uation results of our algorithm and state-of-the-art al-
gorithms using different serendipity metrics.
SOG is based on the topic diversification (TD) al-
gorithm (Ziegler et al., 2005) and improves its accu-
racy and serendipity for the insignificant price of di-
Our serendipity-oriented algorithm outperforms
the state-of-the-art serendipity-oriented algorithms in
terms of serendipity and diversity, and underperforms
them in terms of accuracy.
Unlike the traditional serendipity metric, the
serendipity metric we employed in this study captures
each component of serendipity. The choice of this
metric is supported by qualitative analysis.
In our future research, we intend to further inves-
tigate serendipity-oriented algorithms. We will also
involve real users to validate our results.
The research at the University of Jyv
a was per-
formed in the MineSocMed project, partially sup-
ported by the Academy of Finland, grant #268078.
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