maximum capacity (O
) of coal q which is
available in supplier i comply with contract
document between supplier and utility, this
limitation could be formulated as:
,, ,ijq iq
∀i ϵ I, j ϵ J, q ϵ Q
2. Every power plant has its typical caloric value
of coal. Delivery of coal could be processed as
if caloric value of coal in supplier comply with
power plant‘s caloric value. The coal which has
caloric value beyond the range could be
processed. This limitation could be formulated
3. The coal q from supplier must be able to fulfil
the demand (D
) every power plant
. This
limitation could be formulated as:
,, ,ijq jq
∀j ϵ J, q ϵ Q
The final step of the simulation is scheduling,
which time of delivery of coal would be determined.
The limitation in scheduling is that power plant j
only could receive of coal from supplier i once a day
(t). This limitation can be formulated as RC
The simulation gave a result that from total 25
existing power plant, there are 24 power plants
should change their supplier due to cost optimizing.
This simulation also gave the optimal amount of
coal that should be procured by power plant, it calls
optimal allocation. Therefore all of power plants
could make a coal procurement plan effectively. The
next step is scheduling. All of the limitations of
allocating and scheduling are conducted by
What’sBest software. The scheduling covers all
information about when supplier must deliver their
coal to power plant, how much coal that must be
delivered to the power plant, when the coal would be
received by power plant considering the ocean
condition and how much coal that available in power
plant inventory as consequence of lead time
variance. The example of scheduling table could be
seen in Table 1.
From Table 1 above could be seen that power
plant “A” would be supplied by supplier “1” as
much as 7,500 ton in September 24
(purple cell)
and would be received by power plant “A” in
September 29
(yellow cell). Safety stock level in
power plant “A” in September 24
is 54,080 ton
(orange cell). This safety stock level would be
maintained in 25 operating days. Lead time is
presented as green and blue cell. Green cell is for
normal condition (weather) while the blue one is for
bad condition (weather).
Total cost (procurement cost and transportation cost)
before simulation and after simulation was
compared to evaluate it significance. Transportation
cost before simulation was not available due to poor
of information. There was no data about the amount
of coal that is delivered by supplier to power plant.
While total cost after simulation is determined by
model. The comparison before and after simulation
could be seen in Table 2.
The Table 2 above informed that after simulation
procurement cost decreased as much as
24,110,173.53 USD per year. In case it is assumed
that amount of coal that is delivered by supplier to
power plant before simulation is equal to after
simulation, then it definitely results that
transportation cost after simulation is less than
before simulation. In other word we could say that
there is a benefit after simulation.
Table 1: The Example of Scheduling.
Total of
Normal* Bad* 24 25 26 27 28 29 30
Level Inventory 51,750 54,080 51,990 57,420 55,350 57,420 58,710 56,640
1 755,550 7,500 Received 0 0 7500 0 0 7500 0
Lead Time 5 6 Order 7500 7500
Level Inventory 47,040 48,652 47,771 50,889 49,008 50,889 50,244 48,363
2 552,151 5,000 Received 5,000 0 0 5,000 0
Lead Time 16 24 Order 5,000 5,000
3 134,632 7,500 Received 0 0 0 0 0
Lead Time 2 2 Order