and difference from the user by converting the
high level language into a specific CPU
assembly language. The hardware differences
are hidden from the programmer. Using a
similar concept, a virtual CPU can be
implemented by using any combination of
simple or complicated instructions and data
storage units (registers, queues, sorted lists) and
the underlying hardware is hidden from the
user. A SPARC system can provide an “ADD”
instruction for the virtual CPU where a
PENTIUM CPU can provide a “SORT”
instruction. The virtual CCPU is hiding the
hardware details like how an instruction is
implemented and it is focusing on what is
Process and/or programming language
specific virtual CPU: The virtual CPU can be
created on demand or permanently in the
system. Depending on the process, either a
specialized virtual CPU is created and the
process is executed on it, or a general virtual
CPU is created and/or reused to execute the
process. With this implementation it is possible
to create a C-specific virtual CPU.
Parallel Operation: The Cloud CPU creates a
massively parallel system where normal
systems are limited in terms of number of cores
and/or CPU’s.
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