Learning Environment for Problem-based Learning in Teaching
Software Components and Service-oriented Architecture
Muthu Ramachandran and Rezan Sedeeq
School of Computing and Creative Technologies, and Engineering, Faculty of Arts, Environment and Technology,
Leeds Beckett University, Headingly Campus, Leeds, U.K.
Keywords: Problem based Learning (PBL), Neural Pathway based Learning (NPL), Learning Environment for CBSE
(LECBSE), Learning Environment for SOA (LESOA), SOA, Cloud Computing, e-Learning.
Abstract: CBSE (Component Based Software Engineering) has been with us nearly two decades since the popularity
of object-oriented programming in some form or other. The concept of component abstraction is to increase
the abstraction level to provide large chunk of software solution (building blocks), therefore, it results in
increased productivity. Sadly, CBSE has been taught in the way we have been teaching programming with
smaller abstraction known as functions and procedures. Similarly, OO programming languages have also
been taught in a similar manner. Therefore, we have adopted a combination of Problem-Based Learning
(PBL) and Neural Pathway Based Learning (NPL) techniques to teach high level CBSE modelling and
concepts, large-scale design, and design for reuse with UML components. One of our main objectives of
this paper is to develop a learning technique based on PBL and NPL. The research methodology is based
delivery of the developed learning content into existing VLE and to study how well the learning has
improved on these two modules delivered on the MSc Software Engineering course. The evaluation by
students shows high satisfaction for this semester batch of post-graduate students. This paper presents the
learning environment for PBL based learning on our VLE which provides an excellent learning experience
for students to learn advanced topics such as software components and service computing.
CBSE (Component Based Software Engineering)
has been with us nearly two decades since the
popularity of object-oriented programming in some
form or other. The concept of component abstraction
is to increase the abstraction level to provide large
chunk of software solution (building blocks),
therefore, it results in increased productivity. Sadly,
CBSE has been taught in the way we have been
teaching programming with smaller abstraction
known as functions and procedures. Similarly, OO
programming languages have also been taught in a
similar manner. In addition, CBSE has also been
proposed as a container of classes in the UML
paradigm (a de-facto standard): composing
objects/packages into components in the deployment
view. Components do support OO design concepts;
however, our ultimate aim is to decompose
requirements into components: no doubt we will use
OO models as a kind of one of modelling view to
capture requirements. In addition, there is a shortage
of skilled software engineers who are trained in
component-based software development, secure
software development, cloud service development
(service computing) and domain specific languages.
Therefore, we have developed a taught MSc Course
in Software Engineering focussing on these skills
and delivering individual modules.
To teach these subjects at the Post Graduate Level,
we needed a unique pedagogical research, one of
which is problem-based learning and the other is
neural pathway learning. The definition of a
Problem-Based learning (PBL) is learning by
solving a large, real-world problem (Barg, M et al.
2000). Fee and Holland-Minkley (2010) states that
Problem-Based Learning (PBL) is a pedagogy that
centres student learning around open-ended, student
driven problems facilitated by an instructor in order
to achieve the learning outcomes of a course. Our
definition of PBL has been tailored for computing
courses and defined as “Mapping real-world
conceptual models (a set of software solution to a
real-world problem) directly to high level
component abstraction”. PBL is suitable for all
levels and courses as it helps to develop
Ramachandran, M. and Sedeeq, R.
Learning Environment for Problem-based Learning in Teaching Software Components and Service-oriented Architecture.
DOI: 10.5220/0006257702490255
In Proceedings of the 9th International Conference on Computer Supported Education (CSEDU 2017) - Volume 1, pages 249-255
ISBN: 978-989-758-239-4
Copyright © 2017 by SCITEPRESS Science and Technology Publications, Lda. All rights reserved
understanding and critical thinking. PBL (2016 a &
b) provides a more detailed bibliography on PBL
A neural pathway, neural tract, or neural face,
connects one part of the nervous system to another
via a bundle of axons, the long fibbers of neurons. A
neural pathway connects a part of the nervous
system to another using bundles of axons. The optic
nerve is an example of a neural pathway because it
connects the eye back to the brain (Wikipedia 2016).
Neural Pathway Based Learning (NPL) is a
pedagogical technique to use a combination of
teaching strategies to create deep understanding,
knowledge, and critical evaluation by using
techniques such as a multiple choice quiz (MCQ,
Synap 2016), animations, games and puzzle based
learning, and repeated learning, etc.
Component based SE is now a standard large-scale
design strategy in most of industrial systems,
including Agents-oriented SE and in Aspects-
Oriented SE. Therefore, the author wrote a book on
CBSE (Ramachandran 2008) to tackle this drawback
in education. Since 2009, we have been successfully
teaching CBSE concepts, large-scale design, and
design for reuse with use case models (UML)
components using Problem-Based Learning (PBL)
pedagogical approach and Neural Pathway Based
Learning (NPL) techniques. Our approach to
teaching CBSE takes you from requirements to
component abstraction with specific techniques on
how to arrive this step. Each week after an hour
lesion, they were provided with practical and hand-
on problem based learning lab sessions which
consist of practical problem and they are asked to
find our multiple solutions often solutions for
software problems are multiple and therefore you
will see a variety of solutions discovered by students
and this has been closely discussed with them to
identify what is right and could be wrong. This is
also followed by an NPL based activity using MCQs
and Puzzles which are available online and they can
complete in their own time. The instructor can
monitor their success and number of attempts, etc.
on blackboard. The feedback and marks are
provided instantly to students.
Therefore, students have been enjoying the course
with full power of designing CBSE based system
development lifecycle, as they are given the
“freedom” to develop their own knowledge in their
own way with the guidance of a tutor. Our CBSE
teaching methods also demonstrated how to use best
practice guidelines on component design.
With our unique approach to teaching Software
Engineering students include directly mapping UML
and conceptual models into component models helps
students to critically think putting learning into the
context of real-world experience. In addition, most
of hands-on exercises made them to think about
careful design of component interfaces with design
rational discussion in the class amongst their peers,
have improved their learning on designing large-
scale abstraction and its benefits. This has made a
tremendous impact and enthusiasms in students’
learning and have been able to publish research
papers (Ramachandran and Jamnal 2014) while on
this module. Carefully designed labs coupled with
implementation labs that are spread equally during a
semester have improved students’ understanding of
software components and productivity with the
concept of reuse and system integration. They also
learned how useful to have interfaces for system
integration as part of their learning in the lab
sessions. During implementation, keep it strictly to
implement their component design as exactly as
possible to UML component model that they
learned. In addition, our teaching method includes
component-based design for a range of problems.
This includes both small and large-scale
applications, to encourage critical thinking and
critical evaluation of the solutions found. PBL
experience has been great from students’ feedback
as they have chosen as the best module of the year
from 2014-16.
With a strong focus on CBSE learning in Semester 1
students then moved on to learning service
computing, where they implement component-based
Service-Oriented Architecture (SOA). In essence, it
is time for us to re-visit our wealth of knowledge
and experiences in requirements engineering,
modelling, design, metrics, and testing strategies that
can support components more explicitly. For
example, how we can use the idea of system
decomposition into subsystems as components and
they can be mapped onto fine grain reusable
Problem-based learning (PBL) is one of the key
pedagogical approaches to teaching practices based
on providing several different types of problems.
However, there is a lack of dedicated e-learning
environments to support the subject of component-
CSEDU 2017 - 9th International Conference on Computer Supported Education
based design which is a foundation to other modules
in our MSc computing cohorts. In addition, existing
PBL approaches lack dedicated and directed
learning strategies with real-world problems that are
commonly used and popular real-world applications
ranging from small to large. We have written a
dedicated book on the subject knowledge, now we
need a web-enabled learning environment
supporting our PBL based teaching strategies.
Therefore, this project aims to fill that gap and
develop such a learning system, which would orient
students’ toward meaning-making over fact-
collecting” (Rhem, 1998). This would have huge
potential for enterprise in both academia and
industry. We aim to achieve this by providing
technology and subject content with different
problem scenarios, with different difficulty levels of
the problem scenarios and a number of solutions to
choose. Visual instructions and exercise will be
provided to challenge learners and act as a facilitator
(giving guidance) is also part of this project’s aim.
This project aims to use the existing e-learning
environment (blackboard to launch our web-based
PBL) for emphasising foundation and practice which
is easy and enjoyable. We aim to develop a learning
environment which will provide a rich set of visual,
games, multi-media, digital artefacts and use of
cloud technologies.
This project has currently been funded as part of
Leeds Beckett Curriculum Innovation and Digital
Learning Projects 2016-17. One of our main
objectives of this project is to develop different
types of problem-based learning patterns with
populated design assets, code assets, examples, and
real-world case studies for our students. This will
give opportunity to explore current existing E-
Learning environment already provided by the
university in areas of exploring Problem Based
Learning (PBL) for assessment. One of the main
outcomes of this project is an intuitive prototype
knowledge based learning environment for software
components based design and implementation
Software component based development is the
natural foundation for developing web services,
software as a service in a cloud computing, etc. The
associated technologies in practice grow rapidly.
Therefore, it is hard to offer new courses without
having a sound foundation for learning these new
concepts and technologies that students can
appreciate while learning in the e-learning
Figure 1: Problem-Based Learning Framework.
We have now witnessed the rapid change in
technologies from product based to service based
with the emergence of SOA and Cloud computing
technologies. Teaching these evolving software
concepts and technologies poses many challenges in
the HE sector (Mircea 2012 and Ramachandran et. al
2014). Therefore, this project aims to make e-
learning intuitive and fun, and allow students to take
ownership of their own learning through facing real
problem solving experience. For further background
our teaching practices in this subject area, please
also refer to, The Missing Principles in CBSE
Education and in Practice (Ramachandran 2015).
We believe having this project, which will place us
at the forefront of virtual and interactive learning our
modules on Software components and architecture,
service-oriented computing, cloud computing, Big
Data and Business Intelligence with Analytics.
According to Kolb (2016) and Marzano, Pickering,
and Pollock (2001) research has demonstrated that
increases can be achieved if factors such as note
taking; similarities and differences in students; NPL
approach and assigning homework etc. have in the
past improved learning. Therefore, our NPL based
approaches enhances learning and are designed
quizzes, puzzles by taking this into perspective by
Software components (Ramachandran 2008;
Ramachandran 2012) and software as a service are
part of the emerging service computing paradigm.
Service-Oriented Architecture (SOA) and service
computing is a newly emerging concept for all our
software intensive and web-enabled systems.
Software component based development is the
natural foundation for developing web services,
software as a service in a cloud computing, etc.
Learning Environment for Problem-based Learning in Teaching Software Components and Service-oriented Architecture
Furthermore, the associated technologies are
growing rapidly. Therefore, it is hard to offer new
courses without having a sound foundation for
learning these new concepts and technologies that
students can experience and appreciate while
learning. This project aims to develop a learning
environment for emphasising foundation and
practice which is practical and enjoyable. This
environment will include interactive materials,
animations, games-based approach to learning, etc.
using a web based learning environment. The
outcome of this project will include a learning
environment and associated materials for digital
learning. This project has also had a world leading
industrial partnership with SOA School
(www.soaschool.com). Developing a virtual learning
environment on SOA and cloud computing will also
enhance our e-learning portfolio as well as changing
our own IT system in education to help reduce our
costs. There are no existing learning environments
for this subject expertise as far as we know and this
will be integrated with our blackboard environment.
PBL is a learning environment in which the problem
drives the learning (UBC, 2015). Problem-based
learning is one of the key pedagogical approaches to
teach practices based on providing several different
types of problems. We aim to achieve this by
providing technology and subject content with
different problem scenarios and a number of
solutions to choose. Visual instructions and exercise
will be provided to challenge learners. Different
types of problem-based learning patterns will be
developed with populated design assets, code assets,
examples, and real-world case studies. This type of
experience for MSc students will also improve
overall student experience in learning, giving them
flexibility in problem solving and learning.
Our course is one of the few in the country that
teaches large scale software development and what
is more it is very popular with the students in terms
of subject interest and offered at Franchise College
and their feedback (Ramachandran and Jamnal 2014
and Ramachandran SFHEA Presentation 2015).
However, there is a lack of dedicated e-learning
environments to support this subject. This project
aims to fill that gap and develop such a system. This
would have huge potential for enterprise in both
academia and industry. There are two major benefits
to students namely enhanced student learning and
enhanced recruitment to our courses. This will be a
unique technology for promoting learning and
teaching for a technology based courses. Students
will benefit from the content and achieve learning
through some of the interactive content prepared for
this project. We believe this will also make us one of
the first Learning Environment for Component-
Based Software Engineering (LECBSE) provider in
the world.
How to introduce this approach in your class room?
Spend first few weeks of introduction to basic
design concepts as a refresher course as some of
them coming from industry with lots of
programming skills. Simultaneously, spend a week
or two with labs session on use case modelling.
Then introduce CBSE with clear understanding of
object-oriented design concepts. At least spend three
weeks of lab session on mapping those use cases to
components and interface design. We have been
using one single case study on banking and ATM
components as they are easy to understand as an
application. Finally, at least three to four weeks on
implementing components as exactly to the UML
component standard in Java or C#. We use our
approach to blended learning with two learning
strategies: Problem-Based Learning (PBL) and
Neural-Pathway Based Learning (NPL). The PBL
emphasis on problem solving strategies by providing
a number of software design challenges to find an
ideal solution using CBSE principles and design
notations which is checked instantly and provided
feedback during the lab sessions. This further
refined to analyse their understanding using NPL
strategies by providing them with MCQ, Puzzle, and
Repeated Interactions. Each topic on CBSE learning
has been enhanced with two major learning
Technology enhanced learning is based on specific
learning strategies which should be combined with
current developments in emerging technologies as it
is the current for today’s learners. For example, the
popular use of social media and cloud based
technologies. Therefore, we have identified a pillars
of technology enhanced learning in the context of
emerging technologies such as social media, cloud,
and virtual reality. Figure 2 shows the pillars of
learning technologies.
CSEDU 2017 - 9th International Conference on Computer Supported Education
Figure 2 Pillars of Technology Enhanced Learning
Framework & the Future of E-Learning.
3.1 SOA based Design of LBCSE
We are currently working on the CLT Leeds Beckett
funded project on developing a cloud based virtual
learning environment to teach Component Based
Software Engineering (CBSE) and Service-Oriented
Architecture (SOA) and the SOA Based design of
LBCSE is shown in Figure 3. Service computing has
flexibility to exchange and make changes quickly. In
addition, integrating various systems. Chang and
Hisao (2011) has proposed SOA based e-learning
systems that is characterised as a reusable and
interchangeable resources and can reduce the cost of
educational services. However, we have proposed an
integrated cloud based e-learning environment in
Figure 3 (a high level architectural design using the
SOA paradigm) and a more detailed architectural
design with e-learning services that are integrated
with machine learning and data analytics techniques
that system can ubiquitously learn about the
Figure 3 The High Level SOA Architecture Paradigm for
E-Learning System
SOA based implementation provides flexibility to
change and plugin to emerging web and cloud based
technologies. The SOA paradigm is based on a three
dimensional view: service provider, service
requester and a directory. We have customised the
paradigm for E-Learning as shown in Figure 3.
Figure 4 shows our interface design for PBL based
learning in our VLE. Students can access their
learning content from anywhere and on any device.
Figure 4 Problem Based Learning (PBL) Techniques.
We have categorised PBL into following problems
and solutions categories:
1. Design problems requiring outline solutions
(solutions could be more than one type)
Learning Environment for Problem-based Learning in Teaching Software Components and Service-oriented Architecture
2. Given the design solutions requiring
relevant code skeleton which conforms to
component standard taught in the lectures
3. Given the Code requiring to draw relevant
design solutions (it could be more than one)
E-learning has become one of major aspect of our
University portfolio in line with emerging
technologies worldwide in higher education. In our
university this has been shown through the
implementation of Centre For Learning And
Teaching (CLT) and adoption of UKPSF and
Teaching Excellency Framework (TEF)
(Ramachandran 2008;2014;2015, TEL 2016). All
these they underpin the teaching pedagogies
required for our subject area.
4.1 Evaluation of the LCBSE
The research project supports in getting a vision on
various principles and different reflections
additionally, associates to comprehend how
individuals think in unexpected ways and
differently. The qualitative process method has
chosen for this research project, as it supports to
come with deeper concepts of E-Learning, in this
project dissertation by using qualitative methods,
several questions are prepared in term of usability,
Course Content and Activities, Assessments and
designing the quizzes. Two types of qualitative
methods have used:
Likert scale.
Open-ended question.
Likert Scales “is a psychometric response scale
primarily used in questionnaires to obtain
participant’s preferences or degree of agreement
with a statement or set of statements. Likert scales
are a noncomparative scaling technique and are
one-dimensional (only measure a single trait) in
nature. Respondents are asked to indicate their level
of agreement with a given statement by way of an
ordinal scale” (Bertram, 2007). The Open-end
question is the unstructured question that the
potential answer not suggested by the project
researcher and the response of the respondents’ not
expected, it is her/ his own words and provides the
participants a scope to grant the information that
respondents think to be suitable for the questions
(Tran et al, 2016).
13 participants have been involved for the
17 questions have been asked based on 7
different aspects.
Likert scale and one open question have
used for evaluation project.
Participants have been asked to test full
Figure 5: Overall Results of the Project Evaluation by
Questionnaire and interviews.
As shown in Figure 5 PBL based learning
environment was evaluated by a group learners who
has expressed more than 95% satisfactory of their
learning experiences.
We would like to thank CLT (Centre for learning
and Technology) at Leeds Beckett University for
funding this project.
It is difficult for leaners in advanced computing
courses to catch with deeper understanding of the
high level concepts underpins current and emerging
technologies. We have developed two advanced
modules to teach the foundations of high level
concepts of components based development and
service computing. However, it also requires
different teaching and learning strategies. We have
employed successfully a problem based learning in
these tow advanced courses. Therefore, we have
adopted a combination of Problem-Based Learning
(PBL) and Neural Pathway Based Learning (NPL)
techniques to teach high level CBSE modelling and
concepts, large-scale design, and design for reuse
CSEDU 2017 - 9th International Conference on Computer Supported Education
with UML components. This paper presented the
learning environment for PBL based learning on our
VLE which provides excellent learning experience
for students to learn advanced topics such as
software components and service computing.
BCS (2009) http://www.bcs.org/server.php?show=
Barg, M et al. (2000) Problem-Based Learning for
Foundation Computer Science Courses, Computer
Science Education, 2000, Vol. 10, No. 2, pp. 109–128
Chang, V. (2016). Review and discussion: e-learning for
academia and industry. International Journal of
Information Management.
Chang, C. C., and Hsiao, K-C (2011) A SOA-Based e-
Learning System for Teaching Fundamental
Information Management Courses, Journal of
Convergence Information Technology, Volume 6,
Number 4. April 2011
CPCHUK (2008)
Fee, S. B., and Holland-Minkley, A.M (2010) Teaching
computer science through problems, not solutions.
Computer Science Education 20(2): 129-144 (2010)
Kolb (2016) Kolb’ s theory learning is a cognitive
development, http://www.learning-
Marzano, J. R., Pickering, J. D., Pollock, E.J (2001)
Classroom Instructions that Works: Research based
Neural Pathway (2015)
neural-pathways-2/, accessed 19th October.
PBL (2016a) A starter bibliography about problem-based
learning, http://www.gp-training.net/training/
PBL (2016b) Teaching Methods Problem based learning,
Ramachandran, M (2008) Software components:
guidelines and applications, Nova Publishers, NY,
Ramachandran, M (2015) Quiz based learning
Ramachandran, M (2015) Senior HEA Fellowship
presentation, Leeds Beckett University, May 2015
Ramachandran, M and Jamnal, G (2014) Developing
Reusable .NET Software Components, Science and
Information Conference (SAI), IEEE CS, August 27-
29, 2014, London, UK
Synap (2015) Multiple choice questions wiki app
TEL (2016), Teaching and learning Framework,
Tran, V.T., Porcher, R., Falissard, B. and Ravaud, P.,
(2016). Point of data saturation was assessed using
resampling methods in a survey with open-ended
questions. Journal of Clinical Epidemiology.
Learning Environment for Problem-based Learning in Teaching Software Components and Service-oriented Architecture