Analyzing and Predicting the TEM-4 Performance of
English Majors in China
Yao Meng
, Xiangdong Gu
, Qing Zhou
and Yu Zhong
College of Computer Science, Chongqing University, Chongqing, China
Research Center of Language, Cognition & Language Application, Chongqing University, Chongqing, China
School of Foreign Language and Cultures, Chongqing University, Chongqing, China
Keywords: Education Data Mining, TEM-4, Prediction, Naive Bayes Model, English Majors.
Abstract: Test for English Majors-Band 4 (TEM-4) is a national Test for Chinese English majors in the end of their
second year at university. This paper focuses on analysis and prediction of the TEM-4 performance of 77
English majors in a Chinese key university. A rich amount of data was collected including students’
demographics and family status, learning related achievement, motivation and learning journals they kept
for a year with school’s permission and students’ willingness. The accuracy of three classification
algorithms to predict students’ TEM-4 performance were compared and Naive Bayes Classifier is verified
to gain the highest accuracy. On predicting whether the students’ TEM-4 scores might reach the excellent
level, the accuracy of the model is above 90%. On predicting whether the students might pass the exam, the
accuracy reaches 98%. One contributing finding of this study is that a richer set of data was collected, and
we integrate the data. Another one is that students’ written learning journals have been verified in the
improvement of the accuracy of the prediction model which hasn’t been explored in the previous researches
about the test.
Test for English Majors-Band 4 (TEM-4) has been
carried out in China since 1991 by the National
Advisory Commission on Foreign Language
Teaching in Higher Education (NACFLT). It is a
criterion-referenced test which can only be applied
for by English major sophomores. TEM-4 aims to
test the comprehensive ability of English majors in
China, with very limited testing opportunities and
highly authoritative testing result. Each student has
only two times to sit for the test, and the test result is
used as a prerequisite for graduation by some
universities or for job-hunting by some companies.
Therefor it is a high-stakes examination in China. If
we can predict students’ TEM-4 achievement level,
teachers can provide timely intervention and guide
the students who may fail in TEM-4 before the test
as well as give further support to those excellent
students to become more professional. The written
examination and oral examination of TEM-4 are
carried out and scored separately. In addition, TEM-
4 score in this paper refers to the score of written
Data mining technology can discover hidden
information and patterns from a large number of
data, and has been successfully applied in a wide
range of fields such as education (Zhou, 2015).
Education data mining is increasingly concerned by
China and the world. For Chinese English
education, there have been abundant research in
studying the relationship between TEM-4 scores and
students’ characteristics. (Wen, 2009) conducted
multiple-regression analysis to find out to what
extent the performance on the three oral tasks can
predict the scores on the written tasks of TEM-4.
(Li, 2012) used TEM-4 scores as criteria to test
whether self-assessment is a reliable and valid
measure in evaluating students’ language
proficiency, and the result confirmed this
hypothesis. (Xi, 2012) found that TEM-4 scores can
be predicted by learning motivation and learning
effort. (Li, 2013) applied stepwise multiple
regression to analyze the differences in language
aptitude components between high- and low-
proficiency groups. However, previous studies pay
more attention to analyzing the relation between
TEM-4 performance and students’ characteristics
Meng, Y., Gu, X., Zhou, Q. and Zhong, Y.
Analyzing and Predicting the TEM-4 Performance of English Majors in China.
DOI: 10.5220/0006263102560261
In Proceedings of the 9th International Conference on Computer Supported Education (CSEDU 2017) - Volume 1, pages 256-261
ISBN: 978-989-758-239-4
Copyright © 2017 by SCITEPRESS Science and Technology Publications, Lda. All rights reserved
rather than the accuracy of prediction. Besides, the
data of these research are always of certain types,
such as gender, learning strategies and language
abilities (grammar, pronunciation, listening, etc.),
but lack of integrative consideration of these data.
This paper focuses on using multiple types of
data to predict students who might fail the TEM-4
test and those who might get excellent scores. Our
objective is to draw teachers’ and relevant
institution's attention to the students who might be
on the risk with English learning and to discover
what tools are more efficient to improve the learning
experiences of the English students in China and
77 English majors of the same grade from a key
university in China participated in this research.
Students involved in this research took the TEM-4
test in their 4th semester. The score is
conventionally transformed into one of four levels
by the following classification: fail 0-59; pass 60-69;
good 70-79; excellent 80-100. Among the students,
5 failed (6%) and 16 reached excellence (20%). In
this paper, normal indicates the test participants
except for those who got excellent scores. To
explore as many features as possible which may be
associated with TEM-4 scores and to establish an
accurate prediction model, we collected four types
of data from the students, which contained more
than 24 features: (1) demographics and family
socioeconomic status, (2) study-related records,
including pre-university educational background and
academic performance of their first four semesters in
university, (3) results of achievement goal test
(Elliot, 2001), (4) students’ written learning journals
they kept for a year. These data were collected with
students’ permission and willingness. Data of
demographics, family socioeconomic status, and
students' achievement goals were collected from
questionnaires. With the teacher’s advice and
guidance, the students wrote learning journals in
Chinese for one year, which are used as part of the
features. Table 1 lists all variables except for the
learning journals and presents a statistical
description of the results. Section 3 will give a
description of data pre-processing.
This study aims at establishing a model to predict
English majors’ TEM-4 test result using four types
of data mentioned above. Three datasets used to
train the model were prepared. Feature set I consists
of all features mentioned in Section 2. Feature set II
was a subset selected by performing CfsSubsetEval
feature selection algorithm (Hall, 1999),
implemented in Weka, on feature set I. Students’
written learning journals, as a new feature, was
added in feature set III based on feature set II. We
adopted three classification algorithms: Decision
Tree, Logistic Regression and Naive Bayes. Each
classification algorithm was then performed on the
three feature sets respectively. The samples were
divided into training set and test set, and leave-one-
out cross-validation was used to verify the validity
of predication models.
3.1 Text Feature Extraction
Quite different from English, sentences in Chinese
consist of characters, which are written one after
another in line with no spaces. Word in sentences
consists of several adjacent characters. Such
characteristic of Chinese language requires word
segmentation to single out words from sentences. As
different sentence division may lead to different
valid words and meanings, we use an efficient
Chinese text segment tool called Jieba to segment
students’ written journal texts. The Jieba tool is
open-source uses a prefix dictionary and dynamic
programming to find out the most probable
combination base on word frequency. For words not
in the dictionary, a HMM-based model is used with
the Viterbi Algorithm (Sun, 2014).
By dropping words mentioned by less than 5
students, such as Thailand, 650 words remained
from 66,495 word-segment results. The bag-of-
words model as shown in Table 2, contains 650
words and their frequency in each student's journals.
3.2 Feature Selection
Feature selection refers to selecting N most effective
features from M features (NM), with the aim of
reducing dimensions of the data strands. It is an
important way to improve the performance of
classification algorithms and a key step for data
mining. The present study uses Weka to perform
CfsSubsetEval, which can choose subsets of features
that are highly correlated with the class but with low
intercorrelation. The value of the subset of attributes
Analyzing and Predicting the TEM-4 Performance of English Majors in China
Table 1: Descriptive statistics of the variables.
Variables Mean SD Min Max
Dependent variables
- TEM-4 Score 72.65 9.15 49.00 92.00
Demographics and family socioeconomic status
- Age 18.14 0.616 17.00 20.00
- Gender(dummy: 1=male, 2=female) 1 2
- Mother’s educational qualification
3.34 1.80 1 6
- Father’s educational qualification
3.80 1.86 1 7
- Family Month Income
2.35 0.79 1 5
- Development of hometown province
2.25 0.60 1 3
learning related
- The onset grades of English learning
2.94 2.01 1. 6
- Type of highschool
2.37 1.09 1. 4
- Choice of admission
1.17 0.37 1 2
- English score of entrance examination 132.43 8.02 112.00 145.00
- Chinese score of entrance examination 117.50 8.02 104.00 145.00
- Math score of entrance examination 123.71 10.63 95.00 144.00
- Vocabulary size test score
8405 1068 6500 11800
- Mean score of professional courses for the 1
87.48 4.72 71.82 96.83
- Mean score of professional courses for the 2
semester 86.55 6.12 66.98 97.45
- Mean score of professional courses for the 3
semester 88.23 4.29 77.41 98.08
- Mean score of professional courses for the 4
semester 89.53 3.75 80.19 96.88
- Times of taking part in extracurricular activities 2.35 1.95 0 8
- Times of taking part in English contests 1.79 1.40 0 6
- Proportion of winning awards in English contests 0.46 0.842 0 1
Achievement goals
- mastery-approach 12.07 1.70 7 15
- performance-approach 10.69 2.13 3 15
- mastery-avoidance 11.57 1.53 8 15
- performance-avoidance 10.04 1.87 6 13
Educational qualification
1, 2
1=Primary School, 2=Secondary School, 3=Senior high School, 4=Technical Secondary School, 5=Junior College,
6=Bachelor, 7=Master, 8=PhD
Family Month Income
1= [0, 2000), 2= [2000, 5000), 3= [5000, 10000), 4= [10000, 15000), 5= [15000, above]
Development of hometown province
1=Underdeveloped, 2= Developing, 3=Developed
The onset grades of English learning
1= before 3rd grade, 2= 3rd grade, 3= 4
grade, 4= 5
grade, 5= 6
grade, 6= 7
grade, 7= 10
Types of High school
1= Foreign Language High School, 2= National or Provincial key high School, 3=Municipal or Country key high school,
4=Ordinary high school
Choice of admission
1=Voluntary choice of the major, 2= to be adjusted to the major
Vocabulary size test score
A test created by Paul Nation, containing 140 multiple-choice items, with 10 items from each 1000 word family level
Achievement goals
Elliot’s and Murayama’s Achievement Goal Questionnaire (Elliot, 2008). Every achievement goal includes three questions and
all items are on a 5-point Likert scale.
Table 2: A sample of bag-of-words model extracted from students’ written learning journals.
Student No. English Upset Reading Effort Curriculum Time Final Examination Insist on …
001 6 0 9 3 17 12 6 5
002 17 5 0 0 5 8 19 0
… …
CSEDU 2017 - 9th International Conference on Computer Supported Education
is evaluated by considering the individual predictive
ability of each feature and the degree of redundancy
between them. More details can be found in (Hall,
3.3 Prediction Model
Common classification algorithms include Decision
Tree, Artificial Neural Network, Support Vector
Machine, Bayes and Association Rule. Among them,
the Naive Bayes Model is simpler, more efficient
and easier to interpret. It stems from classic
mathematic theory with a sound mathematic
foundation. Therefore, it is popular in the field of
data mining. More details about it can be found in
(Rish, 2001).
Naive Bayes Model uses a series of feature
attributes to describe the sample, and then classifies
the test sample based on the knowledge learnt from
the training sample. For those to be classified, which
class they fall in is decided by probability: they
belong to the category where highest probability
shows. In classification, for a given sample X, the
probability of this sample belongs to category Y is
calculated by the following formula (1).
In the present study, X presents students’ features
we concern about, such as age, family income, and
P(X) presents the ratio of each feature’s value in all
samples. Y represents two classes of TEM-4 result
(for scenario I they are successful or failed, while for
scenario II they are excellent or normal). Since
Naive Bayes assumes the X features are independent,
formula (2) can be derived, and samples can be
classified based on the conditional probability
estimation of each feature in each class obtained
from formula (2).
This study, we addressed two questions: whether
students may pass TEM-4 and whether they may
achieve excellent scores in TEM-4. To answer the
two questions, we compared the classification effect
of three common classification algorithms, Naive
Bayes, Decision Tree and Logistic Regression, using
feature set I, II and III respectively. For the two
scenarios, predicting Success/Failure and
Excellent/Normal, 18 models were built using three
different algorithms and three feature sets. Table 3
only lists the feature set which provides the best
prediction performance for a given achievement
level and classification algorithm, and Figure 1
demonstrates the value of F-measure of three
classification algorithms’ best performance among
three feature sets. As table 3 shows, the values of F-
measure and AUC (area under ROC curve) indicate
that the Naive Bayes algorithm should be a better
binary classifiers in this research. In this section,
three experiments of Naive Bayes Model verified to
have the best prediction performance both on
classification into Success/Failure and
Excellent/Normal will be analyzed in detail.
Figure 1: F-measure of three classification algorithms’
best performance on three feature sets.
In Experiment 1, feature set I, including all attributes
except the students’ learning journals, was used to
predict whether students may fail in TEM-4 and
whether they can get excellent scores. As shown
Table 3: Classification into Success/Failure and Excellent/Normal.
Achievement Level Classification Algorithm Data F-measure AUC
Naive Bayes Feature set III 89.89% 0.80
Decision Tree(J48) Feature set II 44.44% 0.50
Logistic Regression Feature set III 75.00% 0.72
Naive Bayes Feature set III 78.79% 0.71
Decision Tree(J48) Feature set II 42.86% 0.48
Logistic Regression Feature set III 61.54% 0.50
Analyzing and Predicting the TEM-4 Performance of English Majors in China
Table 4: Naive Bayes model in predicting students’ TEM-4 achievement level.
Experiment Data Achievement Level Precision* Recall* Accuracy F-measure AUC
NO.1 Feature set I
Success/Failure 25.00% 40.00% 88.31% 30.77% 0.68
Excellent/Normal 64.29% 56.25% 84.41% 60.00% 0.56
NO.2 Feature set II
Success/Failure 50.00% 60.00% 93.51% 55.55% 0.76
Excellent/Normal 70.59% 75.00% 88.31% 72.73% 0.63
NO.3 Feature set III
Success/Failure 100.00% 80.00% 98.70% 89.89% 0.80
Excellent/Normal 76.47% 81.25% 90.91% 78.79% 0.71
*Precision=Positive predictive value, Recall=Sensitive, Accuracy =Ratio of samples correctly classified, F-measure=a measure of a test's
accuracy which considers both the precision p and the recall r, AUC=the area under a ROC curve
in Table 4, classifier trained is not satisfactory in
prediction. It can only detect 40% and 56% of the
students who failed and who obtained excellent
scores in TEM-4 respectively.
In Experiment 2, feature set II was used for
prediction which includes average scores of
professional courses, high school type, onset grade
of English learning and students’ hometown
provinces. As Table 4 shows, the recall of predicting
students who might succeed/fail the test improves
from 40% to 60%. In terms of prediction on
excellent/normal students, the accuracy improves
from 56% to 75%.
In Experiment 3, a new prediction model was
established by adding some words extracted from
the students’ learning journals based on Experiment
2. “Pressure” was added to predict whether the
students would pass TEM-4. “Final exam”,
“endeavor” and “modification” were added to
predict whether their TEM-4 scores would be
excellent. The precision and recall improve again
and reach over 75%, which gain the best predictive
effect among the three experiments.
According to the three experiments, that feature
set III owns the highest accuracy to predict whether
the students may pass TEM-4 and whether their
TEM-4 scores can reach the excellent level. The
result of Experimental 1 is not ideal probably due to
too many features which may lead to over-fitting.
The prediction accuracy of the model was improved
obviously by eliminating features with low
relevance to the class e.g., students’ TEM-4
achievement level, and by adding words extracted
from the learning journals. Figure 2 and Figure 3
show the improvement of the value of F-measure
and AUC during the process of model optimization.
According to the experiment results, the feature
students’ hometown provinces exists in all Naive
Bayes prediction models. One possible explanation
is that the students from economically-developed
regions are more likely to access better English
educational resources. The type of high schools and
the onset grade of English learning, which represent
the students' English educational background before
entering the university, also contribute to the high
prediction accuracy. It indicates that the students’
English foundation may also be one important factor
mediating students’ English learning outcome at
tertiary education. In predicting of whether the
students will pass TEM-4 or whether their TEM-4
test scores will be excellent, professional course
average score has not been screened out by the
feature selection algorithm. This indicates that the
professional course average score is a very
contributing feature to predict the students’ language
Figure 2: F-measure of Naive Bayes Model.
Figure 3: AUC of Naive Bayes Model.
CSEDU 2017 - 9th International Conference on Computer Supported Education
proficiency. In particular, the learning journals also
contributes to the prediction accuracy of the
students’ TEM-4 achievement level.
Based on the research results, English teachers
might need to pay more attention to those students
who come from ordinary high schools and from
underdeveloped provinces. Due to their weak
English foundation, they might face more pressure
in language learning and are in need of more help,
more encouragement and more flexible learning
methods fit for them. In addition keeping regular
learning journals is highly recommended, as it can
help students to develop the habit of self-reflection
and help them regulate their English learning. It can
also help teacher to keep track on students’ learning
and emotional fluctuations at students’ report in
In the present study, substantial data from English
majors were collected to develop classification
models to predict students’ TEM-4 performance.
Our methodology differs from priori ones in two
aspects. Firstly, previous researches are focused on
the relationship between students’ characteristics
and their TEM 4 scores rather than the accuracy of
prediction. Our study employed Naive Bayes to
predict whether students will pass the TEM-4 and
whether they will obtain excellent scores. The
accuracy of the established model is up to 98%.
Secondly, a richer set of data was collected in the
current study, including students’ demographics and
family socioeconomic status, learning related
achievement, motivation and learning journals.
What’s more, we integrate the data. A contributing
finding of this study is that students’ written learning
journals have been verified in the improvement of
the accuracy of the prediction models. Our tentative
suggestions for the English teaching are to try to
understand the students’ learning background and
emotional fluctuations, and teaching in accordance
with individual’s aptitude. The English majors and
the like are advised to keep English learning diaries,
which help know one’s own strengths and
weaknesses, and have a positive attitude towards
English learning and life.
Due to the imbalanced data in this study between
those failed and those reached excellent in TEM-4,
the findings of this study needs further validation by
a much larger sampling, and should be generalized
or used with caution.
We would very much like to thank Prof. Xiangdong
Gu’s and Prof. Qing Zhou’s team and the external
reviewers for their insightful feedback. The current
study is supported by “The Short-term International
Academic fund” of Chongqing University,
Fundamental Research Funds for the Central
Universities (Grant No. 106112015CDJSK04JD02)
in Chongqing University, National Natural Science
Foundation Project of CQ CSTC (Grant No.
cstc2016jcyjA0276), Postgraduate Education and
Teaching Reform Research Project in Chongqing
Province (Grant No. yjg153023), Degree and
Postgraduate Education Research (Grant No. C-
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Analyzing and Predicting the TEM-4 Performance of English Majors in China