improved by incorporating pixel info rmation present
in p revious slice and next slice in MRI volume d ata.
The performance of our method is evaluated on 80
patients of BRATS 20 12 training dataset and comp a-
red with other existing segmentation techniques. The
results demonstrate tha t our method outperfor ms the
other brain tumor segmentation algorithm. The per-
formance of the proposed algorithm is also compared
by varying window sizes i. e. voxel with different di-
mensions and it can be conclu ded that best results are
obtained for (3 × 3 × 3) wind ow. In future, segmen-
tation accuracy can be improved by delineating mor e
accurate boundary using T1c MRI volume data which
differentiates tumor boundary with non tumor tissue.
This research work ha s been suppor te d by Visvesva-
raya PhD sche me of Ministry of Electronics & Infor-
mation Technology, Government of India.
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