrives. For instance, commercial/prices
alignment promotes strategic alignment of products
strategies and technologies. However, since both are
in red, one shall interpret it as weak
commercial/prices alignment reinforces the poor .
We highlight the most critical factors in circles
(relationships among them are also detached with
thick arrows), i.e. commercial/prices alignment,
effectiveness to handle systems integration issues,
personal and geographical proximity, strategic
alignment of products, openness for technical and
business negotiation, perceived quality of products
and services, and mutual trust. These factors were
obtained from interview evidence, such as the
arguments of the project manager from Company A
about a partner inefficiency to handle integration
problems: “this (occurrence of issues in the
integration) happens a lot; it is the biggest difficulty
when we have a partner”. The commercial director
from Company F also confirmed this fact: “this
(inefficiency to treat integration problems) is an
important challenge. Another example lies in the
opinion of the operations director from Company B
regarding the poor alignment of prices among
partners: “this (lack of commercial alignment)
happens and we have to negotiate before (presenting
a proposal to the client); because if it is not feasible
we have to search for another solution; this is vital
for a partnership”.
From the SD model in Figure 1, we can perceive
the virtuous reinforcing loop RF 1, which leads
partners to effectively perform the joint projects.
The openness for technical and business
negotiations favours the availability of standards or
technologies to support systems integration among
partners, this in turn can contribute to partners’
effectiveness to handle systems integration
problems. This factor will further leverage their
mutual trust and facilitate future negotiations. A
wider view of this cycle is the virtuous reinforcing
loop RF 2, which includes the factor
quality of products and services by clients and
partners. This factor results from partners’
effectiveness to handle systems integration problems
and fosters their mutual trust. However, results from
the simple balancing cycle BL 1 may affect RF 2:
the weak commercial/prices alignment reduces the
already weak strategic alignment of products.
In Figure 2, we describe another representation
of the barriers and facilitators. This specific view
translates a system archetype called Accidental
Adversaries (AA). The AA illustrates a situation in
which two actors start a relationship aiming at
capitalising their power and reducing their
weaknesses. It is based on the idea of a healthy
collaborative environment that supports a goal that
cannot be achieved by parties individually.
However, issues arise when one or both parties take
actions they consider reasonable but that end up
supressing partner’s success. These harmful actions
foster a sense of antipathy and may even turn
partners into adversaries. This scheme synthesises
some challenges that partners face in the studied
software ecosystems.
In the AA archetype presented in Figure 2, the
names of the factors were adjusted to represent the
systemic action between two given partners in the
ecosystem. We also created four variables (in grey)
that were inferred from the situation at hand. In
short, the outermost virtuous reinforcing cycle RF 1
is a virtuous loop that promotes the evolution of
partnerships. In their turn, the virtuous reinforcing
cycles RF 2 and RF 3 mean individualistic actions
that bring unintentional consequences that ultimately
create the balancing cycles BL 1 and BL 2. These
balancing loops hold back the virtuous cycle of the
partnerships (RF 1). Hence, they represent negative
situations that restrict partnerships prosperity.
The former diagrams show that partners must be
open for negotiations. The separate price policy of
the firms is a barrier, as it hampers a partner to close
a deal. By fostering their commercial alignment,
partners enable the recurrence of joint projects. This
shall increase companies’ confidence in partnerships
prosperity. It is then likely to observe an increase in
the strategic alignment of products, which may
ultimately promote the quality of products and
services offered to clients. Hence, partners leverage
ecosystem health and each other success as vendors.
Based on the former SD models and considering
guidelines from the literature, we derive strategies to
strengthen the collaboration among partners and
We Need to Discuss the Relationship - An Analysis of Facilitators and Barriers of Software Ecosystem Partnerships
Figure 2: Accidental Adversaries system archetype representing interactions among barriers and facilitators.
support the healthy evolution of the software
ecosystems. Hence, we address RQ3. The strategy
S1 treats the barriers poor strategic alignment of
products (B4), overlap between features offered by
the company and potential partners (B5) and limited
authority over partner’s development teams (B7).
S1 – Partners Must Align Their Product
Strategies to Sustain Ecosystem Evolution
In a software ecosystem, a SME must try to align its
business models with that of partners. If this firm
has a power position, it may even succeed in putting
partners onto its desired path. Hence, the company
may lead others to want what it envisages (Yoffie
and Kwak, 2006). In some cases, studied SMEs
jointly analyse their commercial models (e.g. prices,
sales process). However, this is an informal initiative
of directors with closer relationships. Firms such as.
Companies A and C are trying to promote the
alignment of their product portfolios by sharing
market intelligence with partners. This practice
attaches partners to the ecosystem by fulfilling their
business expectations. It also implicitly directs them
Nowadays, software companies are expected to
provide an overall view of their products evolution
and decision-making about future product releases
(Suomalainen et al., 2011). By following this trend
and opening product roadmaps, partners embrace the
mutual dependence that is required in an ecosystem.
They start to give up the right of independently
defining new features and share this privilege with
others. Hence, studied firms shall enable ecosystem
partners to influence changes in roadmaps regularly.
If the product roadmaps in the ecosystem are not
correctly aligned, partners can have major problems,
e.g. integration mismatches, solutions mutually
competing and reduced co-innovation (Jansen et al.
2013). For example, there may be conflicts related to
features functioning or removal of features due to
supposed disuse by another system. To integrate
their products properly, partners should make joint
decisions regarding upcoming features.
Although a firm may gain the right to act as
integration coordinator in a specific collaboration
project, it does not exert sufficient control over
partner teams. Hence, the coordinating company
faces challenges to align the product releases of
multiple vendors and treat integration conflicts.
Partner companies can address this barrier by
adopting a technical orchestration strategy that
enables them to hold a new right: to access a partner
development team. By gaining authority over each
other’s teams, a company can plan future product
releases aligned with product evolutions from other
ecosystem participants. The alignment of integrated
solutions guarantees products’ correct operation and
reinforces companies’ expertise in the ecosystem.
Therefore, it increases the perceived quality of
ICEIS 2017 - 19th International Conference on Enterprise Information Systems
products and services (F6), which ultimately fosters
success of a company in the ecosystem, as perceived
in the archetype in Figure 2. To treat the barriers
inefficiency to handle integration problems (B1) and
poor strategic alignment of products (B4), partner
firms should also invest in the creation of a common
software platform. This gives rise to the strategy S2.
S2 – SMEs Forming an Ecosystem can
Jointly Develop a Software Platform
To address the challenges involved in the integration
of several products, partners can evolve their
specific integration mechanisms towards a platform.
This shared infrastructure may consist of services,
tools and technologies that ecosystem members can
use to enhance their performance (Iansiti and
Levien, 2004). It enables the composition of features
or services that can be accessed via common
interfaces (Isckia and Lescop, 2009). The platform
can enhance companies’ expertise by supporting the
development of valuable synergies and
complementary innovations for partners and clients.
SMEs shall start to evolve from a productisation to a
platformisation approach (Artz et al., 2010), which
is a strategic action to increase ecosystem health.
Companies would then address resource constraints
by attracting other suppliers to offer niche features,
fostering a vibrant and potentially larger ecosystem
around the platform.
Initially, the SMEs shall discuss how this
platform will be offered and managed. Since the
creation of this infrastructure represents an extra cost
that is not funded by clients, partners could opt for a
shared development and maintenance of the
platform. Another option could be to evolve one
firm’s platform. However, negotiations and disputes
around integration technologies may occur due to
advantages that firms perceive in having platform
ownership, e.g. become a keystone and control its
influence in the ecosystem (Harland and Wüst,
2012). The software platform can enhance
ecosystem productivity and robustness by enabling
firms to build and integrate solutions more naturally.
Communication (F5) is a key factor to deal with
the barrier poor strategic alignment of products
(B4). In light of that, we propose the strategy S3:
S3 – Partners Must Develop Effective
Communication Channels in the Ecosystem
Our studies revealed that partners must improve
their communication capabilities, as this process is
still unstructured and immature. Their challenge
resides in defining centralised and continuous
communication channels. For instance, the manager
of a joint project among the SMEs has great
difficulty to interact with teams from partners. We
observed that communication tends to be rich during
the peak of product integration projects. Then, it
gradually decreases and suddenly resumes as
problems emerge. We also noticed other problems in
the distribution of information among partners:
integration and functional requirements that are not
informed; artefacts that are not shared; problems that
last to be solved; and new feature releases that are
not reported to partners.
According to Jansen and colleagues (2009), one
of the challenges in a software ecosystem is indeed
to build common and efficient communication
channels, which enable the orchestration of partners.
To address this issue, Fricker (2010) recommends
the use of traceability, audit trails and computer-
supported collaborative work, for instance. These
are means to obtain effective knowledge sharing and
management among players in the ecosystem. By
guaranteeing effective interchange of information
(e.g. companies informing each other about product
technological advances and upcoming features),
partners can develop valuable complementary
solutions. This is essential to strengthen ecosystem
productivity as well as niche creation.
A final strategy proposed to the studied software
ecosystems targets the balancing cycle BL 1¸ which
may affect the positive cycle RF 2 in the SD model
presented in Figure 1. It means that the weak
commercial/prices alignment (B3) will reinforce the
poor strategic alignment of products (B4). To treat
these critical factors, we elaborate the strategy S4:
S4 – Partners Must Develop and Agree on a
Revenue Model for the Software Ecosystem
Studied companies argued that some partnerships
might not evolve due to mismatches in their
commercial strategies. In particular, some
companies believe that they can define prices
independently of partners. This situation makes the
integration of products hard or even unfeasible due
to incompatible prices. It reveals a potential lack of
commercial alignment (maybe due to a reluctance to
perform commercial negotiations) that jeopardise the
sustainable growth of partnerships.
A revenue model consists of one or more
revenue streams, which define the way to get
compensation from a good or service provided
(Hyrynsalmi et al., 2012). For instance, in the case
of software as a service, the client normally pays a
subscription fee (Popp, 2011). In an ecosystem
formed by big players such as Apple or Google, the
keystone is responsible for defining the revenue
model(s) adopted in the network, with which
external agents must be aligned.
In the studied scenario, the software ecosystem
partners can negotiate revenue models that are more
suitable for their context. They must ensure a win-
We Need to Discuss the Relationship - An Analysis of Facilitators and Barriers of Software Ecosystem Partnerships
win approach, with an egalitarian revenue model
that do not cause partners migration to other
networks, increasing software ecosystem robustness.
In addition, such strategy shall fund innovation and
subsidise new businesses, which can support niche
creation by participants (Moore, 1993).
Companies participating in a software ecosystem co-
create a collaborative network among their products.
The success of software ecosystems involves
managing a set of factors to foster the individual and
collective health of the network. By understanding
the positive and negative factors that affect
partnerships, companies can derive strategies that
leverage the facilitators while restraining the
barriers. This paper presented a multiple case study
of two software ecosystems. As contributions, we
created SD models to analyse the interactions among
facilitators and barriers. We also proposed a set of
strategies to promote the evolution of the networks.
Since these findings are applicable to other emergent
ecosystems formed by SMEs, we invite researchers
to assess our results and determine how closely their
contexts match that of the case studies.
As future work, we plan to perform additional
studies of similar software ecosystems. We believe it
is possible to identify a set of factors and SD models
that represent a pattern for such type of ecosystems,
allowing a further generalisation of findings.
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ICEIS 2017 - 19th International Conference on Enterprise Information Systems