where power producer players and aggregator play-
ers participate, power producers make their decisions
based on electricity sale prices, advertising invest-
ments, and plans for power-generation facilities. Sale
prices are adjusted based on imbalance settlement in
supply and demand with electricity distribution oper-
On the other hand, we can expect that mar-
keters, brokers, local public organisations, and non-
profit groups which organise electric needs of con-
sumers in order to provide energy management ser-
vices effectively will participate in electricity mar-
kets. They play their roles as aggregators which serve
as a bridge between retail players and general house-
holds/operators. Aggregators are expected to provide
a wide variety of services based on advanced energy
management systems by using smart meters, while
developingdemand responses and negawatt
This might allow aggregators to dominate market cir-
culation in a two-sided market, and to have the power
to determine not only the price, but also to profit allo-
cation. This possibility brings the same structure as IT
markets including music distribution and smartphone
app markets, where fierce competition for dominating
markets can be caused. Therefore, it is extremely im-
portant to study on market system design which can
promote development of renewable energy and sound
market competition.
The proposed agent-based gaming model is based
on the government plan of energy market reform in
Japan(NRE, 2015).In this gaming model, the actual
participants participate in the game playing the roles
of power producers, electricity retailers, and aggrega-
tors. In addition, computer agents also participate in
the market autonomously as a number of consumer
agents. The government agents conduct imbalance
settlement based on the predetermined market rules.
Based on this gaming model, the game participants
can experience the complexity of this market and they
can design a market system while verifying the effec-
tiveness of the system designed. Our ultimate goal is
to verifywhether real-time characteristics are satisfied
by conducting simulation based on the actual climate
data in order to develop further verification.
4.1 Model Outline
According to the ODD protocol, the section be-
low describes the outline of the model. The ODD
(Overview, Design concepts, and Details) proto-
col was proposed to standardise the published de-
scriptions of individual-based and ABMs(Grimm,
Negawatt power is a theoretical unit of power repre-
senting an amount of energy (measured in watts) saved.
2005). The primary objectives of ODD are to make
model descriptions more understandable and com-
plete, thereby making ABMs less subject to criticism
for being irreproducible.
In this model, ’Entities’ are electricity suppliers,
aggregators, the government, and consumers. ’State
variables’ are defined as follows:
• Electricity suppliers
Sale prices, discount rates for major clients, in-
vestments (advertising, thermal, nuclear, and re-
newable energy), costs (thermal, nuclear, and re-
newable energy), carbon generation rates (ther-
mal, nuclear, and renewable energy), power gen-
eration amounts (thermal, nuclear, and renewable
energy), operator attractiveness, carbon gas gen-
erated, and rate of power failure occurrences
• Aggregators
Sale prices, advertising investment, the number
of operators that purchase electricity, and energy
proportions (thermal, nuclear, and renewable en-
• Government
Imbalance prices, business tax rates, carbon tax
rates, and renewable energy investments
• Consumers
Norm effect parameters, information effect pa-
rameters, network generation parameters, and the
number of consumers
’Process overview and scheduling’ are as below.
Suppliers generate power, and sell it to consumers and
aggregators. While taking into account the environ-
ment of consumers and their intentions toward prices,
suppliers determine the power generation proportions
of thermal power generation, nuclear power gener-
ation, and renewable energy, electricity prices (dis-
counts for general/major clients), and advertising in-
vestments in order to maximise their own profits. In-
crease in the proportion of renewableenergy increases
the power failure probability, resulting in paying the
imbalance cost. Additionally, their own competitive-
ness declines in proportion to the power failure prob-
Aggregators purchase electricity with discounts
for major clients from suppliers, while re-selling the
electricity to consumers. While taking into account
the environment of consumers and their intentions to-
ward prices, aggregators determine the power gener-
ation proportions of thermal power generation, nu-
clear power generation, and renewable energy, elec-
tricity prices (for general clients), and advertising in-
While considering their own preferences for elec-
tric power and electric power charges, consumers pur-