introduced by heel strike. Previous studies have
indicated the presence of pre-activation in non-
repetitive activities such as ball-catching (Lacqaniti et
al, 1993). In the present study, loading was rather
repetitive, due to the cyclic nature of steady walking.
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activity of hand grasping and locomotion. Kinematic
data from the upper limb and of EMG from the wrist
extensors and flexors were obtained with the joints
unconstrained and after successively immobilizing
each of the joints. Stiffness and damping values of
each of the joints were obtained as a function of joint
angle, for the shoulder and elbow joints. The wrist
joint was found to have constant stiffness and
damping, and no regulation of these coefficients was
necessary during the gait cycle. The results also
showed how joint immobilization affects the joint
impedance behavior. The EMG results did not
confirm a definite relation between any of the elbow
stiffness or elbow joint angle and the activation of the
flexor and extensor muscles studied. The wide
variability in the impedance results obtained
indicated that the compensatory mechanisms
exercised by each subject to regulate the mechanical
impedance to overcome the joint restriction were
individual, not necessarily indicating to a common
pattern.This study sheds light on the mechanisms of
stabilization of grasped objects during walking and
the results obtained, despite their variability, may be
relevant for the future designing of artificial arms and
robots and for the development of more accurate
control strategies of combined hand grasping and
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