A New 2D Interaction-based Method for the Behavioral
Analysis of Instrumental Activities of Daily Living
Eulalie Verhulst
, D
eborah Foloppe
, Paul Richard
, Fr
eric Banville
and Philippe Allain
Laboratoire Angevin de Recherche en Ing
enierie des Syst
emes (LARIS), Universit
e d’Angers, Angers, France
Laboratoire de Psychologie des Pays de Loire (LPPL), Universit
e d’Angers, Angers, France
epartement de Psychologie, Universit
e de Montr
eal, Montr
eal, Canada
Behavioral Analysis, 2D Interaction, Activity of Daily Living.
In neuropsychology, many computerized solutions have been proposed in order to assess patients’ function-
ing in activities of daily living, via realistic interactive simulation. In this context, most developed systems
are based on simple devices, real time 2D interaction, and monoscopic 3D computer graphics environment.
Behavioral analysis has drawn the interest of many domains, such as neuropsychology, ergonomics, web de-
sign, or virtual reality. However, advances on this topic remains fragmented in their respective areas. Thus,
in computerized solutions applied to neuropsychology, the behavioral analysis does not take into account the
data from interaction. The potential interest of computerized solutions is hence underexploited. In this paper,
we propose a transdisciplinary solution, based on a finer analysis of 2D interaction data, such as stop duration.
This method could reveal interesting aspects of users’ behaviors.
Intrumental Activities of Daily Living (IADL; e.g.,
cooking, shopping, driving) are assessed to help the
diagnosis of dementia in clinical practice, as a recom-
mended primary outcome in several kinds of research
in dementia. Indeed, the IADL assessment permits
to propose relevant solutions to help patients deal-
ing with their everyday difficulties (Seligman et al.,
In clinical practice, IADL assessment is gener-
ally done using questionnaires (e.g., IADL scale,
Lawton and Brody, 1969). However, for an early
detection or rehabilitation, they lack of objectivity
and they are insufficient to provide a comprehensive
view of the patients’ everyday difficulties. Other tra-
ditional tests, which focus on different specific as-
pects of perception, cognition, or motricity, are in-
sufficient to detect everyday difficulties for some pa-
tients (Lewis et al., 2011) and may fail to reflect the
real measurements (Burgess et al., 2006; Chaytor and
Schmitter-Edgecombe, 2003). In other words, the tra-
ditional tests lack of ecological validity (Campbell
et al., 2009).
In response, occupational therapy and neuropsy-
chology have developed various methods based on the
performance in IADL activities, such as cooking in
front of the experimenter. This real-world approach
aims to provide a direct and comprehensive behav-
ioral analysis of the patient on the IADL he/she has
to perform. Nevertheless, such assessments are often
difficult to set up, because of time consuming, perish-
able storage and cost, or potential risks (e.g., burn).
Several computer-based assessments have also
been developed to submit patients to controlled
situations with which they can act without risks.
This approach typically uses traditional desktop
human-computer interfaces (e.g., monitor, mouse).
In the most basic configuration, the patient selects
2D graphics using 2D interaction techniques (e.g.,
mouse or touch-screen). However, these solutions
lack of realism and do not allow a fine behavior
analysis. Consequently, several studies using such
solutions have reported a little predictive value
of everyday functioning (Armstrong et al., 2013;
Schultheis et al., 2002). For these reasons, Virtual
Reality (VR) techniques have been proposed to
assess IADL (Louisy et al., 2003). VR provides
3D pseudo-natural real-time multimodal virtual
environments (Arnaldi et al., 2003), and 3D inter-
action techniques based on real-world interaction
(e.g., pointing, walking-in-place). In this context,
the use of wireless motion capture devices (e.g.,
Microsoft Kinect
) allows pseudo-natural users’
Verhulst E., Foloppe D., Richard P., Banville F. and Allain P.
A New 2D Interaction-based Method for the Behavioral Analysis of Instrumental Activities of Daily Living.
DOI: 10.5220/0006255901460151
In Proceedings of the 12th International Joint Conference on Computer Vision, Imaging and Computer Graphics Theor y and Applications (VISIGRAPP 2017), pages 146-151
ISBN: 978-989-758-229-5
2017 by SCITEPRESS Science and Technology Publications, Lda. All rights reserved
interaction. However, several limitations compromise
the use of VR techniques, especially for for elderly or
vulnerable patients. For example, 3D gestures-based
selection or manipulation techniques require rela-
tively high energy expenditure for them and therefore
cannot be used in long experiments (Sousa Santos
et al., 2009; Verhulst et al., 2016). In addition, some
VR systems lack of portability, and are not easy to
setup at home. Moreover, a recent study about VR
has pointed out the lack of ecological validity of the
fully immersive systems (Negut¸ et al., 2016). The
authors have suggested that VR adds complexity and
difficulty, and cognitive load, compared to the real
A good compromise between these 2 approaches
has been used, as a kind of technically non-immersive
system. Such systems are VR-based, because they
simulate 3D IADL environments, propose a real-time
interaction, and use VR as science to develop realimic
experience of tasks. However, like in the most basic
solution, they use a 2D desktop configuration. When
the manipulation of several objects is a key element
of the evaluated tasks (e.g., cooking, laundry, small
home repairs), mice or touch screens are typically
used. In other words, these systems use a 2D inter-
action interface, to interact with 3D computer graph-
ics environments, displayed monoscopically (Richard
et al., 2010; Allain et al., 2014; Zhang et al., 2003).
Traditional desktop interfaces offer a good porta-
bility for clinical practice. The monoscopic dis-
play avoids discrepancy and eye fatigue (Teather and
Stuerzlinger, 2015) for assessed patients. Moreover,
several studies have compared the use of the mouse
in 2D and 3D environments, showing that the use of
mouse is easier and more accurate for 2D interac-
tion than for 3D interaction (Teather and Stuerzlinger,
2015; Ware and Lowther, 1997). Mice and touch
screens are commonly used 2D interaction interfaces.
However, even if mice and touch screens have a com-
parable efficiency, users make more errors when using
a touch screen (Forlines et al., 2007), especially for
the elderly, due to bad wrist posture (Motti and Caine,
2016). Importantly, research on IADL assessment us-
ing such RV-based systems has shown adequate re-
liable and valid results, although these systems were
technically non-immersive. Moreover, they can pro-
vide explicative data about the origins of this limita-
tion (Banville and Nolin, 2012).
A remaining problem with 3D computer graph-
ics environment based on 2D interaction techniques
is the difficulty to control the mouse pointer mou-
vements, especially for the elderly or some disabled
people. This problem may lead to artificial unwanted
errors. Consequently, the ecological validity of ob-
tained measured could be affected. Taking into ac-
count the wide use of this kind of systems, there is
a crucial need to develop solutions to distinguish us-
ability errors from cognitive errors. To achieve a
better comprehension of users abilities in computer-
based assessment, we propose a new method to in-
vestigate behavior of patients with IADL limitations
due to cognitive deficits by analyzing mouse activities
such as pathways and mouse events (e.g. click).
The following Section provides a short survey of
the related works concerning real-world assessments
of IADL (types of errors), and in mouse data anal-
ysis (mouse interaction with 2D content). Then, we
propose an alternative method to analyze users perfor-
mance, taking into account usability errors and cogni-
tive errors. The paper ends by a conclusion and tracks
for future works.
2.1 Types of Errors
Using the approach based on performance in the
real-world, neuropsychological research on IADL
difculties has yielded observable taxonomies of
errors. In this context, (Giovannetti et al., 2008) have
proposed and formulated the commission-omission
model. This model postulate that global cognitive
deficit and episodic memory deficit lead patients
to forget the steps associated with management
of the task (i.e., produce omissions errors). Thus,
a deficit in executive functions leads patients to
incorrectly perform pertinent actions or to perform
no relevant actions (i.e., produce commissions
omissions). The commissions errors do not prevent
the tasks completion, but can make more difficult
the goals achievement. There are several types
of commission errors such as perseveration where
participants realize the same action sequence more
than one time, the omission-anticipation where
they make an action step in a non-conventional
order and finally substitution where they select a
given object semantically related to the expected
object. For instance, turning on the coffee ma-
chine before filling it with water is a commission
error, while to not put water at all is an omission error.
In line with the commission-omission
model, Seligman et al. (2014) have proposed to
take account of the inefficient actions, but not overtly
erroneous, called micro-errors. The micro-errors
include too many steps in the realization of the
A New 2D Interaction-based Method for the Behavioral Analysis of Instrumental Activities of Daily Living
task, wrong sequencing and microslips which are
initialization of an unfinished action. Micro-errors
are pertinent for detecting cognitive decline in
pathological ageing (Seligman et al., 2014).
2.2 2D Interaction with 2D Content
The use of mouse is known by a majority of peo-
ple and does not cause fatigue for the user (Besanc¸on
et al., 2016). Several studies have investigated the in-
terest of the mouse movements analysis. Although
mainly conducted in a context of free web infor-
mation searching (Shapira et al., 2006; Claypool
et al., 2001; Guo and Agichtein, 2008), they pro-
vide useful results. For instance, when participants
focus on website reading, they produce more mouse
movements (Shapira et al., 2006), and more mouse
wheels (Claypool et al., 2001). Guo and Agichtein
(2008) have found that, when users want to switch
to another internet link, they make direct movements
into the target. When they are reading or searching
for information, they spent more time on the web-
site, and make longer and random movements with
the mouse (Guo and Agichtein, 2008). Overall, users
make long mouse movements when they are cog-
nitively involved, whereas they make quick move-
ments, doing a motor task (e.g., clicking on a link),
when they are focusing on some information (Guo
and Agichtein, 2008).
Other mouse movements analyses have shown the
usefulness of this approach, to extract behavioral pat-
terns, and to discriminate profile groups. For exam-
ple, Seelye et al. (2015) have pointed out that a group
of people with mild cognitive impairment was less ef-
ficient to use the mouse than a group of healthy el-
derly. The impaired people needed more time to click
on icons during web searching, make large mouse
movements, and make fewer movements, compared
to the healthy elderly. More generally, the elderly
could have issues with the mouse, especially for the
most complex actions, like double click. Smith et al.
(1999) have shown that the elderly spent more time
to move the mouse, and make longer path to reach
a target, because they are less precise compared to
younger people.
We propose to add the analysis of data from inter-
action, in the context of the IADL assessment by
”non-immersive VR” systems. The steps of the task
which are compromised can be detected according to
the omission-commission model (Giovannetti et al.,
2008, 2012). The analysis of data from interaction
could distinguish usability errors from cognitive er-
rors. We hence could improve the validity of assess-
ment by ”non-immersive VR” systems. Moreover,
we could specify new behavioral patterns, similarly
to web searching study and in the Second Life (Harris
et al., 2009). We hence could provide new data about
how/why some steps are compromised.
3.1 Proposed Data Analysis
Data from interaction can be collected while the par-
ticipant performs the computerized task. These data
include mouse path, halt time, click(s) on item, wrong
click, drag and drop, and movement velocity. Dif-
ferent kinds of data could be displayed and replayed,
in the experimented environment, for individual or
group synthesis (see Fig. 1).
Figure 1: Example of visualization of some mouse data for
a coffee-making task: Mouse path (full line), halt time (cir-
cle), click (cross), drag and drop (dotted line).
The mouse path includes an origin, an end, and
several sub-movements. Sub-mouvements can be de-
fined by their length and direction (Hourcade, 2006)
separated by pauses (Almanji et al., 2014). Gener-
ally, the first sub-movement has a higher velocity and
others are slower (Thompson et al., 2007). We ex-
pect that, during the phases of cognitive planing, the
mouse movements will be slow and random, whereas
they will be faster during a planned action.
Several clicks on an object could reveal a lack of
control-display ratio between click and objects ani-
mation, or a micro-error (Seligman et al., 2014).
A wrong click is a click outside a point of interest.
This kind of data could reveal bad system usability or
cognitive perturbations.
3.2 Planned Experiment
The data analysis that we propose can be used in var-
ious contexts. In our case, we project to use it in
HUCAPP 2017 - International Conference on Human Computer Interaction Theory and Applications
Figure 2: Experimental setup (left) and screenshot of the coffee task (right) from our previous work.
line with our previous work on IADL assessment in
impaired people (Allain et al., 2014; Richard et al.,
2010). More clearly (see Fig.2), we will use a sys-
tem based on VR, but non-immersive, which pro-
poses to perform a coffee-making task, in a virtual
kitchen (Richard et al., 2010). Coffee-making tasks
are commonly used in the ecological assessment and
rehabilitation of IADL (Allain et al., 2014; Foloppe
et al., 2015; Zhang et al., 2003). In our task, patient
has to pick and place virtual objects, in order to pre-
pare a cup of coffee with milk and sugar. The mouse
allows controlling the position of the virtual objects
on the vertical and horizontal axis. The virtual ob-
jects are automatically moved in depth. A behavioral
analysis according the omission-commission is avail-
able (Allain et al., 2014). We plan to integrate the
analysis of mouse data, and complete the behavioral
We wonder whether the patterns obtained from
this kind of data are similar to those obtained from
our current assessment (Allain et al., 2014). We will
conduct an experiment in young people, old people,
and cognitively impaired people. We expect to find
different behavioral patterns in accordance with the
age of the population. Indeed, the elderly could make
more pauses and more unwanted clicks, especially
if they have mild cognitive impairment, than young
adults. Behavioral pattern could help to make a dis-
tinction between profile groups. Indeed, monitoring
data will permit to detect pattern in the use of a virtual
kitchen to prepare a cup of coffee. The data recorded
by the mouse could help us to detect moment where
participant are thinking (reflections steps), where un-
timely clicks are made and actions sequence realiza-
tion could help to detect where mistakes occurs and
what kind of errors it is according the commission-
omission model (Giovannetti et al., 2008, 2012). Fur-
thermore; we could make in relation monitoring data
and actions sequence realization to detect in which
case participant needs more time to prepare the cup
of coffee. Is it after an error or in the same moment
for several participants?
3D computer graphics environments enable to assess
patients behaviors in ecological contexts. The aim of
this proposal is to suggest a complementary method
to analyze participants performance during cognitive
tasks. Actually, error analyzes help to understand par-
ticipants performance, but it is difficult to discrimi-
nate usability errors from errors due to cognitive per-
turbations. For instance, some variables (e.g., time
completion) can inform on participants performance
and on their ability to interact with the virtual envi-
ronments. In order to differentiate cognitive errors
from usability errors we propose to analyze mouse
movements. In this context, we will try to identify be-
havioral patterns during the simulated task and com-
pare them with those found in a web searching activ-
ity (Seelye et al., 2015; Shapira et al., 2006; Claypool
et al., 2001). Our analyzes could allow discriminating
usability errors from cognitive perturbations errors. In
addition, the mouse movements analysis could help
us to have a better understanding of the participants
performance and could be adapted in several virtual
environments with 2D interaction. Moreover as mice
do not cause fatigue to the users (Besanc¸on et al.,
2016), we could think about workload associated to
interaction technique in VR. Indeed, a recent study
has pointed out that the lack of ecological validity of
the fully immersive systems (Negut¸ et al., 2016). The
authors have suggested that VR adds complexity and
difficulty, and cognitive load, compared to the real
world. This suggestion is comforted by Allain et al.
(2014), who found more errors in a virtual coffee task
than during the same task in reality.
A New 2D Interaction-based Method for the Behavioral Analysis of Instrumental Activities of Daily Living
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A New 2D Interaction-based Method for the Behavioral Analysis of Instrumental Activities of Daily Living