3.3 Artificial Neural Networks
Artificial neural network (ANN) with a single
hidden layer often outperform time series models in
providing point estimates for exchange rates as
demonstrated in Dunis (2015) Thinyane and Millin
(2011), Nag (2002), and Galeshchuk (2016).
However, the direction of change implied by these
point estimates are often unacceptably inaccurate.
This renders these method less useful as a basis for
formulating monetary policies. This further
motivates us to investigate the ability of deep
networks to predict the direction of change in forex
3.4 Deep Neural Networks
Deep learning techniques originally introduced by
Ivakhnenko (1971) and then Hinton (2002, 2006)
has been successfully applied in a variety of
domains including face detection (Osadchy et al.,
2013), speech recognition (Sukittanon et al., 2004),
object recognition (Schmidhuber, 2005), document
categorization (Hinton and Salakhutdinov, 2006),
and natural language processing (Lee et al., 2009).
Deep learning networks have also been used for time
series predictions (Busseti et al., 2012; Langkvist et
al., 2014) and for financial predictions (Ribeiro and
Noel, 2011; Chao et al. 2011; Yeh et al., 2014; Lai et
al.). Restricted Boltzmann machines and auto-
encoders machines have been used for
dimensionality reduction and unsupervised pre-
training. Applications are discussed in Larochelle et
al. (2009), Masci et al. (2011), and Vincent et al.
Deep convolution networks (DN) are attractive
for high dimensional prediction and classification
problems (LeCun et al 2015). DNs are suitable for
exchange rate prediction for two main reasons: First,
high level features abstracted by the network may
serve as noise filters and dimensionality reduction
techniques may help abstract input features.
Secondly, the temporally-local correlation between
consecutive observations may be exploited to reduce
the number of parameters to be estimated in the
network by connecting only a small number of
adjacent inputs to each unit in a hidden layer.
Our work is motivated by results from
experiments to compare the accuracy of deep
networks with baseline models (ARIMA, ETS, and
ANN) to predict the direction of changes of
exchange rates for EUR/USD, GBP/USD, and
USD/JPY (Galeshchuk and Mukherjee, 2017).
Results demonstrate that trained deep networks
achieve better out-of-sample prediction accuracy
than baseline methods.
Units in a DN receive inputs from small
contiguous receptive fields that collectively cover
the entire set of input features. This allows units to
act as local filters and to exploit local correlation
between contiguous inputs. Units share weights and
bias parameters to create a feature map and this not
only results in a significant reduction in the number
of parameters to be estimated but also facilitates
detection of features irrespectively of their actual
position in the input field. The reduction in the
number of parameters may be very significant as the
number layers in the network and the number of
units in each layer increases.
Recurrent neural networks are an effective class
of neural network designed to handle sequence
dependence. Stacked Long Short-Term Memory
(LSTM) is a type of recurrent neural network used in
deep learning which makes effective use of model
parameters, converges quickly, and outperforms
deep feed forward neural networks. That is why, it is
often used for time-series predictions. Being adapted
for dimensionality reduction and unsupervised pre-
training tasks, LSTMs have been successfully used
for unsupervised extraction of abstract input features
for prediction problems. The approach has also
proved effective in financial predictions.
In this section we describe the data sets to be used in
this study, discuss additional features to be used for
prediction in emerging markets, present baseline
models including shallow neural networks, and
describe our deep convolution networks.
4.1 Data Sets
For developed currency markets, we use the daily
closing rates between three currency pairs: Euro and
US Dollar (EUR/USD), British Pound and US
Dollar (GBP/USD), and US Dollar and Japanese
Yen (USD/JPY) to train and test our models. The
rates may be downloaded from: http://www.global-
view.com/forex-trading-tools/forex-history/. Data
for the years 2000 to 2015 are considered. For
emerging currency markets we use the exchange
rates of EaP countries to US Dollar: AZN/USD,
GEL/USD. For each data set we train models for
daily, monthly, and quarterly predictions.