Figure 5: The ROC curve regarding the proposed model.
Table 1: The coincidence matrix for the CBR model.
True (1) False (0)
True (1) 194 15
False (0) 17 162
This work presents a Logic Programming based
Decision Support System to estimate the
cardiovascular diseases predisposing, i.e., it is
centred on a formal framework based on LP for
Knowledge Representation and Reasoning,
complemented with a CBR approach to computing
that caters for the handling of incomplete, unknown,
or even self-contradictory information. The
proposed model is able to provide adequate
responses, once the overall accuracy is higher than
90%. The computational framework presented above
uses powerful knowledge representation and
reasoning methods to set the structure of the
information and the associate inference mechanisms.
Indeed, it has also the potential to be disseminated
across other prospective areas, therefore validating
an universal attitude. Additionally, it gives the user
the possibility to narrow the search space for similar
cases at runtime by choosing the most appropriate
strategy to address the problem.
This work has been supported by COMPETE: POCI-
01-0145-FEDER-007043 and FCT – Fundação para
a Ciência e Tecnologia within the Project Scope:
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