Service-oriented Business Model Framework
A Service-dominant Logic based Approach for
Business Modeling in the Digital Era
Andreas Pfeiffer
, Karl-Heinz Krempels
and Matthias Jarke
Chair of Computer Science 5, Information Systems, RWTH Aachen University, Ahornstr. 55, 52056 Aachen, Germany
Fraunhofer Institute for Applied Information Technology Fit, c/o RWTH Aachen, Ahornstr. 55, 52056 Aachen, Germany
Keywords: Business Model, Digital Transformation, Digital Technology, Digitalization, Service-Dominant Logic.
Abstract: The business model (BM) concept has been described as an intermediating tool for managing the transition
from technology’s potential value into market outcomes. Unfortunately, current business modeling
methodologies do not meet specific needs of modeling value (co-)creation in digitally transforming
ecosystems (DTE). Based on desktop research and empirical findings this paper proposes a Service-oriented
Business Modeling (SoBM) framework to advance the development of market solutions in these
environments. Adopting a service-dominant logic’s (S-D logic) perspective a service-centric,
network-oriented, and transcending solution proposal is presented. It has been designed to identify and
leverage digital technology’s potential value and to improve the conceptualization of value creation and
capturing in a digitally connected physical world.
Business practitioners and scholars have described
the intense and progressive transformation of
organizations, industries, and the overall economy
through digital technology implementation in
products, services, and BMs. This calls for
constantly questioning, newly defining and
transforming BMs to ensure sustainable business
success. Hereby, the convergence of digital and
physical value networks as well as an increased
importance of service business can be seen as key
challenges for digital business strategy and the
design of contemporary BMs (Kane, 2016; Lucas et
al., 2013; Zolnowski, 2015).
Among the many reasons, the change in the role
of information strategy as an integral part of a digital
business strategy (Bharadwaj et al., 2013) forces
information systems research (ISR) to give
guidance, and concrete recommendations for
business modeling in DTEs (Berman, 2012;
Bharadwaj et al., 2013; Iansiti and Lakhani, 2014;
Veit et al., 2014). This is particularly important as it
has been observed that not only products and
services, but even more BMs have to promote the
generative characteristics of digital artifacts that
make use of them. Hence, there is a necessity to
develop a transcending and flexible approach to
provide a supportive environment for developing
viable market solutions in a digitally connected
physical world (Kallinikos et al., 2013; Lusch and
Nambisan, 2015; Pfeiffer and Jarke, 2016; Turber et
al., 2014; Yoo, 2010; Yoo, 2013).
By elaboration of digital technology’s
characteristics as well as its influences on economic
exchange this paper presents a set of requirements
for developing market solutions in DTEs. Following
these requirements and by taking a S-D logic
perspective a new business modeling approach is
presented. Enriched by Service-oriented
Architecture’s (SOA) well-proven modeling
principles the framework provides a flexible,
networked, and agile modeling process for
constantly changing and evolving DTEs.
This paper is structured as follows. First, the
research methodology is briefly introduced. Second,
a literature overview on the related work is given.
Third, based on the related work the requirements on
business modeling in DTEs are elaborated. Fourth,
we present the SoBM framework as an appropriate
solution proposal for the identified context of
application. Finally, the findings are discussed based
on case study results and a conclusion including
limitations and future work is given.
Pfeiffer, A., Krempels, K-H. and Jarke, M.
Service-oriented Business Model Framework - A Service-dominant Logic based Approach for Business Modeling in the Digital Era.
DOI: 10.5220/0006255103610372
In Proceedings of the 19th International Conference on Enterprise Information Systems (ICEIS 2017) - Volume 3, pages 361-372
ISBN: 978-989-758-249-3
Copyright © 2017 by SCITEPRESS Science and Technology Publications, Lda. All rights reserved
Our research pursues a design science research
methodology (Hevner et al., 2004; Peffers et al.,
2007). It is in line with existing discussions in
design science (Niederman and March 2012) and
business model research (Veit et al., 2014) by
advancing knowledge about BMs in DTEs.
The development of our SoBM approach has
been an iterative process involving construction and
evaluation phases. A series of case studies (Pfeiffer
and Jarke, 2016; Pfeiffer, 2016) was a fundamental
part of the research to gain insights into the research
problem and evaluate the developed artifact. This
artifact has been discussed and refined in diverse
expert workshops and international conferences
(e.g., Pfeiffer, 2016), which finally led to the present
version of the SoBM framework.
The artifact “SoBM framework” is built upon
relevant extant work, which was founded in three
domains: ISR, BM research, and marketing research.
ISR delivers insights into digital technology’s
nature, its layered modular architecture (LMA) and
digital technology’s influence on value creation
processes. BM research provides knowledge on the
relevant building blocks of BMs and a common state
of the art in business modeling. Marketing literature
contributes by providing S-D logic as an underlying
philosophy for the interpretation economic exchange
in DTEs.
3.1 Digitization and Digital
In nearly every industry sector, customer
expectations, operational needs and technological
evolution force business leaders to rethink business
strategy with regard to the role of digital
technologies. In many cases, digital technology has
shown to be central in making new BM technically
feasible and economically viable (Berman, 2012;
Bharadwaj et al., 2013; Yoo et al., 2010; Yoo et al.,
2013). To take advantage of digital technology’s
application in the business context, it is essential to
firstly understand what digital technology is and
secondly how it can be transformed into economic
Digital technologies are defined as
“combinations of information, computing,
communication, and connectivity technologies”
(Bharadwaj et al., 2013, p. 471). Within our
approach, they cover both digital and digitized
artifacts. Digital artifacts are continuants combined
with structure, an agentive function imposed by
human communities and a nonphysical mode of
being (Faulkner and Runde, 2013). They result from
digitization in the narrow sense, i.e., „the encoding
of analog information into digital format“ (Yoo et
al., 2010, p. 725). Digitized or sometimes also
referred as digitalized artifacts, however, are
structured and organized arrangements of
nonmaterial (digital) and material objects (Yoo et
al., 2010). They are the outcome of digitization in
the broader sense, i.e., the embedding of digital
artifacts into material technological objects.
Kallinikos et al. (2013) introduced editability,
interactivity, re-programmability/ openness and
distributiveness as key attributes of digital artifacts.
Yoo et al. (2010) point out, that the incorporation of
digital artifacts causes physical objects to adopt
these digital characteristics. Thus, also digitized
artifacts are programmable and the design of new
functionality can be integrated at any time, even
after the physical production. Further, economics of
scale during production become less relevant as the
marginal costs of reproduction and distribution of
digital artifacts are next to nothing (Henfridsson et
al., 2014). Overall, digitized artifacts are perceived
as having an ambivalent ontology (Kallinikos et al.,
2013), being intentionally incomplete, and
perpetually in the making (Zittrain, 2008).
Digitization enables resource dematerialization
in form of resource unbundling and liquification.
The latter concept entails the separation of
information from its physical carriers. Resource
unbundling implies the dissolvement of boundaries
which are holding together activities in time, place
and actors. Resource dematerialization enhances
economic exchange by increasing resource density
within value creation providing benefit to the actors
and improving the viability of the ecosystem (Lusch
and Nambisan, 2015; Normann, 2001). These
improvements are facilitated through optimization in
resource integration (i.e., digital technology’s role as
enabler) or through the creation of new sources of
value (i.e., digital technology’s role as initiator)
(Lusch and Nambisan, 2015).
Yoo et al. (2010) pointed out that with
digitization a new “layered modular architecture”
(LMA) of digital technology emerged. This LMA
consists of four loosely connected but
interdependent layers: device, network, service, and
content. Through its "de-couplability" a LMA
ICEIS 2017 - 19th International Conference on Enterprise Information Systems
facilitates a free and individual design between the
different layer levels. “The components represent
[a] bundled set of specialized knowledge and skills
appearing in the form of tangible or intangible
components that easily interface with heterogeneous
product forms and types” (Lusch and Nambisan,
2015, p. 164 f.). Hereby, the service layer of a
specific digital technology (i.e., a combined set of
components) provides functionality for actors to
create, manipulate, store, and consume information
independent of the upper or lower layers. Thus, it
unites “physical” and “intangible” functionality and
represents the freely combinable value provision
elements of a specific digital technology (Pfeiffer
and Jarke, 2016; Yoo et al., 2010). As many digital
artifacts are application agnostic, they allow multiple
actors (incl. non-human actors) to interact, share,
and contribute across the four layers independent of
the embedding material objects or actual ownership
(Storbacka et al., 2012; Yoo et al., 2010). This can
be seen as one key enabler for generativity and
digitally invoked transformation processesan
unforeseen and unprecedented field of possible
“innovative” services provided by and with digital
technology (Pfeiffer and Jarke, 2016; Tilson et al.
2010; Yoo et al., 2010). Based on the combinatorial
evolution of existing technological artifacts (Arthur,
2009) the potential of digitization-based innovation
is transcending product/service and industry borders.
This increases by the widespread use of digital
technology applying the LMA and ecosystems
embedding it into supportive environments. These
have been characterized by a modular and granular
architecture (Kallinikos et al. 2013; Lusch and
Nambisan, 2015; Yoo et al. 2010).
However, digitization and digital technology
only provide chances to optimize and enhance value
creation and capturing. These chances must be
transferred into the context of ecosystems to capture
improvements in actor’s resource density. This
process is called digitalization or synonymously
digital transformation. Tilson et al. (2010) define
digitalization as “a sociotechnical process of
applying digitizing techniques to broader social and
institutional contexts that render digital technologies
infrastructural” (Tilson et al., 2010, p. 2).
Accordingly, it is not only necessary to
understand digital technology’s nature and its
potentials for value creation. The perception of a
sociotechnical process requires to analyse the
application of technology as resources in specific
contexts. This application is characterized by
interdependencies between resources (e.g.,
technology, knowledge, institutions) and various
actors creating value through the integration of
digital technology. Thereby, the establishment of
shared institutions and common social practices
becomes central to the development of new market
solutions. This perspective focuses attention on
“what” an actor actually realizes through digital
technology and how digital technology changes his
capabilities to create value for himself or another
actor. Even more, the recognition of digital
technology’s initiator role within value creation
leads to the question how to conceptualize its dual
role in business modeling (Chesbrough, 2007; Lusch
and Nambisan, 2015; Storbacka et al., 2012; Yoo,
2010). Following this logic means to question
established views on economic exchange,
institutions and ecosystems’ architecture to cope
with and proactively utilize changes in scale, scope,
speed and sources of value through digitization
(Bharadwaj et al., 2013; Storbacka et al., 2012;
Turber et al., 2014; Zolnowski, 2015).
3.2 Service-dominant Logic
S-D logic was introduced by Lusch and Vargo in
2004. It derived from debates in marketing theory
concerning the applicability of a goods-oriented
interpretation of economic exchange against the
background, among other things, of the increasing
prevalence of digital technology’s “intangible” value
creation contribution (i.e., service as a process).
S-D logic addresses the generative nature of
digital technology and offers a perspective on
economic exchange transcending the boundaries of
products, services and actor networks. Hereby, it
provides an adequate perspective for analyzing and
conceptualizing economic exchange in DTEs (e.g.,
Lusch and Nambisan, 2015; Storbacka et al., 2012;
Vargo and Lusch, 2016; Zolnowski, 2015). Five
axioms are fundamental basis of the concept (see
Table 1).
Table 1: Service-dominant logic’s five axioms, Vargo and
Lusch, 2016.
In S-D logic terminology service is fundamental
basis of exchange and is defined as “the application
of specialized competences (operant resources–
Service-oriented Business Model Framework - A Service-dominant Logic based Approach for Business Modeling in the Digital Era
knowledge and skills), through deeds, processes and
performances for the benefit of another entity or the
entity itself” (Lusch and Vargo, 2014, p. 43). Value
is always determined by the beneficiary (e.g., the
customer) and co-created through actors by
integrating (internal or external) resources through
the exchange of service. Thus, value is seen as
dynamic, experiential and contextual, rather than as
a unit of output or embedded in a good or service
(Vargo and Lusch, 2016). This shifts attention from
goods–as inert, tangible passive operand resources–
to skills and knowledge–as intangible operant
resources applied through service provision.
Operant resources are acting on other resources
to produce effects and are of a dynamic and difficult
to transfer nature. Thereby, they are a central source
of strategic benefit. “The most fundamental operant
resource is knowledge and the technology it fosters.
Technology is the practical application of
knowledge.” (Lusch and Nambisan, 2015, p. 159).
Explicitly highlighting the dual role of digital
technology as an operand (enabling) and operant
(initiating) resource characterized by institutional
components improves the analysis and explanation
of the necessities and opportunities through digital
transformation (Lusch and Nambisan, 2015).
Service ecosystems as units of analysis are
defined as “a relatively self-contained, self-adjusting
system of resource integrating actors connected by
shared institutional arrangements and mutual value
creation through service exchange” (Lusch and
Vargo, 2014, p. 161). This highlights the
coordinating function of institutions and institutional
arrangements (Lusch and Nambisan, 2015), as well
as their role in being resources integrated by the
involved actors. Using “oscillating foci” a service
ecosystem can be analyzed at various levels of
aggregation. Individual and dyadic structures and
activities are studied at the micro level (e.g.,
internal, B2B or B2C), midrange structures and
activities (e.g., industry, markets) at the meso level,
and wide-ranging societal structures and activities at
the macro level (Vargo and Lusch, 2016).
Providing relevant elements and relations for
understanding economic exchange processes in DTE
S-D logic can be taken as an explanatory approach
and basis for the development of business activities
in networked markets (Lusch and Nambisan, 2015;
Storbacka et al., 2012; Turber et al., 2014;
Zolnowski, 2015).
3.3 Business Model Concepts and
Business Model Frameworks
The pace and impact of digitalization has recently
initiated a renaissance of the BM concept, a
theoretical model describing the components and
fundamental mechanisms of value creation and
capturing in organization. There exists a large
variety of BM concepts and frameworks. This
derives, inter alia, from the fact that the BM concept
origins from diverse disciplines such as ISR,
strategy, business management, economics (Fielt,
2014; Pozzi et al., 2016).
Within the substantial research on BMs in ISR
and BM research in S-D logic, scholars have
recently reviewed the literature (Fielt, 2014; Frow et
al., 2014; Pozzi et al., 2016; Storbacka et al., 2012;
Turber et al., 2014; Zolnowski, 2015).
Unfortunately, these reviews reveal that neither a
commonly accepted definition of BMs nor regarding
their conceptual components exists. The concept
boundaries of applications differ according to the
context and conditions defined in the approaches
(Fielt, 2014). Nevertheless, scholars identified
commonalities in definitions and regarding basic
elements of BM as they seem to oscillate around
value proposition, value architecture, value network
and value finance (Fielt, 2014; Frow et al., 2014;
Pozzi et al., 2016; Storbacka et al., 2012; Zott et al.,
2011). Therefore, we base our further work on the
Zott et al.’s (2011) conclusions regarding the BM
concept: “(1) there is widespread
acknowledgement—implicit and explicit—business
model is a new unit of analysis that is distinct from
the product, firm, industry, or network; it is centered
on a focal firm, but its boundaries are wider than
those of the firm; (2) business models emphasize a
system-level, holistic approach to explaining how
firms “do business”; (3) the activities of a focal firm
and its partners play an important role in the
various conceptualizations of business models that
have been proposed; and (4) business models seek to
explain both value creation and value capture” (Zott
et al., 2011, p. 1020).
Further, frameworks or representations of BMs
are widely used tools for analyzing and developing
current or future business ventures. They are
substantiating or operationalizing the BM concept:
a useable business model framework captures the
ways in which key decision variables are integrated,
including the need for unique combinations that are
internally consistent.” Moreover, a BM framework
is “more than the sum of its parts, the model
captures the essence of how the business system will
ICEIS 2017 - 19th International Conference on Enterprise Information Systems
be focused” (Morris et al., 2005, p. 47). According
to Morris et al. (2005) a framework needs to be
simple, logical, measurable, comprehensive, and
operationally meaningful. According to results of
recently conducted reviews most BM concepts lack
relational and process-oriented attributes that are
characteristic for service logic and supporting the
understanding of digital technology’s opportunities
for BMs (Fielt, 2014; Frow et al., 2014; Pozzi et al.,
2016; Storbacka et al., 2012; Zolnowski, 2015).
Overall, many of the well-known business modeling
approaches tend to focus on strategic aspects of
BMs. “They provide “an exploded view”, showing
the “parts of an engine”” (Westerlund et al., 2014,
p. 9), presenting monolith and static views while
focusing on the architecture of value creation and
capturing rather than a relational- and process-
oriented perspective. With this approach, they fail to
explain the dynamics between BM components and
the surrounding ecosystems (Fielt, 2014). In this
line, existing approaches do not sufficiently support
a transcending view on value creation in networked
relational and interdependent partnership (Turber et
al., 2014; Zolnowski, 2015). Building on S-D logic
and service science, first attempts to create such
models emerged adapting existing BM approaches
(e.g., Ojasalo and Ojasalo, 2015; Turber et al., 2014;
Viljakainen et al., 2013; Zolnowski, 2015).
The results reflect general challenges in mapping
networked relations to focal company’s business
thinking and in identifying new opportunities for
co-creation to increase resource density based on
digital technology’s LMA (see Viljakainen et al.,
2013; Frow et al., 2014). Further, existing approach
seem to fail in coping with the complexity emerging
from the interactive, fluid and borderless attributes
of digital resources. They seem to focus on physical
or digital materiality (good-like characteristics)
rather than on digital technology’s potential to
enhance, extend, and redefine value co-creation in
value networks.
As pointed out in the previous sections, digitization
and digital transformation force companies to
question established views on economic exchange,
proactively use the chances of digital transformation
and built viable market solutions.
We elaborated that the formation of market solutions
in digital transformation has to take “digital nature
(i.e. editability, interactivity, openness and
distributiveness) and its LMA (i.e. networked,
loosely coupled, service-centric) into account.
Especially, a development environment
characterized by modularity and granularity has
been considered as supportive to create and capture
value from digitization.
The BM concept appears to provide an
appropriate unit of analysis for shaping business
activities while S-D logic presents an explanatory
perspective on economic exchange in DTEs.
Further, the discussion has shown that the concept
used to describe and manage value creation and
capturing must be adapted to an interactive and
networked perspective that transcends
product/service boundaries and focuses on value co-
Building on these findings we propose following
requirements for business modeling in DTEs
substantiated in two categories (see Figure 1):
Figure 1: Requirements for business modeling in digitally
transforming ecosystems–own diagram based on Lusch
and Nambisan, 2015; Morris et al., 2005; Vargo and
Lusch, 2016.
Business Model Elements: Following our findings, a
comprehensive BM concept builds on S-D logic
ecosystem elements and their relations. Specifically,
we see the value context and operant resources (e.g.,
institutions and digital technology) relevant for
developing viable solutions in DTEs. They cover
relevant ecosystem's aspects transcending focal
actor’s sphere to partners and foremost
beneficiaries’ value perception (value-in-context) in
value co-creating activities (see also Zolnowski,
2015). The value-in-context is seen as direct related
to interrelating value propositions as they are
phenomenologically determined based on existing
resources, accessibility to other integratable
resources, and circumstances” (Vargo and Akka,
2009, p. 39).
Design Principles: Following common
perception of digital technology’s nature, BM
Service-oriented Business Model Framework - A Service-dominant Logic based Approach for Business Modeling in the Digital Era
principles should guide the course of modeling in
the way that the architecture is characterized by a
layered structure reducing complexity in networked
and interrelated system. Further, they should allow
loose coupling and a flexible adjustment of BM
elements. As a modular and granular architecture is
seen as supportive, we see these concepts as
fundamental design principles for the development
of BM. Especially, modularity ensures
mix-and-match of BM elements in different
variations based on the provided granularity of the
system (see also Lusch and Vargo, 2015; Storbacka
et al., 2012).
Business Model Framework Characteristics:
Following Morris et al.’s proposal a business model
framework should be designed to be simple, logical,
measurable, comprehensive, and operationally
The results of recently performed literature reviews
and applications in practice (exemplified in section 3
and 6) show, that existing BM frameworks are not
sufficiently addressing the specific needs of
digital-oriented business modeling (see Section 4).
Therefore, we started the development of a solution
proposal based on the deducted requirements
applying S-D logic. Latter provides a feasible
understanding of economic exchange in a digitally
connected physical world. With its transcending,
service-centric and network-oriented perspective it
deems to provide a solid basis for developing new
value creation activities in value networks. Further,
it enabled us to easily transfer well-proven
paradigms of ISR to improve business modeling in
DTEs. The following sections will provide a brief
overview of SoBM framework highlighting some
S-D logic specifics and presenting it as a
comprehensive and flexible BM framework.
5.1 Business Modeling from a Service
Dominant Logic Perspective –
Definition and Concept Map
We identified BM design as a key unit of analysis
for the improvement and shaping of value
co-creation. Taking a S-D logic perspective,
business modeling is part of a structured institutional
work in micro and meso level service ecosystems.
Successful business modeling is leading to
institutionalized market solutions for new or existing
problems of actors. Thus, business modeling should
be understood as co-creational activity undertaken
by actors to increase resource density and to
optimize viability of a service ecosystem (Vargo and
Lusch, 2016). Applying S-D logic we define:
A business model describes a meso level service
ecosystem from a focal actor’s perspective to
explain the value logic of an organization in terms of
how it creates and captures value (i.e. the mutual
value co-creation). It can be represented by an
interrelated set of elements that address service
ecosystem’s actors, value propositions, services,
resources (e.g., technology, knowledge, institutional
logics), and value dimensions (i.e. value-in-context).
Based on this definition we propose a
meta-model for business models grounded in
S-D logic as depicted in the following concept map
(see Figure 2):
Figure 2: Meta-model Service-oriented Business Model
Concept Map–own diagram.
The relational model depicts the main elements and
relations within the BM concept addressing them
from a S-D logic perspective (see Section 3.2). In
line with commonly accepted BM concepts SoBM
takes a system-level, holistic approach from a focal
actor’s perspective to describe and develop value
creation and capturing activities of a firm (Zott et al.,
2011). Within our framework, actor’s roles in
business modeling as well as in service-for-service
exchange are multiple. They change depending on
the nature of service exchange and the type of
resource integration achieved, e.g., actors can take
role as ideators, designer and intermediary (Lusch
and Nambisan 2015). Thus, the term “actor” is used
as a generic construct for all resource integrators.
The “focal actor” takes the role of initiating and
coordinating business modeling. He aims to improve
resource density for both intra-actor and inter-actor
ICEIS 2017 - 19th International Conference on Enterprise Information Systems
(e.g., network partners, stakeholder, customers)
through (co-)development of the BM. Nevertheless,
actor’s roles are oscillating between service provider
and beneficiaries depending on position in service-
for-service exchange. (Storbacka et al., 2012).
Following an actor-to-actor perspective the network-
oriented approach extends the boundaries of a BM
and business modeling to the (co-)design of value
co-creation in service ecosystems. Hereby, the
analysis of the interrelated BM elements of all actors
strives for a holistic understanding of service
ecosystem’s viability.
SoBM is a service-centric and value-in-context
oriented BM approach. Services are reciprocally
exchanged by actors to co-create value through
integration of operand and operant resources (e.g.,
digital technology). As value creation is a reciprocal
service-for-service exchange value-in-context is
always perceived by the particular beneficiary. In
general, this value can be measured in different ways
by the recipients and concern multiple dimensions
(e.g., financial, social). Within the SoBM concept,
actors encapsulate operand and operant resources
through service and provide potential benefit for
themselves and/or others.
Thus, actor’s service provision is equipped with
value proposition attributes resulting from resource
integration activities. It is important to note, that
resources in our SoBM concept–in line with
S-D logic–offer value through application in service
and not through specific technology per se. This
reflects the role of LMA’s “service layer” as central
value provisioning element (see Section 3.1). This
service-centric conceptualization enables a BM
development focused on the identification of “what”
beneficiaries (i.e., all type of actors) can do with
digital technology and how digital technology
changes beneficiaries’ capabilities to co-create value
(Vargo et al., 2008).
Value propositions are defined as invitations to
participate in value co-creation (Lusch and Vargo,
2014) and seen as a “dynamic and adjusting
mechanism for negotiating how resources are
shared within a service ecosystem(Frow et al.,
2014, p. 340). Value creation is coordinated through
actor generated shared institutions initiated by the
acceptance of matching value propositions. The
development of value propositions is part of
business modeling (i.e. institutional work). As the
service ecosystem is dynamic in creating and
re-creating needs this development is seen as a
continuous process (Vargo and Lusch, 2016).
5.2 Procedure Model
The SoBM development approach is structured as
follows (see Figure 3). It is based on the conviction
that BMs in DTEs in particular build on
improvements of resource density through resource
dematerialization. Therefore, an analysis of the
service ecosystem and (digital) technology-based
opportunities is the starting point of the SoBM
procedure model.
Figure 3: Procedure Model of the Service-oriented
Business Model Framework–own diagram.
Within the ecosystem analysis distinct ecosystem
elements and their interdependences are elaborated.
Essential result of this step is a layered ecosystem
model (see Figure 4) and a (digital) technology
analysis (based on the LMA). The ecosystem
analysis depicts on the first layer the relevant
operand resources (e.g., physical objects, machines,
rules, norms, other institutions), on the second layer
the distinct operant resources (e.g., human or non-
human capabilities), on the third an abstract
description of the exchanged services and on the
fourth layer an actor model. Central subject of
investigation is the ecosystem’s service portfolio in
the service layer. Services are identified by
combining lower level layers’ elements (e.g., based
on LMA of digital technology). A service represents
the application of operant resources combining
physical objects and/or data (i.e. operand resources)
and/or other operant resources. The integration of
the specific digital technology service portfolio,
derived from an in-depth LMA analysis of digital
technology involved, provides an important basis for
further BM generation.
To keep conformance with the elaborate DTE
requirements (see Section 4) the definition of service
within the analysis follows a distinct set of SOA
design principles: standardization, modularity, loose
coupling, abstraction, reusability, discoverability and
composability (Erl, 2007).
Service-oriented Business Model Framework - A Service-dominant Logic based Approach for Business Modeling in the Digital Era
Figure 4: Ecosystem analysis–own diagram.
Based on the ecosystem analysis a company’s BM
assessment is iteratively conducted to identify
possible market positions and value propositions
(i.e., focal actor’s ability to apply useful knowledge
in service exchange). The company BM assessment
is grounded on an existing structured BM (SoBM)
and the ecosystem analysis. A “value perception
analysis” (VPA) helps in identifying
value-in-context as a starting point for determining
service-based value propositions. As
value-in-context exists on a continuum of actor’s
needs and accessible resources (e.g., capability to
acquire external value propositions) the VPA
acknowledges actor’s needs and its operant and
operand resource base. The method builds on these
ecosystem elements to analyze concrete customer’s
value-in-context. Hereby, service value propositions
represent value co-creation options. These
encapsulate customer’s required external operant
resource access through acquisition of partner’s
services and are building blocks for focal value
In the next stage, the derived portfolio of the
BMs is assessed by its probabilities and profits. A
preliminary assessment based on first assumptions
regarding the categories required investments (time,
technology, human resources) and the innovatory
potential as well as the expected profits of the BM is
conducted. Here, BMs with positive profit
estimations, high innovatory potential and low
investments dominate those with negative or lower
profits, low innovatory potential and high
investments (like Scheer, 2016).
Afterwards, high-ranked BMs undergo the
SoBM development cycle (see Figure 6) involving
identified relevant market partners (i.e., value
co-creators like customers, suppliers). In specific
this process step highlights the actual
(co-)development of the SoBM by discussing and
evolving matching reciprocal value propositions and
shared institutions. One key outcome of this process
is the BM-specific service repository related to the
focal firm’s service system in conjunction with
external customer and partner services. A second
important outcome is the relevant information to
perform a “financial” cost-benefit analysis (e.g.,
Brent, 2007). This is grounded on SoBM’s
cost-benefit architecture which can be derived from
the service repository. Herein, the specific
service-based cost and revenue models are captured.
This supports a cost-benefit oriented SoBM scenario
analysis based on service out- or in-sourcing as well
as on service-specific digitization degrees. The
on-demand availability of all information
substantiates BM decision making within the BM
assessment stage significantly.
Having an elaborated SoBM based on service
repository and a set of identified business partners, a
second BM assessment stage can be conducted.
Herein, a proof of concept helps to assess the
business model’s prospects. With a positive
decision, the BM can be transferred into the
operational stage. Taking a new or redesigned
business into operations is a starting point for a
continuous BM improvement process.
5.3 Development Cycle and the
Service-Oriented Business Model
Core of our BM framework is the SoBM. Essential
element is a three-layered modular architecture. As
pictured in figure 5 it is formed by a set of
interconnected business, service and resource layers
for all relevant actors contributing to the execution
of the meso level service ecosystem covered by the
BM description. It takes shape within the SoBM
development stages being completed and optimized
through an iterative co-development process.
First the layered BMs for one or more
beneficiaries (i.e. customers) are defined, second the
focal firm and third the value network partners (i.e.
suppliers) are added.
Beneficiary’s layered BM development (see
Figure 5-1) focuses on beneficiary’ value-in-context
derived through the VPA (see section 5.2). Thus, the
relevant information can be depicted and further be
analyzed from earlier process results. Hereby, the
layered BM already covers all relevant services and
resources integrated in service-for-service exchange.
Elaborated on specific layers they support the
development of the meso level service ecosystem
encapsulating relevant information of lower layers
(e.g., resources) on higher level layers (e.g.,
services). This reduces complexity on higher levels
and enables a mix-and-match of internal and
external layer elements. This builds the basis for the
ICEIS 2017 - 19th International Conference on Enterprise Information Systems
further development within the focal (see Figure 5-2
a,b,c,d) and network business model layers (see
Figure 5-3).
Figure 5: Service-oriented Business Model–own diagram.
Focal firm’s layered BM is the core element of the
SoBM. On the business layer, it defines the focal
firm’s value propositions as an answer to the
identified beneficiaries’ value-in-context covering
the service offering. Furthermore, it includes the
corresponding micro level service ecosystems
needed to provide the value proposition. The sum of
micro level service ecosystems is building focal
actors value propositions including the service-for-
service exchanges to execute the specific business
model. Means and methods (i.e. value co-creation
through resource integration) required to form the
micro level service ecosystem are detailed on the
service and resource layer.
The service layer is described by a focal service
repository. This describes and organizes all relevant
internal and external service definitions necessary to
execute the formulated micro level service
ecosystems within the focal business layer. The
development of the repository follows the SOA
design principles which have been proven to be
well-suited to service-oriented business design and
management. As an architectural style, SOA
captures a distinct approach to the analysis, design,
and implementation of service-oriented
environments. Better business-IT alignment,
increased service reusability, significant agility
improvement, and adaptive information utilization in
changing and complex ecosystems are benefits
resulting from SOA (Arsanjani, A. 2004; Choi et al.,
2013; Luthria and Rabhi, 2015). Furthermore,
SOA’s design principles of loose coupling and
standardization foster digital technology capabilities:
reusability, distributiveness and interoperability
(Choi et al., 2013; Luthria et al., 2015).
Service is understood as a conjunction of
economic, functional, emotional, social or technical
activities provided by actors to mutual co-create
value related to micro level service ecosystem. It is
transcending the focal sphere by addressing the
resource integration activities of the involved actors
(e.g. focal, beneficiaries, network partners). Service
is categorized as business process services–high-
level abstract services–coordination services, and
atomic business services.
Service definition in the SoBM implies the
inclusion of distinct service descriptions. These
explain “what” the service provides, but not “how”
in detail it is provided. Thus, they point out, inter
alia, which beneficiary’s expectation, needs, and
capabilities are meet by acquiring the specific
service implying quality of service parameters (i.e.,
service value proposition). By applying financial
values to the service repository
including internal as
well as external service costs
the financial structure
of value creation and capturing is caught in a
structured and transparent way.
Further, service interfaces point out the
preconditions that have to be fulfilled to obtain the
service. Additionally, service definition contains
indirect relations to organization’s offers through
micro level service ecosystems and direct relations
to encapsulated operand and operant resources
(Mele and Polese, 2011). Latter ones are described
on the resource layer. In coherence with S-D logic,
actors act upon operand resources “to obtain support
(i.e., they enable or facilitate)”. Physical operand
resources are often natural resources e.g., machines,
digital technology infrastructure, actors, norms,
rules. Operant resources “act on other resources to
produce effects—that is, they act or operate on other
things rather than being operated on” (Lusch and
Nambisan, 2015, p. 159). These are enabler and
initiator resources having high impact especially on
business success in DTEs. Operant resources are
often intangible and dynamic like human skills,
IT-applications, business relations, and (digitalized)
information. Business modeling in SoBM puts
emphasis on digital technology as an operant
resource thus it unleashes generativity and generates
new opportunities for resource integration, service
exchange, or innovation in the service systems
(Lusch and Nambisan, 2015).
On network partners’ layered BMs focal firm’s
related value propositions, services and resources are
represented. These are derived through identification
of relevant network partners’ skills, capabilities and
contributions based on focal actor’s needs. Partners’
BM elements are directly mapped to relevant
elements on the focal firm’s business and services
layers. By this, all necessary activities for fulfilling
Service-oriented Business Model Framework - A Service-dominant Logic based Approach for Business Modeling in the Digital Era
the value propositions are bundled within the
interrelated service repository.
As part of a design science research project on
business modeling in DTEs, this contribution is one
step towards finding an answer to the question of
how to facilitate the BM concept to guide managers
in DTEs. Two case studies led to the results
presented here, while ensuring that the artifact
closely links theory and practice.
Following a problem-oriented approach, the first
case study of a provider of electric vehicle services
was based on an enhancement of the Business
Model Canvas (BMC) (Osterwalder and Pigneur,
2010). It aimed to identify the relation between
digitization and digitalization within the eMobility
market setting. The case focused on an elaboration
of general services and resources (physical,
personnel and digital) relations as well as the related
value proposition evolution over time. The study
was designed to test the idea of digital technology
enhanced service identification and the derivation of
business services fulfilling “unknown” customer
needs in business model development.
Within the demonstration and the following
evaluation, key results were the identification of
digital technology’s service-based value provision
through an in-depth LMA assessment. As shown in
Pfeiffer and Jarke (2016) different types of business
models in eMobility are accompanied with digital
technology involvement and value capture options
depend on the realization of a flexible, loosely
coupled digital technology architecture. Further,
practice has shown that BM framework–especially
in fast changing DTEs–has to support continuous
business model development. Finally, the idea of
utilizing the SOA concept for enhancing business
modeling was identified. This not least because the
specific case of an encapsulation of resources
through a service layer helped the participants
engage in open thinking and derive service-based
new value-in-context options.
Based on an updated design concept, the second
case study was conducted with a provider of smart
home technology and platform services. The new
approach covered a procedure model, the layered
and networked BM architecture. It utilized the SOA
concept as a significant methodological
improvement. The ecosystem and technology
analysis firstly enabled discussions and an efficient
solution finding process based on a shared
worldview. Secondly, participants could identify
new business-oriented technology solutions as well
as position the focal firm in a complex ecosystem
context. Thereby, the formulation of value
propositions was enhanced and simplified. The case
study demonstrated the applicability and efficacy of
the SoBM as a novel BM framework for DTEs,
while also providing a service-based cost and
value-in-context related revenue calculation. Further
the collaboration-based IT tool enabled–in
accordance with the participants’ specialization–a
simultaneous editing and visualization of the BM
development process.
The present paper complements these empirical
findings from a theoretical perspective. It shows that
the SoBM framework covers all relevant BM
dimensions to be classified as a BM concept (Zott et
al., 2011). By taking beneficiary’s needs
(value-in-context), focal service-based value
propositions and resource base as well as network
partnership contributions into account it additionally
encompasses a network perspective on value
creation and capturing.
The conceptual modeling approach can be
utilized to describe existing and future business
opportunities. It is coherent because value creation
and capturing can be described on a holistic basis for
the whole value network connected over all SoBM
layers and being orchestrated within a
comprehensive service repository. In addition,
through the connection of value propositions and
service repository elements, value creation and
capturing within the BM is underpinned with
clarifying content. Hereby, it covers a wide range of
business aspects, connects them relationally and
enables flexibility and reusability in business
modeling. The framework is dynamic and flexible
due to its modular and granular SOA-based
architecture, relevant changes (i.e. new value needs,
regulatory demands, shifts in partnerships) in BM
architecture can be identified, analyzed and
performed with minimal effort.
Besides this, existing internal or a partner’s
public service repositories can be used as a starting
point for new business development based on
existing BMs and business partnerships (Löhe and
Legner, 2009). Moreover, SoBM enables the
execution of BMs by providing an elaborated
ready-to-use” service repository with clear and
measurable preconditions.
ICEIS 2017 - 19th International Conference on Enterprise Information Systems
Digitalization is a sociotechnical phenomenon that
has changed the way we interact with our
environment within the last decades. This process is
leading to a smart, data-driven, and connected
economy promising huge benefits for companies
that leverage digital technology potential value
(Hanna, 2015).
The SoBM framework presents a business
modeling approach to manage the transition from
(digital) technology’s potential value into market
outcomes. Overall, it can be classified as fulfilling
the proposed needs of BM representation in DTEs.
Specially, it represents a modular and granular
environment enabling loosely coupled and flexible
networks of resource integrating actors.
For theory, SoBM applies a well-proven ISR
concept of SOA in the field of business modeling.
Thereby, it adds proven paradigms to BM research
complying and positively reinforcing key
characteristics of the LMA to unveil digital
technology’s generativity in BMs. The results are
both theoretically founded and field-tested.
Particularly important, this concept can add to the
research on the digital nature’s influence on BMs
and business modeling in a digitally transforming
world. Finally, the approach adds to S-D logic
theory through development of a meta-model for
business modeling and operationalizes S-D logic in
two business modeling case studies.
For practitioners, the artifact serves as a tool for
describing, analyzing and implementing BMs
delivering a shared worldview for all participants.
As a framework, it not only provides a
representation of BMs but even more so presents a
procedure and development model. Envisioning the
ecosystem and technology value service perspective
it provides a clear view on collaborative value
creation logic. Furthermore, discussions within
possible partnerships become easier–firstly, because
a shared worldview can be elaborated; secondly
because distinct service descriptions for all relevant
aspects are presented; and thirdly, because these
descriptions are modular and granular. Thereby,
there is no need to give “the whole picture” in first
discussions with potential partners or competitors.
The generalizability of the findings is limited by
the fact that they are initially only based on case
study research in the fields of eMobility and smart
home. These are characterized by a specific market
situation. Therefore, the capability to draw
conclusions on business modeling in other
application fields is limited. Extending the scope of
assessed information on applicability, e.g., through
expert interviews, and incorporating a higher
number of cases will increase generalizability.
Additionally, an implementation based on and in
addition to existing company’s SOA would
underline the versatile application of the SoBM
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