Cyber-interdependency in Smart Energy Systems
Razgar Ebrahimy
and Zoya Pourmirza
School of Computing Science, Newcastle University, Newcastle upon Tyne, U.K.
School of Electrical and Electronic Engineering, Newcastle University, Newcastle upon Tyne, U.K.
{razgar.ebrahimy, zoya.pourmirza}
Smart Energy Systems, ICT Architecture, Complex Interdependencies.
Critical infrastructures are highly interdependent due to the services they receive and provide to one another.
These interdependencies include physical, logical, geographical and cyber. Most of these interdependencies
have been studied extensively apart from the cyber interdependency which is the main focus of this paper.
Critical infrastructures have cyber interdependency when the state of a physical infrastructure (energy, trans-
port, water, waste, etc.) depends on the information transmitted through the information infrastructure. The
communication network is the backbone of smart energy systems and is responsible for transmission of data
from all sub-systems in both directions. Due to the complexity and combination of many sub-systems that
form smart energy systems, data is generated at different levels within such systems. The data at each layer
is different and has its own cyber characteristics. Knowing these characteristics and interdependencies at each
layer provides the foundation for designing an appropriate ICT architecture that fits that segment (layer) rather
than having an ICT architecture that is generic and designed for all layers but susceptible to risks. This paper
outlines a new approach by focusing only on the cyber interdependencies in smart energy systems and how
they effect the Smart Grid.
Critical infrastructures are highly interdependent due
to the services they receive and provide to one an-
other. These interdependencies vary from physical,
geographical and logical to cyber interdependencies
(Rinaldi et al., 2001). These interdependencies could
be regarded as providing both risks and opportunities
to overall infrastructure system operation. In gen-
eral, infrastructure systems such as power, transport
and water are legacy systems that have been designed
and developed during the last century and are still
being developed (Ebrahimy, 2014). The availability
of communication networks and digital connectivity
(Oughton et al., 2016) to power systems and the ben-
efits of data transmission have led the power sector to
adopt these new technologies and integrate them into
its operation in the form of Supervisory Control and
Data Acquisition (SCADA) systems, which are used
for controlling and monitoring.
Whilst the integration of communication network
with power grid has great benefits, it is also suscep-
tible to risks and failures due to its interdependency
and reliance on external services. For instance an
unplanned shut-down of a power station in Italy in
2003 led to failure of a communication node and the
SCADA system (Buldyrev et al., 2010). This event
resulted in further failures, causing a cascading fail-
ure in the system.
The arrival of the Smart Grid and its integration
with the legacy power grid has opened new avenues
to explore. This exploration must cover the expansion
of already complex power systems as they become
smarter and more reliant on communication technolo-
gies at the same time as integrating with the legacy
systems. This all requires new approaches in defining
the interdependencies and relationships with external
Smart Grid is the integration of traditional elec-
trical power grid systems with information and com-
munication technologies (ICT) (Aloula et al., 2012).
This integration improves the efficiency and avail-
ability of the power system, empowers the utility
providers in terms of how to operate their systems
based on consumer demands, while constantly moni-
toring and checking the demand and supply using ICT
In this research we identified the lack of discus-
sion on cyber interdependency of the Smart Grid.
Since the state of the Smart Grid depends on the
data transmitted through ICT architecture, the explo-
ration of this cyber-dependencywithin the Smart Grid
Ebrahimy, R. and Pourmirza, Z.
Cyber-interdependency in Smart Energy Systems.
DOI: 10.5220/0006262805290537
In Proceedings of the 3rd International Conference on Information Systems Security and Privacy (ICISSP 2017), pages 529-537
ISBN: 978-989-758-209-7
2017 by SCITEPRESS Science and Technology Publications, Lda. All rights reserved
makes this research timely, and critical. Unlike the
existing grid, the Smart Grid is comprised of distri-
bution, intelligence, operation, system optimization,
data decentralization and high dependency on com-
munication. Smart Grid components are interdepen-
dent with bidirectional interactions which rely on pre-
defined and correct operation of other dependant sys-
tems. Due to the complexity and collection of sub-
systems in Smart Grid it is important to note that
the data dependency at each layer of Smart Grid has
different implications on the operation of the entire
system. Reliable and real-time information gathering
from each layer of the Smart Grid is critical in order
to minimize the impact of failures and to optimize the
power flow operation in the power system.
The shift towards Smart Grid as referred to by
some as an energy transition period (Jefferson, 2008)
and moving away from centralized and fossil based
systems to a distribution configuration that make use
of low carbon alternatives highlights new opportuni-
ties and challenges that could arise. One of the key
challenges that this paper addresses is the cyber inter-
dependency in smart energy systems and the need for
novel, adaptable and resilient ICT architectures that
fulfils future interdependent systems.
The remainder of this paper is organized as fol-
lows: Section 2 addresses the related work, Section
3 is about the importance of communication in Smart
Grid and exploring the cyber dependency. Section 4
addresses different layers of the systems where data is
generated and Section 5 analyzes the cyber character-
istics of the information. Section 6 is about the differ-
entiation of the ICT architecture and ICT infrastruc-
ture, Section 7 explains the essential requirements of
Communication and Information handling. Sections
8 and 9 address cyber risks and conclusions respec-
There has been intensive research on the Smart Grid
from various angles by many researchers. There are
many papers which focus on new developments in in-
formation and communication (Wissner, 2011), (Wu
et al., 2011) and some focusing on consumers and
how to involve them in active operation of power con-
sumption management by introducing technical op-
eration systems or providing economic incentives to
facilitate their demand (Wolsink, 2012) while others
focus on new challenges of dealing with risks and un-
certainties in Smart Grid (Zio and Aven, 2011)(Mo-
moh, 2012). There has also been an attempt to focus
on cascading failures in interdependent Smart Grid
networks and designing cascade resilient networks in
Smart Grid using optimum allocation of interdepen-
dencies (Rahnamay-Naeini, 2016). As well as focus-
ing solely on electricity there is some research which
focuses on a complete set of intelligent management
energy sources (Orecchini and Santiangeli, 2011) and
some emphasis on market integration (Nielsen et al.,
Surveys such as those conducted by (Wang et al.,
2011), (Yan et al., 2013) and (Safdar et al., 2013) have
studied the communication infrastructures of Smart
Grids, the importance of such communication infras-
tructures, their challenges and requirements, and the
available communication technology. However, there
is lack of research on the deign of an ICT architec-
ture, cyber Interdependency within the Smart Grid,
and how this cyber interdependency affect the design
on an ICT architecture for the smart power grids.
The communication system is the key part of Smart
Grid for data transmission (Laverty et al., 2010). As
mentioned in Section 1, Smart Grid has been devel-
oped to utilize the transmitted data to deliver a bet-
ter, more reliable, cost effective,secure and optimized
service to consumers (Gungor et al., 2011). An Smart
Grid system consists of collection of different types
of data from consumer usage data to transmission and
substation sensors data and control unit data.
Cyber interdependency in infrastructure (energy,
transport, water, waste, etc.) as defined by (Rinaldi
et al., 2001), is when a state of a physical infrastruc-
ture depends on the information transmitted through
the information infrastructure. Figure 1 is a represen-
tation of an optimized energy system that is the in-
tegration of smart energy providers, smart consumers
and advanced management systems with a communi-
cation network being an integral part of it.
The direction of data flow and the purpose of
transmitted data from each system or sub component
is very important. As can be seen from Figure 1 the
type and criticality of the data depends on the trans-
mission direction and the data generation source. For
instance any data generated from the energy network
is either load data or information about the status of
the system which is transmitted to advanced manage-
ment system.
However if the information is from the manage-
ment system then the data is considered critical since
it sends control data and the availability of such data is
important for overall operability of the system. Again
ICISSP 2017 - 3rd International Conference on Information Systems Security and Privacy
depending on the destination of the control data, the
criticality varies; for instance if the control data is
to send a signal to increase generation capacity or
to switch load on different lines then it is regarded
as critical whereas if the signal is to the consumer to
manage their load, based on the demand and response
management system, then it is not classed as critical
since this is only a suggestion by a utility provider and
there is no obligation for consumers to comply with
it. In order to understand the data interaction at each
layer of the system and the nature of the relationship
and criticality we have structured and categorized data
sources in three different layers derived from Figure
1 in section 4.
Smart Grid data originates from several sources and
sensors such as advanced metering systems, phasor
measurement units, intelligent relays and remote ter-
minal units. The advanced metering system is a two-
way communication network consisting of smart me-
ter, computer hardware and software, monitoring sys-
tem and data management that enable the collection
and redistribution of data between meters and utility
A large and broad spectrum of sources that gen-
erate data and increase communication could lead to
increasing vulnerability of Smart Grid with many po-
tential points of failure and attacks to be exploited.
In smart energy systems, similar to Smart Grid,
the first layer of data dependency is between the
consumers (residential/commercial) and local control
centres via a communication network. At this layer
consumer usage and activity is reported back to a lo-
cal or central control centre. Since the communica-
tion is two way, it is possible for the operator to send
some signals back to consumers to suggest reduction
in load or limiting their access to the services. If we
call this the first layer interaction, then the absence
of this information at this level is not very critical for
overall operation but instead its availability helps in
demand-side response and would give economic ben-
efits to consumers.
The second layer of data dependency is between
transmission substation, distribution substation, load
serving entity and energy management system (EMS)
which are part of modern smart energy provision.
An EMS is fed from sources such RTUs, PLCs and
smart relays that take system status information and
load at different nodes via the communication net-
work and then feeds the information into a state es-
timator to perform optimal power flow, contingency
analysis and detect bad and false data received to op-
erate the optimal power system. An EMS is also ca-
pable of receiving the transmitted data from the power
network sensor readings of substation to transmission
linens’ and distributed and renewable energy sources
to monitor the network.
The generated data at this layer is critical for the
operation of the system since it has direct influence
on how a system should react in terms of whether to
increase/decrease capacity, switch the load or discon-
nect a node from the grid.
The third layer of data dependency in smart en-
ergy systems is the data generated from interdepen-
dent systems which are not directly part of the Smart
Grid architecture but whose inputs have direct influ-
ence and implications on how these systems operate.
For instance accurate weather data could be used to
forecast more realistic energy demand and prepare for
sudden changes. Access to historical data about usage
and weather data enables advanced advisory systems
to provide more accurate and realistic predictions of
energy demand in conjunction with current demand
data. Although at this layer the availability of such
data cannot be regarded as critical, the addition would
help in better monitoring and operation of the system.
The data interdependencyin smart energy systems
is tight and cohesive and this is why there is a need for
better understanding of layer dependencies to enable
accurate measurements, performance analysis and en-
sure security of supply.
Within each interdependent layer the characteristics
of the data and communication networks differ. For
instance, depending on what data is transmitted or
where it originates, the implications caused by such
data on smart energy systems could vary. Figure 2
is a representation of the data that each has a source,
meaning that in large complex systems such as Smart
Grid there are many sources which generate informa-
tion. Secondly each piece of information has a data
type and finally the characteristics of the data which
could be one or the collection of the set shown in Fig-
ure 2. Below are the data characteristics of the in-
formation generated, that depending on the layer and
source would posses the characteristics shown in the
following subsections:
Cyber-interdependency in Smart Energy Systems
Communication Network
Optimal Power Flow
Emergency and
False Data Detection
Advanced Management System
Energy Network
Communication Network
Wired, Wireless, Powerline, etc.
Energy storage
Communication Network
Advisory and Control
Demand Side Response
Data Flow
Two way power flow
Electricity Line
Sensor Network / Smart Meters
Smart Energy Provider
Electric Vehicles
Vehicles to Grid
Figure 1: Energy Systems and Data Flow.
5.1 Communication Technologies
As mentioned before, a two-way communication sys-
tem which includes both wired and wireless is es-
sential for Smart Grid and smart energy systems as
a whole. However based on the layer of transmis-
sion, the communication could be different. For in-
stance, the flow of information from sensors and elec-
trical appliances to smart meters could be via pow-
erline or wireless communications such as ZigBee,
Zwave, and others (Luan et al., 2010). The communi-
cation from smart meters to utility providers could be
accomplished through mobile network or the Internet.
Depending on the type of implemented technology on
each layer or on each component the interactions and
points of failures are different.
5.2 Margin of Error
Sometimes it is acceptable to have delay in data trans-
mission from smart meters to utility providers, pro-
viding it is only the consumption data. The resolution
of data in this case is usually not the same for each
provider or similar to other countries. Usually the
data is collected at discrete time slots of equal length.
For instance, depending on the provider the resolu-
tion of data could vary from 1 slot a day to 48 (half
hourly) (Yang et al., 2014) per day. In cases where the
sensors transmit critical data such as PMUs or RTUs
where the data triggers automotive decisions the mar-
gin of delay and resolution is much smaller. There-
fore the source of the data is key for determining the
acceptable scale of errors.
5.3 Security Measures
Security is a major concern in Smart Grid due to two-
way communication in the system as modern power
systems rely on information infrastructure to oper-
ate. Legacy power systems are protected by Supervi-
sory Control and Data Acquisition (SCADA), Energy
Management Systems (EMS) and Real Time Oper-
ICISSP 2017 - 3rd International Conference on Information Systems Security and Privacy
Figure 2: Data interdependency.
ating Systems (RTUS) to ensure optimal operability.
To ensure the operability of the Smart Grid informa-
tion infrastructure, the network and data management
tools need to be secure. This is why the IEC62351
protocol was developed with the focus on authenti-
cation of data transfer (ANSI C12.22), authenticated
access, intrusion detection and eavesdropping. Nev-
ertheless there are still some concerns with bad data
injection in Smart Grid systems that can not be iden-
tified by detection or state estimator (Huang et al.,
5.4 Data Types
Generally there are two types of data in smart energy
systems: status data and control data. Status data are
generated from sensors in transmission, distribution
and smart meters, etc whereas control data are gener-
ated from RTUs and management systems to trigger
an event.
5.5 Resource and Status Sharing
Distributed energy is becoming an important part of
the Smart Grid, specifically when the consumer feeds
energy back to the system using solar or storage bat-
teries. In traditional power systems in the UK, Na-
tional Grid is responsible for generating electricity
based on forecast figures and contingency measure-
ments. However when consumers generate their own
electricity then to track the overall generation the
electricity suppliers need to have access to such data
from the consumer side. This is where consumers
generate data of their usage and generation, each tar-
geting the same or different operators. This type of
resource sharing in terms of data benefits both utility
and grid operators.
5.6 Information Infrastructure & Big
Due to the complexity and integration of different sys-
tems, the amount of data that smart energy systems
generate is very large scale. This is one reason that
data analysis is becoming a core part of any smart sys-
tem to enable the advisory systems in better decision
making and optimal operation of the entire system.
The term infrastructure used to refer to ”the underly-
ing foundation or basic framework (as of a system or
organization) (MA, 1993). In 1997, the term gained
more importance and advanced meaning based on the
work of PCCIP (US Presidents Commission on Criti-
cal Infrastructure Protection). In this new era the term
infrastructurewas widely used to mean the framework
of interdependent networks and systems comprising
identifiable industries, institutions (including people
and procedures),and distribution capabilities thatpro-
vide a reliable flow of products and services essential
to the defence and economic security of the United
Cyber-interdependency in Smart Energy Systems
States, the smooth functioning of governments at all
levels, and society as a whole. This section defines
and delimits the term infrastructure in the domain of
Communication and Information Technology (ICT).
Additionally, it differentiates between ICT infrastruc-
ture and ICT architecture, terms which are commonly
misused by researchers in a number of areas of study.
Next, we will discuss how ICT architecture can influ-
ence the cyber dependency of the Smart Grid.
An ICT infrastructure describes the fundamental
components such as monitoring devices, computers,
controllers, software, middleware, storage, and data
communication media and technologies, that offer
services such as access, transmission, storage, mon-
itoring, control, conversion of data to useful informa-
tion, analysis, and finally taking action based on anal-
ysed data in a system or organization.
ICT infrastructure resembles the foundation or in-
frastructure of a building that can support a num-
ber of different building architectural styles such as
Achaemenid, Ancient Chinese, Victorian, or Roman.
Although different buildings might have varied archi-
tectural styles, their infrastructures are similar. Like-
wise, based on similar ICT infrastructure we can de-
sign and develop a number of different ICT archi-
tectures, corresponding to diverse organizational re-
Conversely, an ICT Architecture refers to the de-
sign or style in which components and services of
the ICT infrastructure interact. In other words, ICT
infrastructure is about the components or building
blocks of a system that support the ICT architecture.
ICT architecture design should be based on estab-
lished architectural principles and requirements of the
organization. Such architecture should not only of-
fer, but facilitate, enhance, and sustain services re-
quired by the organization. Without a proper ICT
architecture design, the cyber system of an organi-
zation will not be future proof, as it may not incor-
porate upcoming functionalities, ideas, and changes
to the system. To summarise, while ICT infrastruc-
ture is almost the same for all levels of Smart Grids,
the ICT architecture varies according to a number of
parameters, which will be discussed in the next sec-
tion. Accordingly, ICT infrastructure does not affect
the cyber-interdependency of the Smart Grid as much
as the ICT architectures does. This also highlights the
importance of rigorous considerations of an ICT ar-
chitecture in the design phase, as it can isolate or cas-
cade failures in such cyber-interdependent systems.
This section identifies the ICT (Information and Com-
munication Technology) requirements of the Smart
Grid, and discusses how some of these requirements
can influence the cyber-interdependency of the power
grid. As mentioned earlier, in order to design a
sustainable and futureproof architecture, the design
team should first identify the requirements of such
architecture. Since there is no one ICT architecture
that can fit all the different cases (Pourmirza, 2015),
the requirements and design decisions identified in
this section can help ICT developers to improve and
modify their designs. The ICT requirements for the
Smart Grid are classified into three categories, namely
functional, non-functional, and architectural require-
ments. Functional requirements are defined as the
concrete functionalities of a system, non-functional
requirements are described as the qualitative charac-
teristics of a system which address the performance
concerns (Committee and Board, 1998), and architec-
tural requirements are defined as the design decisions
which relate to the ICT architecture itself (Rohjans
et al., 2012). Amongst these three categories, require-
ments defined under the architectural requirements or
design decisions affect the degree of cyber interde-
pendency of the power grid the most. Proper consid-
eration of some of these parameters is critical in the
design of an ICT architecture for the Smart Grid, as
they can directly or indirectly cascade or isolate the
fault in the system, and prevent the rest of the grid
from being adversely affected. Figure 3 presents a
number of requirements in each category.
The state of the Smart Grid depends on the out-
put of its ICT architecture. Some of the parameters
that highlight the cyber interdependency of the Smart
Grid are as follows: distributed, layered, component-
based, and loosely coupled. These parameters can af-
fect flexibility and adaptiveness of the system in case
of failure or when the system is stressed. One of the
main requirements of an ICT architecture is to be a
distributed system (Pourmirza and Brooke, 2013). A
centralized ICT system has a single point of failure;
by moving from centralized to distributed systems we
can prevent this problem. Fault tolerance is one of the
principles in distributed systems (Emmerich, ); it is
the ability to deal with the reliability of the system in
the event of a fault, and it also enables the system to
progress despite the presence of failure in the system.
It is usually implemented by circumventing a single
point of failure in the network. A distributed system
can be represented by a hierarchical architecture. Hi-
ICISSP 2017 - 3rd International Conference on Information Systems Security and Privacy
Smart Grid ICT requirements and characteristics
Functional requirements
System qualitative
/ Non-
functional requirements
Design decision/
architectural requirement
Quality of service
ICT energy management
Loosely coupled
Consideration of big data
Data collection
Convert data to knowledge
ICT constraints and other issues
Data analysis
2-way communication
Take action
Alarm handling
Fault tolerant
Information coherence
Figure 3: ICT Smart Grid requirements.
erarchical systems have a tree structure such that each
node is connected to several other nodes (leaves) and
each of these nodes is connected to a number of differ-
ent nodes, and so on. A hierarchical network is a type
of network wherein processing and control function-
alities are performed at different levels (Fed, 1996).
These functionalities can be on top of, or below, each
other or else they can be at the same level. Hierar-
chical systems are to some degree interdependent and
partially fault tolerant. Although a failure at the leaf
level may not cause huge disturbance to the whole
system, their root can be considered as a single point
of failure.
The other requirement of an ICT architecture is
to be a layered system (Pourmirza, 2015). Hierarchi-
cal relations can also be represented through use of
layers. As defined by the National Communications
System Technology and Standards Division in the US
(Emmerich, ), layering in a communication system is
referred to as a group of related functions that are per-
formed in a given level in a hierarchy of related func-
tions. Layering addresses how different sections of
the ICT of the Smart Grid are connected, and how the
information passes between each section. A strictly
layered hierarchical architecture is an interdependent
system, if one layer fails, the whole architecture will
fail. This is because an entity in each layer can only
interact with an entity in its own layer, or with the
layer directly below, because the upper layer asks for
services or data from layers below.
The next requirement of an ICT architecture is to
be a component-based system (Pourmirza, 2015). A
component has been defined by the National Com-
munications System Technology and Standards Divi-
sion (Fed, 1996) as a part of a system that is essential
for the operation of a bigger system and is a direct
sub-division of the system to which it belongs. Some
of the components that result from a sub-division of
the ICT architecture are: smart meters, WSNs, moni-
toring devices in the substations, databases and visu-
alization tools. Accordingly, some of these compo-
nents can also be sub-divided into other components.
Cyber-interdependency in Smart Energy Systems
For example, monitoring devices in the substations
can be componentized into other components, namely
cRIOs, data storage, a control unit and a router. Since
these components are interdependent, failure to pass
correct or updated data to another component may
cause a fault in the system. Therefore, what happens
to one layer or component can directly and indirectly
affect the rest of the system, and finally impact the
operation of the whole power grid.
The other main requirement for the design of the
an ICT architecture is loose coupling which falls un-
der the architectural requirement category. Infrastruc-
tures can be tightly or loosely coupled. Tight cou-
pling addresses the strong dependency of one layer or
component on another one in a cyber system. Cas-
cading failures are usually caused by tightly coupled
systems, as disturbances in one section can affect the
other sections to which they are tightly coupled. In
cyber infrastructure, loose coupling allows for flex-
ibility of design of the ICT architecture. In a lay-
ered ICT architecture a loosely coupled system has
a little or no knowledge about the internal details of
the other layers and communication between layers
is based on abstractions. This will affect their oper-
ational performance, and flexibility to deal with fail-
ures and changes in the system.
Overall, ICT requirements such as distributed,
layered, component-based, and loosely coupled can
influence the degree of cyber-dependencies of the
Smart Grid.
Due to the nature, complexity and interdependency
of the Smart Grid it is essential to consider security
objectives in its communication systems. These ob-
jectives are confidentiality, integrity and availability
which are required for control management and mon-
itoring and must operate within acceptable risk level
(Zhang et al., 2010). Since the emergence of dif-
ferent Smart Grid technologies, standards and tech-
niques have been developed by the community. How-
ever there is still a lack of a widely accepted protocol
which includes all the elements of Smart Grid such as
smart meters, smart devices and household appliances
and the integration of renewable energy. One of the
reasons for the lack of full deployment of Smart Grid
is regional policy making and the definition of Smart
Grid in that region or country. Nowadays power sys-
tems are much more susceptible to failures and black-
outs due to increase in connectivity to information in-
frastructure than when power systems were operating
in isolation. This means the whole system needs to be
more resilient and secure by implementing new secu-
rity measurements and in most cases there is a need
to change the ICT architecture that fits the system and
satisfies the new requirements.
Smart Grid and smart energy systems are interdepen-
dent and highly dependent on communication net-
works. In addition there is high dependencyon the in-
formation and data generated by these systems which
are critical for the operation of dependent systems.
This paper has presented a top down approach to rep-
resent the data and communication interdependencies
between legacy power systems, Smart Grid and smart
energy systems individually and as a whole. It has
also shown how important it is to design and develop
an ICT architecture that facilitates such systems using
the existing ICT infrastructure.
Additionally, it has demonstrated how a number
of design decisions while developing an ICT archi-
tecture affects the cyber interdependency of the Smart
Grids. Having an ICT architecture that fits the re-
quirement of each discrete system enables the over-
all systems to be more reliable, resilient and secure
against any threats and failures.
The research reported in this paper was partially sup-
ported by of the STRATA; Layers for Structuring
Trustworthy Ambient Systems funded by the Engi-
neering and Physical Sciences Research Council un-
der Programme Grant EP/N023641/1.
The authors also would like to thanks Cliff Jones
for his feedbacks and guidance on this paper.
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