percentile and incurs less computing cost (i.e.
21.94% less containers in use). As mentioned
earlier, NN requires the most average number of
containers in order to achieve the same amount of
work. Additionally, the overall response time of NN
seems to be the worst. This is because NN tends to
have the slowest response to the load changes. In
other words, NN cannot spawn a sufficient number
of containers in time in order to cope with more
workloads and when the load becomes smaller, NN
does not reduce the in-use containers as quickly as it
We have proposed Thoth, an automated resource
management system for container-based cloud
platform, using different learning algorithms to auto-
scale computing resources for web applications. The
goal is to assist developers so that they do not need
to manually adjust computing resources when
workload changes to maintain acceptable level of
service. Thoth utilized three algorithms as pluggable
scaling modules, namely Neural Network, Q-
Learning and Rule-based algorithm. These
algorithms are studied and evaluated in a container-
based platform as a service system. The
experimental results suggest that QL can achieve the
best quality of service with the least computing cost
since QL can adapt to the load changes more quickly
and appropriately than the others. Although Rule-
based algorithm can yield a similar quality of service
to QL, Rule requires 21.94% more computing
resources, resulting in more expense. Additionally,
the rule-based algorithm requires experts to
manually calibrate the rules and it cannot be
automatically adjusted to changes in the workload.
NN performs the worst in terms of the amount of
resources and service quality since it cannot adjust
the load changes quickly enough. From the
evaluation, QL could help developers maintain
acceptable service quality as well as automatically
adjust the proper amount of computing resources in
order to minimize the computing resource expense.
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