bilities will open up tremendous possibilities for en-
tirely new types of applications and services. Many
of the platforms under development for the IoT do-
main leverage Node.js, which effectively means that
JavaScript may well become the de facto program-
ming language for IoT applications as well.
The Internet of Things area offers a natural play-
ground for dynamic programming capabilities pro-
vided by systems such as the Lively Kernel. To this
end, we plan to harness and leverage the Lively envi-
ronment as a web-based graphical end-user program-
ming environment for IoT devices, with the goal to
realize the broader Programmable World vision by
implementing the same kind of direct manipulation
capabilities that demonstrated earlier. The key differ-
ence is that rather than just making the World Wide
Web more lively, we now aim at making the entire
world around us programmable in an effortless and
lively fashion (”Lively Things”).
The Lively Kernel project created one of the first fully
interactive, self-sustaining web-based software devel-
opment environments that was built on the assump-
tion that the web browser would one day become
a credible, full-fledged software platform. Today –
over ten years after the inception of the Lively Kernel
project – most of the elements of the original Lively
vision have been fulfilled, although not entirely in a
fashion we originally envisioned.
In this paper, we have revisited the Lively vision,
reflecting the original goals to the state of the art
in web programming today. The emergence of the
web browser as an application platform has inspired
numerous systems to take advantage of the features
and capabilities that we embraced when starting the
project. While the Lively Kernel itself did not be-
come very widely known or used, it did pave the way
– for its part – for today’s Software as a Service based
software development systems and dynamic web pro-
gramming more broadly.
We believe that the interactive, web-based devel-
opment capabilities will become even more impor-
tant in the future as the industry moves towards the
Programmable World Era in which everyday objects
around us will become connected and programmable.
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land (project 295913).
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The Web as a Software Platform: Ten Years Later