To introduce the sequential information several
methods are proposed.
Temporal parameters construction (TP)
(Schaidnagel et al., 2014). For every frame, a
“segment” is considered using the closest
neighbour frames. And for every parameter, a
new parameter is constructed: the interquartile
range in the segment. In this way, up to 36
parameters (a vector in
) are now
identifying a frame, 18 of them including
some kind of sequence information. A 10
frame segment is proposed in this study.
Sliding windows (SW) (Aggarwal, 2007). A
short window (e.g. with 5 frames), centred in
each frame, is considered. Now the parameters
featuring each frame (e.g. 5 parameters) are
those corresponding to all the frames under
the window. In the example, each frame is
featured using 5x5 parameters (a vector in
Recursive sliding windows (RSW) (Dietterich,
2002). It is a method similar to the previous
one, but now the classifier considers not only
the parameters of the frame under the window,
but also their classification results.
Hidden Markov Models (HMM) (Rabiner,
1989). It is a genuine sequential classifier. The
sequence of frame parameters is considered to
be obtained as the result of an HMM made up
of hidden states emitting observed data. This
is the classifier recommended in the MPEG-7
Autoregressive integrated moving average
models (ARIMA) (Box et al., 2011). It is also
a genuine sequential classifier. The sequence
of frame parameters is considered the result of
an ARIMA time series. For a certain sound,
the coefficients of the time series are
computed and, in a second step, these
coefficients are classified using non-sequential
Most of this sequential classifier (all except the
HMM) are relying on an underlying non-sequential
classifier. A broad and representative selection of
them has been used through this paper:
Minimum distance (Wacker and Landgrebe,
Maximum likelihood (Le Cam, 1979);
Decision trees (Rokach et al., 2008);
k-nearest neighbour (Cover and Hart, 1967);
Support vector machine (SVM) (Cristianini
and Shawe-Taylor, 2000);
Logistic regression (Dobson and Barnett,
Neural networks (Du and Swamy, 2013);
Discriminant function (Härdle and Simar,
Bayesian classifiers (Hastie et al., 2005).
Sequential classifiers significantly increases the
number of parameters required. To cope with this
drawback, a reduction on the number of original
MPEG-7 parameters is proposed, considering the 5
most significant features (leading to a vector in
Feature selection procedures are employed to
determine this reduced set.
For comparison reasons, 2 non-sequential
methods are also considered:
Non-sequential classification based on 18
MPEG-7 parameters (NS-18).
Non-sequential classification based on the 5
most relevant MPEG-7 parameters (NS-5).
To compare the results obtained for every
classifier, several metrics for the performance of a
classifier can be defined (Sokolova and Lapalme,
2009), all of them based on the confusion matrix.
The most relevant indicators and their definitions are
the following:
Accuracy: Overall effectiveness of a classifier;
Error rate: Classification error;
Precision: Class agreement of the data labels
with the positive labels given by the classifier;
Sensitivity: Effectiveness of a classifier to
identify positive labels;
Specificity: How effectively a classifier
identifies negative labels.
Additionally, a graphical way to compare
classifiers will be used, representing their
performance in the Receiver Operating
Characteristic (ROC) space (Powers, 2011), where
the True Positive Rate (sensitivitiy) of a classifier is
plotted versus its False Positive Rate (defined as one
minus the specificity).
For testing purposes, sound files provided by the
Zoological Sound Library (Fonozoo, 2016) have
been used, corresponding to 2 species, the epidalea
calamita (natterjack toad) and alytes obstetricans
(common midwife toad), with a total of 63
recordings containing 3 classes of sounds:
Epidalea calamita; mating call (23 records)
Epidalea calamita; release call (10 records)