A Generic, Extensible Data Model for Trajectory Determination Systems
e A. Navarro
, M. Eul
alia Par
, Ismael Colomina
and Marta Bl
Centre Tecnol
ogic de Telecomunicacions de Catalunya (CTTC/CERCA),
Av. Carl Friedrich Gauss, 7. Building B4, 08860 Castelldefels, Spain
GeoNumerics, S. L., Av. Carl Friedrich Gauss, 11. Building B6, 08860 Castelldefels, Spain
Data Model, Generic, Extensible, Trajectory Determination System.
Trajectory Determination Systems (TDS) use the measurements delivered by sensors to estimate trajectories.
Many are the types of sensors that may be used already by such systems and new ones appear constantly in
the market. Variety and fast change pace pose a problem for the maintenance of any kind of software system,
including TDSs. Some data models and / or standards dealing with sensor data exist, but these are either too
generic (and ambitious) or, on the contrary, targeted at very specific types of observations (as, for instance,
GNSS.) This paper introduces a compact but complete, generic and extensible data model powerful enough as
to deal with the kind of observations involved in trajectory determination and able to alleviate or even eliminate
the software maintenance toll derived by constant changes in data sources. Two materialization of this data
model, its file and network interfaces are briefly presented here as well as a portable C++ library implementing
such interfaces.
Trajectory Determination Systems (TDS) (Titterton
and Weston, 2004), at least in the context of this pa-
per, are software applications that compute trajecto-
ries using the measurements provided by one or, more
usually, several sensors, being a trajectory the path of
a moving object. TDSs are becoming more and more
used in several areas, as for instance precision agricul-
ture (Karpowicz, 2016; GSA, 2015), unmanned air-
craft navigation (Colomina and Molina, 2014), indoor
positioning (Zhu et al., 2014) or even autonomous ve-
hicle driving (Minh, 2014), among others. Normally,
these applications need not a single sensor but a set
of these to deliver satisfactory results because of the
degree of complexity that some navigation scenarios
may reach.
At the same time, sensors, the data sources used
by TDSs, evolve very quickly (Groves et al., 2014a;
Groves et al., 2014b). New ones appear on the mar-
ket, others are improved. TDSs must adapt quickly
too to these changes to maximize their potential to
derive quality trajectories; this is especially true in
very competitive markets. These new or improved
sensors must be modelled and integrated into the TDS
minimizing delays as much as possible. This poses a
problem showing different facets: scientific, software
engineering and interfaces. Although this applies to
any software system in general, one possible solution
is to develop TDSs that may be extended easily, as
for instance NAVEGA (Par
es and Colomina, 2015).
In this TDS, the internal estimation engine or exter-
nal data interface have been designed in such a way
that including new models or data types implies no
changes in the software. RIFE (Soloviev and Yang,
2013) uses a similar approach. Another example of a
generic TDS is the FLY and SPIDER suite (Marietta
et al., 2015).
Extensibility has long been the target of several
contributions in Geomatics (Tscherning, 1978; Elas-
sal, 1983; Sarjakoski, 1988; Crippa et al., 1989;
Colomina, 1992). However, it is surprising to see
how little the problem of generic data interfaces
has been treated. The works on ISO standards in
this area (Kresse and Fadaie, 2004) are loosely re-
lated to the problem tackled here. Very recently,
though, the UAID generic sensor interface for plug-
and-play navigation systems (Soloviev et al., 2016)
refers to the Defense Advanced Research Project
Agency’s (DARPA) ”ASPN Interface Control Docu-
ments” whose aim is the development of techniques
to integrate low cost sensors under the umbrella of a
plug & play architecture. DARPAs interest in this
topic should confirm its relevance.
There exist several standards covering sensor and
observation data models as those from the Open GIS
Navarro, J., Parés, M., Colomina, I. and Blázquez, M.
A Generic, Extensible Data Model for Trajectory Determination Systems.
DOI: 10.5220/0006258400170025
In Proceedings of the 3rd International Conference on Geographical Information Systems Theory, Applications and Management (GISTAM 2017), pages 17-25
ISBN: 978-989-758-252-3
Copyright © 2017 by SCITEPRESS Science and Technology Publications, Lda. All rights reserved
Consortium (OGC, 2007; OGC, 2013). The scope,
however, of these is too wide, their proposal too com-
plex to achieve efficiently the goals of this work. Data
or metadata files written according to these recom-
mendations would be far too complicated for the reg-
ular TDS user. On the other side, standards covering
data for specific sensors also exist, as the RINEX for-
mat (and its relatives, ANTEX, IONEX and SP3) for
GNSS measurements (IGS, 2013) or the LAS format
for point clouds derived from laser scanning (ASPRS,
2009). But since these formats are targeted at specific
sensors, it is not possible to use them as the base of a
generic data model.
The aim of this paper is to introduce ASTRO-
LABE, a generic, extensible and complete but con-
cise data model specifically targeted at TDS data and
metadata, able to cope with change and innovation.
The development of ASTROLABE started in 2009
at the former Institute of Geomatics and, since 2014,
it has been continued at the Geomatics Division of
CTTC with the cooperation of GeoNumerics. There
exist two translations of this data model that are ma-
terialized as a file and a network interfaces as well as
a portable library written in C++ implementing these.
Further sections of this work will describe these com-
ASTROLABE means to be complete. In this con-
text, this means that all the aspects related to data
must be taken into account so no assumptions about
their properties need to be done. We are talking about
metadata, a very important facet that, unfortunately, is
often neglected. ASTROLABE takes care of defining
both data and related metadata. Examples of metadata
might be the units used in measurements or the coor-
dinate reference systems these are referred to. The
following sections will describe (1) how data is mod-
elled to achieve genericity and extensibility and (2)
how metadata is specified to fulfill the completeness
2.1 About Data
The determination of a trajectory, as any other pro-
cess, takes some inputs, performs some kind of pro-
cess and then delivers some outputs. (Previous) states,
observations and instrument data are the inputs in the
case of ASTROLABE. Models represent the process
while (new) states are the outputs. More formally
these are the pillars on which the data model relies:
Instrument (a.k.a. sensor.) Device used to mea-
sure some observable, thus delivering observa-
tions. ASTROLABE defines an instruments as the
set of constants that characterizes it. A GNSS re-
ceiver is a typical example of instrument.
Observable and observation (a.k.a. measure-
ment.) An observation or measurement is one of
the values that an observable may take. An ob-
servable is a numerical property of a physical sys-
tem that may be measured. Technically, it is a ran-
dom variable. An example of observable in this
context is a linear acceleration; the corresponding
observation or measurement could be 12 m/s
(Mathematical) model. Mathematical description
of a process. The logic that transforms previous
states and observations into new states (see be-
low.) Mathematical models are not data by them-
selves, but are included here for the sake of com-
pleteness and coherence in the description of the
data model. Model identifiers, however, are used
in observation equations (see below) to relate ob-
servations, instruments and models themselves to
describe how to estimate states.
States. States are also random variables that have
to be estimated from known (former) states and
observations, instruments and mathematical mod-
els. Typical states in the context of TDSs are po-
sition or attitude random vectors.
Observation equations. These relate observa-
tions, instruments, models and states. Observa-
tion equations describe how a new state is ob-
tained, specifying both the necessary inputs (for-
mer states, observations and instruments) and the
necessary procedures (the mathematical model.)
From the structural standpoint, observations and
states are identical in ASTROLABE. The obvious dif-
ference is that while observations contain measure-
ments, states hold the result of a computation. There-
fore, the description of observations below is valid for
these two entities.
These are the components integrating an obser-
vation (in fact, any kind of observation in ASTRO-
observation: (event tag, active flag, identifier, instance
identifier, time stamp, tags, expectations, covariance matrix)
The event tag is a marker to tell apart the different
data entities making the ASTROLABE data model, as
observations or observation equations; the active flag
is used to activate (or deactivate) the observation so
it is taken or not into account when computing states
(this is the way to avoid the actual removal of the ob-
servation from a data file, for instance, and still be
GISTAM 2017 - 3rd International Conference on Geographical Information Systems Theory, Applications and Management
able to ignore it.) The identifier is an unique code stat-
ing the type of the observation (is this an IMU model
x or an odometer model y?) The instance identifier
is used to tell apart different instances of observations
of the same type—sharing the same identifier; for in-
stance, if two or more identical sensors (e.g., odome-
ter model w) are used in an observation campaign, the
observations coming from these will share the same
identifier (since all of them come from the same kind
of odometer) but will have different instance identi-
fiers (to tell apart the different odometers.) The time
stamp contains the time when the observation was ob-
tained. The tags are a set of values that, despite not
being an intrinsic part of the observation, help to com-
plement it. For instance, some barometers may be
affected by temperature; collecting the value of this
observable at the moment the pressure was measured
will improve the estimation of the output state. Ob-
viously, barometers do not measure temperature; this
is the reason why such magnitude plays the role of a
tag in this observation. Note that tags are optional. Fi-
nally the values of the observation themselves (the ex-
pectations) and their covariance matrix complete the
definition of the observation.
Providing that the error distribution of (whatever
the) observations adheres to a Gaussian distribution, it
will be possible to model them using the above struc-
ture. To be precise, Gaussian error distributions are
a requisite set by CTTC’s TDS, NAVEGA. ASTRO-
LABE, in fact, supports a broader range of error prob-
ability distributions including all those for which the
first and second moments exist.
The following is an example of observation:
l imu1 1 124.88 0.01 0.02 0.015 0.32 0.43 9.95
1e-3 1e-3 1e-3 1e-2 1e-2 1e-2
The ”l” marker denotes an observation; imu1 is
the identifier of the observation, pointing to some kind
of inertial measuring unit; 1 is the instance identi-
fier for this observation; if there were data coming
for more (identical kind of) IMUs in the dataset, this
instance identifier would tell these apart. The value
124.88 is the time tag. There are no tags. The re-
maining values in the first line above stand for the
linear accelerations and angular velocities typically
measured by IMUs. All the values in the second line
stand for the covariance matrix of the observation (in
this case, only standard deviations, no correlations.)
Note that the active flag is not shown in the example.
In the next example, the following could be two
valid observation corresponding to two identical tem-
perature compensated barometers used simultane-
l tc_baro 1 124.88 25.4 1020.003 1.3
l tc_baro 2 124.88 25.3 1020.532 1.3
Focusing on the first of these two observations, the
identifier tc baro indicates the new kind of obser-
vation. Again, 1 is the instance identifier; the time
stamp is again 124.88. Note that this observation
has a single tag, a temperature value, which for this
case is 25.4. The actual pressure value is 1020.003
and its standard deviation is 1.3. The values for the
second barometer (second observation) differ slightly
from those provided for the first one. The important
thing, however, is that the instance identifier for the
second barometer is 2 and not 1, so it is possible to
tell apart the observations originating in different sen-
To finish, the following could be an example of a
position observation (longitude, latitude, height) re-
trieved from a GNSS receiver. No explanations (be-
sides the fact that there are no tags in the observa-
tion) are given; all the components of the observation
should be now clear to the reader.
l gnss_b 3 124.88 2.0003 41.0008 32.4
3e-2 3e-2 2e-1
Note how easily three completely different kinds
of observations have been represented using the AS-
TROLABE data model.
As stated above, states adhere to the same struc-
ture just described, so this issue will be no further
discussed. Instruments are defined using the same
structure too. The main difference in this case is that
instruments are considered as constants and their val-
ues, therefore, immutable. Their covariance matrices
are interpreted as a mere indication of the quality of
the constants defining the instruments.
The structure of an observation equation is the fol-
observation equation: (event tag, activation flag, time
stamp, model identifier, list of state instance identifiers, list
of observation instance identifiers, list of instrument
instance identifiers)
The meanings of the event tag, activation flag and
time stamp fields have already been defined above.
However, the event marker for observation equations
is a lowercase letter ”o” (instead of ”l”.) The model
identifier points to the actual mathematical method to
use to estimate a state out of the previous states, ob-
servations and instruments involved in the equation.
Note the use of instance identifiers instead of mere
identifiers. Doing so it is possible to refer to observa-
tions that, despite being of the same type, come from
different actual sensors. The following could be an
example of observation equation involving the imu1
and gnss b observations seen in the examples above:
o 124.88 compute_position 101 1 3
Again, the active flag has been omitted. o is the
event marker and compute position corresponds to
A Generic, Extensible Data Model for Trajectory Determination Systems
the name of the model that will perform the transi-
tion from observations to states. The state that will be
computed is the one pointed by the instance identifier
101 and to do it, the model will use the observations
whose instance identifiers are, respectively, 1 and 3.
There are no instruments constants involved in this
observation equation (these are optional.)
Observation equations may be seen as triggers, or
the call to methods / routines specifying the set of in-
put parameters needed to derive the output ones.
Finally, data is organized in different datasets (ei-
ther disk files or network data streams.) Observations
and observation equations go together in the observa-
tions data set; instruments constitute a separate one;
output states are stored in their own dataset too.
2.2 About Metadata
The different examples shown in section 2.1 are
clearly incomplete. The values related to time stamps,
tags, expectations or their covariance matrix are not
well defined. For instance, there is no information
about the units used to express these magnitudes. Still
further, there is no hint about reference frames or co-
ordinate systems. Consequently, for instance, it is im-
possible to know if the temperature tag that accom-
panies the pressure reading delivered by the compen-
sated barometer in the examples above is expressed in
degrees Celsius or Fahrenheit.
ASTROLABE provides with metadata for all the
data entities described in section 2.1—but observa-
tion equations, since these merely relate data entities.
Additionally, metadata for time values (necessary for
time stamps) are also provided. Metadata are always
stored in XML files.
Below, the description of the several fields in-
cluded in metadata are presented, separated by the dif-
ferent kinds of data entities found in the data model.
Note that mathematical models are also characterized.
Observations and States. Metadata for these two
data entities are identical. These are the items in-
Identifier. Unique code used to tell apart differ-
ent kinds of observations or states. By means of
this code, it is possible to relate actual observa-
tion or state data (which include the identifier)
to the metadata that characterize them.
Dimension. Number of elements in the observa-
tion or states expectations vector.
Referencing. Code (or pairs of codes) identify-
ing either the coordinate reference frame or ref-
erence frame plus coordinate system to which
data is referred to.
Units. Used to state the units of each of the ele-
ments in the expectations vector (for observa-
tions or states.)
Default Covariance Matrix. Default covariance
matrix for the expectations vector (observations
or states.) Used when an observation (or state)
includes no explicit covariance matrix values.
This happens when a sensor does not provide
covariance information and a default nominal
value (usually stated by the manufacturer) must
be used instead. The units are those of the ex-
pectations vector (for the standard deviations.)
This is an optional metadata field.
Scale Factors. This optional field contains a list
of positive scale factors for the standard devia-
tions. When not present, all scale factor values
default to 1.
Tag Metadata. This field is optional, as tags are.
When present, the following items must be de-
Number of tags.
For each of these tags, the units and the ref-
erencing information (see above) must be in-
Instruments. Some of the metadata fields charac-
terizing an instrument have already been defined
when describing observation and state metadata.
Therefore, these will not be described again.
Identifier. See observation / state metadata.
List of Instruments Constants. For each con-
stant used to characterize the instrument, the
following items must be clearly stated:
Type. The constant may be either a scalar or a
matrix. In the case of matrices, their dimen-
sions must also be specified.
Referencing. See observation / state metadata.
Units, Default Covariance, Scale Factors.
See observation / state metadata.
Models. When describing a model in ASTROLABE,
the specification of its signature (input and output
parameters) is given. In other words, the descrip-
tion of models exactly corresponds to the structure
of observation equations (see section 2.1,) where,
besides the model identifier, the list of observa-
tion, instrument and state identifiers are provided.
The metadata items that must be specified are:
Identifier. Unique code identifying the model.
List of States. The identifiers pointing to the
states that will be needed by the model. Each
state includes a sub-item, namely the role, to
define whether the state will be just read (con-
stant role) or estimated (free role.)
GISTAM 2017 - 3rd International Conference on Geographical Information Systems Theory, Applications and Management
List of Observations. The identifiers of the ob-
servations used by the model to derive one or
more states.
List of Instruments. The identifiers of the in-
struments that intervene in the estimation of the
output states. This list is optional (as it is when
writing observation equations.)
Time. All the time stamps in ASTROLABE datasets
refer to the same coordinate reference frame and
use the same units for simplicity reasons. A single
specification for time stamps is therefore needed.
The items to describe are:
Units. See observation / state metadata.
Referencing. See observation / state metadata.
Figure 1 depicts the actual specification of meta-
data for an observation (lines 1–28, l spec XML tag,)
a state (lines 29–52, p spec XML tag,) a model (lines
53–72, m spec XML tag,) and an instrument (lines
73–105, i spec XML tag.) No metadata for time
(stamps) has been included in this example.
The data model described in section 1 has been ma-
terialized in two different interfaces, namely the file
and network ones.
3.1 The File Interface
The first materialization of the ASTROLABE data
model uses files to store datasets. There are several
kinds of files included in this interface. The most im-
portant ones are observation, instrument and state data
files as well as metadata files (see section 2.2.)
Observation files contain a sequenced series of ob-
servation and observation equations records. In the
context of the file interface, observations are referred
to as ”l-records” (due to the event marker, ”l”, used to
tell them apart of observation equations.) Observation
equations are referred to as ”o-records. Figure 2 de-
picts a text, XML materialization of an observations
file (note that line numbers are not part of the file.)
In this example, the event tag corresponds to
the XML tag name; therefore, <l> tags describe l-
records (observations) while <o> tags correspond to
o-records (observation equations.) Only one of the
records in the figure show the active flag. It is the
”s” (status) attribute (see line 1.) It may take two val-
ues, ”a” (active) or ”r” (removed.) If the active flag is
omitted, the l- or o-record is assumed active.
Both the observation and model identifiers used
in observations and observation equations are repre-
sented by the ”id” attribute. For instance, in line 1
the observation identifier is ”baro1”. The observation
equation in line 6 involves the model whose identifier
is ”pva1 d”.
In this dataset the observations collected by two
different barometers of the same type are shown. The
observations in lines 1, 10 and 19 correspond to a
kind of observation whose identifier is ”baro1, so
they share the same type. But the ones in lines 1 and
19 come from one specific barometer whose instance
identifier or ”n” attribute is 32, while the observation
in line 10 was obtained from a different one, with an
instance identifier equal to 33.
The observations related to (temperature compen-
sated) barometers have one tag each (the temperature)
whose values are 23.44, 23.45 and 23.45 respectively.
The remaining kind of observations have no tags. In
all cases, the covariance matrix includes the standard
deviations only (so the assumption is that correlations
are equal to 0 in all cases.)
Three different models are used by means of ob-
servation equations. See for instance lines 6 to 8,
where three observation equations may be observed.
There, it may be seen that the models used are
those whose identifiers are, respectively, ”pva1 d”,
”imu1 bias d” and ”height update. The observation
equation in line 6 involves two states whose instance
identifiers are respectively 27 and 11. To do it, it uses
only an observation of type ”imu1” whose instance
identifier is 41; no instruments are included in this
Instrument Files. Contain the data defining the
characteristics of the different instruments used in a
dataset. Since the structure of the instrument data en-
tity is the same than the one used for observations,
l-records are employed to materialize instrument in-
formation. Thus, an instrument file contains a series
of l-records. Although no example is provided to de-
pict such files, Figure 2, showing observations, may
be used as reference. Note, though, that o-records do
not exist in instrument files.
State Files. The output, estimated trajectory
which consists of a sequenced series of states, im-
plemented as l-records once more. No o-records are
present in state files.
Metadata Files. These are used to fully character-
ize the different entities integrating the ASTROLABE
data model. See Figure 1 for an actual example of a
metadata file.
Metadata files are always stored in XML format;
on the contrary, data files may be stored in either text
(XML) or binary formats. Binary files are recom-
A Generic, Extensible Data Model for Trajectory Determination Systems
001 <l_spec s="a">
002 <type> baro </type>
003 <lineage>
004 <id> baro1 </id>
005 <name> Baro measurements </name>
006 </lineage>
007 <dimension> 1 </dimension>
008 <ref>
009 <ref_frame_VC>
010 QNH
011 </ref_frame_VC>
012 <coor_system_VC>
013 cartesian
014 </coor_system_VC>
015 </ref>
016 <units> hPa </units>
017 <c> 1 </c>
018 <s> 1 </s>
019 <t_spec>
020 <dimension> 1 </dimension>
021 <ref>
022 <coor_ref_frame_VC>
023 Celsius
024 </coor_ref_frame_VC>
025 </ref>
026 <units> C </units>
027 </t_spec>
028 </l_spec>
029 <p_spec s="a">
030 <type> pva </type>
031 <lineage>
032 <id> pva1 </id>
033 <name>
034 Position, velocity and
035 attitude in WGS84
036 </name>
037 </lineage>
038 <dimension> 9 </dimension>
039 <ref>
040 <ref_frame_VC> WGS84 </ref_frame_VC>
041 <coor_system_VC>
042 geodetic, geodetic, geodetic,
043 Lned, Lned, Lned,
044 Bfrd-Lned, Bfrd-Lned, Bfrd-Lned
045 </coor_system_VC>
046 </ref>
047 <units>
048 rad, rad, m,
049 m/s, m/s, m/s,
050 rad, rad, rad
051 </units>
052 </p_spec>
053 <m_spec s="a">
054 <type> RW_6_d </type>
055 <lineage>
056 <id> imu1_bias_d </id>
057 <name>IMU biases as random walk</name>
058 </lineage>
059 <l_list>
060 <dimension> 1 </dimension>
061 <item n="1">
062 <id> imu1_bias_pn </id>
063 </item>
064 </l_list>
065 <p_list>
066 <dimension> 1 </dimension>
067 <item n="1">
068 <id> imu1_bias </id>
069 <role> free </role>
070 </item>
071 </p_list>
072 </m_spec>
073 <i_spec s="a">
074 <type> baro_p0_h0 </type>
075 <lineage>
076 <id> p0_h0 </id>
087 <name>Initial pressure+altitude</name>
078 </lineage>
079 <c_list>
080 <dimension> 2 </dimension>
081 <item n="1">
082 <type> scalar </type>
083 <ref>
084 <ref_frame_VC> QNH </ref_frame_VC>
085 <coor_system_VC>
086 pressure
087 </coor_system_VC>
088 </ref>
089 <units> mBar </units>
090 <c> 1.2 </c>
091 <s> 1 </s>
092 </item>
093 <item n="2">
094 <type> scalar </type>
095 <ref>
096 <coor_ref_frame_VC>
097 WGS84-ellipsoidal-height
098 </coor_ref_frame_VC>
099 </ref>
100 <units> m </units>
101 <c> 0.15 </c>
102 <s> 1 </s>
103 </item>
104 </c_list>
105 </i_spec>
Figure 1: Metadata: observation, state, model and instrument.
mended when big amounts of data need to be handled;
these are more efficient in terms of space and process-
ing time. l- and o-records also exists in the binary ver-
sion of data files; obviously, these are represented in
a different (more compact) way.
3.2 The Network Interface
The second materialization of the ASTROLABE data
model is the network interface, which relies on TCP
/ IP sockets. This interface implements, at least up to
GISTAM 2017 - 3rd International Conference on Geographical Information Systems Theory, Applications and Management
01 <l id="baro1" s="a" n="32"> 124.88 23.44 1023.44
02 0.3 </l>
03 <l id="imu1" n="41"> 124.88 0.01 0.02 0.015 0.32 0.43 9.95
04 1e-3 1e-3 1e-3 1e-2 1e-2 1e-2 </l>
05 <l id="imu1_bias_pn" n="17"> 124.88 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 </l>
06 <o id="pva1_d" > 124.88 27 11 41 </o>
07 <o id="imu1_bias_d" > 124.88 11 17 </o>
08 <o id="height_update" > 124.88 27 34 32 51 </o>
10 <l id="baro1" n="33"> 124.90 23.45 1023.45
11 0.3 </l>
12 <l id="imu1" n="41"> 124.90 0.01 0.01 0.014 0.33 0.44 9.95
13 1e-3 1e-3 1e-3 1e-2 1e-2 1e-2 </l>
14 <l id="imu1_bias_pn" n="17"> 124.90 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 </l>
15 <o id="pva1_d" > 124.90 27 11 41 </o>
16 <o id="imu1_bias_d" > 124.90 11 17 </o>
17 <o id="height_update" > 124.90 27 35 33 52 </o>
19 <l id="baro1" n="32"> 124.92 23.45 1023.45
20 0.3 </l>
21 <l id="imu1" n="41"> 124.92 0.01 0.01 0.013 0.30 0.42 9.95
22 1e-3 1e-3 1e-3 1e-2 1e-2 1e-2 </l>
23 <l id="imu1_bias_pn" n="17"> 124.92 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 </l>
24 <o id="pva1_d" > 124.92 27 11 41 </o>
25 <o id="imu1_bias_d" > 124.92 11 17 </o>
26 <o id="height_update" > 124.92 27 34 32 51 </o>
Figure 2: An observations file in text (XML) format.
the moment, a subset of the data model. Only the
transmission of observation data is available nowa-
days. This means that two software components shar-
ing ASTROLABE data through the network interface
must agree on the metadata characterizing the infor-
mation to avoid misunderstandings.
The network interface defines a very reduced
set of messages to exchange information; these
comprise the l-record, o-record, end-of-data and
acknowledgment-of-reception messages. Obviously,
the information conveyed by the l- and o-record mes-
sages correspond to that included the l- and o-records
described in the file interface. In spite of being so
limited, the network interface has proven to be very
useful in real-time systems, where different software
modules cooperate to estimate a trajectory; the data
collector components may exchange data easily with
the component(s) responsible for the actual computa-
tion. No intermediate files are needed to implement
such architecture.
The CTTC has implemented a portable C++ library
composed of reader, writer (file interface), sender and
receiver (network interface) classes. In short, it in-
cludes all the necessary tools to process ASTRO-
LABE data and metadata. This comprises dealing
with the different formats (text versus binary, obser-
vations versus other kind of files, for example,) or the
ability to read observation files either in forward or
backward directions. This is specially important for
TDSs, since one typical approach to estimate trajec-
tories is to process data in forward direction first, in
backward direction then, and finally combine the two
solutions thus obtained to derive a final trajectory.
Performance is another issue that has been ad-
dressed in this library. All readers and writers in
the file interface implement a technique known as
”buffered reading (writing)” to reduce the amount
of input / output operations, thus increasing speed.
The use of this technique doubled the performance
of CTTC’s TDS, NAVEGA. Finally, the network in-
terface always transmits data in binary format for ef-
ficiency reasons.
The ASTROLABE data model, through its two inter-
faces and library, has been put to the test in several
projects since 2009 (see the Acknowledgements sec-
tion.) The contact with real-life situations helped to
improve ASTROLABE so it became what it is nowa-
days. Section 2.1 states that any kind of observable
with error distributions with first and second moments
may be supported by ASTROLABE. This statement,
A Generic, Extensible Data Model for Trajectory Determination Systems
which is true from a conceptual standpoint, is rein-
forced by the successful results obtained in real situa-
tions where ASTROLABE has been used. Here, a list
of the observations modelled for the aforementioned
projects is presented: GNSS raw data, GNSS position
(x,y, z) IMU (linear accelerations, angular velocities,)
EGNOS corrections, magnetic fields, pressure, time
tagged distances, coordinates of tie points, ranges and
For several years now, the ASTROLABE data model
and its file and network interfaces, materialized in an
Interface Control Document (ICD) (Par
es et al., 2016)
and in a portable C++ library, have been put success-
fully to the test in the field of trajectory determina-
tion systems. Real-life projects incorporating differ-
ent kind of sensors and observations have served to
improve it and validate it. The genericity and ex-
tensibility goals have been achieved, so change and
innovation challenges may be properly faced at no
software maintenance costs. ASTROLABE exposes a
terse, compact interface, simple but powerful enough
to make it practical in the specific field it has been
targeted at: data for TDSs.
The authors are considering putting ASTRO-
LABE in the public domain.
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A Generic, Extensible Data Model for Trajectory Determination Systems