Supporting Institutional Awareness and Academic Advising using
Clustered Study Profiles
Mariia Gavriushenko, Mirka Saarela and Tommi K¨arkk¨ainen
Faculty of Information Technology, University of Jyv¨askyl¨a, Jyv¨askyl¨a, Finland
Academic Advising, Learning Analytics, Robust Clustering.
The purpose of academic advising is to help students with developing educational plans that support their
academic career and personal goals, and to provide information and guidance on studies. Planning and man-
agement of the students’ study path is the main joint activity in advising. Based on a study log of passed
courses, we propose to use robust, prototype-based clustering to identify a set of actual study path profiles.
Such profiles identify groups of students with similar progress of studies, whose analysis and interpretation
can be used for better institutional awareness and to support evidence-based academic advising. A model of
automated academic advising system utilizing the possibility to determine the study profiles is proposed.
The credit-based system is used to characterize the
requirements and progress of a student in many learn-
ing environments. Availability of personalized sup-
port is very important constituent of a learner’s suc-
cess (Nguyen et al., 2008). Academic advising (AA)
is an iterative collaboration process between student,
academic adviser, and academic institution, to tackle
the student retention. Advisers provide versatile as-
sistance to the students during their studies, making
the educational experience relevant and supported.
AA activity has a long history dating back to
1870s (Tuttle, 2000). Advising starts, when a student
becomes enrolled in higher education, and finishes
when the degree has been completed. The purpose of
academic advising is to ensure that the students carry
out the required studies to graduate. The central activ-
ity for this purpose is to support study planning, espe-
cially at the beginning of the academic life. Depend-
ing on the organizationalculture, especially the stabil-
ity or dynamicity of the course schedule, an academic
adviser either needs to ensure that predefined study
plan is being followed or that a student knows all the
relevant study possibilities. Email, social media, web
and wikipages etc. provide means to share the nec-
essary information with the students. However, typ-
ically face-to-face discussions take place either regu-
larly (e.g., at the beginning of a semester or academic
year) or by students’ or advisers’ request. For more
personalized support, an adviser should know when
a student is in need of a study advice discussion and
what is the precise status of the studies.
Preliminary recommendations to do certain, espe-
cially compulsory, courses to proceed normally with
the major subject studies are provided by departments
and advisers. More precisely, for example at the Uni-
versity of Jyv¨askyl¨a (JYU), all students are required
to prepare an electronic personal study plan with the
academic adviser from the home department. Advis-
ing is organized according to the satellite model re-
ferring to the distributed responsibility of academic
units (Tuttle, 2000). The engagement model between
advisee and adviser characterize the principal spirit of
counselling (Feghali et al., 2011).
In JYU, the study plan and the completed studies
create the starting point for a study plan assessment
discussion. However, especially in computer science,
the actual number of studies that have been made dur-
ing an academic year are typically less than recom-
mended (Saarela and K¨arkk¨ainen, 2015a). Hence, it is
very common that the actual study path deviates from
the recommendations and plans, and in such a case an
advising intervention is needed. But how does an in-
dividualstudent and especially an individualstudy ad-
viser know, what is the relation between students’ re-
alized study path and that of the peer students? Thus,
could we, instead of comparing against the predefined
plans, advise students based on evidence from the ac-
tual study paths of other similar students?
Therefore, the purpose of this article is to pro-
pose using a learning analytics method (Chatti et al.,
Gavriushenko, M., Saarela, M. and Kärkkäinen, T.
Supporting Institutional Awareness and Academic Advising using Clustered Study Profiles.
DOI: 10.5220/0006252300350046
In Proceedings of the 9th International Conference on Computer Supported Education (CSEDU 2017) - Volume 1, pages 35-46
ISBN: 978-989-758-239-4
Copyright © 2017 by SCITEPRESS – Science and Technology Publications, Lda. All rights reserved
2012), more precisely robust clustering (
2006; Saarela and K¨arkk¨ainen, 2015a), to create
groups of actual profiles of students concerning their
studies. Such profiles summarize the different typ-
ical accumulations of completed studies, increasing
the general awareness of the common study flows.
One can explicitly link an individual student to stu-
dent peers with similar study path profile in the same
institutional environment. This allows an adviser to
plan a possible intervention adaptively for a larger
pool of students instead of following each one indi-
Creating general study profiles of students can
help departments in their assessment and planning
of when (and how) they provide the courses, espe-
cially the compulsory ones (Saarela and K¨arkk¨ainen,
2015a). By automating general student profiling it
is possible to provide essential support for adaptive
on-line advising along the lines suggested, e.g., in
(Nguyen et al., 2008; Henderson and Goodridge,
2015). Individual student’s perspective, from self-
regulated learning and study planning point of view
without academic advising interface, was thoroughly
addressed in (Auvinen, 2015) (see also (Auvinen
et al., 2014)).
The contents of this article is as follows: after the
introduction, we provide background on academic ad-
vising and personalized student support in Section 2.
Then, in Section 3, we describe the data and the ro-
bust clustering method, and introduce three cases to
construct student profiles to support academic advis-
ing. In Section 4 features and a model of an Academic
Adviser system with automated mechanisms in it are
proposed. The work is concluded in Section 5.
Academic advising is a collaborativeprocess in which
adviser and advisee enter a dynamic relationship
where adviser helps advisee to enhance the learn-
ing experience by helping in making academic deci-
sions (Henderson and Goodridge, 2015). The deci-
sion support could be made by analysis of student’s
records, as well as some external factors like interests,
goals, academic capabilities, schedules etc. (Noa-
man and Ahmed, 2015). Developmental Advising
means helping students to define and explore aca-
demic and career goals and pathways, as well as to
develop problem-solving and decision-making skills;
Prescriptive Advising, which is the more traditional
advising model, is mainly concentrated on providing
the information to the students according to their aca-
demic program, progress, academic policies, course
selection, etc.; Intrusive Advising refers to contact-
ing with student in critical periods like first year of
study before the declaring major, graduation period,
or when students are at-risk or theyare high-achieving
students (Noaman and Ahmed, 2015).
Next we briefly summarize a pool of directly
AA related work that was identified through a non-
systematic search. Our main concern here is to illus-
trate the strong link between the needs and practices
of AA and the general utility of student profiling.
2.1 On Academic Advising
Student voices on AA were raised in only some ar-
ticles. El-Ansiri et al. (Al-Ansari et al., 2015)
used questionnaire to study student satisfaction and
support-seeking patterns among dental students in
Saudi-Arabia. Very low (only 7.6%) primary util-
ity help rate of advisers in the academic matters was
encountered. Even if the advisers were available
when needed, they were not able to provide the most
relevant information, e.g., on important dates and
courses. Hence, up-to-date course and timetable in-
formation seems to be a prerequisite for AA, which is
handled by the in-house developed, integrated study
information system
The pedagogical side of AA was also focused
rarely. In the work (Drozd, 2010) author studied aca-
demic advisers through the lens of transformational
leadership, i.e. how advisers can create a connec-
tion to students that positively influence their study
paths (by increasing and inspiring study motivation
and engagement/commitment in studies through in-
dividual and intellectual consideration). A question-
naire for undergraduate students strengthened the im-
portance of transformational leadership activities in
adviser-student communication and collaboration, in-
dependently from the student’s characteristics. The
lack of time for individual counselling efforts that was
visible in most of the reviewed articles here was not
emphasized in (Drozd, 2010). Dougherty (Dougherty,
2007) studied academic advisers from those students’
perspective who are doing very well in their stud-
ies. These students are called high-achieving stu-
dents. Authors address the need for the investigation
of unique characteristics of these students.
Technical support for AA has been considered in
many articles. The availability of extensive infor-
mation on courses to support automatization of AA
was emphasized in (Biletskiy et al., 2009). The au-
thors proposed course outline data extractor applica-
tion, which helps in recognizing similar or compara-
ble courses between different institutions, also help-
CSEDU 2017 - 9th International Conference on Computer Supported Education
ing both students and academic advisers to keep track
of the variety of topics that i) have been covered in the
completed studies, ii) should be covered to complete
minor or major subject modules or the actual degree.
The authors in (Nguyen et al., 2008) proposed an
integrated knowledge-based framework based on se-
mantic technology that supports computer-based (au-
tomatic) e-Advising on the suitable courses for the
students. Naturally individual learning history data
provide the starting point for the system and, for this
purpose, the authors implemented and tested a data
integration tool.
The high workload of academic advisers, espe-
cially due to individual but many times recurrent han-
dling of basic issues with multiple students in a hurry,
was addressed in (Henderson and Goodridge, 2015),
with the proposition of an intelligent, semantic, web-
based application to assist decision making and au-
tomatization of repetitive counselling tasks. Core of
the system consisted of rule-based inference engine,
which mapped student profile with the study pro-
gram profile and organizational rules, to provide au-
tomatic suggestions on the courses to be enrolled in
the upcoming semester. In the preliminary evaluation,
a positive feedback of the system was obtained, al-
though the main limitation of suitability to only study
programs which follow a clear, predefined study path
of courses, was recognized. With very similar aims
and functionality, another web-based on-line adviser
was described in (Feghali et al., 2011). This system
was also evaluated positively when compared to the
current advising system. The authors emphasized that
such a tool only supports and does not replace a hu-
man academic adviser.
Conversational, fully autonomous agent support-
ing AA dialogs using natural language processing
(NLP) were suggested in (Latorre-Navarro and Har-
ris, 2015). The proposed system contained an exten-
sible knowledge base of information and rules on aca-
demic programs and policies, course schedules, and
a general FAQ. NLP performance of the proposed
system was evaluated positively. Also, the similar
multi-agent approach was suggested in (Wen and Mc-
Greal, 2015) for AA. This approach helps tackling a
dynamic and complex individualized study planning
and scheduling problem. As well as in (Al-Sarem,
2015) was proposed a decision tree model for AA
affairs based on the algorithm C4.5. The output is
evaluated based on Kappa measure and ROC area.
The main conclusion was made that the difference be-
tween the registered and gained credit hours by a stu-
dent was the main attribute that academic advisers can
rely on (Al-Ansari et al., 2015).
As can be concluded, earlier studies have mostly
concentrated on research prototypes which focus only
on few main components or tool support for existing
learning management systems. Taking into account
that user modeling is one of the key factors for includ-
ing personalization into the learning system, many re-
searchers used ontologies for learners’ models, be-
cause ontologies have many advantages for creation
of user models (Idris et al., 2009; Chen, 2009a; Le-
ung et al., 2010; Nguyen et al., 2008; Biletskiy et al.,
2009; Henderson and Goodridge, 2015).
Data-mining techniques have also been applied to
the learning environments in order to track users’ ac-
tivities, extract their behavior profiles and patterns,
and analyze the data for future improvement of the
learning results, as well as for identifying types of
learners (Minaei-Bidgoli, 2004). Mostly, for develop-
ing personalized learning plan, researchers used deci-
sion tree search, heuristic algorithms, genetic algo-
rithms, item response theory and association rules.
Also, many studies used semantic web technologies,
neural networks and multi-agent approach. Most of
the previous studies on personalized learning path
generation schemes have mainly focused on guiding
the students to learn in the digital world; i.e. each
learning path represents a set of digitalized learn-
ing objects that are linked together based on some
rules or constraints (Liu et al., 2008). While deter-
mining such digitalized learning paths, the learning
achievements, on-line behaviors or personalized fea-
tures (such as learning style) of individual students
are usually taken into consideration (Schiaffino et al.,
2008; Chen, 2008; Chen et al., 2008; Chen, 2009b;
Chen et al., 2005).
2.2 On Personalization of Student
In general, many researchers have paid attention to
developing e-learning systems with personalization,
and the most common aspect in these system is the
creation of the personalized learning path for each
individual student or group of students. Most of per-
sonalized systems consider learner preferences, in-
terests and browsing behaviors, because it will help
to provide personalized curriculum sequencing ser-
vice (Huang et al., 2007). In the study (Chen et al.,
2005) authors proposed a personalized e-learning sys-
tem which is based on Item Response Theory (PEL-
IRT). This system is considering course material dif-
ficulty and learner ability, to provide individual learn-
ing path for learners. Learner’s ability estimation was
based on an explicit learner’s feedback (the answers
of learners to the assigned questionnaires). The sys-
tem appeared mostly like a recommendation system
Supporting Institutional Awareness and Academic Advising using Clustered Study Profiles
of the courses for the learners. Authors in (Huang
et al., 2007) proposed a genetic-based curriculum se-
quencing approach and used case-based reasoning to
develop a summative assessment. The empirical part
indicated that the proposed approach can generate ap-
propriate course materials for learners taking into ac-
count their individual requirements. Later, in (Chen,
2009a), the authors developed a personalized web-
based learning system grounded on curriculum se-
quencing based on a generated ontology-based con-
cept map, which was constructed by the pre-test result
of the learners. Optimization problem for modeling
criteria and objectives for automatic determination of
personalized context-aware ubiquitous learning path
was suggested in (Hwang et al., 2010). This learn-
ing model not only supports learners with alternative
ways to solve problems in real-world situations, but
also proposes more active interaction with the learn-
ers. Authors in (Werghi and Kamoun, 2009) proposed
Decision Support System for student advising based
on decision tree for an automated program planning
and scheduling. The proposed approach takes into
account prerequisite rules, the minimum time (mini-
mum number of terms), and the academic recommen-
dations. The adaptive course sequencing for personal-
ization of learning objectives was suggested in (Idris
et al., 2009) using neural networks, self organizing
maps and the back-propagation algorithm.
A very closely related work to ours was reported
in (Sandvig and Burke, 2005). Authors proposed
a case-based reasoning paradigm which is based on
the assumption that similar students will have simi-
lar course histories. The system used the experience
and history of graduated students in order to propose
potential courses for the students. Unfortunately, this
approach required matching between students’ histo-
ries. Also, similar case-based reasoning was used by
(Mostafa et al., 2014) for developing a recommen-
dation system for a suitable major to students based
on comparison of the student information and similar
historical cases.
As reviewed, many suggestions for intelligent
software and information system support of AA have
been given. Many studies describe the creation of
intelligent learning systems that can make a curricu-
lum sequencing more flexible for providing students
with personalized and adaptive study support services
(Fung and Yeung, 2000; Lee, 2001; Brusilovsky,
1998; Lee, 2001; Papanikolaou et al., 2002; Tang
and McCalla, 2005). Universities are more and more
looking into developing self-service systems with in-
telligent agents as an addition or replacement for the
labor-intensive services like academic advising. For
example, The Open University of Hong Kong has de-
veloped an intelligent on-line system that instantly re-
sponds to enquiries about career development, learn-
ing modes, program/course choices, study plans, and
graduation checks (Leung et al., 2010).
However, the institutional starting point concern-
ing available digital information, especially for the
web-based systems that have been proposed, seems
to vary a lot. Some systems start and focus on pro-
viding easy access to course and degree requirements
information whose availability is to be assured first.
On the other hand, we might start from the situa-
tion where we can readily access most of the rele-
vant data: i) course information with basic contents,
learning goals, assessment methods, acceptance crite-
ria, schedule and location, teachers and lecturers etc.;
ii) individual, anonymous study records on passed
courses and completed studies. (Note that reliable in-
formation on student admission is currently not di-
rectly available in the organization under considera-
3.1 Data
To illustrate the proposed approach, we utilized real
study records of the Bachelor (BSc) and Master
(MSc) students majoring in Mathematical Informa-
tion Technology (which is comparable to a major in
Computer Science at other universities) at the Uni-
versity of Jyv¨askyl¨a (JYU/MIT). IT administration at
the University has recently created a data warehouse
of passed courses by all the students, which can be
utilized by the departments. On the other hand, the
electronic study plan system does not provide direct
interface for larger student groups, so both from ac-
cessibility and evidence-basedness points of view, we
focus on analyzing the real study log of the passed
courses. The log was anonymized, keeping student
IDs as keys, covering the four calendar years 2012–
2015. Note that students can start their studies in
the beginning of September (autumn term) or January
(spring term). Hence, the original study registry log
included a heterogeneous set of BSc and MSc stu-
dents who had started their studies either before 2012
or in the beginning of spring or autumn terms during
2012 – 2015.
The whole study log contained 15370 passed
courses by 1163 different students on 1176 different
course IDs. There were 942 male students (81%),
CSEDU 2017 - 9th International Conference on Computer Supported Education
Figure 1: Probability of size of a course.
with mean amount of studies made 59.9 ECTS. Only
221 female students (19%) were identified, with mean
amount of studies made 57.0 ECTS. Hence, most of
the students in the log were either in the beginning of
their studies or progressing very passively and slowly.
Figure 1 shows the discrete density distribution
of the size of the passed courses. According to the
figure, 5 ECTS and 3 ECTS are the two most com-
mon sizes of the courses, the former covering around
30% of the studies. Moreover, there are a lot of small
courses (1 6 ECTS) with the exception of the MSc
thesis, 30 ECTS. Teaching in JYU is organized for
four periods during one academic year (plus the sum-
mer semester) in such a way that a course of ca. 5
ECTS can fit to one period. We conclude that because
the passed courses represent both major and minor
subject studies, division of the overall learning ob-
jects as courses is not optimal. This observation is
the first example on how summarization of study log
data provides visibility and feedback to the organi-
zation. During the course of writing this article, we
also found out that the instructions of JYU for prepar-
ing the next curriculum for 2017–2019 include strong
recommendation to decrease the number of courses
with only a few credits.
Next we aggregated how many credits per
semester each student had made. Similarly to (Saarela
and K¨arkk¨ainen, 2015a), each calendar year was di-
vided into two semesters: the spring term (from Jan-
uary to June) and the autumn term (from July to De-
cember). However, since usually only a few courses
are completed during the summer (this is illustrated
in (Saarela and K¨arkk¨ainen, 2015a)), it was reason-
able to divide the calendar year into only two parts
for further analysis.
In what follows, we profile, analyse and compare
two students cohorts: those who started their studies
in the beginning of the autumn term 2012 (A2012) or
2013 (A2013). Hence, for A2012 we end up with 8
and for A2013 with 6 integer variables representing
the aggregated amount of credits on half-a-year scale.
Since the students have progressed in their studies
very differently and many of them have not been ac-
tive during all the semesters of interest, both of the
data sets are very sparse containing a lot of missing
values (Saarela and K¨arkk¨ainen, 2015a). This is the
key property that is taken into account in the profiling
approach that is described next.
3.2 Robust Clustering Method
As already explained, our goal is to assist the aca-
demic advisers by recommending suitable courses for
students based on passed courses of (possibly more
advanced) students with similar study path. For this,
we need to identify general profiles of similar students
and this is, precisely, the purpose of clustering. Par-
titional (or representative-based (Zaki and Meira Jr,
2014)) clustering seems to be the right family of clus-
tering methods to choose from because it assigns each
observation to exactly one cluster, which is repre-
sented by its most characteristic point, the cluster cen-
troid, which represents the common profile. Within a
cluster, distances of observations to the prototype de-
termine the most typical or representative members of
a cluster. Thus, instead of following many different
student profiles, the academic adviser can just follow
the most common profiles to get an overview of the
whole cohort.
Generally, partitional based clustering algorithms
consist of an initialization step, in which the initial
centroids of each cluster are generated, and iterations
of two steps where (i) each observation is assigned
to its closest centroid, and (ii) the centroid of each
cluster is recomputed by utilizing all observations as-
signed to it. The algorithm stops when the centroids
remain the same over two iterations. The most pop-
ular and most applied partitional clustering algorithm
is the k-means (Jain, 2010), also in learning analytics
studies (Saarela and K¨arkk¨ainen, 2017). This algo-
rithm works very well for full and approximately nor-
mally distributed data since the sample mean is the
most efficient estimator for samples that are drawn
from the normal distribution. However, the sample
mean is highly sensible to all kinds of outliers (Huber,
2011) as well as missing values, which can be char-
acterized as special types of outliers. Also for a non-
symmetric (skewed) distribution, the sample mean is
not necessarily the most efficient estimator and other
location estimates might be preferable (Sprent and
Smeeton, 2016). Moreover, as explained in (Saarela
and K¨arkk¨ainen, 2015a), the quantization error for the
Supporting Institutional Awareness and Academic Advising using Clustered Study Profiles
integer-type variables like here has uniform not gaus-
sian distribution.
The spatial/geometric median is a robust nonpara-
metric location estimate, which remains reliable even
if half of the data is contaminated (Sprent and Smee-
ton, 2016). Mathematically, the spatial median is the
Weber point that minimizes the (nonsquared) sum of
the Euclidean distances to a group of given points
}, i = 1, 2, . . . n:
Although the basic concept is easily understood and
has been extensively discussed in the literature (albeit
under various names, see (Drezner and Hamacher,
2001)), its computation is known to be difficult.
In (
Ayr¨am¨o, 2006), the difficulty of computing
the spatial median during partitional clustering was
solved with the SOR (Sequential Overrelaxation) al-
gorithm (see (
Ayr¨am¨o, 2006) for details). More-
over, in the implementation of the resulting k-spatial-
medians clustering algorithm, only the available (i.e.
not-missing) data is taken into account when the cen-
troid is recomputed.
To sum up, all of these above discussed prop-
erties most importantly, the robustness to missing
data and the fact that every cluster is represented by a
centroid – make the k-spatial-medians clustering very
suitable for creating student’s general study profiles.
The fact that such a clustering approach works very
well for sparse educational data has been previously
shown in (Saarela and K¨arkk¨ainen, 2014; Saarela and
K¨arkk¨ainen, 2015b; Saarela and K¨arkk¨ainen, 2015).
The initialization of the robust clustering method
was realized similarly as in (Saarela and K¨arkk¨ainen,
2015): We started with multiple repetitions of k-
means for the complete data without missing val-
ues and then, applied k-spatial-medians to the best
of those results.
3.3 Clustered Student Profiles
Similarly to the earlier work in (Saarela and
K¨arkk¨ainen, 2014; Saarela and K¨arkk¨ainen, 2015b;
Saarela and K¨arkk¨ainen, 2015a; Wallden, 2016), we
apply four different internal cluster validation indices
to determine the number of clusters: Knee Point
(KP) of the clustering error, Ray-Turi (RT), Davies-
Bouldin (DB), and Davies-Bouldin (DB). All the
computations here were carried out in the Matlab-
environment, using own implementations of all the
From the two student groups A2012 and A2013,
we include in clustering only still active students, i.e.
those who have made credits during the autumn term
2015 (the last one analyzed). Furthermore, we restrict
ourselves to those students for whom over half of the
variables are available (Sprent and Smeeton, 2016).
This means that the 47 analyzed students in A2012
have made studies during at least four out of the seven
possible semesters (including the last one) and the
76 students in A2013 at least in three out of the ve
semesters. Because of the anonymity, we obtained
further assistance in relation to the metadata and inter-
pretation of the clusters from the Study Amanuensis
of the Department (Study Amanuensis, 2016).
Figure 2: Boxplot for A2012.
Figure 3: Credit accumulation prototypes for A2012.
The boxplot in Figure 2 shows the large variability
in the study accumulations both within semesters and
between semesters. We see the larger accumulations
in the spring terms during the first two years, and
a slightly decreasing overall trend after that. There
are always exceptional students who have made much
more studies than their peers.
KP, DP, and DP indicated four clusters and RT
had also local minimum there, so we choose to an-
alyze four different general study progress profiles.
The profiles for A2012 are depicted in Figure 3,
CSEDU 2017 - 9th International Conference on Computer Supported Education
where the size of the cluster is given in the top-right
corner. The profiles are sorted in the ascending order
with respect to the total number of credits.
The main group of 21 students in the first clus-
ter illustrate a potential start of the studies in the first
year, with strong passivation after that. They have ob-
tained prototypically 65 ECTS until the end of 2015.
Based on (Study Amanuensis, 2016), by a closer look
on the 8 students from the cluster closest to the cen-
troid, these are all older BSc and MSc male students
(born before 1990). They are either distant students
studing while working or have completely chosen to
change their orientation from an earlier occupation
and already finished degree. The difficulties in studies
and reasons of such a behavior, for a similar adult stu-
dent profile, were thoroughly discussed in the earlier
work (Kaihlavirta et al., 2015) from the same context
(department) than here.
The second group of only 7 students, who gen-
erally obtained 103 ECTS, shows opposite behavior:
very slow start in the first year, activating to an appro-
priate level then. Three most characteristic students
here were young males, who were involved in the mil-
itary service during the first study year. This complete
explains the observed behavior.
The third group of 10 students, who generally ob-
tained 147 ECTS, did their studies very actively for
the first 4–5 semesters. Analysis of the three most
characteristics students revealed two young and one
older male students who either took job or became
active in student organizations during the third year
of the studies.
The fourth profile with 9 students, altogether 184
ECTS in general, illustrates that a good start on
the study activity carries over the semesters. Three
mostly characteristics students were again all males,
one MSc student and two BSc students. Note that
similar finding on the importance of active start in
an individual course level was given in (Saarela and
K¨arkk¨ainen, 2015a).
Students who are mostly in need of academic ad-
vising are the ones in the first cluster. They can be
identified either in the beginning of their studies or af-
ter the second semester, because even if still making
studies, their accumulation is much less than in the
third and fourth cluster. Their characterization also
suggests the department to rethink the study entrance
For A2013 all cluster indices suggested three pro-
files, which are illustrated in Figure 5. This and the
fact that there are now one profile less than in A2012
suggests more stable organization of the curriculum.
Figure 4: Boxplot for A2013.
Figure 5: Credit accumulation prototypes for A2013.
Also the boxplot in Figure 4 supports such finding,
especially showing smaller variability in the obtained
credits between the autumn and spring terms com-
pared to A2012 in Figure 2.
Student group in the need of intrusive academic
advising consists of those 23 students with small-
est accumulation of credits. These students start and
continue very slowly in their studies, although the
level of activity was increasing in the fourth and fifth
semesters. Their general ECTS accumulation after
ve semesters was 44 ECTS. Analysis of the fivemost
representative students revealed two older male stu-
dents (birth year before 1990), two males with indi-
cations of military service, and a female student. Ac-
cording to (Study Amanuensis, 2016), especially the
younger students showed signs of low self-regulation
during academic advising sessions.
The second profile of 17 students, completing typ-
ically 80 ECTS, showed similar behavior to the sec-
ond profile in A2012: the minimal first year is raised
to a good level of study activity later. A closer look on
the five most representative students showed young,
two female and three male students. Four of these had
identified themselves as a non-active student during
the first study year, again mostly due to the military
service of the young male students.
The third profile of 36 most active students, ac-
Supporting Institutional Awareness and Academic Advising using Clustered Study Profiles
complishing 123 ECTS typically, showed similar
overall behavior than the fourth profile in A2012. The
first semester is slightly smaller but then the study
path proceeds in the desired way. Recapitulation of
the meta data of five most representative students
showed five male students, of whom three were ori-
ented towards game programming and development -
the most recent study line of the department.
We note that even if the boxplot in Figure 4 in-
dicated more stable study path with respect to au-
tumn and spring semesters, the two profiles of truly
active students still illustrated larger study accumula-
tions in the spring than in the autumn. These findings
are, however, mostly explained by the longer calen-
der time for the two periods in the spring term com-
pared to the autumn term a general peculiarity of the
Finnish higher education system.
The similarities and differences between the two
sets of profiles just discussed emphasize the impor-
tance of the use of evidence-based information in aca-
demic advising. On one hand, there are repetitive pro-
files of students proceeding in their studies well or
slowly. The latter ones needs to be detected and sup-
ported in an intrusive manner in academic advising.
The home department responsible for major subject
studies and the other departments providing minor
subject studies should be informed about the found
hindrances of the study paths. In the case analyzed
here, there is a clear change of study accumulation
profiles from A2012 to A2013, which suggests that
the organization of courses, the capabilities of stu-
dents, and/or their support through academic advising
have improved in the educational organization under
As shown, it is important to follow the actual progress
of the students in their studies. There might be no
need for an advising intervention, but if so, one should
automatically notify the students and the study coun-
selling on the deviations in the study path. The
problems of not passing courses and not following
suggested study plans usually also call for organiza-
tional considerations whether learner ability and the
difficulty level of the recommended curriculum are
matched to each other properly (Huang et al., 2007).
4.1 Proposed System Architecture
This subsection describes the novel system architec-
ture for AA and automatic feedback based on recog-
nized student group profiles which are obtained by us-
ing clustering. We also present an overviewof the AA
process as both manual and automated process.
The architecture of the proposed system’s model
for the AA is presented in Figure 6. The system
has two main databases: learner profile database
and curriculum database. Learner profile database
stores learner’s data about studies, assessment re-
sults, timetables of completed studies, etc. Curricu-
lum database stores information about compulsory
courses, other courses, timetables, etc. The academic
advising system’s part consists of several blocks like
linking individual students to their peers with similar
study path profile together with the recommendation
block and planning block.
Based on the system architecture, the details of
system’s main functionality read as follows:
1. Collection of learner’s personal information.
2. Collection of information about the courses and
completed studies.
3. Creation of study progress profiles along the lines
of Section 3.
4. Linking the individual student to student peers
with similar study profile in the institutional en-
5. Student’s progress check. If student is linked to a
profile requiring intrusiveadvising, inform the ad-
viser and the student by providing the interpreted
study profile to support the communication and
problem solving.
6. Modification of the study plan on recommended
courses and their timetables by taking into ac-
count the evidence related to the identified study
Figure 6: Architecture of the Academic Adviser.
CSEDU 2017 - 9th International Conference on Computer Supported Education
Figure 7: Automated Academic Advising process.
Figure 8: Comparison of the manual and automated pro-
cesses of learner’s study life cycle.
7. Planning and realization of an intrusive profile in-
tervention adaptively for a larger pool of students.
Data collection related to the system is, naturally,
all the time active. The evidence-based study profiles
can and should be recomputed on regular basis. A
natural suggestion would be to do this after the studies
made during the previous semester have been stored
and become available for clustering.
4.2 Automated Academic Advising
The automated process of Academic Advising, re-
lated to the system’s architecture and main function-
ality as described above, is presented in Figure 7. The
given proposition allows manual control of the contin-
uous advising activity for every learner individually,
or the more automated process where the role of the
advisers is shifted to the higher level of abstraction.
The difference on the level of learner’s life cycle be-
tween these two use cases is depicted in Figure 8. The
automated process is highlighted with the red color
in the figure. In the automated scenario, the respon-
sible persons of the study organization only provide
policies, planning and regulations. This can reduce
the responsibility for the daily routine work and could
help to provide recommendations for a larger pool of
students rather than for the each individual learner.
The work-flow related to Figure 7 reads as fol-
lows: The learner is choosing the study program of an
educational institution. After that he or she chooses
with AA the proper courses which are related to the
Supporting Institutional Awareness and Academic Advising using Clustered Study Profiles
chosen program and creates a study plan. Information
about the student, the required courses and progress
in them is stored in the database and is automatically
changed/refreshed after each passed course. After
passing several courses, system can attach a student
to a group of students with similar, actual study path.
If learners are doing well, evidence-based determina-
tion and communication of this during advising en-
courages them to continue like that. If they are at-
tached to a profile which does not progress with the
studies as expected, the system can identify this early
and provide intrusive academic advising support for
both the advisor and the students in question.
The proposed automated mechanism solve an im-
portant problem of improving and providing aca-
demic advising, because more and more students
should receive guidance with their study plans before
graduating. This system will help to plan when and
how to provide the courses, especially the compulsory
ones, as well as to plan a profile intervention adap-
tively for a larger pool of students, which will reduce
the human effort of academic advising.
Academic Advising is an essential part of daily ac-
tivities in an educational institution and an important
component in the learner’s study life. Nowadays, we
need to be able to create and manage personalized
study plans and study paths taking into account learn-
ers abilities and regulations of the learning environ-
ment. And in order to better help students, Academic
Adviser should be able to manage a rich set of infor-
mation, e.g., on short-range program planning, evalu-
ation of students, and generation of the proper teach-
ing schedule, as well as plan possible interventions
adaptively for a group of students instead of follow-
ing all individual students separately. It is decisive
that learner should receive proper advising poor or
no advising is known to have a negative effect on the
progress in studies (Al-Ansari et al., 2015).
In this paper,we presented a compact literature re-
view about Academic Advising, mostly focusing on
Automated Academic Advising and Intelligent Aca-
demic Advising. It was then described how, by using
a robust variant of prototype-basedclustering method,
which is especially suitable for data with missing val-
ues, one can create prototypical student group profiles
characterizing the overall progress of the studies. This
allows academic advisers to provide evidence-based
information on the study paths that were actually re-
alized by individual students. Moreover, academic in-
stitutions can focus on management and updates on
course schedule having an effect on clearly charac-
terized and recognized groups of students. Note that
even if the sample groups of students that were pro-
filed here were very small, the used method is scal-
able to hundredsof thousands of students (Saarela and
K¨arkk¨ainen, 2015b).
Then a reference model for automated Academic
Advising system was proposed. The proposed archi-
tecture and model of the system are intended for a
development phase to prototype the whole automated
process, where the learners will be profiled regularly,
and where the proper study path will be presented,
as well as deviating learners detected. The proposed
model of the AA system will have automated process
of study path recommendation. This system will help
to plan when and how to provide the courses, espe-
cially the compulsory ones, as well as to plan a profile
intervention adaptively for a larger pool of students,
which will reduce the human effort of academic ad-
By continuing the development of the line of
work, we could consider the study paths with higher
granularity than per semester. Also, the main func-
tionality of the proposed system to provide an au-
tomated notification for the academic advisers about
students and their progress, with the interpretation of
needs to modify and re-plan the study path should
be properlyevaluated. Moreover, better availability of
learner’s personal information concerning the study
entrance criteria and current life situation, e.g., a part-
time job or living far from the institute, could support
both interpretation of the generated student profiles
and better preparation and management of the inter-
vention patterns of academic advising.
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