Effects of Personalized Learning on Kindergarten and First Grade
Students’ Early Literacy Skills
Haya Shamir, Kathryn Feehan and Erik Yoder
Waterford Institute, 1590 East 9400 South, Sandy, UT, 84093, U.S.A.
Keywords: Computer-Assisted Instruction (CAI), Literacy, Early Childhood.
Abstract: The Waterford Early Reading Program is a computer-assisted instruction program that ensures individualized
learning for kindergarten through second grade students. The Waterford curriculum was assigned to
kindergarten, first grade, and second grade students in a school district in South Carolina for the 2015-2016
school year. The Developmental Reading Assessment was administered to students at the end of the fall,
winter, and spring terms to assess reading skills. Analysis revealed statistically significant end of year scores
made by kindergarten students and statistically significant gains made by first grade students with high usage
of the Waterford Early Reading Program, indicating that Waterford curriculum improves early literacy skills.
The Every Student Succeeds Act (ESSA), a new
education law signed in December 2015, built on the
American ideal that all children across demographics
deserve an equal opportunity to education by assisting
at-risk students and students with special needs as
well as increasing access to pre-kindergarten (U.S.
Department of Education, 2016). This changes the No
Child Left Behind Act focus from standardized
testing to state-driven testing, aiming to set up all
students for success by creating useful, impactful
change to the school system (Darling-Hammond et
al., 2016). This new system of accountability was
created because the one-size-fits-all approach to
improve education was unsuccessful and outdated.
The new law was recently enacted, however, so
innovations within education still need to improve, as
the trend of average reading scores for fourth grade
students has only risen 13 points (from 208 to 221) in
the past forty years (National Assessment of
Educational Progress [NAEP], 2015). Despite policy
changes and increased funding over the decades, the
United States has significantly, but not meaningfully,
improved the reading scores of young students:
American children have not had significant changes
in literacy skills over the past forty years, meaning
that as postsecondary education is increasingly
required for entry-level jobs, workers are not
prepared for these education or training requirements
(Murnane et al., 2012). As the literacy of young
cohorts remains stagnant, our country demands
increasing literacy skills to match the increase in
higher-paying occupations. Clearly, our nation is in
need of meaningful changes in education to improve
the reading scores of elementary school students for
later school success.
Recent innovations in technology and increases in
federal funding for education have led to dramatic
increases in the tools available for teachers and
students (U.S. Department of Education, 2016).
However, while technological advances have created
promising instructional tools for education, new
technology may not be closing the literacy gaps
between students, especially between students from
low- and high-income families (Biancarosa and
Griffiths, 2012). While technology has been found to
increase ease of observation and curriculum
development for teachers, teachers from high poverty
schools are using technology to send updates such as
concerns to individual parents and students much less
than teachers at low poverty schools (Gray et al.,
2010; Hoffman et al., 2015). Moreover, teachers and
school systems have been found to stress practical
reading skills but not addressing analytic, in-depth
reading skills that lead to understanding. Students
from low-income families need to have higher
literacy skills in order to keep up with the labor force
of today and to close the gap between less and more
advantaged children (Murnane et al., 2012). The
question that needs to be addressed is: how can
incorporating technology into the classroom
Shamir, H., Feehan, K. and Yoder, E.
Effects of Personalized Learning on Kindergarten and First Grade Students’ Early Literacy Skills.
DOI: 10.5220/0006245202730279
In Proceedings of the 9th International Conference on Computer Supported Education (CSEDU 2017) - Volume 2, pages 273-279
ISBN: 978-989-758-240-0
Copyright © 2017 by SCITEPRESS Science and Technology Publications, Lda. All rights reserved
transform literacy education to close the academic
achievement gap between lower- and higher-
achieving students (Biancarosa and Griffiths, 2012)?
Computer-assisted instruction (CAI) is the
presentation of different forms of educational media
material in an interactive, instructional way. While
teachers conduct large group instruction meant for
many students to learn a subject, CAI allows
individual students to take control of their learning
which increases students’ flexibility, interactivity,
and engagement (Jethro et al., 2012). According to
research of CAI in the classroom setting, early
childhood instruction using CAI can improve
mathematical performance (Aunio and Niemivirta,
2010) and literacy performance (Saine et al., 2010;
Stetter and Hughes, 2010) in comparison to a typical
public classroom setting. CAI presents material with
animation and immediate feedback, individualizing
the learning process in a way only one-to-one
teaching styles can. When implemented with fidelity,
CAI technology has been found to improve students’
abilities and to effectively teach subjects to all
populations, especially elementary school students
(National Mathematics Advisory Panel, 2008).
Individualized educational technology programs
need to target students of all demographics, be easily
incorporated into the classroom, and be functional for
students and teachers. A recent literature review
found that CAI programs incorporated into the
classroom led to statistically significant moderate
gains in phonological awareness in early readers for
disadvantaged students (Zomer and Kay, 2016).
Among schools with diverse students, the extent and
effectiveness of technology-based literacy curriculum
use distinguishes lower- and higher-performing
elementary schools (Wilcox et al., 2015). These
findings combine to show that CAI technology
individualizes literacy curriculum for students across
demographics, narrowing the gap between students in
early literacy skills. Overall, CAI programs coupled
with traditional classroom settings increase the
interactivity and individualization of the learning
environment for each student, but further research is
needed to evaluate the effectiveness of CAI
technology on academic achievement (Vernadakis et
al., 2005).
The purpose of the present study was to evaluate
the effectiveness of the Waterford Early Reading
Program in improving early literacy skills of
kindergarten and first grade students. We predicted
that this CAI program will improve reading scores
when incorporated into early elementary school
2.1 Participants
This study consisted of 2,148 students enrolled in a
public school district in South Carolina during the
2015-2016 school year. The majority of students in
the study are White, and approximately one-third of
the students qualify for free lunch.
For kindergarten, the experimental group
consisted of 1,004 students, and the control group
consisted of 28 students. For first grade, the
experimental group consisted of 1,064 students, and
the control group consisted of 52 students. This
analysis excluded second grade because of the low
experimental group sample size: Throughout the
2015-2016 school year, only 2 second grade students
used the Waterford Early Reading Program.
2.2 Materials
2.2.1 The Waterford Early Reading
Program (ERP)
The program offers a comprehensive, computer-
adaptive pre-reading and reading curriculum for pre-
kindergarten through second grade students. The
software presents a wide range of multimedia-based
activities in an adaptive sequence tailored to each
student’s initial placement and his or her individual
rate of growth throughout the complete reading
2.2.2 The Waterford Early Math and
Science Program (EMS)
The program offers a comprehensive, computer-
adaptive pre-reading and reading curriculum for pre-
kindergarten through second grade students. The
software presents a wide range of multimedia-based
activities in an adaptive sequence tailored to each
student’s initial placement and his or her individual
rate of growth throughout the complete reading
2.2.3 Developmental Reading Assessment
The DRA is a standardized reading test used to
determine a student’s instructional level in reading.
The DRA is administered individually to students by
teachers and/or literacy coaches. The test identifies
whether the student is below, meeting, or exceeding
grade level reading expectations.
CSEDU 2017 - 9th International Conference on Computer Supported Education
2.3 Procedure
Students were expected to use ERP for 30 minutes per
day, five days per week, throughout the 2015-2016
school year. The experimental group consisted of
students that used ERP for greater than or equal to
1000 minutes throughout the 2015-2016 school year,
and the control group consisted of students that used
ERP for less than or equal to or equal to 500 minutes
throughout the 2015-2016 school year. Usage was
tracked within the program and monitored weekly by
Waterford personnel, and total minutes of usage of
ERP for the school year per group was calculated.
The DRA was administered at the end of the fall,
winter, and spring terms.
Since kindergarten students were not
administered the DRA at the beginning of the 2015-
2016 year, only end of year scores were analyzed.
Additionally, due to the low number of students in the
control groups of kindergarten and first grade,
analyses of ethnicity were not conducted.
This analysis excluded second grade because of the
low experimental group sample size: Throughout the
2015-2016 school year, only 2 second grade students
used the Waterford Early Reading Program.
Additionally, due to the low number of students in the
control groups of kindergarten and first grade,
analyses of ethnicity were not conducted.
3.1 Kindergarten
The experimental group for kindergarten (n = 1,004)
included students that used Waterford curriculum for
greater than or equal to 1,000 minutes throughout the
2015-2016 school year. The control group (n = 28)
included students that used Waterford curriculum for
less than or equal to 500 minutes throughout the
2015-2016 school year. Since kindergarten students
were not administered the DRA at the beginning of
the 2015-2016 year, only end of year scores were
3.1.1 Group Differences using an
Independent Samples T-Test
An independent samples t-test examining group
differences in DRA end of year scores between the
experimental group and the control group was
conducted (see Figure 1). Analysis of end of year
scores revealed a significant difference between
groups, t(1, 1030) = -2.37, p < .05, due to higher end
of year scores made by experimental students (M =
5.99) than by control students (M = 4.39). Effect size
(d = 0.45).
Figure 1: Kindergarten DRA end of year scores.
3.1.2 Group Differences using Two-Way
Further analysis was conducted to examine the effects
of gender and subsidized lunch on end of year DRA
scores. Two separate two-way ANOVAs were
conducted to examine the effect of Waterford
curriculum and demographics on DRA end of year
scores (see Figure 2).
3.1.3 Gender
There was no significant interaction between the
effects of gender and Waterford curriculum on DRA
end of year scores, F(1, 1028) = 1.26, p = .261.
Simple effects analysis showed that for males,
students in the experimental group significantly
outperformed students in the control group. Females’
end of year scores in the experimental group were
slightly higher than in the control group, but the
difference was not significant.
3.1.4 Socioeconomic Status
There was no significant interaction between the
effects of subsidized lunch and Waterford curriculum
on DRA end of year scores, F(2, 1026) = 0.68, p =
.505. Simple effects analysis showed that for students
with reduced lunch, end of year scores in
Effects of Personalized Learning on Kindergarten and First Grade Students’ Early Literacy Skills
experimental group were higher than in the control
group, approaching significance. Students in the
experimental group with free lunch and paid lunch
scored slightly higher than the control group, but the
difference was not significant.
Figure 2: Kindergarten DRA end of year scores by
3.2 First Grade
The experimental group for first grade (n = 1,064)
included students that used Waterford curriculum for
greater than or equal to 1000 minutes throughout the
2015-2016 school year. The control group (n = 52)
included students that used Waterford curriculum for
less than or equal to 500 minutes throughout the
2015-2016 school year.
3.2.1 Group Differences using an
Independent Samples T-Test
An independent samples t-test examining group
differences in DRA gain scores between the
experimental group and the control group was
conducted (see Figure 3). Analysis of gain scores
from DRA beginning of year scores to DRA end of
year scores revealed a significant difference, t(1,
1114) = -2.07, p < .05, between the experimental
students (M = 12.07) and the control students (M =
10.90). Effect size (d = 0.29).
Figure 3: First grade DRA gain scores.
3.2.2 Group Differences using Two-Way
Further analysis was conducted to examine the effects
of gender and subsidized lunch on DRA gain scores.
Two separate two-way ANOVAs were conducted to
examine the effect of Waterford curriculum and
demographics on DRA gain scores (see Figure 4).
3.2.3 Gender
There was no significant interaction between the
effects of gender and Waterford curriculum on DRA
gain scores, F(1, 1112) = 0.91, p = .340. Simple
effects analysis showed that for males, students in the
experimental group significantly outperformed
students in the control group. Females’ gain scores in
the experimental group were slightly higher than in
the control group, but the difference was not
3.2.4 Socioeconomic Status
There was no significant interaction between the
effects of subsidized lunch and Waterford curriculum
on DRA gain scores, F(2, 1110) = 0.52, p = .594.
Simple effects analysis showed that for free lunch,
students in the experimental group significantly
outperformed students in the control group. Students
in the experimental group with reduced lunch and
paid lunch had gain scores slightly higher than the
control group, but the difference was not significant.
CSEDU 2017 - 9th International Conference on Computer Supported Education
Figure 4: First grade DRA gain scores by demographics.
3.2.5 Group Differences using an ANCOVA
An ANCOVA examining group differences in DRA
end of year scores while covarying for DRA
beginning of year scores was conducted (see Figure
5). Analysis of DRA end of year scores, while
covarying for DRA beginning of year scores,
revealed a significant difference between groups, F(1,
1113) = 9.14, p < .01, due to higher end of year scores
made by experimental students (M = 18.54) than by
control students (M = 16.87). Effect size (d = 0.18).
Figure 5: First grade DRA end of year scores.
3.2.6 Group Differences by Demographics
using ANCOVAs
Further analysis was conducted to examine the effects
of gender and subsidized lunch on DRA end of year
scores, covarying for DRA beginning of year scores.
Two separate two-way ANCOVAs were conducted to
examine the effect of Waterford curriculum and
demographics on DRA end of year scores, covarying
for beginning of year DRA scores (see Figure 6).
3.2.7 Gender
There was no significant interaction between the
effects of gender and Waterford curriculum on DRA
end of year scores, covarying for DRA beginning of
year scores, F(1, 1111) = 1.15, p = .284. Simple
effects analysis showed that for males, students in the
experimental group significantly outperformed
students in the control group. Females’ end of year
scores in the experimental group were slightly higher
than in the control group, but the difference was not
3.2.8 Socioeconomic Status
There was no significant interaction between the
effects of subsidized lunch and Waterford curriculum
on DRA end of year scores, covarying for DRA
beginning of year scores, F(2, 1109) = 0.45, p = .639.
Simple effects analysis showed that for free lunch,
students in the experimental group significantly
Figure 6: First grade DRA end of year scores by
Female Male Free Reduced Paid
Gender Lunch
Experimental Control
Effects of Personalized Learning on Kindergarten and First Grade Students’ Early Literacy Skills
outperformed students in the control group. Students
in the experimental group with reduced lunch and
paid lunch had end of year scores slightly higher than
the control group, but the difference was not
According to ESSA, schools need to be continually
improving aspects of the education they provide for
their students, specifically through improving
curriculum for students of all demographics (Darling-
Hammond et al., 2016). The achievement gap in
literacy skills of students entering school needs to be
accounted for, or students are bound on a track to
dropping out of high school (Hernandez, 2011). One
solution to the achievement gap is adding computer-
assisted instruction technology into the classroom.
CAI technology in the classroom was found in this
study to allow children to learn at their own pace, as
found in other studies (Flewitt et al. 2014 Vernadakis
et al., 2005). In both kindergarten and first grade,
students in the experimental groups significantly
outperformed students in the control groups.
Moreover, across demographics, students in the
experimental groups scored consistently higher than
the students in the control groups.
This study also supports previous findings that
early literacy skills are improved when technology is
integrated into an existing elementary school
curriculum (Shamir et al., 2011). In the current study,
the hypothesis was supported, that students with high
usage of Waterford curriculum will have higher
literacy test scores than their control counterparts. If
the expected usage had been met by all students, the
literacy test scores of the students could have been
even greater. Additionally, this study involved only
one elementary school district, so further research can
incorporate a more diverse population to increase
generalizability of the results. Overall, these findings
indicate that computer-assisted instruction improves
literacy test scores and literacy skills when combined
with in-class curriculum.
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Effects of Personalized Learning on Kindergarten and First Grade Students’ Early Literacy Skills