In this paper an innovative computational architectu-
re for broad-spectrum assessment of the physical
activity level of older adults is presented. The
detection strategy is founded on stigmergic compu-
ting, a bio-inspired mechanism of emergent systems,
which requires a continuous data gathering through
general-purpose and non-intrusive devices, such as
smartwatch. The architectural design is first
presented. Then, the system experimentation is
discussed on three subjects, making possible the
initial roll-out of the approach in real environments.
Experimental studies show promising results. A
clinical trial could be interesting to validate the
The system performance can be further impro-
ved exploiting more sensors and investigating a tree-
like structure for the decision function, in order to
better distinguish situations in which one sensor
plays the role of discriminator.
This work was partially supported by the PRA 2016
project “Analysis of Sensory Data: from Traditional
Sensors to Social Sensors” funded by the University
of Pisa.
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