
3.2 Abductive Diagnostic Reasoning
Abductive reasoning is a form of logical inferenc-
ing that hypothesizes explanations for a given ob-
servation, and is viewed as a competing concept to
consistency-based diagnosis. As a powerful concept
to handle commonsense reasoning, it has been applied
in the diagnosis domain (Eiter and Gottlob, 1995).
Abduction became a powerful reasoning method
to Artificial Intelligence especially in the field of di-
agnosis which is considered by (Christiansen, 2005)
as one of the most representative and best understood
application domains for abductive reasoning. It has
further served as a basis for other types of expert sys-
tems, e.g. in the medical domain, and apart from di-
agnosis in areas such as planning, natural language
understanding and machine learning (Christiansen,
Abduction is a logical reasoning method that gen-
erates, given a logical theory or domain knowledge
T and a set of observations O, explanations (= hy-
potheses) E which explain O according to T such that
T ∪E O, and T ∪E is consistent. Abductive reason-
ing is a type of non-monotonic reasoning since hy-
potheses E which have been made given theory T and
observations O might become obsolete due to new ob-
servations O
which require the reasoning system to
retract those explanations which do not meet the two
constraints from above. Therefore, default reasoning
can be based on abduction instead of non-monotonic
logics so that defaults are represented as hypotheses
to be made or retracted instead of deriving conclu-
sions within non-monotonic logics (cf. (Eshghi and
Kowalski, 1989)).
An abductive theory is a triple (P, IC, A), where
P is a logic program defining the domain knowledge,
IC is a set of integrity constraints (logical formulas)
which define constraints on the abduced predicates,
and A is a set of abducible ground atoms.
We can now define express (P,IC, A) in terms of
the diagnosis domain in order to identify faulty com-
ponents ∆ ⊆ COMPONENTS in a malfunctioning system
in the same way as finding the best explanations for
given symptoms. A system (SD,COMPS) is formal-
ized as follows: SD is the system definition, as de-
fined by P, and COMPS is the set of system components
which can be possible sources of errors, as defined by
The integrity constraints IC can be used to ad-
ditionally constrain the generated diagnose, e.g. by
stating that certain components A
⊆ A cannot be di-
agnosed as faulty.
When diagnosing a system, one needs to observe
the malfunction and represent these symptomatic ob-
servations as a set of logical formulas OBS. The diag-
nosis problem (SD, COMPS, OBS) is solved through ab-
duction by retracting some of the ¬AB-assumptions.
The resulting set ∆ ⊆ A is a valid diagnosis if it ex-
plains all of the observed symptoms.
To meet the goal of providing useful diagnoses
which do not contain any, for the fault explanation
insignificant components, the Principle of Parsimony
advocates minimal diagnoses. Hence, a diagnosis
for (SD, COMPS, OBS) is according to (Ray and Kakas,
2006) a minimal set ∆ ⊆ A such that SD ∪∆ OBS∩IC.
We will use implementations of abductive reason-
ing in the form of logic programming and answer
set programming. These systems follow the stable
model semantics which was motivated by formalizing
the behavior of SLDNF resolution (selective, linear,
definite resolution with negation as failure), a com-
mon resolution strategy for logic programming sys-
tems like Prolog.
For any set M of atoms from Π, let Π
be the
program (reduct) generated from Π by removing
1. each rule that has a negative literal ¬l in its body
where l ∈ M, and
2. all negative literals in the bodies of the remaining
Since Π
is now negation-free, it has a unique mini-
mal Herbrand model. If this model is equal to M, then
M is a stable set of Π (Gelfond and Lifschitz, 1988).
Answer Set Programming (ASP) is a form of
declarative programming which is primarily ad-
dressed to solving NP-hard search problems. It has
its roots in Reiter’s theory of default reasoning and in
the generation of stable models.
In ASP, search problems are first ground-
instantiated by so-called grounders like LPARSE
which are front-ends accepting logic programs. In
the next step, ASP solver like SMODELS or DLV
solve these computable search problems by calculat-
ing all stable models of the grounded programs. Un-
like SLDNF-employing reasoning tools like Prolog,
ASP solvers always terminate (Lifschitz, 2008). In
addition, the performance of current ASP solvers is
comparable to highly efficient SAT solvers because
similar algorithms are used.
Consistency-based and abductive diagnosis both
represent techniques for identifying the error sources
of a malfunctioning system. Although these methods
can be applied to the same task, the results that are
calculated sometimes differ. In contrast, abductive di-
agnosis is more restrictive on the selection of diagnos-
tic explanations: the diagnosis ∆ in conjunction with
the system description SD must have a stable model
which logically entails the observations.
ICAART 2017 - 9th International Conference on Agents and Artificial Intelligence