Local and Global Feature Selection for Prosodic Classification of the
Word’s Uses
Abdenour Hacine-Gharbi
, Philippe Ravier
and François Némo
LMSE Laboratory, University of Bordj Bou Arréridj, Elanasser, 34030 Bordj Bou Arréridj, Algeria
PRISME Laboratory, University of Orleans, 12 rue de Blois, 45067 Orleans, France
Laboratoire Ligérien de Linguistique, University of Orleans, Orleans, France
{philippe.ravier, francois.nemo}@univ-orleans.fr, gharbi07@yahoo.fr
Keywords: Prosodic Classification, Local and Global Prosodic Features, Dimensionality Reduction, Curse of
Dimensionality, Filter Feature Selection, Mutual Information, Classification of Word’s Uses.
Abstract: The aim of this study is to evaluate the ability of local or global prosodic features in achieving a classification
task of word’s uses. The use of French word “oui” in spontaneous discourse can be identified as belonging to
the class “convinced (CV)”or “lack of conviction (NCV)”. Statistics of classical prosodic patterns are
considered for the classification task. Local features are those computed on single phonemes. Global features
are computed on the whole word. The results show that 10 features completely explain the two clusters CV
and NCV carried out by linguistic experts, the features having being selected thanks to the Max-Relevance
Min-Redundancy filter selection strategy. The duration of the phoneme /w/ is found to be highly relevant for
all the investigated classification systems. Local features are predominantly more relevant than global ones.
The system was validated by building classification systems in a speaker dependent mode and in a speaker
independent mode and also by investigating manual phoneme segmentation and automatic phoneme
segmentation. In the most favorable case (speaker dependent mode and manual phoneme segmentation), the
rate reached 87.72%. The classification rate reached 78.57% in the speaker independent mode with automatic
phoneme segmentation which is a system configuration close to an industrial one.
Speech communication is a rich but complex way for
exchanging information from a speaker to a listener.
Indeed, among other modalities, speech brings with
itself the information of intonation or prosody. Many
studies highlighted the significant role of prosody in
syntactic, semantic and pragmatic interpretation
(Kompe, 1997) as well as automatic speech
recognition (Wang, 2001), speaker identifica-tion
(Manganaro et al., 2002), language recognition (Mary
and Yegnanarayana, 2008). More recently, since
prosody can help refining semantics of the messages,
this new information modality has found great
interest for semanticists who started to consider that
the prosodic features could play a key role in the
interpretation and classification of different word’s
uses (Petit, 2009). Prosodic classification can find a
particular interest in oral surveys and opinion polls
industry where prosody delivers information that
written language cannot. The goal is to exploit this
finer information given by key-words in an automatic
way for the processing of the large databases at stake.
In a previous paper (Hacine-Gharbi et al., 2015),
preliminary results were obtained as an attempt to
automatically classify the uses of the French “oui” in
a class label “conviction” (CV) or class label “lack of
conviction” (NCV). To that aim, a small vocal
questionnaire inspired from opinion polls has been
created and allowed to collect 118 occurrences for
both classes of ‘oui’. The classification was
performed by a prosodic feature extraction stage
combined with a feature selection stage with a
“wrapper” strategy. The classifier uses hidden
Markov models (HMM) which inputs are the
prosodic feature vectors. Each vector is composed of
the energy and pitch with the dynamic parameters
delta and delta-delta.
The purpose of this work is (i) to enrich the word
representation by the individual word duration; (ii) to
evaluate how the features are relevant for explaining
the two clusters CV and NCV of the full database
manually carried out by the linguistic experts; (iii) to
investigate the role of local and global prosodic
parameters in the classification process. The
motivation for the inclusion of this new parameter
Hacine-Gharbi, A., Ravier, P. and Nemo, F.
Local and Global Feature Selection for Prosodic Classification of the Word’s Uses.
DOI: 10.5220/0006251407110717
In Proceedings of the 6th International Conference on Pattern Recognition Applications and Methods (ICPRAM 2017), pages 711-717
ISBN: 978-989-758-222-6
2017 by SCITEPRESS – Science and Technology Publications, Lda. All rights reserved
comes from the fact that this parameter can be a good
discriminator for the two considered classes. This
parameter cannot be directly included in a HMM
based classifier which requires a sequence of prosodic
feature vectors describing local behaviors. This
means that the HMM based classifier must be
changed which motivates the point (ii). Words have
then to be represented by a single vector instead of a
sequence of vectors making it possible to introduce
the word duration within the single prosodic feature
vector. We therefore consider statistics of the
prosodic feature vectors. These statistics are the
classical mean and standard deviation computed on
the feature vectors sequence for each component.
However, this can be a sensible strategy only if data
are stationary and this is not the case for single words.
So the idea is to consider the so-called local features
which are computed on the quasi-stationary
phonemes which constitute each word. The word
“oui” can be decomposed in the phonemes /w/ and /i/.
The feature vector is thus the concatenation of the
prosodic feature statistics of both phonemes
augmented by their respective duration.
Moreover, we are also interested to know whether if
the local strategy is relevant. We thus also include the
global features, i.e. the prosodic statistics computed
on the whole word, in order to evaluate the effect of
local vs global prosodic features strategy in the
classification system. The answer to this question can
be obtained by performing a feature selection
procedure which will point out either local or global
features within the most relevant ones. Additionally,
the proposed study makes the feature selection
procedure becoming mandatory because a rather
small database size tends to make the rate of
classification drop with the increasing vector size.
The peaking phenomenon suggests that an optimal
number of features have to be selected depending on
the size of the database and on the selected features
as well. To avoid the well known curse of
dimensionality phenomenon (Jain et al., 2000),
dimensionality reduction is necessary. The reduction
can be achieved thanks to the combination of
“greedy” algorithms useful for the feature selection
and mutual information measure which is a powerful
tool for evaluating the shared information between
The paper is organized as follows: in section 2, the
prosodic classification system of the word “oui” is
proposed and the construction of the statistical
prosodic features vector is detailed. In section 3, the
procedure that selects the relevant features for a
classification task is presented. Section 4 presents
experiments and results in terms of classification rates
and selected features using our database. Section 5
concludes the paper.
2.1 Classification System
In the present work, the prosodic pattern is a vector of
statistical features (mean, standard deviation)
belonging to the class CV or NCV. An appropriate
powerful classifier for binary classification is a
support vector machine (SVM) classifier. Figure 1
presents the outline of our automatic classification
system of prosodic patterns into word’s use.
A SVM based classification system is classically
composed of two distinct phases, the training phase
and the testing phase. The database is therefore split
into a training database and a testing database. Both
phases rely on a prosodic analyzing step which
consists in transforming the temporal signal of word
“oui” into a sequence of prosodic features vectors.
Then, each sequence is transformed into one vector of
statistical features (mean, standard deviation).
First, during the training phase, the system learns
occurrences of the training database: the set of
statistical features of the training corpus is used for
estimating the support vector parameters of the SVM
classifier. The “svmtrain” MATLAB command is
used with the Kernel function fixed as “rbf”
(Gaussian Radial Basis Function kernel). This
command uses an optimization algorithm to find
support vectorss
, weights w
, and bias B that are
used to classify unknown prosodic vector x.
Second, during the testing phase, the set of statistical
features of the training corpus are the input of the
SVM classifier that gives the recognized class using
the decision equation (command “svmclassify”):
where K is the kernel function. If h≥0, then x is
classified as a CV class, otherwise it is classified as
NCV class. The final result is an SVM model that
discriminates the two classes through their statistical
feature vector. The quality of the classification
system is evaluated by a classification rate defined as
, where N is the total number of occurrences
given at the input of the classifier and S is the number
of misclassified occurrences. The description of the
prosodic features is now given in the next section.
ICPRAM 2017 - 6th International Conference on Pattern Recognition Applications and Methods
Figure 1: Automatic prosody based classification system
into word’s use.
2.2 Prosodic Feature Extraction
Typical features that characterize prosody are the
energy (dB) and the pitch F
(Hz). Thanks to
PRAAT software (Boersma and Weenink, 2014),
these parameters are computed every 10 ms on 30 ms
analyzing windows of the temporal speech signal
corresponding to an occurrence of the word “oui”.
A dynamic description of these static parameters
and E is added by computing differential
parameters of first and second order and ∆∆ using
HTK (Hidden Markov Model Toolkit) library (Young
et al., 1999). Thus, each occurrence of the word “oui”
is represented by a sequence of vectors with 6
prosodic components noted as
E, F
. Then the statistical
features (mean and standard deviation) of each of the
six features are estimated from the sequence. The
number of features is therefore 13 when also
considering the duration of the sequence. Now, we
define the sequences for three segments: the two local
phonetic segments of phonemes /w/ and /i/ plus the
global segment of the word “oui”. The concatenation
of the segment vectors produces a statistical prosodic
vector composed of 39 features. This vector describes
each word occurrence and this is the input of the
classification system. The output is the class label CV
or NCV which is known during the training phase and
induced during the testing phase.
However, the construction of such 39 prosodic
statistical features vector basically requires the
detection of the words “oui” as well as the
segmentation of each detected word in the two
phonemes /w/ and /i/. These tasks have been manually
achieved with the help of two software: PRAAT for
the detection of words from spontaneous speech
discourses and Easyalign for the phonetic
segmentation. In this work, 115 words have been
segmented by Easyalign and manually corrected.
These steps of detection and segmentation can be
achieved using HMM segmentation but we have
preferred a manual segmentation for guarantying the
best segmentation. Indeed, the best accuracy of some
measures like duration of the word or phonemes is
also needed as new local and global features in this
study. However, in order to be as near as possible
from a real classification system, we investigated an
automatic segmentation system based on the isolated
words we have constructed. The performance of both
classifications systems will be discussed in section
IV. Note also from fig. 1 that the system mentions a
“prosodic feature selection” stage for the training
phase whereas and a “selected prosodic features”
stage is mentioned for the testing phase. This means
that training is useful for selecting relevant prosodic
features used for the testing phase. The feature
selection procedure may either belong to the
“wrapper” strategy or to the “filter” strategy. With the
“wrapper” strategy, the feature selection is performed
upon a classification performance rate criterion. This
necessitates designing a new classifier each time a
feature vector structure is tested. This is a prohibitive
task when the database is growing or when the
number of candidate vectors subsets to be selected is
very large. Since the application of this work
concerns 39 features giving rise to the peaking
phenomenon and necessitating the feature selection),
we therefore prefer the “filter” strategy that permits
to select the features that best describe the classes.
Indeed, the combinatorial possibilities of candidate
subsets are very huge. The “filter” strategy is only
based on the information given by the feature vector
of each occurrence with its belonging class without
having to consider any classification method as
required for “wrapper” strategy. The feature selection
stage is described in the next section.
Feature selection consists in choosing a subset S
k features {Y
}from a set F of n features
} such that S
keeps most of the
information useful for a classification task. The
quantity of information brought by the subset S
often evaluated thanks to the mutual information (MI)
measure because of its ability of assessing the
nonlinear statistical dependency between variables
(Cover and Thomas, 1991). So the subset S
best describes the classes C (in our cases the class
indexes labeled CV or NCV) is the subset that
maximizes the MI between S
I(C;S). (1)
Local and Global Feature Selection for Prosodic Classification of the Word’s Uses
To circumvent the prohibitive search which becomes
intractable when the size of S grows, “greedy
forward” search strategies can be employed. The
search is an iterative algorithm that proposes at each
iteration j the best feature Y
from the unselected
features set. This new selected feature is then
appended to the already selected subsetS
(Brown et al., 2012):
=arg max
 (2)
Equation (2) can also be expanded in a multivariate
MI of order 3 between C,Y
and S
=arg max
 (3)
The evaluation of I
becomes very
difficult when j grows because this evaluation
requires the estimation of high-dimensional
probability density functions that cannot be precise
enough for fixed database sizes. Most of the
algorithms propose a simplification of (3) following
different strategies like MIM, MIFS, MRMR, CMI,
DISR, CIFE, TMI, ICAP (Brown et al., 2012). In
(Brown et al., 2012), the authors conclude that the
JMI strategy provides a good compromise between
precision, flexibility and stability when the database
is small size. They also point out the MRMR and CMI
strategies that better perform than other ones in terms
of balance between high relevance and small
redundancy. We give below the derivation of (3) for
the three selected strategies (Brown et al., 2012).
MRMR (Max-Relevance Min-Redundancy)
=arg max
JMI (Joint Mutual Information)
=arg max
CMI (Conditional Mutual Information)
=arg max
For JMI and CMI strategies, the term I
actually computed as IY
\C. The
MI I(X;Y) between variables X and Y is expressed as
is the joint distribution of
are the marginal distributions . This
continuous definition can be estimated by
discretization of the I(X;Y) formula applying the
histogram low mean square error estimation as
described in (Hacine-Gharbi et al., 2013).
The three strategies have been used and compared for
the feature selection procedure.
Three experiments are conducted in order (i) to
evaluate the relevance of the type of features, either
local or global; (ii) to know whether a set of selected
features is able to completely explain the two clusters
composed of 64 CV words and 51 NCV words
labeled by the linguistic experts; (iii) to evaluate the
classification rates in real situations where feature
selection and training phase are performed on the split
database. In this last case, the phonetic segmentation
has been achieved either manually by visual
inspection or automatically by modeling the word
‘oui’ into the phonemes /w/ and /i/. Each phoneme is
modeled by a 3 states HMM. Each state is modeled
by a Gaussian mixture model (GMM) with three
Gaussians. The implementation of the system is
carried out using the HTK library (Young et al.,
1999). This task helps identifying the begin and the
end of each phoneme which permits to calculate the
local parameters in the phoneme regions. The
performance of this segmentation is compared to the
performance obtained with a manual segmentation in
terms of precision or classification rate.
4.1 Performance Study using Local and
Global Features
This experiment permits to analyze the pertinence of
local or global prosodic features that should be able
to explain the index variable representing the class
each occurrence belongs to. The same database of 115
occurrences was considered both for the training
phase and the testing phase. The goal in this section
is to evaluate whether the features are pertinent for
explaining the two clusters of CV and NCV words
proposed by the linguistic experts. The performance
study is achieved by independently considering three
sets of features: local features are referred to the
statistical prosodic features for the phoneme /w/
ICPRAM 2017 - 6th International Conference on Pattern Recognition Applications and Methods
Table 1: Performance comparison of global (GF) and local features (LFi and LFw).
LFw 70.44 78.26 79.13 87.82 93.04 92.17 93.91 93.91 96.52 97.39 98.26 98.26 98.26
LFi 60.87 71.30 74.78 81.74 85.22 84.35 86.09 87.83 91.30 87.83 87.83 86.09 89.57
GF 58.26 73.91 73.91 80.87 86.08 88.70 93.04 94.78 95.65 95.65 96.52 95.65 96.52
Table 2: Classification rates obtained with feature selection procedure and the selected feature names at each iteration.
   
MRMR 76.52 80.87 88.70 88.70 93.04 94.78 95.65 98.26 99.13 100 100 100 100
JMI 76.52 80.87 82.61 84.35 80.87 93.91 93.04 93.91 93.91 96.52 96.52 96.52 96.52
CMI 76.52
(LFw) or the phoneme /i/ (LFi) and global features
are referred to the whole word “oui”. The results
expressed in terms of the classification rate are shown
in Table I, in the natural order of the 13 parameters
composed of 6 mean values
and 6 standard
deviation values σ
the duration d of the segment. This table highlights
the pertinence of the local features corresponding to
the first phoneme /w/ since values are always higher
for LFw. The LFi values are less informative for the
classification task since the classification rates are in
average 8% below those obtained for LFw. However,
the 13 available features do not explain 100% of the
class indexes. It is thus necessary to increase the
number of features by concatenating them.
4.2 Feature Selection Results
This part is devoted to the selection of the most
relevant features explaining the classes or clusters CV
and NCV among the 39 local and global features. The
complete database with the 115 occurrences is
employed for the selection. The classification rates
are evaluated on the same database. Results are
reported in table II for the 13 first selected features.
Each reported classification rate mentions the new
selected feature by one of the three tested strategies
(MRMR, JMI or CMI). The features are mean,
standard deviation or duration. Superscript
conventions are adopted for indicating a local or
global feature: the notations
() and () are referred to
a local feature for phonemes /w/ and /i/ respectively;
the notation
is referred to a global feature.
The results in table II show that the 10 first features
selected from 39 by the MRMR strategy can explain
both clusters manually carried out by the linguistic
experts since the classification rate is 100%.
Moreover, the MRMR strategy always gives the best
results comparatively to JMI and CMI. The most
interesting result is the selection of the duration of the
phoneme /w/ as first feature, whatever the strategy. In
addition, the dynamic pitch feature of the second
phoneme is a major feature since always selected as
second one. The pitch is relevant when observed
through its temporal domain variations expressed by
. The results also show that the global duration
parameter is always selected among the 10 first
parameters whatever the strategy. Note an other
important result suggesting that local features are
more relevant than global ones since the 10 first
selected features are predominantly local.
We analyzed in table III the role of the segment
duration features (DF). Classification rates are shown
with single feature and the combinations of two
features from 3, plus the 3 features. The role of
confirmed as first feature. Moreover, the combination
of two duration features also requires
to be
selected. The conclusion is that this parameter is
highly relevant.
Table 3: Classification rates obtained with duration
} {
DF 76.52 64.35 70.43 85.22 80.86 85.22
Local and Global Feature Selection for Prosodic Classification of the Word’s Uses
4.3 Classification Rates in a Real
The classification has been evaluated on dependent
speaker mode and on independent speaker mode. In
the first mode, the experiment evaluates the
classification rates when classically splitting the
database in a training part (58 occurrences, 27 CV and
31 NCV) and a testing part (57 occurrences, 37 CV
and 20 NCV). The occurrences of each speaker were
dispatched into both parts (speaker dependent
system). Two classification systems were built: the
first one investigated a manual phoneme segmenta-
tion achieved by linguistic experts while the second
one investigated automatic phoneme segmentation.
For each system, the classification rates are displayed
in Fig. 2 and Fig. 3 as a function of the number of
selected features, using one strategy among MRMR,
Figure 2: Classification rates with feature selection
achieved on the 58 occurrences with manual segmentation
in speaker dependent mode.
Figure 3: Classification rates with feature selection
achieved on the 58 occurrences with automatic
segmentation in speaker dependent mode.
Both graphs show that the peaking phenomenon
which is due to the relatively too small number of
occurrences for the training phase (58) regarding the
potential total number of features (39). The best
results give a classification rate of 87.72% with 9
features and MRMR strategy in the manual segmenta-
tion case and 84.21% in the automatic segmentation
case with 7 features and CMI strategy, respectively.
The three selection methods gave the same first
selected feature (duration of the /w/ phoneme),
whatever the segmentation procedure. In both cases,
the feature selection process permits to limit the
number of features to be considered for classification.
In the second mode, the experiment evaluates the
classification rates when classically splitting the
database in a training part (59 occurrences, 33 CV and
26 NCV) and a testing part (56 occurrences, 31 CV
and 25 NCV).
In this mode, the speakers participating in the testing
phase have not participated in the training phase. Two
classification systems were similarly built to the
independent case. For each system, the classification
rates are displayed in Fig. 4 and Fig. 5 as a function
of the number of selected features, using one strategy
among MRMR, JMI or CMI.
Figure 4: Classification rates with feature selection
achieved on the 59 occurrences with manual segmentation
in speaker independent mode.
Figure 5: Classification rates with feature selection
achieved on the 59 occurrences with automatic
segmentation in speaker independent mode.
0 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 4
Feature number
Classification rate
0 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40
Feature number
Classification rate
0 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40
Feature number
Classification rate
0 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40
Feature number
Classification rate
ICPRAM 2017 - 6th International Conference on Pattern Recognition Applications and Methods
Like in the dependent mode, the three selection
methods highlight the /w/ phoneme duration as a
relevant feature since all the methods firstly select
this feature. The maximum rate for the manual
segmentation (85.71% with JMI strategy and 8
features) is near from the rate previously achieved in
the dependant mode. As expected, a classification rate
decrease is observed in the independent mode with
automatic segmentation which however remains
acceptable when considering this system close from
an industrial system (maximum of 78.57% whatever
the feature selection method).
Nevertheless, these results remain partial ones since a
real functional system requires a large database which
was not available in our study.
The aim of this study was to evaluate the ability of
local or global prosodic features for explaining the
two clusters carried out by linguistic experts and for
classifying the word’s uses of “oui” in a real context
of spontaneous discourse. The word’s uses were
identified as belonging to the “convinced” or “lack of
conviction” class. The results showed that 10 features
are sufficient to fully explain both clusters CV and
NCV based on the 115 occurrences of a self made
corpus which have been labeled by linguistic experts;
the features having being selected thanks to the
MRMR filter selection strategy. The 10 relevant
selected features by this strategy are local for the most
part. All the results showed that the first relevant
feature was the /w/ phoneme duration. The system
was validated by building classification systems in a
speaker dependent mode and in a speaker
independent mode and by also investigating manual
phoneme segmentation and automatic phoneme
segmentation. In the case of speaker dependent mode
and manual phoneme segmentation, the rate reached
87.72%. The classification rate reached 78.57% in the
speaker independent mode with automatic phoneme
segmentation which is a system configuration close to
an industrial one. These results are partial and
preliminary ones regarding the size of the database.
However, these are promising for industrial
applications like automatic processing of large
database oral opinion polls.
This work is funded by the région Centre Val de
Loire, France. This collaborative work implies four
laboratories of the University of Orléans (LLL,
PRISME/IRAuS, LIFO, MAPMO). All the persons
involved in this project are acknowledged for their
active participation.
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Local and Global Feature Selection for Prosodic Classification of the Word’s Uses