Age, Gender, and Technology Attitude as Factors for Acceptance of
Smart Interactive Textiles in Home Environments
Towards a Smart Textile Technology Acceptance Model
Philipp Brauner, Julia van Heek and Martina Ziefle
Human-Computer Interaction Center, RWTH Aachen University, Campus-Boulevard 57, 52074 Aachen, Germany
Digital Textiles, Smart Textiles, Smart Interactive Textiles, Technology Acceptance, UTAUT2, User Factors,
User Diversity.
Smart interactive textiles are the next frontier of ubiquitous computing and may serve as novel and accepted
interfaces that go beyond conventional human-computer interaction. Apart from the technical perspective, it
is important to understand if and under which conditions people adopt these technologies and which factors
constitute perceived barriers of technology acceptance. In this work we examine people’s attitudes towards
smart textiles and their relationship to the intention to use these products in their home environment. This
article provides a precise modeling of younger and older people in regard to expertise in interacting with
technology, their desire to control and automate functions in their home environment, and the evaluation of a
smart cushion for controlling the home environment, using the Smart Textile Technology Acceptance Model
that is derived from the Unified Theory of Acceptance and Use of Technology 2 model. This model was
applied for a specific smart textile product and the evaluation was focused on user-diversity, attitudes, and age.
The article concludes with open research questions and guidelines for practitioners to leverage the benefits of
smart textile user interfaces.
25 years ago Marc Weiser and his team at Xerox Parc
envisioned environments, in which smaller but in-
creasingly powerful technology penetrates everyday
objects and empowers us to seamlessly interact with
our periphery (Weiser, 1991). He coined the term
calm computing for technology which is in our fo-
cus when requested but dissolves into the background
when not and which can provide more details, more
information, or more capabilities and extends our pe-
ripheral reach (Weiser, 1991).
Today, we observe that a growing amount of de-
vices are interconnected and beginning to form the
Internet of Things (IoT) (Caceres and Friday, 2012).
Smart devices reacting to the resident’s presence, such
as light bulbs, robotic vacuum cleaners, connected
washing machines and refrigerators, or the heating,
enter consumer households. However, conventional
information and communication technology is usually
packed in metal, glass, or plastics and are often per-
ceived as artificial artifacts not harmonizing with our
natural habitat.
While the inventions of transistors, microproces-
sors, advanced sensing, and actuating technology are
rather new developments in human history, textiles
have accompanied us since the dawn of mankind.
Early traces of the use of textiles date back to 30.000
years B.C. (Robinson, 1970; Kvavadze et al., 2009)
and have accompanied mankind since then. Textiles
are usually perceived as warm, soft, smooth, and plea-
surable. We do not only use them as clothes, but also
for furniture, for example as bed linen, sofa coverings,
curtains, or cushions.
We believe that these two branches of human de-
velopment – ubiquitous computing and textiles – will
eventually converge and that smart interactive tex-
tiles will be the next frontier of ubiquitous comput-
ing. However, from the observation of various tech-
nology adoption processes its is known that some
technologies are adopted faster than others and that
some technologies are never adopted at all. Tech-
nology acceptance research aims at understanding the
factors which influence the likelihood of an adoption
and weight the factors promoting or diminishing the
acceptance of a product or service (Rogers, 2003).
Aging is one of the most important user fac-
tors that needs to be addressed in technology ac-
Brauner, P., Heek, J. and Ziefle, M.
Age, Gender, and Technology Attitude as Factors for Acceptance of Smart Interactive Textiles in Home Environments - Towards a Smart Textile Technology Acceptance Model.
DOI: 10.5220/0006255600130024
In Proceedings of the 3rd International Conference on Information and Communication Technologies for Ageing Well and e-Health (ICT4AWE 2017), pages 13-24
ISBN: 978-989-758-251-6
Copyright © 2017 by SCITEPRESS – Science and Technology Publications, Lda. All rights reserved
ceptance research, as the demographic structure of
many western societies is facing tremendous changes
through progress in medicine, nutrition, hygiene, and
a time of peace and prosperity (Giannakouris, 2008).
More elderly expect to live with dignity and self-
determination and they want to participate in the in-
creasingly digitized society (Mollenkopf et al., 2000).
Yet, numerous studies have identified that the elderly
are often less literate in interacting with modern in-
formation and communication technology, such as
computers (Selwyn et al., 2003), mobile phones and
tablets (Arning and Ziefle, 2007), or even using ticket
vending machines (Schreder et al., 2013).
In this article we combine these three lines smart
interactive textiles, user diversity, and technology ac-
ceptance research – and identify user and system fac-
tors which relate to the acceptance and likely use of a
smart interactive textile. Specifically, we identify the
factors which contribute to the acceptance of a smart
textile cushion for controlling the home environment.
We focus on age as a user factor in the design of our
study and report the direct and indirect effects age
might have on the acceptance of smart interactive tex-
tile user interfaces.
The article is structured as follows: After this in-
troduction we present the current state of the art on
smart interactive textiles, technology acceptance re-
search, and research on acceptance of smart textiles
in section 2. Section 3 presents our research questions
and our research methodology. Section 4 presents the
findings of our empirical study while section 5 dis-
cusses these findings and their implications for further
design and development of smart interactive textiles.
Section 6 concludes this article with a brief discus-
sion of the limitations of this work and an outlook on
further research questions.
This section presents an overview of smart interactive
textiles in section 2.1, technology acceptance research
in section 2.2, and technology acceptance research on
smart interactive textiles in section 2.3.
2.1 Smart Interactive Textiles
In recent years, an increasing number of innovations
was developed combining textiles with electronic in-
teractive systems while concurrently different types
and designs of input were discussed (Cherenack and
van Pieterson, 2012).
One possible input option was evolved in the
project PinStripe, in which parallel conductive
threads were embroidered into clothes, for example
in the sleeves of a t-shirt, a jacket, or a pants leg (Kar-
rer et al., 2011). By pinching into the fabric with
the fingers folds of varying size could be formed and
rolled. The connections between the parallel conduc-
tive threads could then be interpreted as a two dimen-
sional input device. A potential usage scenario was
controlling music during working out. Rolling the
fold moved the current playback position and the size
of the fold determined the speed of the movement.
As a further example, Google’s Project Jacquard
(Poupyrev et al., 2016) built on this idea, integrat-
ing conductive yarns into fabrics and designing a se-
ries of garments with interactive areas woven into
the garment. It is striking that smart textiles were
mainly considered in terms of smart clothes for med-
ical (e.g., monitoring of vital parameters) (Post et al.,
2000; Axisa et al., 2003; Paradiso, 2003), sport (e.g.,
monitoring of sport performance), or leisure contexts
(e.g., playing music or music control) (Helmer et al.,
2009). Other possible interactive textiles (e.g., as part
of furniture, such as carpets, blankets) have only been
rarely considered so far.
A first technical approach and a recent applica-
tion of smart textiles in the home environment is
Gardeene! by (Heller et al., 2016). A conventional
curtain is equipped with parallel conductive threads,
allowing the system to sense either direct swipe ges-
tures or swipe movements in near proximity of the
curtain due to changes in the electromagnetic field.
Intuitive swipe gestures are mapped to opening and
closing the curtain. This approach could and will
be transferred to other objects (e.g., blanket, cushion,
sides of chairs).
2.2 Technology Acceptance
Two of the most influential models for predicting fac-
tors that promote or reduce acceptance are the The-
ory of Reasoned Action (TRA) (Fishbein and Ajzen,
1975) and the Theory of Planned Behavior (TPB)
(Ajzen, 1991). Both models postulate a strong rela-
tionship between an individual’s Intention towards a
specific behavior and his actual Behavior. This be-
havioral intention is governed by personal attitudes,
subjective beliefs, and (in TPB) the individuals’ self-
efficacy towards the behavior.
Based on this strong relationship between in-
tention towards a behavior and the actual behavior
Davis’ derived the well known Technology Accep-
tance Model (TAM) which assumes that Perceived
Usefulness and Perceived Ease of Use govern the At-
titude Towards Using, which on the other hand is
closely related to Intention to Use (ITU) and later
ICT4AWE 2017 - 3rd International Conference on Information and Communication Technologies for Ageing Well and e-Health
actual Use of a software (Davis, 1989). Despite its
predictive power, this model was tailored for and
evaluated with software for business contexts in the
early ’90’s. Thus, more sophisticated models were
developed over the time. A prominent example is
Venkatesh’s Unified Theory of Acceptance and Use
of Technology 2 (Venkatesh et al., 2012) which is
specifically adjusted to capture the features that gov-
ern the acceptance of consumer products or ser-
vices with voluntary usage. The model builds on
the seven dimensions Performance Expectancy (PE),
Effort Expectancy (EE), Hedonic Motivation (HM),
Social Influence (SI), Facilitating Conditions (FC),
Price Value (PV), and Habit (HB). The model was
able to predict 74% of the variance of the intention
to use a service and about 52% of the variance of the
actual use after four months.
2.3 Acceptance and Interactive Textiles
The research landscape in the intersection of technol-
ogy acceptance research and smart digital textiles is
relatively sparse due to the novelty of this technology.
A first qualitative glimpse into the acceptance of
smart interactive textiles was delivered by Holleis et
al.. They investigated the suitability of different in-
put modes for controlling a media player on differ-
ent prototypical input devices. The study focused on
the preferred design of the interaction surface (e.g.,
visible buttons, ornaments, invisible buttons) and ac-
cepted body locations for performing these gestures
(e.g., hands, arms, legs, chest) (Holleis et al., 2008).
Within Google’s Project Jacquard (Poupyrev
et al., 2016) first usability evaluations on smart tex-
tile interfaces focused on the recognition rates of ges-
tures (swipe right, swipe left, hold) under different
conditions (sitting, walking, standing) using small in-
teractive areas of a test jacket’s sleeve. The overall
recognition rate was 76,8% and varied significantly
depending on the experimental conditions.
As wearables will probably be the first interactive
textiles penetrating the market, a study examined the
acceptance of wearable smart textiles in different us-
age contexts (van Heek et al., 2014). The study re-
vealed that the evaluations were fundamentally differ-
ent between the use of smart textiles in leisure con-
texts (i.e., sports) and medical contexts (i.e., moni-
toring vital parameters). The study also detected that
factors of user diversity play a crucial role in the ac-
ceptance of wearable smart textiles, as the scenarios
were evaluated differently depending on age, previous
experiences, and the individual knowledge about the
technology. Specifically, age had a strong influence
on the perceived ease of using the technology as well
as on the perceived functionality and reliability of the
given product.
Furthermore, a more generic study on smart textile
interfaces used a Conjoint-based approach to iden-
tify which product features are most important for
the general acceptance of smart digital textiles (Hilde-
brandt et al., 2015). The most decisive attribute gov-
erning acceptance of smart textiles was the techni-
cal realization of these products. Specifically, users
disliked noticeable electronics in the devices and in-
stead desired a seamless integration into the fabric.
The second most influential attribute was the room, in
which the textile was used, showing that most users
preferred smart textiles in the living room, whereas
the use in the bedroom or kitchen was rather rejected.
Although the functionality, i.e. what the smart tex-
tile should be able to do, was the third most deci-
sive attribute, no clear preference regarding the three
provided usage scenarios (i.e., health, media control,
smart home) was articulated by the users. The least
important attribute was wearability, and the partic-
ipants of the study had a slight preference towards
smart interactive textiles that are integrated into non-
wearable devices (e.g., curtains, cushions, . . . ).
The comparison between wearable and non-
wearable devices was also investigated in another
study (Ziefle et al., 2014), in which user requirements
for different types of smart textiles were analyzed in
multiple contexts. First, the study revealed that the
importance of product properties such as look, dura-
bility, washability, price do not differ significantly
between smart textiles based cloth and furniture. For
both, a pleasant-to-wear sensation or pleasant texture,
durability, and a fashionable look are perceived as the
most important evaluation criteria. Second, partic-
ipants preferred table surfaces, chairs or sofas, and
outerwear for integrating smart textile interaction sur-
faces, whereas smart carpets or curtains are perceived
as the least favorable option. Third, the most favor-
able functions that should be controlled by the inter-
action surface were identified as changing the music,
controlling interior lightning, or switching TV chan-
nels. Least favorable functions were controlling the
heating and locking and unlocking smart locks.
These aspects were deepened in a second study, in
which the motives, barriers, and conditions for using
smart textiles were investigated, comparing different
usage contexts (interactive textiles in bedroom, living
room, kitchen, and interactive textiles integrated in
clothes) (Ziefle et al., 2016). The results showed that
the use of smart textiles was evaluated differently de-
pending on the usage contexts: textiles in the kitchen
and bedroom were perceived as less enjoyable com-
pared with textiles in the living room and interactive
Age, Gender, and Technology Attitude as Factors for Acceptance of Smart Interactive Textiles in Home Environments - Towards a Smart
Textile Technology Acceptance Model
textiles integrated in clothes. Furthermore, Ziefle et
al. examined the influence of age on the acceptance
and intention to use smart textiles. The results re-
vealed significant age differences for single but not
all acceptance factors (e.g., enjoying interacting with
the device, reliable recognition of gestures); however,
age revealed to be a less important predictor for ac-
ceptance. The study showed age differences regard-
ing rather generic smart textiles and hence, it is ques-
tionable, how and to which extent a concrete, specific,
and in the home environment integrated smart textile
would be accepted by younger and older participants.
The presented studies detected that smart interac-
tive textiles are predominantly accepted in the home
environment and specifically the living room. How-
ever, previous research in the field of smart interactive
textiles clearly focused on smart wearable textiles,
while research on smart textiles in domestic environ-
ments was hardly investigated. Some studies showed
that user diversity factors influence the acceptance of
these technologies, for example, age, gender, and the
attitude towards technology. Consequently, our over-
arching research question of this article is if these ef-
fects are also present for smart textile surfaces in do-
mestic home environments and which evaluation di-
mensions govern their acceptance.
Based on first functional demonstrators and find-
ings of a focus group we specified a smart cushion as
an application scenario used in the remainder of this
work. This smart cushion can be placed in the living
room, for example on the sofa or armchair, and ges-
tures on the cushion can be used to control music or
light. The following section precisely describes our
research methodology and the investigated variables.
In the following section, the questionnaire design, ap-
plied statistical procedures, and characteristics of the
sample are detailed. We chose a paper-and-pencil
questionnaire for our study in order to reach espe-
cially older participants.
The goal of this study is to develop and evaluate
a novel acceptance model for smart iterative textile
surfaces (Smart Textile TAM, STTAM) and to under-
stand the influence of age and other factors of user-
diversity on the acceptance of a specific smart textiles.
The study addresses three crucial research questions:
1. Which model-related dimensions are decisive for
the acceptance of smart textile interfaces?
2. Which user factors influence the acceptance re-
spectively behavioral intention to use smart textile
3. To which extent do specific user factors, such as
age and attitude towards technology, affect the ac-
ceptance and evaluation of a smart textile inter-
3.1 Questionnaire Design
Questionnaire items were adapted from the UTAUT
2 model to the context of smart textile interfaces and
extended by constructs based on the findings of sev-
eral focus group interviews with 4-6 people carried
out prior to this study.
The first part of the questionnaire addressed par-
ticipant’s demographic characteristics (age, gender,
educational level). Regarding user-specific aspects,
we asked for participants’ health status, such as
chronic diseases and physical restrictions. In addi-
tion, the participant’s previous experience with smart
textiles was assessed (two items, α = .791).
The questionnaire’s second part asked for par-
ticipants’ attitudes towards technology (TECH), tex-
tiles (TEX), and automation (AUTO). The respective
items were summed up and checked for item and scale
reliability. The attitude towards technology was mea-
sured on a scale based on Karrer et al. which cap-
tures the four dimensions Technical Enthusiasm (EN),
Experience of Technical Competency (COMP), and
Positive (POS) as well as Negative (NEG) Experi-
ence with technology with three items for each di-
mension (Karrer et al., 2009) . Furthermore, the Self-
efficacy in Interacting with Technology (SET) was
measured on Beier’s scale (Beier, 1999) with four
items (α = .821). According to Bandura, the domain
specific self-efficacy refers to an individual’s confi-
dence to execute a specific behavior or to attain a spe-
cific goal (Bandura, 1982). It relates to an individual’s
choice of actions, the performance in these actions,
as well as the endurance in these actions if difficul-
ties emerge. Various studies found a tremendous in-
fluence of technical self-efficacy on interacting with
computing technology (Selwyn et al., 2003; Arning
and Ziefle, 2007; Schreder et al., 2013).
As no validated scale for measuring the Attitude
Towards Textiles (TEX) exists, we built a new scale
with four items based on previous findings from fo-
cus groups. This scale achieved a sufficiently high
internal reliability for a newly developed scale (α =
.658). Furthermore, AUTO was queried using six
items (α = .828), which were also derived from the
results of prior qualitative investigations.
Afterwards, the participants were asked to con-
ceive a scenario, in which a cushion on the sofa in the
living room functioned as a remote control for the do-
mestic electronic devices light, music, and heating in
ICT4AWE 2017 - 3rd International Conference on Information and Communication Technologies for Ageing Well and e-Health
the whole home environment. The participants were
asked to imagine that electronic sensors were incor-
porated in the cushion, which were able to respond
to different hand gestures. For instance, the cushion
could be operated by stroking, kneading, grabbing, or
rolling and twisting of folds.
Subsequent to the scenario, the participants were
asked how they envisioned the cushion and how they
would rate it and its possible functions. For this eval-
uation, an adapted acceptance model based on the
UTAUT2-model was used (Venkatesh et al., 2012).
Our STTAM Smart Textile Technology Acceptance
Model incorporates the dimensions behavioral In-
tention To Use (ITU), Performance Expectancy (PE),
Effort Expectancy (EE), Hedonic Motivation (HM),
Social Influence (SI), Facilitating Conditions (FC),
Price Value (PV), and Habit (HB) from UTAUT2.
Furthermore and based on the results of previous
qualitative studies, the model was supplemented by
the dimensions Washability (WASH) and Technical
Conditions (TC), capturing technical aspects, such as
long durability or input efficiency. The participants
had to evaluate the respective dimensions on three or
four items each on a six-point Likert scale (0=strongly
disagree; 5=strongly agree).
Finally, the participants were able to indicate
which benefits and barriers of the smart cushion are
most important to them and which household devices
they would like to operate in their own home environ-
Completing the questionnaire took about 15 min-
utes. Data was collected in Germany in spring 2015
by using a paper-and-pencil questionnaire in order to
address older people and to enable older people’s par-
ticipation in the questionnaire. Participation was vol-
untary and was not gratified.
3.2 Statistical Methods
All subjective measures were rated on six-point Lik-
ert scales. Data was analyzed using bi-variate cor-
relations of model- and user-related factors, Pear-
son’s χ
, uni- and multivariate analyses of variance
(ANOVA/MANOVA) as well as linear regressions.
The level of significance was set to p = .05. Spear-
man’s ρ was used for bivariate correlations and Pil-
lai’s V was stated for the omnibus test of MANOVAs.
The effect size was reported as partial η
. The step-
wise method was used in the multiple linear regres-
sion and models with low standardized β were re-
moved between the runs. Models with high variance
inflation (V IF 1) were excluded. The whiskers in
the diagrams indicate the standard error.
Table 1: Inter-correlations of the five domains of technol-
ogy attitude: Self-efficacy (SET), Enthusiasm (EN), Per-
ceived Competency (COMP), Positive Attitude (POS), Neg-
ative Attitude (NEG).
= p < .1, *= p < .05, **= p < .001.
SET .659** .661** .507** -.305**
EN .513** .560** -.198*
COMP .541** -.316**
POS -.266**
3.3 Description of the Sample
A total of n=136 people from a rural area volunteered
to participate in our study and individually completed
the paper-and-pencil questionnaire. 12 incomplete
data sets were excluded, as only complete data sets
could be used for further analyses.
The participants (n=124) were on average 49.5
years old (SD = 16.2;min = 17; max = 86) with
45.2% males and 54.8% females. 29.3% of the partic-
ipants hold a secondary school certificate and 26.6%
an university entrance diploma. Moreover, 27.4%
completed junior high school, indicating the hetero-
geneity of the sample’s educational level. Only a
small percentage (14.8%) of the participants suffered
from chronic diseases (e.g., diabetes, allergies). Ad-
ditionally, 50.4% of the participants mentioned hav-
ing pets (48.7% have no pets). None of these factors
(educational level, health status, pets) correlated with
age or gender.
The participants were asked for their technology
attitude and experience in ve dimensions. The cor-
relation analysis in Table 1 illustrates that all five di-
mensions of attitude towards technology are closely
interwoven. On average, the participants showed
a positive Perceived Competency in interacting with
technology (M = 3.7;SD = 1.2; min = 0; max =
5), a rather positive Technical Self-efficacy (M =
2.9;SD = 1.2; min = 0;max = 5), and a slightly posi-
tive perceived technology Enthusiasm (M = 2.7; SD =
1.5;min = 0;max = 5). The participants’ evalua-
tion of a Positive Attitude Towards Technology (M =
3.3;SD = 1.0; min = 0; max = 5) was on average af-
firmative, while a Negative Attitude Towards Technol-
ogy (M = 2.5;SD = 1.2; min = 0; max = 5) was rated
Moreover, participants stated having a positive
Attitude Towards Textiles (TEX) (M = 3.4; SD =
1.1;min = 0;max = 5) and a slightly positive Atti-
tude Towards Automation (AUTO) (M = 2.9; SD =
1.6;min = 0;max = 5). However, previous ex-
perience with smart textiles was very low (M =
0.7;SD = 1.3;Min = 0; Max = 5). A correlation anal-
Age, Gender, and Technology Attitude as Factors for Acceptance of Smart Interactive Textiles in Home Environments - Towards a Smart
Textile Technology Acceptance Model
ysis revealed significant relationships between gender
(dummy coded as 0 = male, 1 = f emale) and SET
(ρ = .388, p < .01, sig.), gender and TECH (ρ =
.313; p < .05, sig.), gender and TEX (ρ = .245, p <
.01, sig.) and gender and AUTO (ρ = .255; p < .05,
sig.). Hence, women indicated to be less inclined
to technology than men, whereas they were more in-
clined to textiles than men.
Concerning age, significant correlations were
found for the relationships between age and SET (ρ =
.328, p < .01, sig.) as well as age and TECH (ρ =
.278; p < .01, sig.) with the elderly being less in-
clined to technology than younger participants. More-
over, age was not related to AUTO (ρ = .143, p =
.113 > .05, n.s.) and TEX (ρ = .023, p = .803 > .05,
The results are presented as follows: first, the model-
related factors determining the acceptance of a cush-
ion as an example for smart textile interfaces are
presented. Second, user factors which influence
acceptance-relevant criteria are described and ana-
lyzed, applying a segmentation of user groups with re-
gard to the Attitude Towards Technology. Afterwards,
the results of the model-related factors are detailed for
the segmented user groups.
4.1 Model Based Evaluation of the
Smart Cushion
To understand which user factors and evaluation di-
mensions govern the intention to use the smart cush-
ion, a correlation analysis is conducted. Table 2 illus-
trates that all considered dimensions of the STTAM
are associated with the behavioral Intention to Use
(ITU) a smart cushion.
In particular, HB, HM, and PE are strongly re-
lated to ITU. SI, FC, PV, and TC are also significant,
though slightly less important, determinants for ITU
and the acceptance of a smart cushion. In compar-
ison, WASH and EE have a lower impact on ITU.
To understand the key predictors for increased accep-
tance of a smart cushion in the home environment, a
step-wise multiple regression analysis with the evalu-
ation dimensions as independent variables and ITU as
dependent variable is calculated. The calculation re-
vealed three significant models for the whole sample.
The first model predicts 83.5% (adj. r
= .835) vari-
ance of ITU and is based on UTAUT2’s habit (HB)
dimension: i.e., participant’s behavioral intention to
use a smart cushion is higher, if they can envision to
use it regularly. The second model additionally con-
tains Hedonic Motivation (HE) and explains +2.4%
(adj. r
= .859) of the variance in ITU. The third and
final model is based on Habit, Hedonic Motivation,
and Performance Expectancy (PE) an adds another
+0.3% (adj. r
= .862) explained variance. Table 3
presents the final regression model.
4.2 Influence of User Factors
Table 2 also presents the correlations between the user
factors and the dimensions of the adapted UTAUT2
model. As it is shown, TECH and AUTO are associ-
ated with the intention to use: Participants being more
inclined to technology and with higher wishes for au-
tomation tend to have a stronger behavioral intention
to use smart textile interfaces. However, age (ρ =
.044; p = .627 > .05, n.s.), gender (ρ = .107; p =
.240 > .05, n.s.), and TEX (ρ = .104; p = .254 > .05,
n.s.) are not related to the ITU. Furthermore, it is
striking that gender is not related to any of the model’s
dimensions, while age is associated with EE. In addi-
tion, it is notable that TECH (which correlates with
gender and age (see chapter 3.4)) is related to almost
all dimensions except of PV (ρ = .133; p = .121 >
.05, n.s.) and WASH (ρ = .126; p = .149 > .05, n.s.).
As these correlative results lead to the assumption
that the attitude towards technology influences the ac-
ceptance of and the Intention to Use smart textiles,
a group segmentation was undertaken to analyze this
relationship in depth.
4.3 Segmentation of User Groups by
Attitude Towards Technology
To investigate the influence of attitude towards tech-
nology using factorial methods, we segmented the
sample using a k-means Cluster analysis with two
clusters and the five factors Self-efficacy in Interacting
with Technology (SET), Enthusiasm Towards Tech-
nology (EN), Positive Attitude Towards Technology
(POS), Negative Attitude Towards Technology (NEG),
and Perceived Competency in Interacting with Tech-
nology (COMP).
The analysis converged after ve iterations and
yielded in two clearly separated clusters. The first
cluster contains 74 participants. As Figure 1 il-
lustrates, this group is characterized by a higher
Self-efficacy in Interacting with Technology, higher
Perceived Competency, higher Enthusiasm Towards
Technology, and shows a more Positive Attitude as
well as a lower Negative Attitude Towards Technol-
ogy. In the following, this groups is referred to as
tech-savvy. In contrast, the second cluster with 54
ICT4AWE 2017 - 3rd International Conference on Information and Communication Technologies for Ageing Well and e-Health
Table 2: Inter-correlations of user factors (bottom) and the product’s evaluation (upper) on the Smart Textile TAM dimensions
(PE = Performance Expectancy, HM = Hedonic Motivation, HB = Habit, EE = Effort Expectancy, SI = Social Influence, FC =
Facilitating Conditions, PV = Price Value, WASH = Washability, TC = Technical Conditions, ITU = Intention To Use, TECH
= Attitude Towards Technology, TEX = Affinity Towards Textiles, AUTO = Attitude Towards Home Automation).
= p < .1,
* = p < .05, ** = p < .001.
PE .689** .755** .348** .553** .520** .335** .351** .367** .764**
HM .765** .313** .534** .577** .373** .335** .549** .791**
HB .281** .662** .649** .445** .357** .493** .904**
EE .167
.514** .207*
SI .460** .363** .299** .313** .655**
FC .342** .231* .337** .606**
PV .246** .459**
WASH .182* .304**
TC .488**
Age -.236** .176
TECH .268** .288** .293** .430** .155
.407** .175
TEX .302** .156
AUTO .342** .343** .398** .307** .197* .372** .192* .198* .491**
Table 3: Linear regression table for Intention To Use (ITU)
based on HE (Habit), Hedonic Motivation (HM), and Per-
formance Expectancy (PE), r
ad j.
= .862.
Model B SE B β T
(const) -.614 .129 -4.761
HB .664 .070 .633 9.542
HM .272 .070 .237 3.876
PE .136 .068 .114 2.015
participants is characterized by lower Technical Self-
efficacy, lower Perceived Competency, lower Enthu-
siasm, lower Positive Attitude, and a more Nega-
tive Attitude Towards Technology than the first group.
Hence, this second group is referred to as tech-weary.
As depicted in Figure 1, the cluster member-
ship shows significant differences for all five con-
sidered dimensions of Attitude Towards Technology
(p < .001).
Furthermore, Table 4 shows that the two technol-
ogy groups are closely related to the factors gender,
age, and Attitude Towards Automation. The tech-
savvy group consists to a greater part of men and is
comparatively younger than the tech-weary group. In
addition, the tech-weary group indicated to have a
more negative Attitude Towards Automation (AUTO)
than the tech-savvy group.
4.4 Acceptance of Smart Textiles
Depending on Technology Groups
Figure 2 illustrates the evaluation of the smart inter-
active cushion of both technology attitude clusters on
Level of Agreement (0=min; 5,=max.)
tech-savvy (n=74) tech-weary (n=54)
Figure 1: Differences in attitudes towards technology based
on identified clusters (whiskers indicate the SE).
the Smart Textile TAM model’s dimensions and the
overall intention to use.
First of all, one-way repeated ANOVA ana-
lyzes revealed that the tech-savvy (M = 2.2;SD =
1.5) and the tech-weary (M = 1.7; SD = 1.3) group
differed only slightly with respect to their Inten-
tion to Use (ITU) a smart cushion (F(1, 126) =
3.703, p = .057). Both groups did not differ with
regard to the dimensions Performance Expectancy
(PE) (F(1, 127) = 2.812, p = .096), Social Influ-
ence (SI) (F(1, 127) = 1.114, p = .293), Price Value
(F(1, 127) = 1.112, p = .294), Technical Conditions
(TC) (F(1, 123) = 0.342, p = .560) and Washabilty
Age, Gender, and Technology Attitude as Factors for Acceptance of Smart Interactive Textiles in Home Environments - Towards a Smart
Textile Technology Acceptance Model
Table 4: Technology clusters (AUTO = Attitude Towards Home Automation, TEX = Affinity Towards Textiles).
tech-savvy tech-weary
Sex 44m/29w 14m/36w χ
= 12.404, p < .001
Age 44.1 ± 15.1 55.0 ± 16.2 F(1, 119) = 13.528, p < .001
(17-78 years) (23-86 years)
AUTO 3.5 ± 1.3 2.0 ± 1.6 F(1, 123) = 34.537,p < .001
TEX 3.3 ± 1.1 3.5 ± 1.2 F(1, 126) = 1.612, p = .207 > .05
Level of Agreement (0=min; 5,=max.)
tech-weary tech-savvy
Figure 2: Evaluation of the smart cushion on the Smart
Textile TAM dimensions by technology attitude clusters
(whiskers indicate the SE).
(WASH) (F(1, 123) = 1.735, p = .190). For all other
dimensions, significant group differences were found.
Effort Expectancy (EE) (F(1, 126) = 20.357, p <
.001) and Facilitating Conditions (FC) (F(1, 126) =
8.126, p < .001) were significantly more important
for the tech-savvy than for the tech-weary group.
The same pattern applies to Hedonic Motivation
(HM) (F(1, 126) = 3.905, p < .05) and Habit (HB)
(F(1, 127) = 4.732, p < .05), which were slightly
more important for the tech-savvy than for the tech-
weary group.
In this article we investigated the acceptance of smart
textiles as a medium for interacting with one’s home
environment, using a scenario with a smart cushion
as an example. We measured the acceptance and
the intention to use the device on a modified tech-
nology acceptance model that builds on Venkatesh et
al.s UTAUT2 model and incorporates the (perceived)
washability and additional conditions as additional
evaluation dimensions.
5.1 Appraisal of Smart Textile TAM
The results presented above and additionally illus-
trated in Figure 3 show that the intention to use a
smart interactive textile is governed by all of the con-
sidered nine dimensions of the proposed Smart Tex-
tile TAM (STTAM). The results show that the pro-
posed and adapted STTAM acceptance model oper-
ates and is applicable usefully for smart interactive
textiles as all dimensions have an effect on the accep-
tance and the intention to use smart interactive tex-
The multiple linear regression calculated in Sec-
tion 4.1 also identified that habit, hedonic motivation,
and performance expectancy are the three strongest
predictors for the intention to use a smart cushion.
In the following the two newly added dimensions
washability and technical conditionsand their effect
on the intention to use of the STTAM are specifically
highlighted. The added evaluation dimension washa-
bility was found to have an impact on the overall ac-
ceptance and intention to use the smart cushion in the
home environment. Thus, we can conclude that devel-
opers of smart interactive textiles must consider and
ensure that their products are washable and easy to
clean. Additionally, feedback from our participants
in prior qualitative and quantitative studies (novices
as well as technological experts) showed the impor-
tance of washability issues as they were mentioned
each time and in various contexts. Hence, the results
suggest that the topic washability should also be ad-
dressed for marketing smart interactive textiles, e.g.
by presenting a seal that assures that the product can
be cleaned easily.
Furthermore, the second added evaluation dimen-
sion technical conditions was also found to have an
impact on the acceptance of and intention to use the
smart cushion in the home environment. The dimen-
sion’s high assessment illustrated in Figure 2 indi-
cated that our participants perceive the technical re-
alization of the smart cushion (i.e., input efficiency,
durability) as very important. However, the correla-
tion with the overall intention to use is significantly
lower than many of the other considered dimensions,
such as the performance expectancy, or hedonic value
ICT4AWE 2017 - 3rd International Conference on Information and Communication Technologies for Ageing Well and e-Health
Effort Expectancy
Hedonic Value
Social Influence
Price Value
Attitude Towards
Intention To Use
User factors Dependent variableEvaluation dimensions
Figure 3: Representation of the essential results with user’s factors on the left, evaluation dimensions in the middle, and
intention to use on the right (solid lines = sig. relationships, doubled lines = variables from the regression).
of the product. Nevertheless, it would be valuable
to address the technical realization in marketing and
to put the technical functioning of the device and its
longevity into the limelight.
5.2 Influence of User Factors
The study detected that age has a significant influ-
ence on the attitude towards technology. In our study,
elderly persons reported a tremendously lower over-
all attitude towards technology and consistently lower
scores for the five sub-dimensions self-efficacy in
interacting with technology, perceived competency,
positive and negative attitude towards technology,
as well as enthusiasm towards technology. Like-
wise, women were also found to be less inclined to-
wards technology than men. Both findings fit well
into the research landscape, as they are common
phenomenons in various technology acceptance re-
search studies (Busch, 1995; Arning and Ziefle, 2007;
Brauner et al., 2015).
The attitude towards automating processes at
home (AUTO) i.e., inclination towards home au-
tomation is related to gender, but not to age. As
AUTO was identified as the strongest user factor that
governs the intention to use the smart cushion at home
and even surpasses the influence of users’ attitude to
technology, this relationship should be investigated in
depth in future studies.
The newly developed scale for capturing an in-
dividual’s attitude towards textiles (TEX) achieved a
sufficiently high internal reliability and was also re-
lated to the user factor gender, with women being
more inclined towards textiles than men. More im-
portantly, TEX is positively associated with the hedo-
nic value attributed to the smart cushion. People with
a higher attitude towards textiles found the smart in-
teractive textile interface more pleasing, fun, and en-
tertaining. Nevertheless, the results of our study also
show that this positive influence of TEX on the hedo-
nic value does not carry over to the overall intention to
use the smart cushion. Therefore, further studies have
to elaborate whether an high attitude towards textiles
is decisive for adopting this novel input device or if
the adoption is unrelated to this factor.
Astonishingly, the intention to use a smart cushion
is neither related to age nor gender. Hence, we can
conclude that smart interactive textile surfaces have
the potential to serve as a novel and widely accepted
interaction device. The only user factors which pre-
dict the likely use of smart interactive textile surfaces
are the attitude towards technology and the desire to
control and automate other devices at home.
However, age does directly affect the attitude
towards automation and the attitude towards tech-
nology, which both have a strong influence on the
model’s evaluation dimensions and the overall inten-
tion to use. Hence, there is an indirect influence of
age on the evaluation of the smart cushion and its
likely adoption. Nevertheless, our study also revealed
Age, Gender, and Technology Attitude as Factors for Acceptance of Smart Interactive Textiles in Home Environments - Towards a Smart
Textile Technology Acceptance Model
that age is not the only decisive factor for the atti-
tude towards automation or attitude towards technol-
ogy, for example, as there are tech-savvy elderly and
tech-weary youngsters.
5.3 Deriving Guidelines
In the following, guidelines are suggested for the di-
mensions which are the strongest levers for increasing
the acceptance and likely adoption of smart interac-
tive textile surfaces in the home environment.
Increase perceived habituation: Bandura’s self-
efficacy (see Section 3.1, (Bandura, 1982)) theory of-
fers several ideas to increase the perceived habitua-
tion of using these devices. For example, role models
in ads can show how a smart interactive textile can be
used in daily live to simplify certain activities. Also,
friends and family members may persuade people to
integrate these novel devices into their daily routine.
Increase hedonic value: To address the second
strongest predictor the hedonic value of the inter-
active textile surface – the design of these novel input
devices should not only focus on simplistic usability
measures, such as efficiency and effective according
to ISO 9241/10 (DIN, 1998), but must also integrate
the aesthetic and the perceived fun when using these
devices (c.f., (Blythe et al., 2004)).
Increase perceived benefits: Eventually, the per-
formance expectancy dimension refers to the per-
ceived benefits of using the technology. For the smart
cushion, the perceived benefit can be addressed by
providing clear examples of what the smart cushion
can be used for in his or her personal environment.
For instance, by giving examples how the light of the
living room can be adjusted to one’s personal mood
with an intuitive swipe gesture on the cushion or how
music or television can be controlled using the cush-
The study gives first insights into the acceptance of
smart interactive textiles in the home environment and
on the impact of individual user factors on the ac-
ceptance taking a smart cushion as example. In the
presented study, the participants evaluated a fictional
cushion and therefore, their evaluation is primarily
shaped by their beliefs, wishes, and fears than when a
real cushion would have been evaluated. Obviously, a
further study needs to address whether the identified
acceptance patterns remain similar when a tangible
and functional cushion is evaluated. This investiga-
tion would give us the opportunity to understand how
scenario-based evaluations differ from the evaluation
of concrete products.
Furthermore, the survey captures the snapshot of
the user’s evaluation at the time of the survey. We
therefore cannot conclude with certainty that the iden-
tified predictors of the intention to use successfully
predict the actual use of the product. Nevertheless,
the underlying concepts of Fishbein and Ajzen’s The-
ory of Reasoned Action (Ajzen, 1991; Fishbein and
Ajzen, 1975), Davis’ Technology Acceptance Model
(Davis, 1989) (see Section 2.2) and Venkatesh’s Uni-
fied Theory of Acceptance and Use of Technology
(Venkatesh et al., 2012) have shown a very strong
relationship between the usage intention and the ac-
tual later use. As it was mentioned before, the pre-
sented study was focused on a single smart interac-
tive textile product – the cushion. Future studies will
also need to focus on different products with differ-
ent spectra of functions and characteristics to under-
stand which determinants for later use are universal
and which are tied to specific products. Our interdis-
ciplinary research project on smart interactive textile
surfaces has already developed a first demonstrator:
The interactive curtain Gardeen! (Heller et al., 2016)
presented in section 2.1. A first usability study found
the demonstrator to be very intuitive and easy to use
(high ease of use), though only a share attested the
curtain a high usefulness. Other prototypical demon-
strators are currently on a testing stage and will be
evaluated in the near future.
In addition, there are some limitations with regard
to the sample. This study’s sample was rather small
so that a replication of this study in a greater and more
representative extent would be useful. If the study
is replicated, it should be more balanced with regard
to age: here, the study aimed to reach older partic-
ipants leading to a comparatively “old” sample due
to the paper-and-pencil questionnaire. This was use-
ful to analyze older participants’ needs and wishes to-
wards smart interactive textiles. However, for future
studies, a balanced age-distribution covering all age
groups would be desirable.
Summarizing, the present study shows that smart
interactive textiles can be a novel and suitable inter-
action device for older and younger people alike. Al-
though an individual’s attitude towards technology is
a determinant for the projected acceptance, the rela-
tionship between age and attitude towards technol-
ogy is measurable, yet not decisive. Furthermore,
the presented guidelines enable designers and devel-
opers to build novel smart interactive textile products
with an increased acceptance and higher likelihood of
ICT4AWE 2017 - 3rd International Conference on Information and Communication Technologies for Ageing Well and e-Health
adoption and actual use. Therefore, this study con-
tributed to the vision of calm and ubiquitous comput-
ing (Weiser, 1991), as it could identify the user factors
that govern the acceptance of natural textile interac-
tion devices in people’s habitats, such as the smart
cushion, armchairs, or other textile surfaces.
The authors thank all participants for sharing their
thoughts on smart textile interfaces with us. Fur-
thermore, the research support of Jens Keulen and
Sarah Voelkel is highly acknowledged. This project
is funded by the German Ministry of Education and
Research (BMBF) under project Intuitex (16SV6270)
(Brauner et al., 2017) and by the Excellence initiative
of German state and federal governments (project Ur-
ban Future Outline).
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ICT4AWE 2017 - 3rd International Conference on Information and Communication Technologies for Ageing Well and e-Health