Green IS/IT: An Overview of Historical Periods, Recent Research
Initiatives and Theoretical Approaches
Nataliya Shevchuk
, Henry Oinas-Kukkonen
and Harri Oinas-Kukkonen
Oulu Advanced Research on Service and Information Systems Research Group (OASIS),
Faculty of Information Technology and Electrical Engineering, University of Oulu, Oulu, Finland
Faculty of Humanities, History, University of Oulu, Oulu, Finland
Keywords: Green IS History, Historical Research Methods, Periodization.
Abstract: In this paper, we discuss historical periods and recent research initiatives and theoretical approaches to Green
Information Systems and Technologies (GIS/IT). Having observed that the GIS/IT history is an insufficiently
investigated topic, we used Information Systems History (ISH) research methods, such as periodization,
contextualization and generalization. With the help of exploring existing variety of theories and initiatives,
we provide clarification of evolution of the GIS/IT concept and explore areas in industry and research that are
currently lacking insight. Our methodological diversification of the GIS/IT research assists not only in
summarizing the current state of the GIS/IT but also in encouraging ideation and cooperation of the academics
from different fields to produce novel outlooks on the GIS/IT.
Among numerous studies concerning GIS/IT,
presently, the GIS/IT history is an insufficiently
investigated topic with blurred boundaries, unclear
beginning and indefinite future. We suggest that
investigating the history of the GIS/IT serves several
purposes: (1) tracing the origin of the GIS/IT concept,
(2) applying the Information Systems History (ISH)
research methods, such as periodization,
contextualization and generalization, (3) highlighting
the GIS/IT significance in IS and other disciplines,
and (4) summarizing current state of the GIS/IT
Our research considers disciplines of history,
environmental science and information systems as
well as includes resonance of the business and
sociological studies. Firstly, we explain methodology
we use and our view on the GIS/IT concept. Then, the
historical periodization, contextualization, and
generalization are used to shed the light on GIS/IT
related matters. Investigating essential historical
marks in the GIS/IT realm, we explain that
historically, the GIS/IT is a modern incarnation of the
technological and sustainable paths which can be
traced in the history of the humanity far back in the
past. Although it is impossible to give a completely
thorough historical review of all matters pertaining to
traces of sustainability and technology in the course
of development of humankind, we picked the most
relevant events from the history of IS and GIS/IT. The
chosen historical pinnacles are frequently considered
in scientific discussions, and thus, are likely to have
considerably shaped and continue shaping the manner
in which societal trends are developing. After that we
give an insight of instances of GIS/IT in practice and
research. Presenting cornucopia of initiatives in
industry and society as well as theories and
framework utilized in the GIS/IT research, we
discover areas which are currently lacking insight. To
conclude, we summarize findings based on
periodization, contextualization and generalization of
the GIS/IT in the history of the humanity and how
crucial it is to ensure the presence of a
multidimensional view of the GIS/IT notion
nowadays. We also suggest proceeding consideration
of GIS/IT via the historical lens with the multi-fold
purpose of the investigation and diversification of
views on the concept and popularization of the
historical research methods in IS in general.
Shevchuk, N., Oinas-Kukkonen, H. and Oinas-Kukkonen, H.
Green IS/IT: An Overview of Historical Periods, Recent Research Initiatives and Theoretical Approaches.
DOI: 10.5220/0006235101270134
In Proceedings of the 6th International Conference on Smart Cities and Green ICT Systems (SMARTGREENS 2017), pages 127-134
ISBN: 978-989-758-241-7
Copyright © 2017 by SCITEPRESS Science and Technology Publications, Lda. All rights reserved
In this study, we employ historical research methods.
Considering Information Systems History (ISH) as
the point where IS meets history (Oinas-Kukkonen
and Oinas-Kukkonen, 2014), we approach the GIS/IT
history as a chronological account of sustainable
ideas combined with practical and theoretical
technological developments. To contextualize the
present of GIS/IT, we refer to contextualizing
relevant trends and tendencies in the past, thus
conducting periodization and generalization of the
history of sustainability and technology, the
components of the GIS/IT history. By mapping these
components to sources in the past, we employ
historical research approach that will help retrieving
an encompassing spectrum of what enabled
appearance and growth of the present-day GIS/IT
Considering concepts of sustainability and IS –
the deep-rooted and considerably researched notions
– as the causes which initiated appearance of the
GIS/IT, we rely on assumption that “causes always
have contexts, and to know the former we must
understand the latter” (Gaddis, 2002). By
contextualizing the past of these components, we
broaden an existing understanding of these notions
and, ultimately, we contribute to explaining the
GIS/IT domain. Contextualizing the past is complex
and an intellectually rigorous process (Lévesque,
2008), so with undertaking the historian lens to view
the GIS/IT domain, we aim to “recover the lost
world” (Gaddis, 2002) of what construes the initial
point of combining technological and sustainable
ideas. Referring to “manipulation of time, space, and
scale” (Gaddis, 2002) that are suggested to place a
subject of historical investigation in context, we show
how passage of time divided in to periods has been
modifying necessities of technological advancements
and sustainable living and eventually shaped them
into a modern concept of GIS/IT.
In accord with the recommended historical
research practices (Oinas-Kukkonen and Oinas-
Kukkonen, 2014), we constructed a thematic
discussion on GIS/IT with an emphasis on
chronology and periodization. Observing continuity
and periods of time crucial for GIS/IT, we used
existing periodization approaches to identify coherent
phases and important turning points of the GIS/IT
history. Making generalizations and conclusions, we
utilized periodization not only to outline chronology
of events but also as a medium for sense-making of
the GIS/IT phenomenon.
We recognize that there are several outlooks on
GIS and GIT concepts, so, in this study, we
emphasize treating the GIT as part of the GIS.
Typically, the notion of GIT addresses energy
consumption and waste associated with the use of
hardware and software, which tends to have a direct
and positive impact, such as improving the energy
efficiency of hardware and data centers, consolidating
servers using virtualization software, and reducing
amount of the leftover material associated with
obsolete equipment (McLaren et al., 2010; Watson et
al., 2008). However, limited to the IT function
without leveraging the potential of IS to decrease
enterprise-wide environmental impacts, the GIT
practices alone cannot solve the environmental
challenge (Recker, 2016).
Conversely, GIS has been noted for a potential to
enable changes to practices, decisions and business
process. It is broadly defined as the composition of
structures that assist individuals and organizations to
make environmentally sustainable decisions
conveniently and effectively, enable and effectuate
environmentally sustainable work practices (Recker,
2016; Watson et al., 2008). GIS is distinguished as the
study and practice of IS-enabled organizational
process reengineering with green objectives that
improve environmental and economic performance,
advance cooperative knowledge management
(Watson et al., 2008), and create positive impacts
indirectly. A combination of these views on GIS and
GIT constitutes our approach to GIS/IT as the subject
of research.
We suggest that the GIS/IT periodization,
contextualization and generalization, can be further
incorporated into other historical research methods,
such as the seven step approach (Mason et al., 1997)
and account for other ISH research practical
recommendations suggested by Oinas-Kukkonen and
Oinas-Kukkonen. We expect that this rather
unconventional research approach in the IS discipline
will bring out importance of the “green” and
sustainable topics in the IS scientific community as
well as explain meaning and significance of the
GIS/IT to the researchers in other fields.
Combination of computer science, management and
organization theory, operations research, accounting
(Davis and Olson, 1985), and development of
technology initiated appearance of Information
SMARTGREENS 2017 - 6th International Conference on Smart Cities and Green ICT Systems
Systems research field in 1960s, initially referred to
as “Management Information Systems” (Hirschheim
and Klein, 2012). Since then, the IS field has been
growing and changing together with the disciplines it
was initially composed of. To contextualize evolution
of the IS field, we refer to the Four Era periodization
by Hirschheim and Klein (2012) and we map
evolution of the GIS/IT to these stages.
The First Era (from mid 1960s to mid 1970s began
when the first IS departments appeared in
organizations. This phenomenon was largely driven
by the need to automate the basic business processes
to consolidate basic data processing (Hirschheim and
Klein, 2012). This era is also marked by appearance
fo the Third (1964 – 1979) and Fourth (beginning
1979) Generation computers (Butler, 1997).
Although the term “sustainability” had been coined
by this time, the significance of sustainable
development of human kind had been recognized and
the overall environmental consciousness has
increased, there was still no significant GIS/IT
practices implemented.
The Second Era (from mid 1970 to 1980s) was
marked by introduction of personal computers,
attempts to develop massive parallel CPUs and
artificial intelligence, and competition for the leading
position in IS hardware (e.g. Japanese “Fifth
Generation Computer project”; the US
Microelectronics and Computer Technology
Corporation (MCC), the UK’s Alvey initiative, and
the European Strategic Program of Research in
Information Technology (ESPRIT)) (Butler, 1997).
At the same time, further association of building
sustainable society with the increasing environmental
consciousness was taking place. The highlight of the
period was establishment of the World Commission
on Environment and Development (WCED) (the
Brundtland Commission) by the UN to craft long-
term environmental strategies for the international
community (UN, 1987). Our Common Future report
(1987), written by the Commission, emphasized
meeting needs of the poor without increasing
environmental problems (UN, 1987).
The Third Era (from mid 1980s to late 1990s) is
the period of emerging departmental computing and
decentralization. Large scale computer networking
took over private and public networks, and the
Internet emerged to assist with open architecture
networking (Hirschheim and Klein, 2012). For the
first time in history, GIS/IT programs, standards and
initiatives started appearing at this point (e.g. Energy
Star and TCO Certification (1992), The Uptime
Institute Inc. industry standards (1993) (Visalakshi et
al., 2013; Raza et al., 2012).
The Fourth and most eventful Era in both IS and
GIS/IT fields began in late 1990s with
commercialization of the Internet and enhancement
of organizational methods of communication and
business strategies. Virtual organizations started
dominating over “bricks-and-mortar” business
model, while intranets and extranets reengineered
business processes, consolidated operations and built
networking. Simultaneously, mobile and wireless
technologies extended the formal workplace and
develop ubiquitous computing environments and
enabled constant enhancement of GIS/IT applications
and solutions. Moreover, improved search engines
(e.g. Google) disrupted the research process, while
the growth of social media and networking
modernized work and interaction (Hirschheim and
Klein, 2012) as well as promoted spreading
environmentally conscious trends. More industrial
standards for environmental care supported by
institutions and individuals were established.
Businesses and other organizations have started
modifying their current processes and strategies
related to GIS/IT. Academic research gained a critical
role in addressing environmental issues, investigation
of theoretical and practical frameworks for
organizational, societal and individual needs.
Having paralleled the IS eras and GIS/IT
development, we observe that during the First and
Second IS Eras GIS/IT existed only in the form of
conceptual, ethical, social and political notion turning
into more practical concept in the Third and Fourth
eras. Overall, the continuity in the IS history due the
evolution from MIS to pervasive IS corresponds to
the continuous development of GIS/IT. Next we
analyze furhter how GIS/IT is approached by
practitioners and by academics.
Partly the Third Era (1992–1993) and extensively the
Fourth Era of IS (since 1999) are marked with
implementation of numerous GIS/IT initiatives.
GIS/IT can guide companies and corporations in
handling toxic, hazardous materials and e-waste,
managing energy consuming facilities, and designing
products and business processes in environmentally
friendly manner (Butler, 2011), ultimately improving
organizational image, branding and generating more
revenues (Chou and Chou, 2012). Hence,
governmental and industrial programs, benchmarks
Green IS/IT: An Overview of Historical Periods, Recent Research Initiatives and Theoretical Approaches
and rating tools were created to support and rate
success of organizational GIS/IT practices. Several
works summarize well-known programs, practices,
and certifications acknowledged earlier in GIS/IT
research (Gandomi and Amin, 2014; Visalakshi et al.,
2013; Raza et al., 2012) highlighting their missions
related to GIS/IT advancement. Each of these
organizational initiatives is historically important for
the GIS/IT devolvement and modernization. Starting
from local optional programs (e.g. Energy Star by the
US Environmental Protection Agency, Certification
program by the Swedish organization TCO
Development ), more initiatives developed later
resulting onto world-wide programs (e.g. The Uptime
Institute Inc. industry standards, Standard
Performance Evaluation Corporation (SPEC)
benchmarks, Electronic Product Environmental
Assessment Tool (EPEAT) by Green Electronics
Council, Climate Savers Computing Initiative
(CSCI), Green Grid ) and governmental entities and
regulations (e.g. the US statewide recycling programs
and institutions including Electronics TakeBack
Coalition, American Recovery and Reinvestment Act
(ARRA), Coalition for American Electronics
Recycling) enforcing “green” industrial standards.
Thus, initially beginning as auxiliary programs,
GIS/IT standards turned into business requirements
for organizations to remain competitive and
appealing to customers.
Apart from organizational and industrial
standards, there are also programs and initiatives for
recognizing individual skills and expertise related to
GIS/IT. Although they still fall both qualitatively and
quantitatively behind those crafted for organizations,
the instances of certifications to recognize personal
knowledgeability are present in the sphere of the
GIS/IT. Simultaneously with the organizational
benchmarking, universities and professional
certification programs worldwide educate individuals
about building and maintaining GIS/IT. Existence of
these certifications pinpoints that education and
training of the individuals is a valuable contribution
towards the overall development of GIS/IT.
Visalakshi et al., (2013) highlighted the following
certification programs for individuals:
Certified Green Computing User Specialist
(CGCUS), Certified Green Computing Architect
(CGCA) and Certified Green Computing
Professional (CGCP) by Green Computing
Initiative (2007)
Certificate in GIT by BCS Professional
Certification (formerly Information Systems
Examinations Board (ISEB))
Computer Professional Education Program
(CPEP) with the Green Technology Strategies
Certification by the Australian Computer Society
(ACS) (2009)
CompTIA Strata GIT (discontinued in 2013)
Certification (2010)
Singapore Certified GIT Professional by the
Singapore Infocomm Technology Federation
(SiTF) (2012)
Although the specifics of the certifications vary, their
main ideas are to educate IT practitioners what the
core environmental goals are, which sustainable
regulations and practices are most commonly
implemented, and how to optimize business processes
to reduce carbon footprint.
Moreover, creation of these courses and
certifications from 2007 onwards indicated growth in
demand of having a registered approval of the
individual knowledge and skills at managing GIS/IT.
As these certifications aim to provide more career
opportunities for their holders, it indicates that GIS/IT
expertise has developed as a separate valuable human
resource skill. From being solely a point of interest,
GIS/IT has become a necessary skill for employees
responsible for the corporate social responsibility and
procurement or infrastructure. Unfortunately, there
are a few drawbacks associated with these
certifications. Firstly, some of the certifications were
not long-living and have already been discontinued
(e.g. CompTIA Strata GIT). Moreover, the
certifications’ ultimate purpose of contributing
towards cultivating eco-friendly individual and
organizational attitudes may not always be pursued.
For instance, Organization for Economic Co-
operation and Development (OECD Working Party
on the Information Economy, 2009) noted that
initiatives often neglect actual implementation, since
only 20% of over 90 government and industry
initiatives surveyed were recognized to have the
measurable targets (with government programs
including targets more frequently than business
associations). Hence, constant revisions and further
development of the similar initiatives is required.
Appearing in late 2000s during the most recent part
of the Fourth Era of IS, in academic investigation
(Tushi, Sedera and Recker, 2014), the GIS/IT
research field needs directions, explanations of
relevant theoretical foundations, studies,
conceptualizations and proposals (Lei and Ngai,
SMARTGREENS 2017 - 6th International Conference on Smart Cities and Green ICT Systems
Table 1: Examples and classification of GIS/IT theories.
GIS/IT application Theories
-Explaining influence of internal and
external motivational drivers such as
managerial attitudes and subjective
norms on emergence GIS/IT
initiatives in organizations
Theory of Reasoned Action (Sarkar and Young, 2009), Institutional
Theory (Butler, 2011; Sarkar and Young, 2009), Motivation Theory
(Molla and Abareshi, 2012; Molla and Abareshi, 2011), Resource
Dependence Theory (Datta, Roy and Tarafdar, 2010), Theory of
Absorptive Capacity (Cooper and Molla, 2012), Organisational Theory
(Butler, 2011), Belief–Action–Outcome (Gholami et al., 2013),
Diffusion of Innovation (Bose and Luo, 2011; Nedbal et al., 2011)
-Providing insights on incorporating
GIS/IT in organizational context
G-Readiness Framework (Molla et al., 2008), Implementation
Framework (Mann, Grant and Singh Mann, 2009), Strategic GIT
Alignment (Erek et al., 2011), Balanced Scorecard (Jain, Benbunan-
Fich and Mohan, 2011),Socio-Technical System Theory (Seidel, Recker
and vom Brocke, 2013), Energy Efficiency and Low Carbon Enabler
GIT (Uddin and Rahman, 2012), Process Virtualization Theory (Bose
and Luo, 2011)
-Theorizing processes of introducing,
assessing and evaluating GIS/IT
initiatives, implementation stages,
performance and integration
possibilities (outsourcing) at different
the organizational levels and across
Technology–Organization– Environment Theory (Lei and Ngai, 2013;
Bose and Luo, 2011; Nedbal et al., 2011), Value Model (Chou and
Chou, 2012), Transaction Cost Theory (Nedbal et al., 2011),
Theory of
Practise (Ijab, Molla and Cooper, 2011), Business Transformation
(Elliot, 2011), GIS Lifecycle (Ijab et al., 2010), Functional Affordance
(Seidel, Recker and vom Brocke, 2013), Natural Resource Based View
Theory (Rahim and Rahman, 2013; Dao, Langella and Carbo, 2011).
-Exploring initiatives, motivations,
beliefs, driving political (public
concerns, regulatory forces) and
economic factors (cost reduction,
differentiation), actions for
acceptance and role of mobile
technologies in adoption of GIS/IT in
the society.
Actor Network Theory (Aoun, Vatanasakdakul and Cecez-Kecmanovic,
2011; Bengtsson and Ågerfalk, 2011), Motivation Theory
(Koo, Chung
and Lee, 2013; Molla and Abareshi, 2012; Molla and Abareshi, 2011),
Reference Group Theory (Koo, Chung and Lee, 2013), Stakeholder
Theory (Cai, Chen and Bose, 2013), Political–Economic Framework
(Cai, Chen and Bose, 2013), U-Commerce Framework (Pitt et al.,
2011), Belief–Action–Outcome Framework (Melville, 2010)
-Examining beliefs, behaviors, and
goal-setting initiatives of GIS/IT
-Observing how GIS/IT encourages
sustainable measures.
Theory of Reasoned Action (Chow and Chen, 2009), Theory of Planned
Behavior (Chow and Chen, 2009), Extended Model of Goal-Directed
Behavior Theory (Loock, Staake and Thiesse, 2013)
2013; Nanath and Pillai, 2012). Empirical GIS/IT
studies between 2007 and 2013 (examined by Tushi,
Sedera and Recker (2014) collected data at the
organizational level (Cai et al., 2013; Molla and
Abareshi, 2012; Nanath and Pillai, 2012; Cater-Steel
and Tan, 2011; Molla, 2009; Molla et al., 2009) from
both organizations and individuals (Ansari et al.,
2010), and from individuals (end users) (Chetty et al.,
2009; Chow and Chen, 2009; Sarkar and Young,
2009; Chetty et al., 2008; Woodruff et al., 2008).
Theoretical analysis (Tushi et al., 2014) reveals (1)
core topics (e.g. what GIT is, how it is causing
problems to the environment, how IT can be
transformed into GIT), (2) periphery topics (e.g. GIT
life cycles, motivations and initiatives), and (3) topics
beyond the scope (addressing awareness, cost of
implementation, current challenges, future
development, readiness and capability of
organization to face GIT, literature reviews of the
GIS/IT). To form a richer understanding of dominant
types of studies in the GIS/IT research, we classified
previously identified by Tushi, Sedera and Recker
(2014) prevalent theories and frameworks into
several general IS theory types outlined by Oinas-
Kukkonen (Oinas-Kukkonen, 2015). This
generalization distinguishes individual user
behaviors, social behaviors (of both individual users
and groups/networks of users), and organizational
behaviors. Applying this classification (see Table 1)
provides an insight on which levels of analysis
environmentally-oriented behaviors have been most
commonly addressed and reveals the ones lacking
scientific insight in GIS/IT literature.
Classification discloses that most of existing
theories and frameworks (23 in total) assist
organizations in implementing, utilizing and
evaluating GIS/IT initiatives. Meanwhile, the
theoretical approaches for individuals (3 total) and
social groups (7 total) are scarce. Thus, the GIS/IT
research should devote more attention to creating
Green IS/IT: An Overview of Historical Periods, Recent Research Initiatives and Theoretical Approaches
GIS/IT theoretical and practical solutions beyond the
scope of the organizational and job-related contexts.
We utilized historical methods contextualize and
generalize GIS/IT concept which up-to-date has only
been looked at as exclusively novel creation of the
recent stage of the technological age. By placing it in
the context of the related sustainable and general IS
trends, we highlighted its importance for the society
in different historical periods. Thus, together with
underpinning the significance of the GIS/IT, we
expanded utilization of the historical research
methods in IS research. Historical periodization,
generalization and contextual analysis of GIS/IT
initiatives shed the light on inseparability of
sustainable environmental concerns and
technological development. Periodization exposed
evolution of ideas about sustainability and IS which
culminated with the emergence of the new currently
developing division of research – the GIS/IT.
Summarizing current theoretical and practical
initiatives of the GIS/IT, we emphasized the potential
and need to continue developing this concept.
Besides exploring development of the sustainable
trends in parallel with constant technological
advancement from the IS perspective, we applied
historical research methods to summarize a wide
range of GIS/IT related standards and programs
created for organizations and individuals. Our
assessment suggests that while both types of the
initiatives are crucial and impactful, the ones crafted
for individuals have been scarcer and less advanced.
Similarly, in research and science, GIS/IT has been
studied more often on organizational and social levels
than on the individual one. Therefore, we highlight
the need to generate more practical and theoretical
GIS/IT solutions and studies targeted specifically for
individuals. Finally, our periodization,
contextualization, and generalization set the scene the
further more meticulous GIS/IT Historical Research.
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SMARTGREENS 2017 - 6th International Conference on Smart Cities and Green ICT Systems