ploration. This can be explained by the fact that the
scenario is already relatively efficient. Nevertheless,
this remains an interesting result because the system
has learned to produce behavior that is almost as ef-
fective as an ad hoc scenario.
The evolution of technologies now enables to con-
sider that artificial systems will face more and more
complex and dynamic environments where they must
perform more and more various tasks. As the variety
of environments and tasks is increasing, these systems
need to constantly adapt their behavior to maintain the
adequacy of their interactions with their environment.
This requirement to constantly learn from the inter-
action with the environment will be a key component
of Ambient Systems, notably because of their socio-
technological aspect. Indeed, the notion of task in
Ambient Systems is ambiguous and depends of its
users, which makes them interact with human users.
The incapacity to specify a priori all the interactions
that can occur in these systems, combined with the
high dynamics of those types of environment impedes
an ad hoc design. On the contrary, these artificial sys-
tems have to constantly learn, through their own ex-
periences, to interact with their environment.
In this paper, we present our use of the SACL pat-
tern to design artificial systems with Lifelong Learn-
ing capacities. It proposes to design artificial sys-
tems in which a model is dynamically built by ex-
perience. This model is both exploited and enriched
by the mechanism that uses the model to decide of its
This experiment illustrates how a model can be both
built and exploited in real-time. The simulation we
performed also shows that our approach is suitable
for both supervised and reinforcement learning ap-
The work introduced in this paper is currently being
deployed in the neOCampus initiative which intends
to transform the University of Toulouse into a smart
living lab. This deployment will allow real use-cases
applications and comparative analysis to evaluate the
benefits of our approach.
This work is partially funded by the Midi-
Pyrenees region, within the neOCampus initiative
(www.irit.fr/neocampus/) and supported by the Uni-
versity of Toulouse.
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Lifelong Machine Learning with Adaptive Multi-Agent Systems