A Web- and Cloud- based Service for the Clinical Use of a CAD
(Computer Aided Detection) System
Automated Detection of Lung Nodules in Thoracic CTs (Computed Tomographies)
M. E. Fantacci
, A. Traverso
, S. Bagnasco
, C. Bracco
, D. Campanella
, G. Chiara
Lopez Torres
, A. Manca
, D. Regge
, M. Saletta
, M. Stasi
, S. Vallero
, L. Vassallo
and P. Cerello
Department of Physics, University of Pisa, Largo Pontecorvo 3, Pisa, Italy
INFN, Sezione di Pisa, Pisa, Italy
Department of Applied Science and Technology, Polytechnic University of Turin, Turin, Italy
INFN, Sezione di Torino, Turin, Italy
Medical Physics Unit, Candiolo Cancer Institute - FPO, IRCCS, Candiolo, Italy
Radiology Unit, Candiolo Cancer Institute - FPO, IRCCS, Candiolo, Italy
CEADEN, Havana, Cuba
Keywords: Web Service, Cloud Computing, Computer Aided Detection, Lung Nodules.
Abstract: M5L, a Web-based Computer-Aided Detection (CAD) system to automatically detect lung nodules in
thoracic Computed Tomographies, is based on a multi-thread analysis by independent subsystems and the
combination of their results. The validation on 1043 scans of 3 independent data-sets showed consistency
across data-sets, with a sensitivity of about 80% in the 4-8 range of False Positives per scan, despite varying
acquisition and reconstruction parameters and annotation criteria. To make M5L CAD available to users
without hardware or software new installations and configuration, a Software as a Service (SaaS) approach
was adopted. A web front-end handles the work (image upload, results notification and direct on-line
annotation by radiologists) and the communication with the OpenNebula-based cloud infrastructure, that
allocates virtual computing and storage resources. The exams uploaded through the web interface are
anonymised and analysis is performed in an isolated and independent cloud environment. The average
processing time for case is about 20 minutes and up to 14 cases can be processed in parallel. Preliminary
results on the on-going clinical validation shows that the M5L CAD adds 20% more nodules originally
overlooked by radiologists, allowing a remarkable increase of the overall detection sensitivity.
Lung Cancer is one of the main health issues in
developed countries, accounting for about 20% and
28% of cancer-related deaths in Europe (Malvezzi,
2015) and the United States of America (Society,
2015), respectively, with a five-year survival rate of
only 10-17% (Society, 2015). Computed
Tomography (CT) has been shown to be the most
sensitive imaging modality for the detection of small
pulmonary nodules, which constitutes the first
radiological sign of this pathology. Low dose high
resolution CT-based screening trials are regarded as
a promising technique for detecting early-stage lung
cancers (National Lung Screening Trial, 2011;
Moyer, 2014). However, the identification of early
stage pathological Regions of Interest (ROIs) in low-
dose high-resolution CT scans is a difficult and time
consuming task for radiologists, because of the large
number (300/500) of noisy 2D slices to be analysed.
In order to support radiologists, researchers have
developed CAD algorithms to be applied to CT
scans. Several studies (Das, 2006; Brochu, 2007;
Matsumoto, 2008) reported an improvement in the
sensitivity of radiologists when assisted by CAD
systems, which also act as detection rates equalisers
between observers of different level of experience
(Brown, 2005). The most common approach to make
Fantacci M., Traverso A., Bagnasco S., Bracco C., Campanella D., Chiara G., Torres E., Manca A., Regge D., Saletta M., Stasi M., Vallero S., Vassallo L. and Cerello P.
A Web- and Cloud- based Service for the Clinical Use of a CAD (Computer Aided Detection) System - Automated Detection of Lung Nodules in Thoracic CTs (Computed Tomographies).
DOI: 10.5220/0006245402020209
In Proceedings of the 10th International Joint Conference on Biomedical Engineering Systems and Technologies (BIOSTEC 2017), pages 202-209
ISBN: 978-989-758-214-1
2017 by SCITEPRESS Science and Technology Publications, Lda. All rights reserved
CAD algorithms available in the clinical routine is
the deployment of standalone workstations, usually
equipped with a vendor-dependent Graphic User
Interface (GUI), which presents several drawbacks:
the high fixed cost of software licenses, a dedicated
hardware, their rapid obsolescence. Furthermore, the
computational needs of CAD algorithms, depending
on their complexity, often require powerful and
expensive hardware. The diffusion of Cloud
Computing solutions, accessible via secure Web
protocols, solves almost all the previous issues. In
addition, the SaaS approach provides the possibility
of combining several CADs, with demonstrated
benefits to the overall performance (van Ginneken,
2010). This paper presents the M5L on-demand
CAD system: Section 2 summaries the main features
of the algorithms and the results of their validation,
describes the functional blocks of the M5L on-
demand service (the web front-end and the cloud
back-end) and discusses the methodology that was
adopted to perform stress test on the developed
system and the on-going clinical validation; Section
3 discusses the results of the stress test and the
preliminary results of the clinical validation; Section
4 draws some conclusions and analyses possible
further developments.
2.1 The M5L CAD System
M5L is the combination of two independent CAD
sub-systems: the Channeler Ant Model (lungCAM)
and the Voxel-Based Neural Approach (VBNA).
These two algorithms have a common starting point,
which is the parenchymal volume, obtained with a
3D region growing segmentation algorithm, that also
excludes the trachea and separates the two lungs (De
Nunzio, 2011).
2.1.1 The LungCAM CAD
This algorithm is based on the reproduction of the
life-cycle of colonies of virtual ants (Cerello, 2008),
released from an anthill with the capability to move
along the 3D space determined by the lung volume
in the CT. The motion is accompanied by the release
of pheromone traces along the ant path. The CT
voxel intensity is interpreted as the amount of food
available to the ants and is progressively reduced by
the ant feeding. The evolution of the colony is
determined by a set of rules, which define how ants
move, the released amount of pheromone and the
cycles of reproduction and death. The algorithm
ends when all the ants in the colony have died. The
output of this stage is a pheromone map, a collection
of segmented objects, which are classified by means
of a feed-forward artificial neural network with 13
input features, which take into account both
geometrical (as for example radius, sphericity,
skewness, kurtosis) and intensity (as for example
average, standard deviation and entropy inside and
outside the mask, maximum) characteristics of the
segmented objects, as described in detail in (Lopez
Torres, 2015). The lungCAM algorithm detects both
pleural and internal nodules.
2.1.2 The VBNA CAD
This algorithm makes use of two different
procedures to detect nodules inside the lung
parenchyma (CADI) (Li, 2003; Retico, 2008) and
nodules attached to the pleura (CADJP) (Retico,
2009). The former method models nodules as
spheres with a Gaussian profile, where the centre of
the sphere is chosen to be corresponding to a local
maximum in the voxel intensity. The CADJP
method builds normals to the pleura surface and
each voxel gets a score depending on the number of
normals crossing it. Before combining the CADI and
CADJP results, nodule candidates are classified by a
Support Vector Machine (SVM) using more than
100 voxel-based input features for each voxel (the
intensity values of its 3D neighbors, in particular the
5 x 5 x 5 intensity values, and the eigenvalues of the
gradient matrix and of the Hessian matrix). At the
end of the procedure, each ROI is assigned a degree
of suspicion averaging the score of all the voxels
belonging to it (Camarlinghi, 2012).
2.1.3 M5L Results
The M5L results, obtained combining lungCAM and
VBNA have been evaluated in terms of FROC (Free
Response Receiver Operating) curves, as described
in (Lopez Torres, 2015). The measured M5L
sensitivity, evaluated on several input data-sets,
including both the ANODE09 dataset (van
Ginneken, 2010) and the full LIDC/IDRI database
(Armato, 2011), reaches 80% at 4-8 FP/scan, which,
given the size (more than 1000 scans) and
heterogeneity of the data-sets, is satisfactory.
2.2 The M5L on Demand System
In order to make M5L easily available to
radiologists without any additional hardware or
software requirement, a Web-based interface has
A Web- and Cloud- based Service for the Clinical Use of a CAD (Computer Aided Detection) System - Automated Detection of Lung
Nodules in Thoracic CTs (Computed Tomographies)
been designed and implemented. Furthermore, in
order to efficiently exploit computational resources,
a Cloud-computing facility was setup. The M5L on-
demand system is then composed by the following
modules: the Web front-end, designed to provide
radiologists with the functionality to exchange
imaging studies and compare diagnoses on the same
studies, handles the CT submission, the on-line
insertion of the medical review and the access to
CAD results; the Cloud Computing back-end,
conceived to optimize the access to the available
computing resources (i.e. virtual machines)
according to the user requests, handles the
algorithms execution. A similar concept was also
recently proposed as possible future development
(Goo, 2015).
2.2.1 The Web Front-end
The M5L service is available as a web application
accessible with any browser from desktop and
mobile devices. With proper credentials, users can
access the service and upload thoracic CT studies in
DICOM format to the remote repository; reviewers
(not necessarily belonging to the same institution)
can insert their findings. The notification system is
based on emails, that alert reviewers when a new
case has to be annotated and when the M5L results
are ready. The entire front-end web interface has
been developed using the DRUPAL free and open
source tool, a content management platform
powering millions of websites and applications
(Coombs, 2009). The DRUPAL’s core is modular,
defining a system of hooks and callbacks which are
accessed internally via Application Programming
Interface (API). This design allows the integration of
third-party contributed modules and themes to
extend and/or override DRUPALs default
behaviours without changing its core code.
DRUPAL easily allows the development of custom
modules in PHP code. In terms of security and data
access, DRUPAL offers the possibility to the site
administrator to define group of users, with different
credentials and this allows, according to user
requests, to protect content access. Two different
modules and the associated user profiles have been
developed, which are briefly described in the
following parts. The submission module is
conceived to be used by a technician operating with
a submitter role, who uploads one or more CT
studies to be analysed and selects one or more
radiologists (not necessarily belonging to the same
institutions) who will review the studies. The
module layout is shown in Figure 1. Users can
submit studies sequentially or asynchronously: an
email will inform them when the M5L analysis and
the review by radiologists are completed. Before
being submitted for computation, all cases are
subject to further validation checks (e.g. image
quality controls) that include a re-anonymisation.
The review module is conceived to be used by a
radiologist. After logging in with reviewer role, a
radiologist can insert the medical annotation of
studies assigned for review during the submission
process. The M5L results are available in different
formats, such as DICOM Structured Report, HTML,
XML and PDF. A custom plug-in for the Osirix
medical imaging viewer (Rosset, 2004) has also
been developed to view CAD marks directly on the
CT scan. The radiologist can operate as first or
second reader. When operating as first reader, the
M5L results are unlocked only after the annotation is
completed and validated. The M5L marks can then
be reviewed ad assessed, with the options to include
them in the annotation, as shown in Figure 2, reject
them as false positive findings or label them as non-
relevant nodules.
Figure 1: Module of the Web interface for the CT
submission to the M5L CAD. Setting the various fields it
is possible to select the exam and the radiologist that will
be asked to review it.
Figure 2: Examples of candidate nodules in the M5L CAD
output and the associated evaluation by the radiologist.
BIOINFORMATICS 2017 - 8th International Conference on Bioinformatics Models, Methods and Algorithms
In order to speed-up the overall double reading time,
an automated matching algorithm compares the
CAD marks with annotated ROIs. The radiologist
can then concentrate only on overlooked findings.
When a radiologist operates as second-reader, the
M5L marks are immediately available.
2.2.2 The Cloud Back-end
One of the issues when running CAD algorithms in
parallel and combining their results is that the
required memory and computing power is large and
not precisely predictable. Furthermore, if the tool is
to be used in potentially massive screening
campaigns, which can be concentrated in a given
period of the year, some flexibility is required in the
allocation of computing resources. In the past,
prototype systems for handling the analysis of
medical images in a distributed environment based
on the use of a GRID infrastructure, used in high-
energy physics, were deployed (Bellotti, 2007).
However, the main issues with Grid Computing are
its rigidity, the complexity of the distributed
structure and the manpower required to manage the
system. This solution does not fit well in the case in
the majority of Medical Physics projects, where a
custom environment must be configured according
to the requirements set by the users. Furthermore,
the management of such infrastructure requires
additional man-power, making the solution not cost-
effective for the hospital. Cloud Computing on the
other hand is a model that enables ubiquitous,
convenient, on-demand network access to a shared
pool of configurable and dynamically accessible
computing resources (e.g., networks, servers,
storage, applications, and services) that can be
rapidly provisioned and released with minimal
management effort or service provider interaction
(Mell, 2011). Resources used by the different cloud
applications are handled in completely separated
environments (sandboxes), so it is impossible for a
user to access the data of another or create damage
elsewhere. Even Cloud administrators cannot access
users resources, once created and properly
configured. These features improve the overall
security, privacy and data preservation. A Cloud
Computing infrastructure can provide functionality
to the users at several levels: basic infrastructure of
network, storage and physical or virtual machines
(Infrastructure As A Service or IaaS); computing
platform with programs and services (Platform as a
Service or PaaS); access to software solutions
(Software As A Service or SaaS). One of the key
Cloud Computing features, as highlighted in (Mell,
2011), is the elasticity of resources allocation, i.e.
the capability to scale (up or down) the resources
according to computing power needs. This point is
even more important in case of a research
Community Cloud, where the users have free access
to resources that are shared between many groups
and projects. The M5L CAD on-demand service is
hosted by the INFN Torino Computing Centre,
which is a Tier-2 of Large Hadron Collider
Computing Grid (Turner, 2006). In order to reduce
the manpower to manage the Tier-2, to support an
increasing number of applications and to offer
computational power to small research projects with
specific needs, a Cloud infrastructure has been
deployed (Bagnasco, 2014). The facility is managed
by OpenNebula, a free and open-source Cloud
Management Platform which allows hardware and
virtual infrastructure control and monitoring, adding
the possibility of virtual machine life-cycle
management (Milojicic, 2011). OpenNebula
orchestrates storage, networking, virtualization,
monitoring, and security technologies to deploy
computing services as virtual machines on
distributed resources. The prototype M5L version
makes use of one physical host as web-server and
several Virtual Machines (VMs) as computational
power. The VMs are deployed in a specific sandbox
(IaaS) within an internal private network and a
virtual router with a public address for the external
access and the communication with the web server
(that has another public IP). Presently, M5L is
allowed to deploy up to 18 VMs, with a total of 48
cores and 100 GB persistent ISCSI (Internet Small
Computer System Interface) storage disk, exported
between all VMs via NFS (Network File System)
and used for temporary storage of input CTs and the
M5L output results. An elastic cluster based on
CernVM Online (Buncic, 2010), a service that can
create clusters with a head node and many workers
based on CernVM OS (CERNVM, 2015), was
configured in order to achieve the capability to scale
resources up or down. VMs can be contextualised
using CernVM Online to define the use of resources,
user settings and automatically install and configure
HTCondor and Elastiq. HTCondor is a specialised
work-load management system (batch system) for
compute-intensive jobs (Tannenbaum, 2001): it
accepts the submission of serial or parallel jobs
(which are placed into a queue and run according to
the selected policy), monitors their progress, and
finally informs the user upon completion. Elastiq
(Berzano, 2014) is a lightweight Python daemon that
allows a cluster of Virtual Machines running a batch
system to scale up and down automatically. When a
A Web- and Cloud- based Service for the Clinical Use of a CAD (Computer Aided Detection) System - Automated Detection of Lung
Nodules in Thoracic CTs (Computed Tomographies)
CT is uploaded to the web service, it is copied to the
head node of the cluster and the M5L CAD
execution is controlled by HTCondor. If some CTs
to be examined are waiting in the HTCondor queue
more than a predefined period of time, new workers
are deployed up to the limit of resources. Conversely
if a worker is idle for more than a predefined period
of time, it is de-allocated. In this way when no exam
is uploaded only a small part of the available
resources is locked, freeing the remaining for other
Cloud users. Users are automatically alerted when
the computations are completed, by means of a
notification system based on e-mails. Since the M5L
CAD is the combination of two independent CAD
subsystems, for each exam two different HTCondor
jobs (one for the VBNA and one for the CAM CAD)
run in parallel. When the analysis is completed for
both CADs, the combination is made. HTCondor is
configured to run a maximum of two jobs at the
same time for each worker node, otherwise it would
assign jobs up to the number of cores of the virtual
machine. This configuration keeps some cores free
to use multi-threading (i.e. to spread a process over
several cores) speeding up the analysis.
2.3 Stress Test Configuration
A stress test was set up to test the performance and
the stability of the system under workloads
comparable with daily clinical practice. Exams are
submitted to M5L in two phases, using a custom
python script: first simulating a peak, then by a
progressive submission from several centres with
different rates. For the first test, in order to simulate
the case in which a node sends all the exams of the
day in one bunch, 100 exams have been submitted to
M5L in less than 10 minutes, filling at once all the
available job slots and leaving some exams in the
HTCondor queue. For the second phase, three
medical centres were configured with different
parameters: a large centre submitting an exam every
10 minutes for a total of 100 exams; a medium
centre submitting an exam every 20 minutes for a
total of 30 exams; a small centre submitting an exam
every 30 minutes for a total of 10 exams. The
numbers of exams for each centre is comparable
with the actual activity of a radiology department in
a hospital of large, medium or small size.
2.4 Clinical Validation
In the literature there are some works aiming at
evaluating the impact of a CAD system on clinical
data (Beyer, 2007; Mang, 2007). These works
confirm the positive contribution of CAD as second
reader. However all the results were obtained using
retrospective studies on relative small databases. In
(Beyer, 2007), for example, the author claims that
possible memory effects could not be neglected. In
addition, the majority of the studies have evaluated
CADs using datasets coming from screening
campaigns. Conversely, lung cancer screening
campaigns do not represent the primary source of
chest CT scans acquired in a hospital. In fact,
clinical studies usually investigate the appearance of
a pulmonary nodule as first sign of an extra-thoracic
metastatic tumour. This diagnostic analysis is
usually performed in oncological patients with an
extra-thoracic cancer. In fact, the early detection of
pulmonary metastases (combined with an adequate
follow-up) can really improve the survival of the
patients (Beattie, 1975). We set up a prospective
observer study aiming at investigating the impact of
the CAD as second-reader in the detection of
pulmonary metastases. The second aim of the study
was to clinically validate the M5L on-demand
system, since we believe that only a direct usage in
clinical practice could give us the possibility to test
all the functionalities of the developed system, and
build new ones if requested by clinicians. Finally,
this observer study has the appeal to collect a dataset
of annotated clinical data to be used for further
clinical investigations. We set up a collaboration
with the Radiology Department of the IRCCS in
Candiolo, Italy. This study was a single-centre cross
sectional study. Each participant underwent chest
CT clinical examinations. Local institution board
approval was obtained to publish the data. Two
different kinds of examinations were used for the
patients in our study: CT with or without contrast
enhancement. Two experienced radiologists (20-35
years of experience) and one young radiologist
(training as resident radiologist, 2 years of
experience) took part in our study. All the
radiologists work in the Radiology Department of
IRCCS Candiolo. Each exam is submitted to the
M5L front-end as soon as acquired, anonymized and
stored in the hospital PACS. To make the procedure
faster we allowed the submission of bunches of 10
cases in each upload. As soon as submitted, the three
radiologists receive an e-mail with the direct link to
annotate the case. Consistent with the second-reader
protocol CAD results become available to
radiologists only when the first unassisted reading
has been completed and validated. Then, the
radiologists receive the link to access and review
CAD results. To speed up the second reading, CAD
marks are automatically compared by our system to
BIOINFORMATICS 2017 - 8th International Conference on Bioinformatics Models, Methods and Algorithms
the pathological ROIs in each annotation. A
matching algorithm associates two findings when
the 3D Euclidean distance between them is smaller
than the mean diameter. In this case, the CAD
finding takes the same properties (e.g. malignancy
score) of the corresponding annotated finding. Using
again the web-form, the radiologist can mark a
finding as: False Positive, Irrelevant or True
Positive. In the irrelevant findings are included the
definition in (van Ginneken, 2010) and all the
nodules smaller than 3 mm in diameters. Building a
robust reference standard is fundamental when
evaluating CAD performances (Armato, 2009). We
defined a reference standard composed by all the
nodules with a diameter larger than 3 mm and with a
malignancy score equal to or larger than 2
(Indeterminate). The malignancy score, marked by
the radiologist, is defined according to (Armato,
2011): subjective assessment of the likelihood of
malignancy, assuming that the scan originated from
a 60-year-old male smoker. The score goes from 0
(Highly Unlikely to be malignant) to 4 (Highly
suspicious to be malignant). To build a reference
standard, all the nodules have been evaluated again
by a pool of two resident radiologists with about 10
years of experience, using the Osirix plugin (Section
2.2.1). They, once received the list of findings, could
select a finding and scroll the images of the
corresponding study. Additional measurement tools
were available to assess and verify the findings size.
The reading protocol was forced consensus.
3.1 Stress Test Results
After the stress test completion, a total of 240 exams
were successfully analysed by M5L. On average,
each exam, with about 280 slices, was processed in
about 19 minutes, corresponding to the
computational time of the slower algorithm (usually
lungCAM) plus the time required for the
combination, which is negligible. Figures 3 and 4
show a plot of the number of submitted, running and
completed jobs during the first and second phase of
the stress test, respectively. In the first part, the M5L
CAD processed the submission of a bunch of 100
exams in about 4 hours, while during the second part
the completion rate closely matched the submission
rate. The gap between the start of the submissions
and the peak in the number of jobs being processed,
observed in both figures, corresponds to the waiting
time for the re-allocation of computational resources
temporarily being used by other applications. Since
the M5L CAD cluster is hosted, together with other
applications, by a research infrastructure which is
elastic in the management of resources, it may
happen that all the resources are already allocated to
other applications at the beginning of the
submission. In these cases, the resources are
progressively released and used to deploy M5L
worker nodes. In this transition period the number of
analysed exams is limited, but as soon as the full
M5L computational power is accessed the
completion rate is constant and consistent. Even so,
in both cases the system reacted to the workload as
expected and the results are fully in line with the
needs for a practical clinical use of the M5L CAD.
More intensive testing with a greater number of
cases is planned, so as to estimate the required
infrastructure size as function of the load.
Figure 3: Distribution of jobs and completion time during
the first phase of the stress-test: 100 exams submitted at
once caption has more than one line so it has to be set to
Figure 4: Distribution of jobs and completion time during
the second phase of the stress-test: 140 exams with a slow
and steady submission rate.
3.2 Clinical Validation Preliminary
The reference standard can be divided, according to
the level of agreement, in nodules annotated by at
least 1 out of 3 radiologists;
nodules annotated by at
least 2 out of 3 radiologists;
nodules annotated by 3
out of 3 radiologists.
For each category it is possible
to compute the standalone
CAD sensitivity, which is
defined as Sensitivity =
where FN is
the number of False Negatives (i.e. the
missed by the CAD) and TP are the nodules
of the
CAD matched with an annotated nodule.
quantity measures the performances of our system
with respect to the reference standard. Table 1
to the preliminary results obtained on 70 scans. The
A Web- and Cloud- based Service for the Clinical Use of a CAD (Computer Aided Detection) System - Automated Detection of Lung
Nodules in Thoracic CTs (Computed Tomographies)
first row is the number of nodules inserted in the
reference standard. The first three columns
respectively to the annotations of each
radiologist. The last column refers to the list of the
nodules obtained when considering the nodules in
the reference standard
annotated by at least three
radiologists. The second row is the number of false
positives computed as the fraction between all the
CAD findings marked
as False Positives and the
total number of scans (70). The third row is the
number of CAD False Negatives (FN).
Table 1: Preliminary results on 70 scans. The first three
columns refer to the nodules in the reference standard
annotated by each of the radiologists. The last column
refers to all the nodules in the reference standard
annotated by at least three RADs.
R0 R1 R2 R0 & R1 &
35 38 21 17
FP/scan 3.25 4.02 3.4 3.6
FN CAD 4 6 2 2
CAD sens 90% 86% 90% 89%
CAD findings marked as True Positive and not
originally included in the unassisted annotations
represent nodules overlooked by the radiologists and
added by the CAD. They should then be included in
the reference standard, which is finally formed by all
the nodules annotated by the radiologist, plus the
true positives added by the CAD. Table 2 shows the
preliminary results on 70 cases. The third column is
the number of nodules overlooked by each
radiologist, together with the relative percentage
increase. The last column is the sensitivity of the
radiologist plus our CAD, considered together as an
only reader.
The M5L CAD was developed for the automated
detection of pulmonary nodule in chest CT scans; its
performance has been already extensively validated
on 1043 CT scans (Lopez Torres, 2015). In order to
simplify the access to the M5L CAD (or any other,
in principle) across a widespread users community, a
dedicated infrastructure based on a Web front-end
interface and a Cloud Computing back-end has been
designed, implemented and operated. On average
each exam can be processed in about 19 minutes.
The proposed approach solves the issue of making
CAD functionality available to users without
requiring any software installation or dedicated
hardware and, if properly scaled, provides the
necessary amount of computational power for a
large scale service. The system allows to use the
CAD both as concurrent reader and second-reader
mode. In this last scenario, the second reading time
is sensitively decreased with an automated matching
algorithm comparing annotated nodules with CAD
marks: this automated procedure allows radiologists
to save time and focus on overlooked findings.
Preliminary results on the ongoing clinical
validation show that the M5L CAD adds about a
20% of the nodules originally overlooked by the
radiologists, producing a remarkable increase of the
overall (RAD+CAD) sensitivity. We are planning to
finalize these results on a database of 220 scans and
to perform additional large scale stress tests,
together with expanding the network of our users.
Table 2: Results of the second reading on 70 scans. The
first three columns refer to the nodules in the reference
standard annotated by each radiologist, plus CAD TPs
originally overlooked by the radiologists.
R0 &
R1 &
R2 &
R0 &
R1 &
R2 &
38 41 40 36
FP/scan 3.25 4.02 3.4 3.6
FN CAD 4 6 2 2
TP added
by CAD
(incr %)
Sensitivity 91% 87% 95% 95%
The authors thank the technical staff of the INFN
Computer Centre in Torino, for their contribution in
keeping the infrastructure functional at all times.
Armato, S. G., Roberts, R. Y., Kocherginsky, M., et al.
(2009). Assessment of radiologist performance in the
detection of lung nodules: dependence on the
definition of truth. Academic radiology, 16(1):28–38.
Armato III, S. et al. (2011). The lung image database
consortium (LIDC) and image database resource
initiative (IDRI): a completed reference database of
lung nodules on CT scans. Medical Physics,
BIOINFORMATICS 2017 - 8th International Conference on Bioinformatics Models, Methods and Algorithms
Bagnasco, S., Berzano, D., Brunetti, R., et al. (2014).
Integrating multiple computing needs via a private
cloud infrastructure. Journal of Physics: Conference
Series, 513(032100).
Beattie, E. J., Martini, N., Rosen, G., et al. (1975). The
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A Web- and Cloud- based Service for the Clinical Use of a CAD (Computer Aided Detection) System - Automated Detection of Lung
Nodules in Thoracic CTs (Computed Tomographies)