subject matter. The 101 strategies are grouped into
the following areas: (1) "Introducing Active
Learning"; (2) "How To Get Students Active from
the Start";
Barnet and Coate (2005) suggest we need change
the way we teach and to re-consider our strategies.
Furthermore, they argue that “the test of an effective
curriculum is ‘engaged’: Are the students
individually engaged? Are they collectively
engaged?” Their main argument is that a complex
and uncertain world requires curricula in which
students as human beings are placed at the centre of
quality of learning experience. Brew (2006)
discusses the need for initiatives to strengthen the
relationship between teaching and research as steps
on the path to the development of a new higher
education. Using examples, conversations and
critical inquiry, it suggests that the establishment of
inclusive scholarly knowledge-building communities
of both students and staff should result from the
development of a stronger relationship between
research and teaching.
Offutt (2013) has proposed three principles for
teaching Software Engineering: divergent thinking,
collaborative learning, and learning through
differentiated assessments. Typically, Convergent
thinking meaning of the traditional believes that
computer science and mathematical problems, in
general, always or most likely have one correct
answer and successful students should tend toward
that answer. Engineering, however, especially
software engineering, on the other hand needs
divergent thinking, where multiple answers are
possible and the most successful students should
find a solution that’s unique when compared with
other students solutions (Offutt, 2013). Computer
science projects and homework assignments tend to
be assessed on a uniform scale that measures every
student’s work with the same yardstick. But in
engineering, especially software engineering, the
notion of what will succeed often varies depending
on the context, including users, market, platform,
and release date. This suggests that we, as educators,
should use differentiated assessments.
Therefore, in summary, Offutt (2013) emphasis
is on, when we teach software engineering, we must
remember that divergent thinking and collaborative
learning are essential abilities for practicing
engineers, and differentiated assessment is essential
for teaching software engineering.
The current research study has learned that “the
feedback and our interaction with our learners via
our teaching has a strong and positive effect on the
achievement of our learners” (Hendry et al., 2016;
Bonwell, 1991). Other active learning adopted in
software engineering courses and in computer
science courses include (Boud and Soloman, 2001;
Spicer, 1983; Huynth et al., 2016; Krusche et al.,
2017; Manohar et al., 2015; Lutz et. al., 2014;
Exposito, 2014). However, they mostly mean active
learning is a way of interacting with computer based
assessment, short cycle exercises, etc. These are one
of the traditional forms of interactive learning
techniques with the use of a computer. In our work,
we use the term active learning to include face to
face meeting, interaction and social activities with a
group project students, self-learning, etc.
Teaching Software Engineering at Leeds Beckett
at the graduate level include taking two semester
foundation modules in the first year and moving on
to second year where they learn project
management, group projects, and software design
module. In their final year, they take a two semester
module on software engineering with emphasis on
software reuse, component-based software
engineering (CBSE), software cost estimation
models, model-driven development, software
process improvement, quality models and testing
techniques. As part of their assessment in the final
year they are required to manage a second year
group project with a size of 5 maximum. The main
idea is that students learn more effectively when
they are faced with situation to introduce and teach
someone else and it is dynamic as they judged based
on actively self-engaged as well to make sure the
managed group is also actively engaged in their
project. This is the rational for adopting active
learning techniques into software engineering
classrooms. The dynamic nature of the arrangement
makes them to collaborate (achieving collaborative
learning), socialise, and to think differently
(divergent thinking) as they needed to meet outside
the normal classroom hours, often encouraged to
meet in the social areas such as cafeteria, etc.
This section outlined some of the existing
literature on good learning practices. However, it is
not clear how we can teach those practices and
therefore, we need efficient teaching strategies along
with those learning strategies. The following section
presents our work on applying some of the learning
strategies adopted through active learning methods