Revealing Fake Profiles in Social Networks by Longitudinal Data
Aleksei Romanov, Alexander Semenov and Jari Veijalainen
University of Jyv
a, Finland
Social Network Analysis, Anomaly Detection, Suspicious Behaviour, Graph Mining, Longitudinal Data.
The goal of the current research is to detect fake identities among newly registered users of Ego
networks in for about 200.000 most recently registered profiles were gathered and analyzed longitu-
dinally. The reason is that a certain percentage of new user accounts are faked, and the faked accounts and
normal accounts have different behavioural patterns. Thus, the former can be detected already in a few first
days. Social graph metrics were calculated and analysis was performed that allowed to reveal outlying suspi-
cious profiles, some of which turned out to be legitimate celebrities, but some were fake profiles involved in
social media marketing and other malicious activities, as participation in friend farms.
Social media sites started to appear around 2005 and
many of them have attracted hundred of millions of
users. The number of distinct profiles at Facebook
exceed one billion. Because social media sites want
to attract as many users as possible, strong authenti-
cation of user’s identity is not required by them when
a new user joins the site. The sites usually require in
their EULA that real persons, associations and com-
panies must use their true identity in their profile.
Some sites, like Twitter, also allow so-called parody
accounts or profiles, where parts of a real user’s iden-
tity, such as name, image, email address, etc., can
be utilized but the profile must clearly state in the
description that it is a parody profile. For the au-
thentication at many sites it is usually enough that a
user has a browser, internet connection, and a functio-
ning email address and/or functioning phone number
that can be used to send a verification link or code
back from the site. It must then fed into the brow-
ser while finalizing the profile creation. The service
provider has IP-addresses that were used while the ac-
count of profile was established, but these can be dy-
namically allocated, or refer to computers in a shared
use. Thus, through them the identity of the real pro-
file owner cannot be established. Further, email ac-
counts can be easily established at service providers,
such as gmail, hotmail etc., again without strong au-
thentication, and prepaid SIM-cards obtained without
identification. Thus, there are numerous profiles and
account at various sites that are in some sense misle-
ading or false. These include stolen identities of exis-
ting people (duplicates) that might or might not have
a profile at the site in question, but also fake identi-
ties that are, for instance, combining a picture of a
real person to other, fabricated credentials. A furt-
her case are compromised accounts or profiles where
the original user has lost control over the profile or
account and it is used by perpetrators for various,
mostly criminal, or in any case questionable purpo-
ses. Facebook annual report says, that 5,5% – 11,2%
of worldwide monthly active users (MAUs) in 2013-
2014 were false (duplicate, undesirable, etc.) (Face-
book, 2014). Because the perpetrators can hide their
true identity, false identities (also referred to as “sy-
bils”) play an important role at initial phases of ad-
vanced persisted threats (APT), phishing, scam, or
other forms of fraud and malicious activities. One
of the recent trends is crowdturfing - the term re-
presenting a merger of astroturfing (i.e., sponsored
information dissemination campaigns obfuscated to
appear spontaneous movements) and crowdsourcing.
For instance, according to the study by Harvard Bu-
siness School, popular site filters 16% of
reviews as fake; in the end of 2015 has
started legal action against more than 1.000 unidenti-
fied people it claims provide fake reviews through Fi-
verr platform on the US version of its website (Gani,
The largest European online social media site,
which is especially popular in Russia and in post-
Romanov, A., Semenov, A. and Veijalainen, J.
Revealing Fake Profiles in Social Networks by Longitudinal Data Analysis.
DOI: 10.5220/0006243900510058
In Proceedings of the 13th International Conference on Web Information Systems and Technologies (WEBIST 2017), pages 51-58
ISBN: 978-989-758-246-2
Copyright © 2017 by SCITEPRESS – Science and Technology Publications, Lda. All rights reserved
Soviet countries is in October 2016 it had
around 390 million registered users, and it was ran-
ked 14
in global web-sites ranking. It
has its servers in Russia.
Each user of has unique numeric identi-
fier. These identifiers have been allocated in an (al-
most strict) ascending order with the advancing regis-
tration time. Therefore, it becomes possible to assort
the profiles, approximately, on a timeline, taking into
accounts identifiers’ ordering. One can access any ac-
count by using its identifier; if the account does not
exist, would return an error message. Thus,
it is possible to find the most recently registered ac-
counts and follow their activity using data collection
software. For instance, it is possible to follow the de-
velopment of the friend network and contents propa-
gated by recently established accounts over time that
allows interesting temporal data analysis.
There are internal security mechanisms in
that freeze or deactivate profiles that get a number of
reports for abuse, spam or fraud activities. There isn’t
much information available on this topic. The system
mainly relies on other users’ amount of reports and
then automated or manual analysis by administrators.
The fake and malicious profiles are deactivated with
time, but the problem is that it’s unlikely that they will
be defined as fake or malicious unless they start their
attacks, and some time is also needed for administra-
tors to react on the reports. The time gap between at-
tack’s start and deactivating the profile can be enough
for the fraudster to achieve the aim of attack. What
we are interested in is to detect fake accounts before
they initiate the main phase of the attack on the stage
of preparation. The information about banned or de-
leted state of an account through time can be treated
as a ground truth that the profile was indeed fake or
Our research aims at detecting fake accounts at
online social media sites using longitudinal data ana-
lysis. Because of the features described above, we
have chosen to become our target. In particu-
lar, the goal of the current research is to detect fake
identities among newly registered users of
We hypothesize, that a certain percentage of new user
accounts are fake. The fake accounts and normal ac-
counts have different patterns in these respects and
thus the former can be detected already in a few days.
The aim of this paper is in providing descrip-
tive analysis of longitudinal data collection process
of 200.000 newly registered users of and tes-
ting the following hypothesis: fake profiles are more
likely to be found among those users that show abnor-
mal behaviour in growth of social graph metrics such
as degree, reciprocated ties and clustering.
The paper is structured as follows: section 2 des-
cribes related work, section 3 details notation and col-
lected data, section 4 explains the social graph metrics
that were considered, section 5 provides analysis re-
sults, and section 6 concludes the paper.
There is a number of research papers aimed at de-
tecting false identities in social media, and their ma-
nifestations such as fake reviews on review sites, and
spam reviews. Majority of methods are based on ex-
traction of various features from profiles and messa-
ges, and then machine learning algorithms are used
in order to build a classifier capable of detecting false
accounts based on extracted features. Some work was
done on developing algorithms for detecting simul-
taneous liking of particular pages on Facebook by a
group of fake profiles or paid users.
The authors of (Beutel et al., 2013) use graph ba-
sed approach to detect attackers with lockstep beha-
viour users acting together in groups, generally li-
king the same pages at around the same time. The
algorithm called CopyCatch that operates similarly
to mean-shift clustering with a flat kernel (Cheng,
1995) is actively used at Facebook, searching for at-
tacks on Facebook’s social graph that enables to li-
mit “greedy attacks”. The authors face the problem
of co-clustering pages (subspace clustering) and likes
(density-seeking clustering) at the same time, which
is known as a NP-hard problem and is often solved
by approximation techniques. That is why two algo-
rithms are presented – one provably-convergent itera-
tive algorithm and one approximate, scalable MapRe-
duce (Dean and Ghemawat, 2008) implementation.
In the article (Ikram et al., 2015) fraudulently
boosting the number of Facebook page likes using
like farms was addressed. In contrast to the Copy-
Catch algorithm mentioned above the authors incor-
porate additional profile information to train machine
learning classifiers. They characterized content ge-
nerated by social network accounts on their timeli-
nes, as an indicator of genuine versus fake social acti-
vity. They then extracted lexical and non-lexical fe-
atures and showed that like farm accounts tend to
often re-share content, use fewer words and poorer
vocabulary, and more often generate duplicate com-
ments and likes compared to normal users. Further, a
classifier was built that allowed to detect known like
farm accounts (,,
etc.) with high accuracy.
It is known that fraudsters may be paid to disguise
certain account to seem more trustworthy or popu-
WEBIST 2017 - 13th International Conference on Web Information Systems and Technologies
lar by artificial involvement of additional followers.
Such service is supplied by fake accounts or through
real accounts hijacked with malware. This pheno-
menon creates distorted images of popularity and le-
gitimacy, with unpleasant or even dangerous effects
to real users. The authors of the recent paper (Ji-
ang et al., 2016) focus on synchronised behaviour de-
tection and present CATCHSYNC algorithm.
One other article that touches a question of re-
vealing camouflaged behaviour is (Hooi et al., 2016)
mainly focusing on a Twitter dataset.
Adicari (Adikari and Dutta, 2014) describes iden-
tification of fake profiles in LinkedIn. The paper
shows that fake profile can be detected with 84%
accuracy and 2.44% false negative, using limited pro-
file data as input. Such methods as neural networks,
support vector machines, and principal component
analysis are applied. Among others, such features
as number of languages spoken, education, skills, re-
commendations, interests, and awards are used. Cha-
racteristics of profiles, known to be fake, and posted
on special web sites are used as a ground truth.
The paper by Chu et al. (Chu et al., 2010) aim at
differentiating Twitter accounts operated by human,
bots, or cyborgs (i.e., bots and humans working in
concert). As a part of the detection problem formu-
lation, the detection of spamming accounts is realized
with the help of an Orthogonal Sparse Bigram (OSB)
text classifier that users pairs of words as features.
Accompanied with other detecting components asses-
sing the regularity of twits and some account proper-
ties such as the frequency and types of URLs and the
use of APIs, the system was able to accurately distin-
guish the bots and the human-operated accounts.
In addition to, or instead of analyzing the in-
dividual profiles, another stream of approaches rely
on graph-based features when distinguishing the fake
and legitimate accounts. For instance, in the pa-
per (Stringhini et al., 2010) methods for spam de-
tection in Facebook and Twitter are described. The
authors created 900 honeypot profiles in social net-
works, and performed continuous collection of inco-
ming messages and friend requests for 12 months.
User data of those, who performed these reque-
sts were collected and analyzed, after which about
16.000 spam accounts were detected. Authors furt-
her investigated the application of machine learning
for further detection of spamming profiles. On top
of the features used in the studies above, the authors
were also using the message similarity, the presence
of patterns behind the search of friends to add, and the
ratio of friend requests, and then used Random Forest
as a classifier.
A paper (Conti et al., 2012) proposes an applica-
tion of graph features for the detection of fake profi-
les. The authors base their detection method on ana-
lysis of distribution of number of friends over time.
Boshmaf et al. (Boshmaf et al., 2016), however, claim
that the hypothesis that fake accounts mostly befriend
other fake accounts does not hold, and propose new
detection method, which is based on analysis features
of victim accounts, i.e. those accounts, which were
befriended by a fake account.
The structure of the social graph of active Face-
book users and numerous features were studied in the
paper (Ugander et al., 2011). However, the research
was done only for one data snapshot.
Like farms were studied thoroughly, however little
studies were targeted on revealing friend farms. Mo-
reover, there are very few research papers that ana-
lyzed the behaviour of users longitudinally, crawling
data periodically and analyzing them in order to cap-
ture the dynamics. In this research we are doing this.
3.1 Notation
We use the following notation: graph of a social net-
work G = (V, E) consists of a set of vertices V =
, ..., v
and a set of m edges E V × V , |V| = n
and |E| = m. If (v
, v
) E, then vertices v
, and v
called adjacent. If every of two vertices are adjacent,
the graph is called complete. Neighbourhood N (v)
of a vertex v is a set of all vertices v
adjacent to v,
i.e. v
N (v) for all (v, v
) E. Then, the degree of
v, deg(V) = |N (v)|. Path P
i j
between vertices i and
j is a sequence of vertices v
, ..., v
such that v
= v
= v
, and (v
, v
) E, k = 0, ..., d 1. Such
path is called a path of length d 1. Two vertices v
and v
are connected, if there is a path between them.
Graph G is connected, if all of its vertices are pairwise
connected, and disconnected otherwise.
A graph can be represented with an adjacency ma-
trix, which is a matrix with rows and columns labeled
by graph vertices, with a 1 or 0 in position (v
, v
) ac-
cording to vertices’ v
and v
adjacency property. A
graph without self-loops has zeros on the diagonal.
For an undirected graph, the adjacency matrix is sym-
metric. In our case, we have no self-loops undirected
graph. For example, adjacency matrix for graph on
figure 1 can be found in equation 1.
A =
0 1 1 1
1 0 1 0
1 1 0 1
1 0 1 0
Revealing Fake Profiles in Social Networks by Longitudinal Data Analysis
Figure 1: An example of an adjacency matrix.
For any subset of vertices S V , G[S] = (S, (S ×
S) E) denotes the subgraph, a group, induced by S
on G. A vertex belonging to S is referred to as a group
vertex, vertices in V \ S are considered to be the non-
group vertices. The group G[S] is called a clique if
the subgraph induced by S is complete.
In this context the user profiles hosted by
are modelled by vertices of the graph, and “friends-
hip” relations are modelled by undirected edges bet-
ween the vertices. Two user profiles are in this rela-
tionship, if they both f ollow each other, according to
the site ontology of
Given a graph G = (V(G), E(G)) an induced
subgraph of G, G
= (V (G
), E(G
)), is a graph that
satisfies the following conditions:
V (G
) V (G), E (G
) E (G),
u, v V (G
), (u, v) E(G
) (u, v) E(G).
When G
is a induced subgraph of G, it is denoted as
The neighbourhood subgraph of radius r of vertex
v is the subgraph induced by the neighbourhood of
radius r of v and denoted as G
An ego network is a neighbourhood subgraph of
radius 1 of vertex v, G
(v) or just G
(v). In other
words, such subgraph that consists of one “focal” ver-
tex, the vertices to which ego is directly connected,
and edges between these vertices. More information
on ego networks can be found in the paper (Freeman,
The attributes that are included into the vertices
of the graph are: a) id unique identifier that was
generated by and that each user obtains after
registration; b) first and last name; c) gender; d) city
which is represented as city id and the real city name
is acquired through API request; e) status which a user
can post right below his or her name and if the user is
fake or malicious that’s the first place where a link to
malware is (usually) put f) timestamp of the last acti-
vity by which we can understand whether the profile
is registered and abandoned or active every day, its
temporal activity.
A timestamp denotes a date and a time when the
exact data gathering was made, i.e. t
08:04:33” or t
=“2016-05-12 10:49:18”.
T = [t
The time interval between two timestamps is 2
hours and number of timestamps is N [1, 55], thus
we cover around 5 days.
For each timestamp an ego network is gathered for
every user u from 200.000 of the targeted group. A
user is represented in the ego network as a focal vertex
. Thereby, we obtain the following sequence of ego
networks evolving through time:
) =
), G
), . . . , G
Further, social graph metrics are calculated and ana-
lysed for every ego network (section 4 and 5).
We have developed a crawler capable of performing
longitudinal collection of ego networks of set of users V =
, ..., v
. Then, we have iden-
tified the most recently registered profiles and perfor-
med longitudinal crawling of their ego networks and
user details. The first data collection was gathering
ego networks of 200.000 newly registered users for
each 2 hours during the period of 5 days. The col-
lection was performed in May 2016, the next one was
functioning in a similar manner, but the collection las-
ted for nearly 1 month, during September 2016. The
latter collection consisted of over 5 TB of data on the
Data: set of users V =
, ..., v
Result: set
), ..., G
forall user
V do
collect friends F
of user
forall user
insert edge (v
, v
) into G
collect friends F
of user
forall user
if k in F
insert edge (v
, v
) into G
Algorithm 1: Longitudinal crawling.
WEBIST 2017 - 13th International Conference on Web Information Systems and Technologies
We filtered 11.000 users that started their acti-
vity from 1
snapshot to 2
and then calculated so-
cial graph (graph of the social network) parameters
for the ego networks they form with their friends and
friends of friends. Activity in this case means regis-
tration and launch of adding friends (i.e. user in 1
snapshot had 0 friends or tagged as not created, but in
the 2
snapshot – created and with n > 0 friends).
There are different metrics of social graphs (i.e. cen-
trality, degree, closeness, etc.). We focus our attention
on the following features of the social graph formed
based on the collected dataset.
4.1 Degree Distribution
We understand degree as the number of reciprocated
ties (friendship) for each node (user).
Growth of vertices’ degree: we have found, that
the degree of a number of vertices grows very quickly;
majority of the user profiles modeled by these vertices
belong to celebrities.
4.2 Reciprocated Ties
The number of transitive triplets
i j
, where
x are elements of adjacency matrix A (2) correspon-
ding to the graph and i is fixed to the current focal
vertex of the ego network.
A =
··· x
··· x
··· x
4.3 Clustering
Clustering is calculated as follows:
2T (v
deg (v
)(deg (v
) 1)
, (3)
where T (v
) is the number of triangles through vertex
and deg(v
) is the degree of v
We have found, that some of the accounts that de-
monstrate unusually high clustering coefficient, same
time having large number of friends (e.g. nearly 150
friends, and c
= 1, meaning that ego network forms a
clique, i.e. all of the nodes are connected) use “friend
farm” services that allow them to gain large number
of friends in a short time.
Firstly, we take a look at overall degree distribu-
tion for 187.803 active users in the timestamp 55,
which is presented on figure 3. The weighted mean
¯x = 5, 43, standard weighted deviation sd
= 22, 48.
The red line denotes 3sd
= 67, 44, there are 275
users that have more than 67 friends and are treated
as suspicious.
Then we narrow down our sample, and figure 4
represents clustering distribution for 2.846 users in ti-
mestamp 55 that have more then 3 friends. 3% of
users have clustering > 0, 8. The average clustering
¯c = 0, 25.
We go back to 11.000 filtered users who star-
ted their activity between the 1
and the 2
hots. Figure 5 shows the cumulative degree distribu-
tion among these users. 1.760 people who have added
friends have 2,8 friends in average in the first snaps-
hot. 4.500 users with at least one friend have 7 friends
in average by snapshot 10. Firstly, the speed of ad-
ding friends was high, but it slows down by snapshot
10. The average speed of adding friends is shown in
table 1.
Table 1: Change in average speed of adding friends from
snapshot 2 to 10.
Snapshot Average speed
of adding friendsFrom To
2 3 2,86
3 4 1,20
4 5 0,86
9 10 0,10
Clustering for the filtered users is presented on fi-
gure 6. There is a peak 0,5 – 0,6 range and one more
in 0,8 0,9 range. We are interested in users with
clustering higher than 0,8, because they tend to form
Figure 2 shows relationship between friends and
clustering. There could be found profiles with unusu-
ally high number of friends and high clustering, which
is considered to be suspicious and such users are more
likely to be involved in “friend farms”. A group where
a user can post a message that he or she is inviting
other users to establish artificial “friendship” relati-
ons. The main idea behind a friend farm is to gain a
number of random “friends”, which are not actually
friends. Many of users in such communities are usu-
ally bots or fake accounts.
Some accounts have a lot of friends, and very low
clustering, that means that their friends do not “know”
Revealing Fake Profiles in Social Networks by Longitudinal Data Analysis
Figure 2: Clustering and friends ratio, approx. 3 days after registration.
Figure 3: Degree distribution for 187803 registered users in
timestamp 55.
Figure 4: Clustering distribution for timestamp 55 for all
users with degree > 3.
Table 2: Growth in number of friends and number of triang-
les for a user with high clustering (*TS – timestamp).
TS* # of Friends # of Triangles Clustering
3 3 3 1,00
4 17 134 0,99
10 44 864 0,91
30 47 999 0,92
55 49 1055 0,90
each other, so perhaps they add random people.
Table 2 represents one of the real life evolution of
a user with id 364712485. A set of figures 7 visua-
lize his ego network respectively to the table. We do
Figure 5: Degree distribution for 11.000 filtered users in
timestamps 2 to 55.
Figure 6: Clustering for 11.000 filtered users in timestamps
2 to 55.
not provide statistics for each timestamp for practi-
cal reason to save space, and visualisation becomes
unsuitable for more number of friends and triangles.
We considered the chosen user as a suspicious one
and analyzed the content of his web page. This ex-
act user was a member of several friend farms (fi-
WEBIST 2017 - 13th International Conference on Web Information Systems and Technologies
(a) Timestamp 3.
(b) Timestamp 4.
(c) Timestamp 10.
(d) Timestamp 30.
Figure 7: A real life evolution example of highly clustered
ego network.
gure 8(a)). That was the time when we discovered
friend farms. An example of a comments section in
one of such group can be found on figure 8(b), where
users claim to add anyone to friends who will send
them a request.
(a) User as a member of friend farm groups.
(b) Comments section of a friend farm group.
Figure 8: Content analysis of suspicious user and group.
A longitudinal collection of ego networks in
was done for about 200.000 the most recently regis-
tered profiles for each 2 hours during the period of 5
Revealing Fake Profiles in Social Networks by Longitudinal Data Analysis
days. One more collection was performed later that
lasted for nearly 1 month and occupies 5 TB of disk
space for the further research. We took a look at
overall state of the gathered social graph by calcula-
ting weighted mean, standard weighted deviation and
found suspicious outlying users. Than, for the filte-
red 11.000 users that started their activity from 1
snapshot to 2
we calculated social graph parameters
(degree, reciprocated ties and clustering) for the ego
networks that they form with their friends and friends
of friends. The analysis of suspicious users allowed
us to reveal fake profiles and even friend farms, that
we are going to study in more details in future rese-
arch. Hence, we accept the stated hypothesis that
fake profiles are more likely to be found among those
users that show abnormal behaviour in growth of so-
cial graph metrics. The contribution of this paper is
in the descriptive analysis of users’ longitudi-
nal data collection, accepting the stated earlier hypot-
hesis and revealing “friend farms”.
The further research is aimed on consecutive im-
mersion in friend farm groups. We will focus on users
who are active in this groups and analyze their actions
through time to understand their behavioural strategy
of gaining new friends. Then we would be able to
answer the question whether the friend farms are an
efficient instrument or not to make a profile look less
suspicious for subsequent implementation of advan-
ced persistent threats.
We have also identified number of websites which
sell fake social media accounts (including and
other sites). One of the further research directions is
to purchase several accounts as a ground truth about
fake profiles and analyze their behaviour (highly li-
kely, they would be in our dataset already), compare
their characteristics with legitimate accounts.
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WEBIST 2017 - 13th International Conference on Web Information Systems and Technologies