Figure 1: Scheme of principle of US-guided neurosurgery. A moving set of US volumes acquired during the surgical procedure
are combined with a fixed set of pre-operative MR scans.
poses (C. Nikas et al., 2003).
Indeed, US-based neuronavigation has major ad-
vantages compared to traditional MRI-based systems.
These advantages include its relatively low cost, sim-
plicity of use and minimal invasiveness, both in terms
of volume and complexity of equipment and of im-
pact on the patient. On the other hand, US images
have well-known limitations, such as low signal-to-
noise ratio and penetration depth. Moreover, they
have much lower soft tissue discrimination capabili-
ties compared to MR technology.
Hence, the latest trend in neuronavigation is the
use of hybrid surgical planning techniques, integrat-
ing pre-operative MRI scans with intra-operative US.
In this case, the procedure is guided by a fixed set
of pre-operative MRI scans and a moving set of US
volumes acquired during the surgery (see the scheme
of Figure 1). The pre-operative MR scans are used
to construct a structural model of the patient’s head,
and provide a detailed anatomical 3D map of the brain
and of the targeted lesions. The position of the US
probe with respect to the patient’s coordinate system
is obtained real-time using a probe tracking system.
Then, the pre-operative MR scans are registered and
overlaid on the US images acquired in the Operating
Room, updating the structural model of the brain’s pa-
tient based on the new anatomical information pro-
vided by US.
In such US-guided hybrid system, the accurate
automated registration of MR and US scans plays a
fundamental role. Nonetheless, while multi-modal
brain image registration has a very consolidated tra-
dition in other imaging technologies such as MR and
CT (Sarkar et al., 2005), the registration of US and
MR images is still a research topic in development,
with a number of challenges that need to be tackled:
(i) low signal-to-noise conditions typical of US
imaging. (ii) absence of highly contrasted anatomical
structures (e.g. bones, high-density tissues) driving
the registration algorithm. (iii) possible presence of
brain shifts induced by the surgical procedure.
Most of the currently available solutions do not
explicitly deal with elastic brain shifts (Coup´e et al.,
2012), or are user-dependent, in that they rely ei-
ther on the interactive delineation of markers or sur-
faces (Lunn et al., 2001; Liu et al., 2014), which is not
feasible in the context of real-time neuronavigation.
In this paper, we present an automated framework
tackling these issues. It takes as input MR and US
scans and probe positioning information, as provided
by a tracking system, and allows a fully-automated
registration and overlay of the two volumes, without
requiring any interaction from the user.
Our methodology is based on a non-rigid regis-
tration algorithm, in order to tackle possible non-
linear deformations, with a self-adjusting parameters
search. Nonetheless, the tool supports also other sim-
pler registration techniques, which can be selected
when to tackle stages of the procedure not implying
elastic warping between US and MR scans.
The registration accuracy is experimentally vali-
dated using a publicly available set of MR and US
scans from an anatomically realistic human brain
phantom, even in presence of extensive elastic defor-
The rest of the paper is organised as follows. In
Section 2, we describe the main modules of the pro-
posed framework. In Section 3, we discuss the multi-
modal image registration technique. In Section 4, we
provide few details on the algorithm’s set-up. In Sec-
tion 5, we present and discuss the experimental re-
sults. In Section 6 we conclude the paper.
The software was implemented in python and C++,
making use of ITK and VTK libraries (Yoo et al.,
2002; Schroeder et al., 2003). In the following, we
briefly describe the main modules, as shown in Fig-
ure 2.