understanding and critical thinking. PBL (2016 a &
b) provides a more detailed bibliography on PBL
A neural pathway, neural tract, or neural face,
connects one part of the nervous system to another
via a bundle of axons, the long fibbers of neurons. A
neural pathway connects a part of the nervous
system to another using bundles of axons. The optic
nerve is an example of a neural pathway because it
connects the eye back to the brain (Wikipedia 2016).
Neural Pathway Based Learning (NPL) is a
pedagogical technique to use a combination of
teaching strategies to create deep understanding,
knowledge, and critical evaluation by using
techniques such as a multiple choice quiz (MCQ,
Synap 2016), animations, games and puzzle based
learning, and repeated learning, etc.
Component based SE is now a standard large-scale
design strategy in most of industrial systems,
including Agents-oriented SE and in Aspects-
Oriented SE. Therefore, the author wrote a book on
CBSE (Ramachandran 2008) to tackle this drawback
in education. Since 2009, we have been successfully
teaching CBSE concepts, large-scale design, and
design for reuse with use case models (UML)
components using Problem-Based Learning (PBL)
pedagogical approach and Neural Pathway Based
Learning (NPL) techniques. Our approach to
teaching CBSE takes you from requirements to
component abstraction with specific techniques on
how to arrive this step. Each week after an hour
lesion, they were provided with practical and hand-
on problem based learning lab sessions which
consist of practical problem and they are asked to
find our multiple solutions often solutions for
software problems are multiple and therefore you
will see a variety of solutions discovered by students
and this has been closely discussed with them to
identify what is right and could be wrong. This is
also followed by an NPL based activity using MCQs
and Puzzles which are available online and they can
complete in their own time. The instructor can
monitor their success and number of attempts, etc.
on blackboard. The feedback and marks are
provided instantly to students.
Therefore, students have been enjoying the course
with full power of designing CBSE based system
development lifecycle, as they are given the
“freedom” to develop their own knowledge in their
own way with the guidance of a tutor. Our CBSE
teaching methods also demonstrated how to use best
practice guidelines on component design.
With our unique approach to teaching Software
Engineering students include directly mapping UML
and conceptual models into component models helps
students to critically think putting learning into the
context of real-world experience. In addition, most
of hands-on exercises made them to think about
careful design of component interfaces with design
rational discussion in the class amongst their peers,
have improved their learning on designing large-
scale abstraction and its benefits. This has made a
tremendous impact and enthusiasms in students’
learning and have been able to publish research
papers (Ramachandran and Jamnal 2014) while on
this module. Carefully designed labs coupled with
implementation labs that are spread equally during a
semester have improved students’ understanding of
software components and productivity with the
concept of reuse and system integration. They also
learned how useful to have interfaces for system
integration as part of their learning in the lab
sessions. During implementation, keep it strictly to
implement their component design as exactly as
possible to UML component model that they
learned. In addition, our teaching method includes
component-based design for a range of problems.
This includes both small and large-scale
applications, to encourage critical thinking and
critical evaluation of the solutions found. PBL
experience has been great from students’ feedback
as they have chosen as the best module of the year
from 2014-16.
With a strong focus on CBSE learning in Semester 1
students then moved on to learning service
computing, where they implement component-based
Service-Oriented Architecture (SOA). In essence, it
is time for us to re-visit our wealth of knowledge
and experiences in requirements engineering,
modelling, design, metrics, and testing strategies that
can support components more explicitly. For
example, how we can use the idea of system
decomposition into subsystems as components and
they can be mapped onto fine grain reusable
Problem-based learning (PBL) is one of the key
pedagogical approaches to teaching practices based
on providing several different types of problems.
However, there is a lack of dedicated e-learning
environments to support the subject of component-