Iris Recognition under Biologically Troublesome Conditions -
Effects of Aging, Diseases and Post-mortem Changes
Mateusz Trokielewicz
, Adam Czajka
and Piotr Maciejewicz
Biometrics Laboratory, Research and Academic Computer Network (NASK),
Kolska 12, 01-045 Warsaw, Poland
Institute of Control and Computation Engineering, Warsaw University of Technology,
Nowowiejska 15/19, 00-665 Warsaw, Poland
Department of Computer Science and Engineering, University of Notre Dame, IN, Notre Dame, U.S.A.
Department of Ophthalmology, Medical University of Warsaw,
Lindleya 4, 02-005 Warsaw, Poland
Biometrics, Iris Recognition, Reliability, Aging, Ocular Pathologies, Post-mortem.
This paper presents the most comprehensive analysis of iris recognition reliability in the occurrence of various
biological processes happening naturally and pathologically in the human body, including aging, illnesses, and
post-mortem changes to date. Insightful conclusions are offered in relation to all three of these aspects. Exten-
sive regression analysis of the template aging phenomenon shows that differences in pupil dilation, combined
with certain quality factors of the sample image and the progression of time itself can significantly degrade
recognition accuracy. Impactful effects can also be observed when iris recognition is employed with eyes
affected by certain eye pathologies or (even more) with eyes of the deceased subjects. Notably, appropriate
databases are delivered to the biometric community to stimulate further research in these utterly important
areas of iris biometrics studies. Finally, some open questions are stated to inspire further discussions and
research on these important topics. To Authors’ best knowledge, this is the only scientific study of iris recog-
nition reliability of such a broad scope and novelty.
Well established position of iris recognition, includ-
ing several large-scale applications, such as India’s
Government program AADHAAR, or the CANPASS
system maintained for efficient US-Canada border
crossings, is attributed to a high uniqueness of the in-
tricate pattern found in the iris tissue, as well as its
asserted temporal stability and immutability. This as-
sertion dates back to year 1987 with Safir and Flom’s
patent, which first laid out theoretical ground for iris
recognition: significant features of the iris remain ex-
tremely stable and do not change over a period of
many years’ (Flom and Safir, 1987). This is later sup-
ported by John Daugman in his 1994 patent, in which
he describes the iris pattern as ’unique for each indi-
vidual and stable over many years’ and ’essentially
immutable over a person’s life’ (Daugman, 1994).
These claims, being cited throughout the iris biomet-
rics literature, allowed a common belief to arise, that
a single enrollment could be sufficient for a lifelong
successful recognition of one’s identity.
However, one may come up with several scenar-
ios and circumstances, in which actual iris biomet-
rics performance may tumble short of these perfect-
condition assumptions. Recognition accuracy can
be heavily influenced by factors related to biological
mechanism of the human body. These include natu-
ral aging as time progresses, occurence of medical
conditions and disorders, and, ultimately, death.
This paper is intended to summarize Authors’ re-
search activity related to the reliability of iris recog-
nition and its resilience against such conditions, as
well as to pose some questions regarding these ef-
fects’ negative impact on recognition accuracy. Sec-
tions 2, 3 and 4 present excerpts of comprehensive
analyses of effects inflicted by aging, medical disor-
ders affecting the eye, and a post-mortem iris recog-
nition study, respectively (with references provided to
author’s full papers devoted to the respective fields of
research). Section 5 contains conclusions drawn from
this study and states some open questions regarding
Trokielewicz M., Czajka A. and Maciejewicz P.
Iris Recognition under Biologically Troublesome Conditions - Effects of Aging, Diseases and Post-mortem Changes.
DOI: 10.5220/0006251702530258
In Proceedings of the 10th International Joint Conference on Biomedical Engineering Systems and Technologies (BIOSTEC 2017), pages 253-258
ISBN: 978-989-758-212-7
2017 by SCITEPRESS Science and Technology Publications, Lda. All rights reserved
iris recognition performance even under biologically
burdensome circumstances, potential gains, but also
downsides and risks.
What is ’Template Aging’? The subject of ’tem-
plate aging’, or, as we think it should be referred to,
’template non-stationarity’ in relation to iris recogni-
tion can be defined roughly as an increase in error
rates that is expected to appear when the time between
gallery (i.e., enrollment) and probe (i.e., verifica-
tion/identification) samples progresses. It consists of
multiple aspects that one need to consider for a com-
prehensive and insightful analysis, including: biolog-
ical aging of the eye and its structures; differences in
sample presentation originating in pupil dilation, eye-
lid droop, acquisition conditions, etc.; sensor interop-
erability and aging - when gallery and probe samples
are collected using different equipment and camera
components wearing out, respectively. The ISO/IEC
biometrics vocabulary defines this as follows: refer-
ence aging - the changes in error rates with respect
to a fixed reference caused by time-related changes
in the biometric characteristic, its presentation, the
sensor and other components of the biometric tech-
Template non-stationarity is reported to play a
vital role in decreasing over-the-years iris recogni-
tion performance in number of publications (Tome-
Gonzalez et al., 2008), (Bowyer et al., 2009),
(Baker et al., 2009), (Baker et al., 2013), (Fenker
and Bowyer, 2012), (Fenker and Bowyer, 2011),
(Fairhurst and Erbilek, 2011), (Sazonova et al., 2012),
(Bowyer and Ortiz, 2015), including our own previ-
ous research (Czajka, 2013). NIST’s IREX VI report,
however, states the contrary (Grother et al., 2013),
and was later criticized by Bowyer (Bowyer and Or-
tiz, 2013), and a response to that critique was also
published (Grother et al., 2015). Recently, more
researchers have made efforts to better understand
the non-stationarity of templates, namely by isolating
as many factors as possible (Hofbauer et al., 2016),
studying the impact of segmentation quality (Wild
et al., 2015), but also the influence of sensor aging
(Bergmuller et al., 2014). This shows that despite
many research efforts having been put into solving
these issues, template aging still presents many chal-
lenges, and new solutions and experimental method-
ologies are much welcome.
Linear Regression Analysis. We chose to perform
an analysis that circumvents the underlying reasons
of these changes, and focuses solely on the outcome
of the underlying phenomena, manifesting in altering
the sample properties. One way to do so is to perform
a linear regression analysis that aims at predicting the
comparison score using covariates relating to some
predefined qualities of the image. This is to show pos-
sible sources of the decrease in recognition accuracy
as time progresses (Trokielewicz, 2015).
For the experiments, a database of 583 samples
from 58 irises collected up to 9 years apart have been
used (to our knowledge this is one of the most ex-
tensive aging-related iris images databases in terms
of the timespan between samples). Linear regres-
sion analysis was employed in attempt to predict the
comparison score in terms of: 1) time elapsed since
gallery image acquisition, 2) selected quality mea-
sures (eyelid, eyelash and reflection occlusion per-
centage, local contrast, illumination intensity and im-
age sharpness) and 3) geometrical factors (iris and
pupil radii and their variability in a given image pair).
29 regression models built upon three different com-
mercial and academic iris recognition solutions al-
lowed us to formulate some interesting conclusions.
The time parameter proved to be statistically sig-
nificant in every model, making it plausible that
the non-stationarity phenomenon may be autonomous
from quality and geometrical characteristics of iris
images. Nonetheless, those covariates should be
taken into account in future studies, as some combi-
nations of them turn out to also be statistically signif-
icant in predicting the comparison score, such as im-
age sharpness and local contrast. Notably, the pupil-
to-iris radius ratios are shown to be statistically sig-
nificant in every tested model. This may indicate
that differences in pupil diameter are the most likely
sources of recognition accuracy decrease as time be-
tween sample acquisitions elapses.
Recognition Accuracy Impact. Iris recognition
usually performs exceptionally well, provided that it
is applied to subjects with healthy eyes. However,
numerous medical conditions affecting the eye struc-
tures, especially the iris, anterior chamber of the eye,
and the cornea, have a potential of degrading its accu-
racy and reliability. Yet, due to the lack of appropriate
datasets and difficulties in creating them, limited re-
search is available, mostly centered around cataract
and cataract extraction procedure influence on iris
BIOSIGNALS 2017 - 10th International Conference on Bio-inspired Systems and Signal Processing
recognition performance: (Roizenblatt et al., 2004),
(Seyeddain et al., 2014), (Dhir et al., 2010), (Trok-
ielewicz et al., 2014), (Ramachandra et al., 2016)
(significant negative impact of cataract and cataract
surgery reported by most researchers except for Dhir
et al.), impact of refraction correction procedures
(Yuan et al., 2007) (no impact reported), but also stud-
ies regarding multiple disorders (Aslam et al., 2009),
and their impact on segmentation (McConnon et al.,
2012). In the papers (Trokielewicz et al., 2015b),
(Trokielewicz et al., 2015a) we present the most thor-
ough and comprehensive analysis on the subject of
disease influence on iris recognition reliability to date,
including an extensive cataract influence study, and
a novel approach to eye pathology impact analysis,
based not on disease taxonomy (impact of certain dis-
eases), but rather on the type of damage that medical
disorders afflict on the eye.
Database of Iris Images Collected from Ophthal-
mology Patients. For the purpose of these studies,
a new database had to be collected. We had a rare
opportunity of a close collaboration with an ophthal-
mologist’s office, which allowed us to gather an un-
precedented collection of iris images coming from
patients suffering from more than 20 different con-
ditions. This dataset consists of almost 3000 images,
both NIR-illuminated and high-resolution ones taken
in visible light (this is done to enable a close-up visual
inspection of the affected eye structures).
Cataract. Our research devoted to studying the in-
fluence of cataract on the performance of various iris
recognition methods showed a degradation in match-
ers’ accuracy when images obtained from cataract af-
fected eyes are used, compared to the scenario when
images of healthy eyes are used. This decrease in per-
formance manifested itself with worsening the gen-
uine comparison scores by as much as 175% (for an
example commercial matcher), while impostor scores
remained mostly unaffected. This change in compar-
ison scores was able to elevate the FNMR values in
two out of three employed recognition methods. Ad-
ditional experiments were conducted to show whether
this decrease in performance could be attributed with
wrong execution of the image segmentation stage,
however, this hypothesis was not confirmed. Hence,
we may suspect that some additional factors play a vi-
tal role in worsening the reliability of iris recognition
in cataract patients (Trokielewicz et al., 2014).
Disease Impact on Eye Structures. While this is
often true for cataract-affected eyes, most ophthal-
mology patients with severe eye illnesses suffer from
not one, but usually two or more conditions at the
same time. These conditions are often unrelated and
affecting the eye in different ways. This makes it
extremely difficult to conduct an insightful analysis
for one disease at a time. Hence, we proposed a
new method of data analysis, which involves divid-
ing the dataset into five subsets, each of them repre-
senting a different type of impact afflicted on the eye
structures by the pathologies involved. The five par-
titions include: 1) healthy eyes, 2) disease-affected
eyes, but not revealing any visible impairments, 3)
eyes with geometrical distortions of the pupil, 4) eyes
with changes in the iris tissue itself, and 5) eyes with
changes in the cornea or the anterior chamber that ob-
struct the view of the iris below those structures. This
approach, combined with an exhaustive analysis in-
corporating four commercial and academic matchers,
allowed us to formulate four interesting and impor-
tant conclusions (Trokielewicz et al., 2015b), (Trok-
ielewicz et al., 2015a), (Trokielewicz et al., 2016b):
the enrollment stage is highly sensitive to med-
ical conditions that introduce geometrical dis-
tortions to the pupillary area and obstructions
of the iris pattern
even if no perceivable changes can be observed
in the diseased eyes, the performance can still
drop when compared to this achieved using
healthy eyes images
all eye conditions that can afflict visible dam-
age to the eye structures are capable of degrad-
ing the comparison scores (across all tested
recognition methods), with geometrical de-
formations and iris pattern obstructions con-
tributing the most
most of the observed recognition errors can be
attributed to the faulty execution of the image
segmentation stage
Database Contribution. Papers (Trokielewicz
et al., 2015b) and (Trokielewicz et al., 2015a) also
make a significant contribution for the biometrics
community by offering two vast datasets of iris
images obtained from patients suffering from various
ocular disorders. We are not aware of any other pub-
licly available datasets that would offer a collection
of iris images representing disease-affected eyes.
Those datasets can be used for research and non-
commercial purposes by all interested researchers.
For details on how to access the data, please see
(Warsaw University of Technology, 2015a), (Warsaw
University of Technology, 2015b).
Iris Recognition under Biologically Troublesome Conditions - Effects of Aging, Diseases and Post-mortem Changes
A Benefit for Forensics, an Issue for Identity Man-
agement? The topic of post-mortem recognition in
human subjects has received considerably low atten-
tion in the biometric community. Due to the difficul-
ties in data collection and the obvious unpleasantness
of such experiments, very little research has been pub-
lished, especially when human eyes are concerned,
with few exceptions, namely (A. Sansola, 2015) (the
paper concludes that post-mortem iris recognition
works fine in about 80% of the cases for samples ac-
quired up to 2 days after death) and (Bolme et al.,
2016) (which mostly focuses on post-mortem face
and fingerprint recognition, with few conclusions re-
garding irises). (Saripalle et al., 2015) present a study
of post-mortem iris recognition using cadaver eyes of
a domestic pig, reporting that the eyes lose their capa-
bility to serve as a biometric identifier in 6 to 8 hours
This aspect of iris biometrics is important for at
least two reasons. First, if post-mortem recognition
is viable, it could prove useful in forensics, namely
identification and verification of accident and crime
victims, and even in the battlefield (when other fast
methods of identification are not accessible, say, vic-
tim has lost his fingers or face is disfigured). The
latter reason connects with the use of iris biometrics
for identity management and asset protection and an
associated fear of identity theft - ’will someone be
able to steal my iris after I die, and use it to gain
access to my identity?’ (Science Focus, 2016). Sev-
eral publications firmly mention that iris recognition
after death cannot be performed due to pupil dilation
and corneal cloudiness (BBC News, 2016), ’iris de-
cay’ (Szczepanski et al., 2014), ’iris features vanish-
ing with pupil dilation’ and ’muscle relaxation’ (Iris-
Guard, 2016)(IriTech, 2016). However, no experi-
mental evidence is presented in either of those pub-
Experimental Study: Short-term Analysis. In our
studies regarding the field of post-mortem iris bio-
metrics (Trokielewicz et al., 2016c), (Trokielewicz
et al., 2016a) we have shown that the above claims
are mostly untrue. To be able to conduct these exper-
iments, a new database had to be collected, using iris
images obtained from deceased human subjects in a
hospital mortuary. The dataset comprises of iris im-
ages collected from 12 different irises over a period of
27-29 hours post-mortem. The first session was con-
ducted approximately 5-7 hours after demise, with the
second and third sessions conducted after 11 and 22
hours. We managed to show that, contrary to claims
cited above, the pupils are not excessively dilated af-
ter death (but rather fixed in a mid-dilated position),
nor is the iris structure vanishing’. With images cap-
tured a few hours post-mortem we were able to reach
perfect recognition accuracy with one of the four em-
ployed matchers, while the FNMR values for the re-
maining three were surprisingly low (from 1.4% to
8.3%). The decay of the eye structures indeed pro-
gresses as time after death elapses, yet these dynam-
ics are much less aggressive than previously stated in
literature. The FNMR values for the best perform-
ing matcher rose to 5.1% and 26.7% for images ob-
tained in the second and the third session, respectively
(images from these sessions were compared against
those obtained in the first session). It is the third ses-
sion, with images collected approximately 27 hours
post-demise, where serious deterioration begins and
error rates spike, depending on the method employed,
to the range of 26.7%-86.7% of falsely non-matched
Experimental Study: Long-term Analysis. Fol-
lowing these studies, we have continued to collect the
data and were able to obtain a unique dataset of post-
mortem human iris images spanning as long as 407
hours (almost 17 days). These experiments revealed
that although after such a long period iris recogni-
tion is almost impossible, one may still expect to get
occasional correct matches (after 407 hours for Iri-
Core and MIRLIN methods, 260 hours for the Veri-
Eye method, and 124 hours for the OSIRIS solution).
However, apart from these exceptions, the rate of eye
degradation due to drying, wrinkling, and opacifica-
tion of the cornea combined with a collapse of the
eyeball make iris recognition virtually impossible in
most of the attempts after such long periods after
Database Contribution. Notably, here as well a
unique dataset of iris images obtained from deceased
subjects has been prepared and will be released to in-
terested members of the biometric community in the
fall, to encourage further research on this important
matter. To author’s best knowledge, this will also be
the first publicly available dataset of this kind. On
how to get access to the data, please see (Warsaw Uni-
versity of Technology, 2016).
BIOSIGNALS 2017 - 10th International Conference on Bio-inspired Systems and Signal Processing
This paper presents a comprehensive account on Au-
thors’ research regarding iris recognition’s still un-
tackled problems associated with biological processes
taking place in the human body. Aging, ocular
pathologies, and processes occurring after death are
shown to be capable of causing serious degradation
in the reliability of various commercial and academic
iris recognition solutions. Although the very exis-
tence of these issues should not by any means lead
to dismissing iris biometrics as a secure, efficient and
accurate identification method, certain steps should
be undertaken to defend against them. Thus, an im-
portant aspect of future studies should be to propose
appropriate countermeasures that would increase re-
silience of iris recognition against changes induced in
the eye by these phenomena.
The questions that arise from this research, are
thus as following:
what contributes to the iris template non-
stationarity phenomenon? What methods can be
employed to examine these effects?
how can we defend against decrease in recog-
nition accuracy caused by biologically-induced
damage to the eye, such as diseases and post-
mortem decay?
can post-mortem iris recognition provide a new
method to improve over currently used toolboxes
of forensic examiners?
on the other hand, should post-mortem iris recog-
nition pose concerns over biometric identity man-
agement security (are there vulnerabilities, such
as presentation attack risks)?
We hope that this paper, together with the avail-
able datasets, will inspire other researchers in this
field to come up with their own experiments regarding
the interdisciplinary field of biometrics and biology,
and solutions to problems discussed here, to further
improve iris recognition as a safe, fast, and reliable
biometric method.
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BIOSIGNALS 2017 - 10th International Conference on Bio-inspired Systems and Signal Processing