Context Rich Digital Games for Better Learnability
in the IT Project Management Context
Charu Monga
, Jayant Jain
, Sunny Kumar
and Athavale Sandeep
Indian Institute of Technology Guwahati, Department of Design, ARLab, Guwahati, India
Tata Consultancy Services, TRDDC, Pune, India
Keywords: Serious Gaming, Gamification, Learnification, Design Thinking, Project Management, Game Design,
Computer Mediated Learning, Contextual Design.
Abstract: Application of serious gaming has become well known in corporate sector for training and development. It
is often used for enhancing skills of decision making, analytical thinking, planning and execution. Though
numerous games have been developed in training professionals in sectors such as manufacturing, education,
health care and sports, very less have been developed for IT professionals. It has been proven in literature
that the project management owing to its nature of work in IT organization is very different from these
sectors. This also implies that the skills needed for project management must be very specific to IT industry.
In our study, a game is designed with a primary focus on richness of context with a purpose of improving
decision-making skills of a Project Manager in Information Technology (IT) organization. We conducted
contextual survey along with literature review for identifying the scenarios, and user journey of project
manager. Knowing the context, an analogy of hospital scenarios was applied for ideation and concept
generation for this video game. The designed prototype was evaluated with fourteen users for meeting the
learning and play objectives. Our findings suggest that serious games using an analogy (i.e., hospital
scenario in this study) can be engaging and purposeful learning tools, when the user context is well
understood, converted to an equivalent game play and situated in a metaphorical, fantasized or analogical
The use of computer mediated learning in imparting
decision-making skills is becoming popular. Based
on the recent report (BankersLab, 2013), about 25%
of Global Fortune 500 companies have already
adopted serious gaming for training. These trainings
are known for imparting skills (analytical, decision
making, planning and execution) and cognitive
processes that cannot be easily taught in a classroom
setting due to lack of engagement (Keil et al. 2013).
Also, the new generation professionals have lesser
attention spans and seek info just in time (Pedreira et
al., 2015). More recent studies also added patient
choice education (Mihail, Jacobs, Goldsmith, and
Lohr, 2015) and rehabilitation (Cornforth et al.,
Studies have demonstrated the use of serious
gaming in project management of various sectors
(manufacturing; education; healthcare) (Mclaughlan
and Kickpatrick 1999; Greitzer et al., 2007; Cowan
et al., 2010; Caledron and Ruiz, 2016; Klaassen et
al., 2016), however, very relatively fewer have
focussed on decision making skills in an Information
Technology (IT) organization. The IT context unlike
the manufacturing domain is not yet at the maturity
level, where project success can be guaranteed
beyond a point. Estimates based on survey
conducted in 2008 (Standish group, 2010) suggests
that 24% of projects failed and while, 44% of the
projects challenged (cost overrun, time overrun and
impaired functionality) due to inappropriate project
management. Project management involves decision
making under uncertainty, software being
handcrafted (or mind crafted), there is a lot of
behaviour dependence (Nasir and Sahibuddin, 2011)
involved in it.
In this study, the use of serious gaming for
enhancing the decision-making skills in an
organization is explored. The context of decision-
making in project management of IT industry was
selected for this study. Previous studies
Monga, C., Jain, J., Kumar, S. and Sandeep, A.
Context Rich Digital Games for Better Learnability in the IT Project Management Context.
DOI: 10.5220/0006262505730581
In Proceedings of the 9th International Conference on Computer Supported Education (CSEDU 2017) - Volume 1, pages 573-581
ISBN: 978-989-758-239-4
Copyright © 2017 by SCITEPRESS Science and Technology Publications, Lda. All rights reserved
(Mclaughlan and Kickpatrick 1999; Kapp, 2012;
Caledron and Ruiz, 2015; Caledron and Ruiz, 2016)
related to serious gaming in other organizations
cannot be directly applied in design of serious game
for IT professionals. This is because it has been
stated in literature that the project management
owing to its nature of work in IT organization is
very different from these sectors. Hence, the skills
needed for project management must be very
specific to the needs of the IT industry.
In this study, we explored a method, which is
rich in context as well as engaging for designing
serious games. The techniques in design such as
contextual enquiry were utilized. The principles of
engagement that were discovered from literature
survey were also utilized. Our approach was as
Gather insights form the real world including
user journeys
Think of creative options for engagement – use
of analogy
Design of game
Evaluation of the game
The organization of paper is as follows. In
Section 2, we discuss related work, in section 3
methodology, contextual inquiry in section 4, we
discuss our game design in section 5, in section 6
evaluation of the game and results and finally in
section 7 we have conclusions and direction for
future work
Many studies have been conducted related to
imparting decision making skills through computer
mediated learning (McGuire et al., 1987;
Hollingshead and McGrath, 1995; Walther et al.,
1986; Lemus et al., 2004; Henrie et al., 2015).
Various social platforms (facebook; Brown and
Vaughn, 2011), wiki (Lee, 2010) and simulations
(Gosenpud and Miesing, 1992; Wickenburg and
Davidsson, 2002; Juan Martínez-Miranda et al.
2005; Crespo and Ruiz, 2012) have been utilized for
imparting learning skills.
One such example is of electronic dialogue
simulation that was introduced by Mclaughlan and
Kickpatrick (1999) for imparting decision making
process that was required for management of
contaminated sites. The simulation was found to be
valuable for participants in developing their
negotiation and communication skill. In addition, the
participants were able to get comprehensive
dimensions (social, cultural, economic, and political)
involved in management of their concerned problem.
The major gap in this technique is that they are too
much focussed on purpose rather than “play”
characteristics, which is much needed for effective
engagement (Franzwa et al., 2013). Moreover, the
processes involved in contaminated site management
and also the corresponding skills required are
obviously very different from that of IT project.
Henrie et al. (2015) provide extensive review on
computer mediated learning and stated that these
methods may not be perfect enough for including
psychological and cognitive aspects of learners.
Walther (1996) stated that computer mediated
learning may reduce impersonal skills that may
sometimes can impact working efficiency of project
management teams. (Pinto, 2000). Wong (2007)
critically reviewed eLearning techniques and
suggested that these are not suitable for individuals
without the self-discipline needed to complete all
tasks independently. Besides, individuals may also
need some prior training before enrolment to
minimize any difficulties due to lack of Information
and Communications Technology (ICT)
On the other hand, Wouters et al. (2009)
concludes that the serious games potentially improve
cognitive skills (knowledge and skills of problem
solving, decision making). Moreover, it can be also
potentially used for the acquisition of motor skills
(acquisition and compilation) and also to accomplish
change in mind-set.
He discussed various aspects for effectiveness of
serious game by integrating alignment of learning
outcome(s) with game type and complexity as well
as human cognitive processes. These aspects should
be considered and customized based on the objective
of game and scenarios.
Though, lot of research has taken place in
applications of serious gaming in education
(Greitzer et al., 2007; Cowan et al., 2010; Kapp,
2012; Caledron and Ruiz, 2015; Caledron and Ruiz,
2016), but on the contrary, relatively few research
has taken place in its application in project
management. Navarro et al. (2004) introduced
SimSE, an educational simulation game for teaching
software engineering processes. This is a single
player game, where a player has to take a role of
project manager and is responsible for engaging
employees in various aspects of management.
However, these game interventions appear to be
more of learning tools or what-if simulator in terms
of the content, rendering, and experience rather than
'playable' games.
SGoCSL 2017 - Special Session on Serious Games on Computer Science Learning
Garris et al, (2002) highlighted the need of key
game characteristics such as fantasy, goals, mystery,
challenge, sensory stimuli and control in refining
theoretical formulations of effective instruction
required for design of game. Moreover, it laid
emphasis on “motivational” aspect of game, where
game play triggers repeated cycles of user judgments
(e.g., enjoyment), behaviour (game play), and
feedback. Moreover, fantasies can also provide
analogies for real world scenarios that allow
participant to experience phenomenon from different
perspective (Malone and Lepper, 1987).
Further Franzwa et al. (2013) demonstrated the
need to balance elements of play and learning.
Therefore, for a play and game for Project
management, it is essential to have important
characteristics as well as analogies. As explained by
Nokes and Ross (2007), conceptual learning can be
enhanced significantly using analogies and
Our research objective is to find out a way to design
context rich and engaging game for decision-making
in project management context. Following approach
was adopted to achieve the goal:
a) We did literature survey to see present state of
art in applications of context rich games in
project management.
b) We conducted user interviews as part of tried
and tested contextual enquiry technique used in
c) We conceptualised a method to design game
using combination of principles derived from
(understanding disempowering narratives,
externalizing problems and game design as
interventions) (Paredes et al., 2013)
d) We designed a game as a case study using
analogy to enhance conceptual learning (Nokes
and Ross, 2007)
e) We evaluated the game using field experiments
involving 14 students
For contextual enquiry, fourteen project
managers from various IT organizations like TCS,
Infosys, Wish book, Info services, Click Labs etc
was approached followed by telephonic
conversation. These project managers belong to
different socio-economic background, gender (male
or female) and also wide age groups (27 to 55
years). For better understanding, special attention
was paid for including mix of employee in terms of
experience (fresher’s or experienced) and also co-
workers in interview schedule. The data obtained,
hinted to embedding of gaming in this domain.
We identified ways in which context could be
integrated in game design. We thought it would be
appropriate to use contextual enquiry for this
particular research work.
Research findings from contextual enquiry after
refining through literature are as follows:
From the interview, various assets and
resources of the project managers required in
managing in the projects were identified. Most of the
project managers use agile methodology for their
project pipeline and use various project management
tools like MS Excel, Jira, Basecamp, Asana, Trello,
etc. Various scenarios and critical situations, which
could occur in their management in IT organizations
during a project were discussed and noted. The
attitude, behavior and decision-making skills were
captured. Further, information related to their
Activities, Environment, Interaction, Objects, Users
(AEIOU framework), which developed the building
block of models that ultimately address the
objectives and issues of the project managers were
4.1 Context Informed Design
On the basis of literature review in the project
management domain (Pich et al., 2002; De Meyer,
2002), required entities that will form the part of the
game were derived. They were further divided into
two parts.
Firstly, the challenges in management like
managing distributed & matrix management items,
issue tracking, resource management, prioritization,
synchronization. Secondly, prioritization is done on
the following basis: cost of project development &
implementation, expected return on investment over
time, contribution to strategic initiatives, potential
risk & likelihood of success and timelines. Further
mind mapping (Figure 1) was done and design
parameters (Figure 2) were defined.
Context Rich Digital Games for Better Learnability in the IT Project Management Context
Figure 1: Mind mapping for obtaining design parameters.
Figure 2: Identified design parameters based on mind
4.2 Phases of Mapping Context to
4.2.1 Phase I: Scenario Building
Different scenarios were extracted based on the
responses provided by the project managers during
user interviews. These scenarios include the most
common situations faced by any project managers in
IT function.
Pressure of delivery on time: Change in
demand of deliverable in the midway of a
giant project
Time duration constraint: Client doubles the
fund and reduce the time duration
Size of team as restriction: There is a need of
increasing team size in a short time
Motivation while taking tough decisions:
Increasing the motivation
Quick feedback: Bad performance of the team
Decision making: Conflict among the team
Restrictions: Unwanted happening to the server
Management decisions: Managing meetings
and deliverables
These scenarios will be implemented in the game as
different levels. Further tasks will be introduced in
these situations, so as to be completed by the user in
order to clear that particular level.
4.2.2 Phase II: User Journey
The design of game flow is made similar to that of a
journey; a project manager goes through during the
project. The journey of project manager was
identified based on the initial interviews conducted
with IT professionals. In the beginning, he is
provided with a brief, a problem statement and a
vision statement by his supervisors or seniors. Then
he prepared a team of assets and resources having
required skills. He creates a project plan - assigning
the roles and responsibilities to each asset and
providing the timeline for various tasks. He verifies
the project plan with his supervisor and begins with
project execution. He tackles various challenges
during the execution of the project. Some challenges
might be due to unavailability of required asset,
constraint in time and budget, extent of timeline by
the assets, and if project manager or his supervisor is
not content with the work output by assets. After
tackling all the challenges, the project’s output is
tested and deployed. The team is rewarded for their
work. The incentives and rewards are necessary to
keep the working spirit alive among the assets.
Later, the supervisor would again approach the same
project manager for releasing the further versions of
the products based on the reviews and feedback
provided by users and customers.
Figure 3 demonstrates steps adopted for design of
serious game in this study. Leads for development of
serious game to address researched issues were
taken from literature. Learnability goals and
approaches along with expectations of managers
were then quantified from data obtained from
contextual enquiry and research findings of the
subject (decision taking situations of managers).
Figure 3: Various steps (in sequence) involved in design
of serious game.
This led to formation of data flow of how the game
(refer to Figure 4) will proceed in order to embed
SGoCSL 2017 - Special Session on Serious Games on Computer Science Learning
maximum possible situations and problems that
should be addressed related to difficulties in relation
to decision making amongst the group. Game
environment including game mechanics and game
design document (GDD) were formulated by
analysing various scenarios for strategy making.
Figure: 4 Flow of data of game.
Brainstorming and mind mapping techniques
were used for forming base strategy for game
development. Initially based on strategy, a board
game for testing was developed followed by a digital
video game for final execution of the project.
5.1 Phases of Design Elaboration
5.1.1 Phase I: Ideation and Concept
All the services and assets were identified, varied (if
necessary) and mapped with the office environment.
Also a team to be led by project managers needs to
be formed. Services and assets that might be
required in the hospital are identified and included in
game design.
Figure 5: Sample team structure managed by general
Fig 5 shows a sample team that could be formed
for a project and is managed by a project manager. A
project manager will be assigned projects and he
needs to overcome various challenges (as also
discussed in user journey) to complete his tasks and
gain points. For the decision making, a project
manager has to deal with quality manager,
development lead, test lead, UI lead.
5.1.2 Phase II: Choosing Analogies
A game in an office environment might not be that
interesting for the employees. It may be considered
as a burden that may not capture their real life
experience that is needed for evaluation as project
manager. In order to make it interesting, various
situations in which project management can be
involved were brainstormed. Hospital scenario was
finalized as it has advantages that no pre-requisites
are required to understand the hospital’s
environment. Secondly, many of assets and
resources from hospital scenario are more
reasonable to match with that of project management
in IT industry (Ford and Randolph, 1992). In
addition, the scenarios that a project manager goes
through in IT organization can be reasonably
mapped with Doctor in hospital scenarios (Figure 6).
Figure 6: Project management analogy from hospital.
Then we went one step forward and listed down
the assets and resources that might be needed in a
hospital environment. Later we translated the
situations and their answers, which we obtained
from our questionnaire of office environment to the
hospital environment.
5.1.3 Phase III: Board Game Prototype
The board game was developed to test the concept as
shown in figure 7. Figure 8 shows the assets and
resources that were made for the evaluation of the
Figure 7: First iteration of designed hospital game
prototype showing assets and resources of Hospital (cards,
points and navigation).
Context Rich Digital Games for Better Learnability in the IT Project Management Context
Figure 8: Assets and resources for user evaluations of
board game.
5.1.4 Phase IV: Digital Game Prototype
The system architecture of the game is shown in
figure 9. It can be seen that certain critical situations
are also incorporated such as emergency room etc in
the game.
Figure 9: System architecture of the game.
The game was finally developed on a unity platform
(3D game). 3ds Max and adobe Photoshop were
used for developing scenario and texturing purpose
With our assets and resources prepared (Figure 7
and Figure 8), we went for user evaluation (Figure
10) for our first iteration. For user testing, 14
students from IIT Guwahati participated in newly
designed game. Feedbacks were obtained using
surveys, which were conducted orally.
Figure 10.
The feedback was taken on spot at three different
stages i.e., before, during and at the end of the game.
The feedbacks from them were utilized for further
iterations. The iterations included modifications in
point system, assets, game flow and the system for
rewards and incentive.
6.1 User Testing and Results
Three things were found from user testing i.e., 1)
users involvement and competition 2) Incentive
based approach for early completion as time taken
was different for different users and 3) Active
involvement of all assets. These are result of the
context in which assets of hospitals were utilized by
doctor (project manager) by dealing with its team
mates (nurses and other people).
From user testing, it was found that at some
instances, the players would require suggestions
from outsiders during game play. This is an
important user experience in terms of project
execution, where project manager might have to
reach outside of his/her team for achieving certain
tasks for maintaining overall flow of the project.
Also based on this feedback, features such as help
lines can be planned for further inclusion in game.
The time duration for completion of game (tasks)
was different for different players. This further
provide feedback from a project management point
of view that either the deadline (lump sum time) can
be fixed or even an incentive/bonus points (award)
for earlier game (project) completion can be
provided to the user (project manager) during game
play. Some scenarios can be added, wherein very
critical cases like heart attack (hospital scenarios)
can be played with, for testing how a player would
react in emergency conditions. A player should also
take care that all the assets are actively involved
SGoCSL 2017 - Special Session on Serious Games on Computer Science Learning
throughout the game play. This can be done by
increasing the number of situational cards, which
would also reduce the redundancy in the game. A
player should also be notified about the progress of
his peers, which would increase his motivation to
work harder. Therefore, based on evaluation it can
be understood that the users went into real life
experience/simulations of a project manager.
A serious game was designed and developed with a
primary focus on play and context richness for
enhancing the decision-making skills of a project
manager in an IT organization. In this study, analogy
from hospital scenario was adopted for simulating
project management experience related to IT
industry to a user.
Based on evaluation, it was found that the game
was able to provide user an immersive experience of
a journey of project manager during project
execution. Several instances or scenarios were
simulated to test the user response.
From user point of view, hospital arena was
useful in terms of providing experience as all the
players had prior awareness of the functioning of the
assets and resources used in hospital. The players
were engaging themselves in playing the game with
competitive spirit. Once aid was provided for few
initial rounds, no other help was required for playing
the game. However, it should be also noted that
there was a gap between conditions of company and
hospital in some cases. For example in hospitals,
critical surgeries are irreversible. For example, death
during surgeries cannot be reversed. Project
cancellation cannot be equated to that of critical
situation such as the death of a patient. These kinds
of shortcomings can be incorporated in future games
for increasing real life experience of project
management to users. Nevertheless, these
experiences from this newly designed game are
dynamic and require quick and thoughtful actions. It
gives insights into the essential characteristics (quick
and efficient decision making) of an efficient project
manager/team that is difficult to be captured using
conventional interview sessions. Therefore, this
study shows that context rich games can provide
better learning and such games can be designed by
balancing the play and purpose elements.
Considering the limitations involved in current
study, further studies are required in terms of
digitalization of game and more comprehensive
evaluation study. Also, the data analytics for serious
games need to be considered. Data analytics for
serious games are different from those of
commercial video games, which mainly seek to
enhance the ‘enjoyment’ value of players. Whereas,
those with serious games, one need
to additionally evaluate players' skill acquisitions
and levels of expertise (Loh and Sheng, 2015).
Further research plan would be to strengthen the
immersive experience, by including more scenarios
and simultaneously, conducting rigorous evaluation
We would like to express our gratitude to the senior
managers, IT professionals and users for their time
and knowledge.
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Context Rich Digital Games for Better Learnability in the IT Project Management Context