As future work we suggest to push the accuracy of the
face detection model in the OpenCV framework even
further. We have still r oom to increase the amount
of hard positives samples, aiming fo r an even higher
recall rate. A good start could be to run our Iterati-
veHardPositives+ detector on the FDDB dataset and
use the returned har d positive faces as training data.
However this will force us to loo k at new evaluation
datasets besides FDDB to avoid dataset bias.
At the moment the model is only evaluated on a
single in-plane rotation. Like suggested in (Puttemans
et al., 20 16a) we could build a rotational 3D matrix of
the image and app ly our IterativeHardPositives+ de-
tector several times to incorporate these in-plan e ro-
tations. This would allow us to find more faces and
push the performance of our pipeline even further.
This work is supported by the KU Leuven, Campus
De Nayer and the Flanders Innovation & Entrepe-
neurship (AIO).
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