Dynamic Subtitle Placement Considering the Region of Interest and
Speaker Location
Wataru Akahori
, Tatsunori Hirai
and Shigeo Morishima
Waseda University / JST ACCEL, Tokyo, Japan
Komazawa University, Tokyo, Japan
Waseda Research Institute of Science and Engineering / JST ACCEL, Tokyo, Japan
akahori@akane.waseda.jp, thirai@komazawa-u.ac.jp, shigeo@waseda.jp
Dynamic Subtitles, Eye-tracking, Region of Interest, Speaker Detection, User Experience.
This paper presents a subtitle placement method that reduces unnecessary eye movements. Although methods
that vary the position of subtitles have been discussed in a previous study, subtitles may overlap the region
of interest (ROI). Therefore, we propose a dynamic subtitling method that utilizes eye-tracking data to avoid
the subtitles from overlapping with important regions. The proposed method calculates the ROI based on the
eye-tracking data of multiple viewers. By positioning subtitles immediately under the ROI, the subtitles do
not overlap the ROI. Furthermore, we detect speakers in a scene based on audio and visual information to
help viewers recognize the speaker by positioning subtitles near the speaker. Experimental results show that
the proposed method enables viewers to watch the ROI and the subtitle in longer duration than traditional
subtitles, and is effective in terms of enhancing the comfort and utility of the viewing experience.
Placing subtitles in a video has been widely used in
various situations such as foreign language videos,
noisy environments, or for people with hearing im-
pairments. Conventionally, subtitles are rendered at a
fixed position, i.e., the bottom-center of the screen.
However, because the human perceptual span for
reading is narrow (McConkie et al., 1989; Rayner,
1975), the viewer’s attention is drawn from the main
video content to subtitles. Thus, subtitles disturb the
viewer’s ability to concentrate on the visual content.
Moreover, frequent changes in gaze point between the
ROI and the subtitles can cause eyestrain. Accord-
ingly, a method that enables users to view video con-
tent and subtitles efficiently is required.
To address these problems, previous studies vary
the position of subtitles according to the speaker’s lo-
cation (Hong et al., 2011; Hu et al., 2015) and the
viewer’s gaze position (Akahori et al., 2016; Katti
et al., 2014). Herein, we refer to subtitles that change
position as dynamic subtitles. These dynamic subti-
tling methods enable the viewer to follow the active
speaker easily while understanding the content of the
spoken dialog. However, the methods based on the
speaker detection (Hong et al., 2011; Hu et al., 2015)
cannot place dynamic subtitles robustly when it is dif-
ficult to detect the speaker. Furthermore, the methods
based on the estimated ROI using the viewer’s gaze
position (Akahori et al., 2016; Katti et al., 2014) did
not tackle the problem of frequent subtitle position
We propose a dynamic subtitling method based
on both eye-tracking data and a speaker identification
algorithm. The proposed method estimates the ROI
(calculated using eye-tracking data of multiple view-
ers), detect the active speaker (identified by combin-
ing audio and visual information), and positions subti-
tles based on the ROI and the speaker’s location. The
proposed method positions subtitles in a manner that
does not interfere with the ROI and enables viewers to
recognize the speaker easily. We conducted an eye-
tracking data analysis and a user study to verify the
effectiveness of the proposed method.
Placing speaking dialog in the image has been studied
to improve accessibility and understanding for appli-
cations such as a word balloon in comics (Cao et al.,
2014; Chun et al., 2006; Kurlander et al., 1996). Al-
though word balloon placement is helpful for optimiz-
Akahori W., Hirai T. and Morishima S.
Dynamic Subtitle Placement Considering the Region of Interest and Speaker Location.
DOI: 10.5220/0006262201020109
In Proceedings of the 12th Inter national Joint Conference on Computer Vision, Imaging and Computer Graphics Theory and Applications (VISIGRAPP 2017), pages 102-109
ISBN: 978-989-758-227-1
2017 by SCITEPRESS Science and Technology Publications, Lda. All rights reserved
Figure 1: Overview of the proposed method.
ing script location to avoid interfering with the main
visual content, it cannot be easily applied to time-
varying images such as video content. To deal with
the time-varying images, we determine the subtitle
position based on temporal information of eye gaze
There are two approaches to vary the position of
subtitles in a video: speaker-following subtitling and
gaze-based subtitling. Speaker-following subtitling
allows viewers to follow both the speaker and the sub-
title. Hong et al. identified the active speaker based
on lip motion and positioned subtitles in a low-salient
region near the speaker (Hong et al., 2011). Hu et
al. extended that speaker identification method to op-
timize subtitle placement (Hu et al., 2015). These
methods can help viewers better recognize the speak-
ers. However, speaker identification is challenging
if the speaker’s face is small or not frontal and if
the characters are moving. Therefore, a more robust
video subtitling method is preferable. Gaze-based
subtitling aims to position subtitles robustly based on
the viewer’s ROI. Katti et al. proposed an interac-
tive online subtitle positioning method that captures
a user’s eye-tracking data (Katti et al., 2014). This
method detects the active speaker robustly based on
the fact that the viewer can easily identify and track
the speaker. However, because the viewer’s future in-
terest is estimated by buffering previous gaze loca-
tions, subtitles remaining on the screen can overlap
the main video content when the content moves dy-
namically. In our previous work, we placed subtitles
in response to averaged group eye-tracking data and
reduced the risk of occluding the critical position of
visual attention (Akahori et al., 2016). However, be-
cause this method does not detect the speaker, the sub-
title positions may confuse the viewers match the sub-
title with the corresponding character. Moreover, this
method did not consider the subtitle position consis-
tency, which makes the viewers feel uncomfortable.
Compared with previous studies, the proposed
method combines the benefits of speaker-following
subtitling and gaze-based subtitling methods. The
proposed method can place dynamic subtitles near
the active speaker robustly so that the subtitles en-
able the viewers to recognize the speaker. The pro-
posed method also avoids the subtitles from over-
lapping with important regions and frequent position
Given a video, a corresponding subtitle file, and mul-
tiple viewer gaze data as input, the proposed method
outputs a video with subtitles that appear at different
positions for each subtitle segment. Here, the subtitle
file is a text file in SRT format that includes the timing
and content of each subtitle. Timing information in-
dicates the time when subtitles appear and disappear.
An overview of our proposed method is shown
in Figure 1. First, we divide the input video into
speaking segments based on the timing information
in the subtitle file and detect individual scenes us-
ing a shot segmentation technique (Apostolidis and
Mezaris, 2014). Then, we estimate the ROI and de-
tect the active speaker. Finally, we position the subti-
tle based on the ROI, the speaker’s location, and the
shot timing information.
3.1 Estimating the ROI
To prevent subtitles from overlapping an important
region in a scene, we estimate the ROI using eye-
tracking data. Various methods to calculate salient
regions based on low-level image features have been
proposed (Harel et al., 2006; Hou and Zhang, 2007;
Itti et al., 1998). However, as these methods do not
Dynamic Subtitle Placement Considering the Region of Interest and Speaker Location
Table 1: The description about video clips.
Movie name Clip ID Activity level Subtitle segments Detected shots
C1 High 22 5
“Roman Holiday” C2 Low 31 3
C3 Middle 32 9
C4 Middle 31 26
“Charade” C5 Middle 27 25
C6 High 30 14
accurately predict human eye gaze in target-oriented
situations, methods that use object localization, de-
tection, and segmentation have also been proposed to
consider human intrinsic attention due to anticipation
and intention (Cerf et al., 2008; Kanan et al., 2009;
Yang and Yang, 2012). Moreover, because predicting
eye gaze is challenging, methods that use gaze data
as direct input have been proposed (Akahori et al.,
2016; Jain et al., 2015; Katti et al., 2014). Following
these methods, we use eye-tracking data to estimate
the ROI and avoid positioning subtitles that are over-
lapping with visually important regions.
3.1.1 Eye-tracking Data Collection
First, we collected eye-tracking data of multiple view-
ers to determine the ROI. 6 2-minute video scenes
with English audio tracks were selected from two
movies in the public domain, i.e., “Roman Holiday”
and “Charade” (Table1). 5 participants (4 males, 1 fe-
male) were recruited from graduate students aged 23-
28 years (µ = 25.0, σ = 1.87). All participants were
native Japanese speakers with normal or corrected
eyesight, no hearing-impairments, and having a basic
knowledge of English. The participants were asked to
sit approximately 1.3 m from a 42-inch display and
watch the six video clips. The order of the clips was
randomized for each participant. Gaze points were
recorded using a Tobii X3-120 eye-tracker at 120 Hz.
During the measurement, the participants could move
their heads freely.
3.1.2 Estimating the ROI
Katti et al. initially positioned subtitles near the active
speaker and made the subtitles to track the position of
the active speaker (Katti et al., 2014). However, this
strategy was less effective than initializing subtitles
near the speaker and leaving the subtitles at that posi-
tion. Therefore, after calculating the ROI from all eye
gaze positions for each subtitle segment, we initialize
subtitles based on the ROI and leave them there.
For each subtitle segment, the ROI is com-
puted from the gaze position r
(t) = (r
(t), r
(t)), i =
1, 2, . . . , N, where N is the number of viewers. With
Figure 2: (Left) Averaged image in a subtitle segment;
(right) the last frame with the plots of eye-tracking data and
the estimated ROI (red rectangle) in the subtitle segment.
the N gaze dataset, the mean value µ = (µ
, µ
) and
the standard deviation σ = (σ
, σ
) are computed as
(t), (1)
(t) µ
, (2)
where k
1, 2
represents the x and y axes, and t
and t
represent the eye gaze sample number wherein
the subtitles appear and disappear respectively. Fi-
nally, using the mean value µ and the standard devia-
tion σ, a rectangular area µ ± 2σ is created to sur-
round the ROI, as shown in Figure 2. Each color
plot represents the eye-tracking data of ve viewers
respectively. If the viewers’ eye gaze are assumed to
follow normal distribution for each subtitle segment,
approximately 95% of the eye gaze positions are in-
cluded in this rectangular area.
3.2 Speaker Detection
For each subtitle segment, we detect an active speaker
to enable viewers to recognize the speaking charac-
ter. The lip motion feature is widely used in previ-
ous speaker detection work (Everingham et al., 2006;
Hong et al., 2011). Hu et al. combined audio-visual
features and detected the active speaker more pre-
cisely than the methods based on the lip motion (Hu
et al., 2015). Therefore, we detect the active speaker
based on their algorithm.
VISAPP 2017 - International Conference on Computer Vision Theory and Applications
3.2.1 Face Tracking and Landmark Localization
First, face tracks are obtained using following
tracking-by-detection procedure. For each subtitle
segment, the face detector (King, 2015) is executed
for each frame
. The detecting results are used to
establish correspondence between pairs of detected
faces within the subtitle segment. For a given pair of
faces in different frames, the overlap region between
the former detected face and the latter detected face
is calculated, and a match is declared if the overlap
region is 40% or more to the latter detected face re-
gion. However, it is difficult to detect a face in every
frame if the face is dynamically moving, which causes
a labeling failure. Accordingly, using the face detec-
tion results as input, we perform face tracking using
an object-tracking technique (Danelljan et al., 2014)
for each detected face to complement the frame where
the face is not detected
. Finally, we detect facial fea-
ture points in the tracked face region using the method
proposed by Uricar et al. (Uˇriˇc´r et al., 2012).
3.2.2 Speaker Detection Algorithm
The main idea of the speaker detection algorithm pro-
posed by (Hu et al., 2015) is the cascade classifier,
which comprises four features: (i) mean squared dis-
tance (MSD), i.e., the distance between consecutive
frames in the mouth region; (ii) center contribution
(CC), i.e., the distance between a candidate’s face po-
sition and the center of the screen; (iii) length consis-
tency (LC), i.e., the consistency between the length of
a candidate’s face tracking time and the length of the
speaking time; and (iv) audio-visual (AV) synchrony,
i.e., the synchrony score between the audio features
and lip motion features. Speaker detection is per-
formed by chaining these four features in a cascade
in the following order: MSD, CC, LC, and AV. The
design of the cascade structure is based on the obser-
vation that only speakers pass to the next step. Details
of the algorithm are described in (Hu et al., 2015).
The speaker detection accuracy is shown in Ta-
ble 2
. Here, precision is the proportion of correctly
detected speakers and recall is the proportion of the
number of detected speaker segments to the num-
ber of all subtitle segments, except when the active
speaker is not visible on the screen.
The DLib C++ library provides open-source imple-
mentations of (Danelljan et al., 2014; King, 2015) in
We apply θ
= 5 for C1, C2, and C3 and θ
= 6.5 for
C4, C5, and C6. We also apply θ
= 2, θ
= 2, θ
= 0.1,
= 2 throughout.
Table 2: Precision and recall of the speaker detection algo-
rithm to the input video clips.
Clip ID Precision (%) Recall (%)
C1 61.9 59.1
C2 88.9 51.6
C3 66.7 40.0
C4 77.8 67.8
C5 81.3 48.1
C6 63.0 56.7
3.3 Subtitle Placement
Subtitles are positioned based on the estimated ROI,
speaker detection results, and shot-change timing in-
formation. We consider the following points to im-
prove user experience: (1) ease of speaker recogni-
tion (it is easy to recognize a speaker in a subtitle
segment); (2) aesthetics (subtitles should not over-
lap visually important content, e.g., a face, in the
video); and (3) suppression of varying the subtitle po-
sition (the distance between continuously appearing
subtitles should be small to avoid interfering with the
viewer’s cognitive process). In the following, we de-
scribe how to select the candidate subtitle region and
placement of subtitles.
3.3.1 Candidate Subtitle Region
We determine the candidate subtitle region to enable
the viewers to follow the important visual content and
avoid overlapping with the content. In previous work
(Hong et al., 2011; Hu et al., 2015), candidate subtitle
positions were close to the speaker (e.g., above left,
above, above right, below left, below, below right,
left and right). However, when the ROI is large in
a subtitle segment, there is not enough space to place
a horizontal subtitle at the positions to the left or right
of the ROI. Moreover, most viewers are accustomed
to subtitles positioned at the bottom of the screen, and
the distance between consecutive subtitles should be
small. Thus, we place subtitles just below the ROI.
3.3.2 Subtitle Placement
To enable viewers to easily recognize the active
speaker, the x-coordinate of the center of the subtitle
is calculated as follows:
if speaker is detected,
if speaker is not detected,
where Sp
is the x-coordinate of the center of the
speaker’s face and R
is the x-coordinate of the center
of the ROI. When the active speaker is not detected,
we can place dynamic subtitles robustly according to
the video content by positioning the subtitle based on
Dynamic Subtitle Placement Considering the Region of Interest and Speaker Location
Figure 3: Example subtitle placement result (calculated ROI
(green rectangle), detected speaker (red rectangle), and de-
tected non-speaker (blue rectangle)).
the region of interest. To avoid overlapping subtitles
with the ROI, we equalize the y-coordinate of the up-
per edge of the subtitle with the y-coordinate of the
lower edge of the ROI. Figure 3 shows the placement
Since frequent position change of subtitles dis-
turbs viewers, we suppress changes in the y-
coordinates of the subtitles when the time interval
between continuously appearing subtitles is small.
First, we create clusters in which the time interval be-
tween consecutive subtitles is within 0.3s. Then, we
unify the y-coordinates of the subtitles to the max-
imum value of the y-coordinate within each cluster.
Thereby, the subtitles do not overlap the ROI and the
position changes less frequently.
If a shot change is included in a subtitle segment,
the dynamic subtitles might cause cognitive burden
on the viewers. Although the subtitles should change
its position according to the current scene, frequent
changes are not preferable in terms of viewer’s cog-
nitive burden. Therefore, we place subtitles at the
bottom-center of the screen when a shot change is in-
cluded in the subtitle segment so that the subtitles do
not interrupt the viewer’s concentration.
To assess the effectiveness of the proposed method,
we conducted eye-tracking data analysis and a user
4.1 Participants
19 participants (17 males, 2 females) were recruited
from graduate and undergraduate students aged 21-
26 years (µ = 23.2, σ = 1.36). Note that these partici-
pants are not the same as participants in Section 3.1.1.
All participants were native Japanese speakers with a
basic knowledge of English, normal or corrected eye-
sight, and no hearing impairments.
4.2 Video Clips and Subtitles Setup
Subtitles play an important role, especially when
watching a foreign language video. We assume such
a situation by placing Japanese subtitles in six video
clips with English audio (Table 1). For each video
clip, we produced three modes (Table 3). Although
Hu et al. displayed subtitles with a blurb (Hu et al.,
2015), Katti et al. pointed out that blurbs distract the
viewer’s understanding (Katti et al., 2014). Therefore,
in our method, all subtitles were displayed as white
text with a thin black outline without a blurb.
4.3 Experience Design
The participants were shown 18 video clips in total,
3 subtitle modes (Table 3) for each of the 6 clips (Ta-
ble 1), while capturing their eye-tracking data in the
same environment described in Section 3.1.1. A short
break was taken between successive clips. Note that
the clips were shown in random order. To evaluate
comfort and utility, after watching each of the video
clips, the participants were asked the following ques-
1). Did you feel uncomfortable with the position of
the subtitles? (7-point Likert scale, 7: not uncom-
fortable at all; 1: quite uncomfortable)
2). Did you feel that the subtitle placement method
was useful? (7-point Likert scale, 7: quite useful;
1: not useful at all)
3). When did you feel comfortable or uncomfortable
when watching the video? (open ended)
4.4 Eye-Tracking Data Analysis
We computed the percentage of the duration that vi-
sual fixations fall into the rectangle ROI that proposed
in Section 3.1.2 or the subtitle region in all subtitle
segments. Figure 4 shows these percentages that are
averaged over viewers. A two-tailed t-test was con-
ducted to determine whether the difference between
the average points was statistically significant.
The visual fixations of the participants when
watching Dynamic Subtitles2 (the proposed method)
seemed to be included within the ROI and the sub-
title region in longer duration than Static Subtitles.
Thereby, the proposed method reduced unnecessary
VISAPP 2017 - International Conference on Computer Vision Theory and Applications
Table 3: The description of subtitle mode.
Subtitle Mode Description
Static Subtitles (SS) Traditional subtitles positioned at the bottom-center of the screen.
Dynamic Subtitles1 (DS1) Speaker-following subtitles (Hu et al., 2015).
Dynamic Subtitles2 (DS2) Gaze-based and speaker-following subtitles (proposed method).
Figure 4: The percentage of eye fixation included in the ROI (left) and subtitle region (right).
Figure 5: Results of comfort (left) and utility (right) for each subtitling method. (7-point Likert scale, 1: bad; 7: good).
eye movements between the video content and the
subtitle. Since frequent eye movements interfere
with understanding the video content, the proposed
method enables to avoid such disruption. As for the
ROI, although the percentage of Dynamic Subtitles1
(Hu et al., 2015) shows particularly high values, since
the subtitles were included in the ROI in most cases,
these may overlap the important video contents.
4.5 User Study
Figure 5 shows the averaged results of the user study.
A two-tailed Wilcoxon signed-rank test was con-
ducted to determine whether the difference between
the average score was statistically significant.
Dynamic Subtitles2 (the proposed method) out-
performed Static Subtitles in terms of utility. Sev-
eral participants gave a favorable response for the pro-
posed method.
I felt it was easy to watch when the positions of
the subtitle and the position of the speaker’s face
were close. (P11)
Similar comments were also given for Dynamic Sub-
titles1 (Hu et al., 2015). From this result, placing sub-
titles near the active speaker is important for dynamic
subtitle placement. Furthermore, some participants
stated as follow.
I felt comfortable when subtitles did not cover the
speaker’s face during a conversation. (P2)
Comparing with previous related work (Hu et al.,
2015), we consider temporal gaze positions to avoid
Dynamic Subtitle Placement Considering the Region of Interest and Speaker Location
Figure 6: Examples of subtitles which are placed far away from the speaker’s face (left) and placed on the speaker’s chin
(right). The red rectangle represents the ROI and each color plot represents the eye-tracking data of five viewers respectively.
the subtitles overlapping with the important video
contents which move around. Moreover, some par-
ticipants pointed out another interesting aspect.
It was easy to watch when the subtitles were posi-
tioned over the speaker’s chest. (P15)
It was strange when subtitles were displayed
above the speaker’s face. (P18)
Therefore, This results show that the partici-
pants seem to prefer subtitles positioned below the
speaker’s face.
On the other hand, although Dynamic Subtitles2
(the proposed method) outperformed Dynamic Subti-
tles1 (Hu et al., 2015) and Static Subtitles in terms of
comfort for four clips (C1, C2, C4, and C6), Dynamic
Subtitles2 (the proposed method) did not differ signif-
icantly from Dynamic Subtitles1 (Hu et al., 2015) and
Static Subtitles for two clips (C3 and C5). Note that
some participants provided negative comments about
the proposed method for C3 and C5, respectively as
It was difficult to watch when subtitles were posi-
tioned away from the speaker’s face. (P9)
I felt uncomfortable when subtitles covered on the
speaker’s chin. (P1)
As the y-coordinates of the subtitles depend on the
standard deviation in y axis of multiple viewers’ gaze
positions, subtitles are positioned far away from or
too close to the active speaker when the ROI is large
or small by comparison with the speaker’s face size
as shown in Figure 6. In these cases, we can avoid
the viewers with feeling uncomfortable by position-
ing below at a distance from the speaker’s face. In ad-
dition, some participants stated the following aspect.
I felt uncomfortable when the subtitles were dis-
played near a person who was not speaking.
The dynamic subtitles can confuse the viewer if they
are positioned near a non-speaker’s face.
In this paper, we have proposed a dynamic subtitling
method based on eye-tracking data and a speaker de-
tection algorithm. Our goal was to reduce unneces-
sary eye movements and improve the viewing expe-
rience. The proposed method estimates the ROI to
avoid positioning subtitles that interfere with impor-
tant content. In addition, we detect the active speaker,
which allows the viewer to recognize the speaker eas-
ily. We position subtitles below the ROI and near the
active speaker. The results of eye-tracking data analy-
sis demonstrated that the proposed method enabled to
watch the ROI and the subtitle region in longer dura-
tion than the traditional subtitles. Moreover, the re-
sults of a user study demonstrated that participants
generally preferred the proposed method over tra-
ditional and previous subtitle placement methods in
terms of comfort and utility. Since the number of sub-
titled videos has increased for both the movie industry
and video-sharing services, the proposed method can
be applied to various videos in the future.
The bottleneck of the proposed method is that eye-
tracking data of multiple viewers are required as in-
put. However, methods to capture eye-tracking data
at low cost (San Agustin et al., 2010) and in large
quantities (Rudoy et al., 2012) have been proposed,
and such methods may improve the usability of the
proposed method.
As mentioned in Section 4.5, the dynamically po-
sitioned subtitles may confuse the viewer when a non-
speaker is detected as the speaker or a speaker is not
visible on the screen. Therefore, in the future work,
VISAPP 2017 - International Conference on Computer Vision Theory and Applications
we would like to improve the precision of the speaker
detection by combining the content-aware analysis
and eye-tracking data for better presentation of sub-
We thank S. Kawamura, T. Kato and T. Fukusato
(Waseda University, Japan) for their advisory. This
research was supported by JST ACCEL and CREST.
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Dynamic Subtitle Placement Considering the Region of Interest and Speaker Location