produced output RNA Z according to the truth table
of LGM (Fig. 6a, c). As for output RNA Z´, LGM1
and LGM2 both, correctly produced the output (Fig.
6b, d). These results were consistent with the
hybridization rate prediction, which stated that the
hybridization reaction rate related to the decision
process of Y in LGM1 only was too slow to produce
output RNA Z promptly. These results demonstrate
the importance of predicting hybridization reaction
rates for the development of LGMs and usefulness
of the present kinetic method.
Our kinetic method to predict the hybridization
reaction rate from nucleotide sequences is general
and its application is not limited to the development
of LGMs of RTRACS. The method can be used to
develop any hybridization-based DNA/RNA system
such as DNA computers, DNA sensors, DNA
nanostructures, and nucleic acid drugs, especially
working in isothermal conditions. The method is
also useful in other areas of biological research, such
as identification of non-coding RNA functions and
understanding their mechanism.
This work was supported by Grant-in-Aid for
Scientific Research on Innovative Areas [23119007]
to A.S. from the Ministry of Education, Culture,
Sports, Science, and Technology, Japan. H.K.
acknowledges support from the Japan Society for the
Promotion of Science through Program for Leading
Graduate Schools (ALPS).
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