rithm. However, this process can be made simpler
by the inclusion of generic strategies that can be ap-
plied equally to any environment. The inclusion of a
generic way to predict opponent goals and strategies,
calculate trust values and decide what deals to accept,
based on the knowledge base of the President, would
simplify the process of developing an efficient agent
even more.
An even larger step in obtaining a truly generic
system would be the inclusion of some form of ab-
stract understanding about the rules of the game being
played and the board state, which could be defined by
the developer using a formal language such as the one
used in the Zillions Of Games software (Corporation,
2016) or in the General Game Playing project (Gene-
sereth et al., 2005). With this capability it would be
possible to have a system that could generate agents
able to play and negotiate in many different types of
negotiation games, by simply providing it with a file
containing an abstract description of the game.
The agents implemented during the course of this
work, while generally efficient, could also be im-
proved. One major improvement to AlphaDip could
be to allow the agent to search for and negotiate move-
ment commitments for several rounds ahead instead
of only the current round. In the case of AlphaWolf
and the Werewolves of Miller’s Hollow server imple-
mented, a key improvement would be the capability
for AlphaWolf to use strategies involving bluffing, by
for example making opponents believe it has a differ-
ent role than its true role, a strategy human players
frequently use in the game. If correctly implemented,
this ability could make AlphaWolf much more effec-
tive, especially when playing with human opponents.
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e Ferreira and Dave de Jonge
for their previous work in this area, upon which our
work is based, as well as always being available to
talk and help whenever we needed.
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ICAART 2017 - 9th International Conference on Agents and Artificial Intelligence