Emotion Contagion among Affective Agents
Issues and Discussion
Mara Pudane
, Michael A.Radin
and Bernard Brooks
Department of Artificial Intelligence and Systems Engineering, Riga Technical University, Kalku 1, Riga LV–1658, Latvia
Rochester Institute of Technology, Rochester, New York 14623, U.S.A.
Keywords: Agent based Simulation, Affective Agents, Emotion Contagion.
Abstract: Emotional contagion is a mechanism which results in transferring an emotion from one person to another; in
fact, it has been proven to be one of the key factors in successful crowd managing and preserving an
amiable working atmosphere. However, believable simulation of a group of people with social links
amongst them requires not only complex interaction models but also complex internal models as well. This
paper describes the progress of an on-going research that explores and simulates various types of emotions
while they are being transmitted amongst affective intelligent agents that are connected in simulated social
structure. The internal mechanism of agents is based on affective agent architectures while the contagion
and its rules are being modelled by using tools from graph theory.
Emotions are one of the currently trending topics in
various research fields, i.e., psychology, sociology
as well as computer science. Previously there has
been a long discussion on whether emotions are
good, harmful or if they are needed at all; however,
lately the consensus amongst the scientists is that
emotions are a very crucial part of rational thinking.
It is considered that emotions provide humans with
necessary adaptation mechanisms as well as allows
to make extremely complex decisions with very
limited resources.
In the light of these findings, series of research
on various internal and external emotion-related
mechanisms have emerged. Especially, in 1997, the
affective computing was defined (Picard, 1997). It
explores how artificial units (such as intelligent
agent) and systems can benefit from implementation
of affect (broad term for variety of emotion related
concepts - emotion, mood, personality etc.) on
various complexity levels. Affective computing
mostly deals with system's internal structure as well
as emotion acquisition and expression thus enabling
creation of systems that behave, think or appear to
think similarly as a human. However, apart from
that, another direction is external mechanisms
including emotional interactions among emotional
One of such mechanisms is an emotion
contagion: the ability to "catch" other people’s
emotions using the body as emotion elicitor
(Hatfield et al., 1993). Emotion contagion is based
on bodily feeling theories (see i.e., Damasio, 1994)
that proposes emotions that are generated by
responding to certain body poses and mimicry.
A proper emotion contagion model would be
beneficial not only for practical use but also for
research purposes - e.g., it could lead to better
understanding of how various higher level affects,
such as mood, impact emotional states of group
individuals, as well as understanding how the
atmosphere of human group develops.
Agent based models are ideal for expressing the
knowledge of subject experts in mathematical model
and have already been used to model contagion
(Bosse et al., 2015), as well as rumour flow on
networks (Brooks et al., 2013).
This paper will present preliminary stages, ideas
and observations of the research that aims at fully
simulating emotional contagion mechanisms.
Section 2 presents related work; Section 3 focuses
on affective basis of emotion research. Section 4
describes microstructure – i.e., the internal structure
of agents, while Section 5 focuses on details of
macrostructure – topography of network and transfer
rules. Section 6 provides some final notes as well as
Pudane M., Radin M. and Brooks B.
Emotion Contagion among Affective Agents - Issues and Discussion.
DOI: 10.5220/0006252603280334
In Proceedings of the 9th International Conference on Agents and Artificial Intelligence (ICAART 2017), pages 328-334
ISBN: 978-989-758-219-6
2017 by SCITEPRESS Science and Technology Publications, Lda. All rights reserved
A certain amount of attention has been turned to
emotion contagion within the past several years as
human resource management and research of crowds
have become increasingly important. Emotional
contagion can be separated into two various
mechanisms, namely, primitive emotional contagion
which includes mimicking of emotions
subconsciously and secondary emotional contagion
that involves cognition (Barsade, 2002). The
cognition involvement into emotional contagion
makes it more complex as it includes social relations
and empathy.
The primitive emotion contagion directly refers
to group of people that do not have strongly defined
structure, i.e., crowd. For this reason, there are some
developments that are focused on emotion contagion
in crowd for various purposes, i.e., researching how
to prevent riots (Bassi, 2006), or to create a learning
system - i.e., teaching soldiers how to prevent crowd
from becoming unpredictable and uncontrollable by
simulation (Aydt et al., 2011).
It has also been proven that an emotional
contagion refers to a web environment. Thus this
phenomenon has been researched in large scale
social networks. Controversial research was
conducted by analysing an emotional level in
Facebook news feeds (Kramer et al., 2014).
Similarly, (AlSagri and Ykhlef, 2016) also focuses
on emotion contagion research in online
communities; their focus is to reduce contagion of
negative emotions.
Despite conducting much research regarding
social networks, emotion contagion greatly differs
depending on how an emotion is expressed. Thus,
the contagion method that works successfully for
emotions that are expressed and acquired via written
text will substantially differ from the one that works
with emotions acquired from facial or vocal
expressions. Also, the emotion contagion for the
group with practically no structure (i.e., crowd) will
differ from a social group where people have links
with various weights amongst them. Thus, most of
these models cannot be directly applied for
modelling a group of people who know each other.
There have also been general models of emotion
contagion, i.e., (Bosse et al., 2015). This particular
research includes a mathematical model of the spiral
effect (i.e., the property of emotion amplifying) in
group dynamics. The model of separate group
members is also very elaborate and includes not only
some personality factors of group members (e.g.,
expressiveness) but also multi-weighted
relationships amongst the people (Bosse et al.,
2015). The model also provides mathematical
analysis of an emotional contagion. As the authors
themselves notice though, the model focuses on only
one type of emotion.
Another general framework was developed by
(Bispo and Paiva, 2009). It models five emotions:
fear, sadness, joy, anger and love. The choice of
these emotions comes from theory of Emotional
Contagion Scale (Doherty, 1997). The model
includes expressiveness and energy of various
emotions as well as considering various personalities
as a minimum and maximum variable for each
Although some of the models that allow
simulating emotional contagion are elaborate, they
still lack internal mechanisms of agents that would
enhance the system’s believability.
There are several mechanisms of the system that
must be considered and pertinent questions that must
be answered from the perspective of psychology and
sociology to simulate the emotional contagion.
Personality of involved people. How to
properly represent the personality of people?
What personality traits impact the emotional
Contagion of various emotions. What
emotions to model? How various emotions
would interact with rational agent? What
should be the internal mechanism of agent to
consider secondary emotional contagion?
Generation of believable network structure.
What should be the network structure to be
considered believable?
Emotion contagion patterns. What are
mechanisms or patterns that are involved into
emotion contagion in a group?
3.1 Personality Impact
The personality of involved people influences the
emotional contagion in general as well as emotional
intensity level of one individual. Personality in
primitive emotion contagion impacts two things,
namely, how fast does the emotion spread (i.e., the
expressiveness of emotion) and how deep is the
impact of an emotional contagion (i.e.,
susceptibility) (Barsade, 2002). Although some of
the related works consider personality as
expressiveness and susceptibility variable (e.g.,
Emotion Contagion among Affective Agents - Issues and Discussion
Bosse et al., 2009), these models do not explain
what types of personalities have high or low
susceptibility, as well as what kind of personality
traits impact these factors. The Big Five model is
currently the most used and best verified model that
allows modelling personality as a combination of
five traits: Openness, Conscientiousness,
Extroversion, Agreeableness, and Neuroticism
(McCrae and Costa, 2003). The usage of such
psychologically grounded model would enable better
exploration of group of humans, as there are
researches that have focused, e.g., on how these
traits impact interaction (Pease and Lewis, 2015).
3.2 Types of Emotions
Another vital question to consider is what types of
emotions to model. This question has been
addressed in affective computing literature as it is
one of the basic questions along with how to
combine various types of emotion (Hudlicka, 2015).
In case of primitive emotional contagion, the process
depends on how the emotion is expressed and
whether the receiver of emotion has the same bodily
feeling. For this reason, it makes sense to model 6
basic emotions identified by (Ekman, 1992): fear,
surprise, anger, joy, sadness and disgust. These
emotions have been found to be universal amongst
the various ages and cultures (Ekman, 1992), thus
triggering same emotional responses in various
people. Basic emotions also correspond to Damasio's
primary emotions (Damasio, 1994).
The secondary emotional contagion, on the other
hand, involves not only imitation mechanisms but
also social and cognitive evaluation of other’s
emotion (Barsade, 2002). One option for modelling
secondary emotional contagion would be to model
same emotions as for primitive contagion, however
it does not provide intended diversity of the model.
To simulate such mechanisms, appropriate
psychological background is required. The view on
emotions separates theories of emotion into three
groups: categorical theories (such as Ekman’s theory
of six basic emotions), dimensional theories and
appraisal theories (Lisetti and Hudlicka, 2015).
Appraisal theories reflect agent’s cognitive
evaluation of the world state in terms of its goals,
beliefs, behavioural capabilities and available
resources (Lisetti and Hudlicka, 2015). One of the
most used models (Lisetti and Hudlicka, 2015) is
OCC model (Ortony et al., 1988) which groups
emotions into three categories one of them being
feelings towards other agent’s actions. OCC allows
to describe the emotional relations amongst the
agents, however, these emotions are related to
agent’s own emotional state thus is not suitable for
direct representation of an emotional contagion. The
appraisal theories, however, could be used for an
agent to deduce what the other is feeling.
Dimensional theories are theories that explain
emotions as a value in multi-dimensional space. One
of the most used examples of that is PAD space
(Russel and Mehrabian, 1977) that models emotions
in Pleasure-Arousal-Dominance space. The research
has been conducted based on PAD model the result
of which was PAD values for 151 emotions (Russel
and Mehrabian, 1977). As there is such
formalisation available for this model, theoretically
any of these emotions could be modelled, although it
would make model unnecessary complex. Russel
and Mehrabian offer eight mood types depending on
positive or negative values of PAD. These moods
are used e.g. in (Gebhard, 2005) to create believable
virtual agent. Modelling these moods would make
an agent more flexible and would allow to orient
itself in a large space of possible PAD value
3.3 Structure of Network
As mentioned previously, this research focuses on
real-life person group. Although such a graph can be
obtained by analysing an existing structure (e.g.,
research lab), we have chosen to generate graphs
artificially, elaborated more in section 5. By
generating artificial graphs that replicate real graphs
we can repeat the Monte Carlo experiments and our
results will not be only a function of the few real
graphs’ topology. There are some things to be
considered, regarding relationships amongst the
people. The emotional contagion is stronger amongst
people that are more connected (Barsade, 2002), the
weight can either represent a relationship, or the
frequency of the contact during the average day.
The weight of a link would impact, first, whether
agent gets emotion at all. Secondly, it would impact
intensity of experienced emotion.
3.4 Mechanisms of Emotional
Although primitive emotional contagion happens in
direct interaction amongst two people, there are
some more complex mechanisms associated with
emotional contagion modelling. One of such
mechanisms is so called spiral effect – when mood
of entire group becomes worse or better than that of
one individual (Barsade, 2002). In (Bosse et al.,
ICAART 2017 - 9th International Conference on Agents and Artificial Intelligence
2015) it is modelled as depending on individuals,
i.e., each unit in a model has tendency to turn
emotions either up or down. These tendencies can be
associated with personality in terms of OCEAN
model to create more believable models that can also
be analysed from point of view of sociology.
We do not consider patterns where an agent is
feeling opposite emotions than the other (e.g.,
gloating if another agent is angry or sad). Although
such patterns appear in real-life networks as well as
in emotion related literature (e.g. in OCC), it is
unclear whether such “negative contagion” can be
modelled with the same mechanisms or can be
considered as a contagion at all.
Based on issues discussed before, this and next
chapter is focused on micro and macro levels of the
system (Wooldridge, 2009). The micro level
concerns one unit’s, in this case, the agent’s,
architecture and functionality. The macro level
focuses on how these agents should interact in terms
of interaction protocols and other technical issues
that concern architecture of the entire system.
4.1 The Architecture of an Agent
The internal architecture of an affective agent
consists of two abstract interrelated parts –
emotional computation model and rational processes
model (Marsella and Gratch, 2009) as well as
defines relations amongst these two parts. Emotional
computation model uses one or more emotional
theories, some of which are described in Section 3.2.
One promising way for modelling affective
processes among other options is vertically layered
architectures (Wooldridge, 1999). This type of
architectures enable organizing rational reasoning
components as well as emotion computation
components into layers where only some are
connected to external environment directly. Such
architectures have been successfully applied in multi
agent simulations, i.e. in (Tavakoli et al., 2014).
The architecture that we will apply in this
research is described in (Pudane et al., 2016). It
consists of three interconnected layers: primary
emotion layer, secondary (cognitive) emotion layer
and tertiary (self-reflection and social) emotion layer
(see Figure 1).
The used architecture allows not only rapid
stimulus processing on the primary level (i.e.,
startling from something) but also cognitive and
social processing of stimulus on secondary and
tertiary levels.
Figure 1: The internal structure of agent.
In an emotional contagion, the primary layer
generates primitive emotional contagion responses.
The secondary emotional contagion would appear on
higher levels, i.e., secondary level that compares the
world state to agents Desires and tertiary level that
allows to self-reflect and contains social Believes.
4.2. Affective Mechanism of Agent
Agent’s affective mechanism of emotional contagion
consists of three parts: personality calculation, rapid
(primitive) emotional state evaluation and
expression as well as performing secondary
emotional contagion.
First some processing of agent’s personality is
needed. Initially it is defined as a set of OCEAN
model values. Then those values are transformed
into agent’s default mood, defined in PAD space –
Emotion Contagion among Affective Agents - Issues and Discussion
as done in (Petrovica and Pudane, 2016). This
transformation allows associating the OCEAN
model with personality functions.
The default mood further impacts parameters of
the four functions: the activation function and decay
function for emotional state generation (for more
information see Petrovica and Pudane, 2016) as well
as susceptibility threshold and expression function
for emotional contagion. All of the functions are
being modelled separately for each of the basic
Activation function maps objective intensity of
irritation to subjective intensity. Sigmoid was chosen
as a type of activation function, as it allows more
believable activation of emotions by enabling
emotion saturation and synergy properties (Picard,
1997). People also do not stay at high emotional
state for a very long time: they eventually go back to
their default mood thus the second function is
exponential Decay function.
Similarly, for each personality there is a level of
emotional intensity at which the emotion is started to
display (modelled as a threshold Susceptibility
function). The Expression function, similarly as
Activation function, is a sigmoid and determines
how actively the emotion will be expressed.
To implement the second level contagion, higher
levels of architecture are used. In the three-layered
architecture described before moving to higher
levels happens when the action in lower level cannot
be found (Pudane et al., 2016). Similarly, in the case
of an emotional contagion, if the emotion expression
cannot be started because the intensity of an emotion
is not above the susceptibility level, the agent still
starts processing it. The rational processing is based
on both, social and personal, Believes and Goals.
Believes also contain relationship weights,
depending on which, agent turns the intensity of
emotion up (thus emotion may reach the
susceptibility threshold and can be shown) or down
(thus fastening decay). Social Believe set also
include the agent's believes of what are other agent's
personalities. For example, if agent knows that
another agent is very expressive, he might not feel as
upset when another agent expresses sad emotion.
Similarly, the Believe about which of the 8 types of
moods another agent has, might lead to change in
emotional intensity.
The entire mechanism of calculating emotions is
shown in Figure 2. After the irritation comes, the
objective strength of emotional response is
determined (Petrovica and Pudane, 2016). In case of
an emotional contagion, the objective strength of
emotion is equal to output of first agent's expression
function value.
Figure 2: The process of emotional contagion.
The objective value is then applied to current
agent's activation and decay functions (which in turn
depend on personality) thus calculating the
subjective value.
If subjective value is above this threshold, the
expression strength is calculated, if not, emotion is
still passed to cognitive processing. The output of
cognitive processing is new value of emotional
intensity which may either fasten decay causing it to
drop or reach susceptibility threshold allowing to
ICAART 2017 - 9th International Conference on Agents and Artificial Intelligence
express emotion. Otherwise the contagion stops.
If two emotions are above the susceptibility
threshold, then the relatively highest value is chosen,
i.e., if max happiness value of an agent is 5 and max
fear value is 3, and current value for both emotions
is 2, fear will be expressed instead of happiness.
If there is more than one interaction in a short
time period, each type of emotion is processed in its
own thread (thus finding the most intensive). If
emotions are of the same type, they are processed
one by one as shown in Figure 2.
Macro level of a system concerns two issues – how
the structure graph is modelled and how the dynamic
part of the simulation is executed. The structure of
network represents the interaction link amongst the
people – i.e., if they know each other and impact
each other. The dynamic part of the network runs a
simulation based on the structure, representing
interactions during specific period of time.
5.1 Structure of Network
The graphs (networks) on which the Monte Carlo
experiments will be run will need to be calibrated to
real networks. Thus, network metrics such as degree
distribution, clustering coefficient and importance
measures should match those of real networks. Real
networks often display a degree distribution that
follows a power law with a few people have many
connections and most people having only a few
To randomly generate a network the Barabasi
Albert algorithm (Barabasi and Albert, 1999) will be
used. This method of randomly creating a network
begins with a small graph and adds people (nodes)
one at a time until the desired total number of people
are connected to the network. Each new node to be
added to the network is connected to 2 already
connected nodes. The 2 already connected nodes are
chosen with a probability proportional to their
degree. Hence people who already have many
connections have a high probability of acquiring
new connections; the rich get richer.
The Barabasi Albert algorithm can be modified
in order to better match the particular parameters of
target networks. In addition, the people in the
network can be considered as identical and the
network homogeneous or the network can be
comprised of different types of people. It has been
shown that the distribution of the different types of
people on a network can affect the flow of a
contagion-like phenomenon over a network.
(Brooks, 2013)
5.2 Simulation in a Network
The agents in this model will alter and transmit their
emotional contagions according to axioms grounded
in the psychological literature. Monte Carlo
experiments will show how these contagions flow
across the network.
The simulations will be based on transmitting
rules that will depend on agents' personality and
weight on edges in network structure.
There are two possible options how weight can
impact transmitting rules.
The weights represent the average value of
interaction frequency amongst the people. In
this case the weights would increase or
decrease the probability that the people would
“meet” in simulation.
The weights represent close relationship
amongst the people. In this case the rules will
be implemented by using Believe set in agent
All the rest contagion rules depend on functions
described in Section 4.2. If agent does not express
emotion, contagion stops.
The paper discusses technical issues as well as
affective mechanisms needed for full simulation
model of emotional contagion. The model will allow
implementing both primitive and secondary
(cognitive) emotional contagion mechanisms to
simulate real-life group of people.
Such system would enable a lot of features
currently simplified in existing models or eliminated
at all - such as multiple emotion integration.
The main success of the proposed system is dual
focus on both – micro- and macro- levels. It
implements rich model for internal agent structure
thus enabling agents with full-fledged emotions.
Furthermore, the mechanisms described here would
enable simulating groups of agents that ensures
believable interaction with the user.
This is an on-going research; the future work
includes architecture as well as dynamic simulation
implementations. Mathematical analysis will be
performed as well.
There are some mechanisms that so far are not
planned to implement, however it would be of
Emotion Contagion among Affective Agents - Issues and Discussion
paramount interest to be considered. One such thing
would be the simulation of a full working day that
would include various interaction events, i.e.,
meetings. Another issue was already mentioned
above – it would be interesting to see how a
“negative emotion contagion” works.
This work is partly funded by Faculty of Computer
Science and Information Technology (Riga
Technical University) assigned Doctoral grant
DOK.DITF/16 and Latvian National Research
Program SOPHIS grant No.10-4/VPP-4/11.
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