amount of electricity used and it has the communi-
cation functionality to allow remote meter reading. In
Japan, along with liberalization of electr ic ity retail sa-
les, the installation of smart meters in each household
is progressing, and it is planned that the installation in
all households will be c ompleted by the end of fiscal
year 2024 (Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry,
). Our proposed method does not require the installa-
tion of new sensors and it can be applied to all house-
holds where smart meters are installed. Furthermore,
because only electric power data is used, the mental
burden of residents is small.
In a conventiona l system that uses o nly power
data, a warnin g is issued if the power consumption
does not increase after the wake-up time or when the
amount of power doe s not change for a long time.
These methods need to set the wake-up time and po-
wer threshold fo r each user. Furthermore, wrong
warnings are issued while residents are out of the
home. Additiona lly, because of the characteristics of
the method, it takes time to detect an anomaly.
There are many conventiona l methods for de-
tecting an anomaly with re spect to measurement data.
A k-nearest neighbor (k-NN) algorithm (Dasarath y,
1990) is one o f the anomaly detection methods that
detects an outlier va lue. Its advantage is that supervi-
sed data is not necessary for anomaly detection. By
applying these to power data, it is possible to detect
the tim e of power usage that is different from d a ily
life as an anomaly; however, this will not work as a
watching system.
In our method, the problems are overcome by defi-
ning features specialized for watching. The routine of
residents’ activities is learned automatically without
setting parameters o n the lifestyles for each re sident
by constructing different power consumption models
for each time zone. Furthermore, when newly obser-
ved da ta deviates from the generate d mode l, a war-
ning of an a nomaly is issued so that it is p ossible to
quickly detect an emergency situation.
In this study, we detect an anomaly for the watching
system when the fluctuation of the power consump-
tion is small and different from usual. As a re sult,
unlike a conventional method, even when the power
consumption is large, when the fluctuation of power
is sm a ll a nd it differs from usual consumption, it is
Figure 1: Flow of the proposed method.
detected as an anomaly. Furthermore, during sleep or
a time zone that the re sid ent often goes out, even when
the fluctuation of power is small, it is not detected as
an a nomaly.
Figure 1 shows the flow of the pro posed met-
hod. Fir st, power consumption d ata obtained from the
smart meter every 30 minutes is used for input. Next,
feature vectors are ge nerated using an index called a
non-ac tivity level. By accumulating this featur e vec-
tor, a c ommon distribution model is created, and the
gaps in the model are calculated for use as an anomaly
score. Finally, the transition of the anomaly score is
displayed for the eld erly per son watching system. De-
tails of e ach feature are described b elow.
2.1 Features for Anomaly Detection
To d etect an anomaly in the elderly, an index that in-
creases as the fluctuation of power decreases is neces-
sary. As an index that inc reases as the fluctuation of
power decreases, the reciprocal of the absolute value
of the power change can be considered:
− c
where c
represents the power consumption observed
at time t. When there is no power change, the value of
diverges to infinity. Therefore, when v
is used as
an index for watching, it can be detected only when
the power change is close to zero. Even if it is an ano-
maly, however, a minute change occurs in the electri-
cal power. A dditionally, in this case, it is necessary to
perform anomaly detection appropriately.
Therefore, in this study, we define the non-activity
level N
1 + exp(− av