Deep Learning-based Prediction Method for People Flows and Their
Shigeru Takano
, Maiya Hori
, Takayuki Goto
, Seiichi Uchida
, Ryo Kurazume
and Rin-ichiro Taniguchi
Center for Co-Evolutional Social Systems, Kyushu University,
744, Motooka, Nishi-ku, 819-0395, Fukuoka, Japan
Department of Advanced Information Technology, Graduate School of Information Science
and Electrical Engineering, Kyushu University, 744, Motooka, Nishi-ku, 819-0395, Fukuoka, Japan,,, {uchida, kurazume},
People Tracking, Anomaly Detection, Prediction of People Flow, Deep Learning.
This paper proposes prediction methods for people flows and anomalies in people flows on a university cam-
pus. The proposed methods are based on deep learning frameworks. By predicting the statistics of people
flow conditions on a university campus, it becomes possible to create applications that predict future crowded
places and the time when congestion will disappear. Our prediction methods will be useful for developing
applications for solving problems in cities.
Smooth tra nsportation of people, materials and vehi-
cles enhances the vitality of city life. To service a di-
versified society for future generations, transfer needs
should be supported by provid ing not only conventio-
nal pub lic traffic services but also new transportation
services that can be adapted to city requirements, such
as car- and bicycle- sharing services and autonomou s
car services. As these new transportation service s are
developed, it is essential to construct a personal mob i-
lity support system by combining ser vices appropria-
tely to provide smooth and efficient transportation ad-
justed to personal characteristics and needs.
To understand the characteristics and needs of mo-
vement within a city, it is necessary to first observe
peoples activities using various sensing devices. To
realize a sustainable society, various smart city frame-
works have been proposed (Vilajosana et al., 2013),
(Cheng et al., 2015), (Al Nuaimi et al. , 2015), and de-
monstration experiments are being conducted all over
the world. To achieve a co-evolutional society, the
Center for Co-Evolutional Social Systems at Kyushu
University aims to develop a new urban operating sy-
stem (Fig. 1) that supports efficient, speedy, and se-
amless movement of people and materials, includ ing
energy and inf ormation . As part of this project, we
have developed pole-type sensor nodes that can mea-
sure people’s activity, and we are conducting demon-
stration experiments on our university campus using
these sen sor nodes. It is reasonable to predict that the
activity state for a local person living in a city is the
same as usual. However, it is difficult to optimally
predict the actions of visitors. Furthermore, events
such as conferences, festivals, and accidents will be
associated with some un usual an d difficult to predict
the behaviors of both visitors and locals. Our goal is
to sen se and predict people’s behavior in real time.
This paper proposes prediction methods for pe-
ople flows and an omalies in p eople flows on our cam-
pus. The proposed methods are based on dee p lear-
ning (LeCun et al., 2015). In our people flow pr e -
diction method, we convert people flow data measu-
red by our sensor nodes to statistics for m ovemen t di-
rections per unit time, and learn models that pr e dict
future statistical data from past data. Moreover, we
develop a k-nearest neighbor (k-NN) based anomaly
detection method (Goldstein and Uchida, 2016) for
people flows in real time, where the anom aly d ata are
accumulated over the long-ter m. By usin g the sto-
red people flow and anomaly data, our an omaly pre-
diction method learns a mo del for predicting an ano-
maly value for the next short time period. Predictin g
the statistics for people flow conditions on campus
makes it possible to create applications that predict
the next crowded place and the time when congestion