Microfiber Knot Resonators as Sensors
A Review
André D. Gomes and Orlando Frazão
INESC TEC and Department of Physics and Astronomy, Faculty of Sciences, University of Porto,
Rua do Campo Alegre 687, 4150-179 Porto, Portugal
Keywords: Microfiber Knot Resonator, Temperature Sensor, Refractive Index Sensor, Coated Microfiber Knot
Abstract: Microfiber knot resonators find application in many different fields of action, of which an important one is
the optical sensing. The large evanescent field of light can interact and sense the external medium, tuning the
resonance conditions of the structure. The resonant property of microfiber knot resonators can also provide,
in some cases, an enhancement in the sensing capability. Until nowadays, a wide variety of physical and
chemical parameters have been possible to measure with this device. New developments and improvements
are still being done in this field. A review on microfiber knot resonators as sensors is presented, with particular
emphasis on their application as temperature and refractive index sensors. The properties of these structures
are analyzed and different assembling configurations are presented. Important aspects in terms of the sensor
stability are discussed, as well as alternatives to increase the sensor robustness. In terms of new advances, an
overview on coated microfiber knot resonators is also presented. Finally, other microfiber knot configurations
are explored and discussed.
Over the last few decades, optical fiber sensing
proved to be one of the most powerful and successful
application of both optical fibers and sensing
technology (Lou, Wang, and Tong, 2014). In fact,
with the developments and the advances of the
telecommunication industry, optical fibers begun to
be a subject of intense investigation. With this
outbreak, their application to various sensing fields
were widely explored until nowadays.
From the combination of optical fibers and
nanotechnology, the fabrication of micro and
nanofibers (MNF) by tapering a fiber to micrometric
or even nanometric size has led optical fiber sensing
to another level (Lou et al., 2014).
Until nowadays, new sensing configurations
based on MNFs were studied and developed. These
type of sensors come in many different forms and
normally the measured effects are sensed via intensity
or phase change of the transmitted light. One of the
configurations are the resonator-type MNF structures,
which use resonant structures such as loop resonators,
knot resonators or coil resonators.
Microfiber knot resonators (MKR) are one of the
configurations that had a huge impact, not only in the
field of sensing, but also in other fields such as, for
example, ultrafast optics, due to its high quality factor
(Q-factor) (Yi-ping Xu et al., 2015). These structures
are easy to fabricate and more stable compared, for
instance, with microfiber loop resonators. In the last
years, refractive index and temperature sensing using
MKR configurations were demonstrated.
Here we review the recent progress in microfiber
knot resonator as sensors, mainly for refractive index
and temperature sensing applications, as well as new
configurations of this structure. The sensor stability is
also discussed.
A microfiber knot resonator consists in tying a knot
in the taper waist region of a MNF, allowing coupling
and evanescent overlap between modes propagating
in adjacent turns. Light that enters the MKR will be
split in the knot region between the ring and the
Gomes A. and FrazÃ
co O.
Microfiber Knot Resonators as Sensors - A Review.
DOI: 10.5220/0006264803560364
2017 by SCITEPRESS – Science and Technology Publications, Lda. All rights reserved
output. New light that enters the MKR will combine
with light going to the output of the structure, while
feeding at the same time the ring. To create the MKR,
first, the freestanding end of a MNF is assembled into
a large ring with few millimeters in diameter. Then,
the diameter of the ring is progressively reduced by
pulling the free end of the MNF until a microknot
with the desired dimensions is obtained (Figure 1).
This overlap of the fiber with itself allows no need for
a precise alignment (Xiao and Birks, 2011). The
small-size and low fabrication cost of these structures
have attracted much attention to produce them for
sensing purposes (G. Chen and Ding, 2013).
Figure 1: Schematic of a MKR. The structure is produced
using a taper.
2.1 Properties/Parameters
MKRs have interesting properties: high quality factor
and finesse, and a free spectral range (FSR) that
depends on the diameter of the ring. The schematic of
a high-Q MKR transmission spectrum is presented in
figure 2.
The quality factor (Q) is a useful quantity to
evaluate the losses of the resonator. The higher the Q-
factor, the longer the light stays in the ring. This factor
can be expressed as (Brambilla et al., 2009):
is the resonance wavelength and 
is the full width at half-maximum. MKRs can achieve
Q factors up to 10
(De Freitas, Birks, and Rollings,
2015; X. Jiang, Tong, et al., 2006; Xiao and Birks,
The finesse is also a measure of the resonator
losses but it is independent of the resonator length. It
is defined as:
The FSR of a microfiber knot resonator, which is
the distance between two adjacent resonance
, is given by:
is the effective refractive index of the
microfiber and is the cavity length. In an MKR, the
cavity length is given by the perimeter of the ring.
This property is very useful since one can tune the
FSR of the sensor by adjusting the diameter of the
Figure 2: Schematic of a MKR transmission spectrum.
2.2 Assembling Configurations
Most of the reported configurations assemble MKR
using a MNF with a freestanding end (like a pigtail)
and use a second microfiber (output fiber) to collect
the light transmitted out of the knot, as depicted in
figure 3. The microfiber is evanescently coupled to
the output fiber of the MKR, connected through Van
der Wall attraction. This solution presents some
limitations in terms of applications of the MKRs.
Despite some authors claim that MKRs assembled
from double-ended MNFs can easily break when
knotted (Brambilla et al., 2009; X. Jiang, Tong, et al.,
2006; X. D. Jiang, Chen, Vienne, and Tong, 2007),
Xiao et al. demonstrated the first MKR made from
double-ended tapered fibers, back in 2011 (Xiao and
Birks, 2011). The authors achieved MKRs with high
finesse (104) using a 128 µm-diameter MKR
assembled from a 1 µm-diameter fiber taper. A high
Q-factor of 97260 was also obtained for a
570 µm-diameter MKR assembled from the same
fiber taper. The minimum MKR diameter achieved
was 46 µm using the same fiber taper.
Also in 2011, the first all-fiber and optically
tunable MKR has been proposed (Chen et al., 2011).
The MKR was coated with a photoresponsive liquid
crystal mixture which presents an easily variable RI
that can be changed upon irradiation with UV light.
The change in the MKR effective refractive index
caused by the liquid crystal induces a change in the
resonance wavelengths. A 0.15 nm spectral shift was
observed when irradiating a 468 µm-diameter MKR
with 50mW/cm
of UV light. The MKR was
assembled from a 2.5 µm-diameter fiber taper. The
reversibility of the process is shown to be a great
advantage of this technique.
Figure 3: Schematic of a MKR using a second microfiber
as collecting fiber.
2.3 Stability
The stability of the MKR can be increased using
different methods or techniques. The first consists in
integrating the structure on a polished solid MgF
crystal substrate that helps to support the MKR. Since
the MgF
substrate presents low refractive index
(n=1.37), the MKR resonance is maintained (X.
Jiang, Yang, et al., 2006; Li and Ding, 2014; Y. Wu,
Rao, Chen, and Gong, 2009), despite a small change
in the resonance wavelengths due to a change in the
effective refractive index. This substrate also
provides good thermal conductivity which is helpful
for temperature measurements (Y. Wu, Rao, et al.,
Another common way to achieve long-term
stability is to coat the MKR with low refractive index
polymers (Li and Ding, 2014; Zeng, Wu, Hou, Bai,
and Yang, 2009), or simply use MKRs made out of
polymer microfibers (Y. Wu, Rao, et al., 2009; Y.
Wu, Zhang, Rao, and Gong, 2011; H. Yu et al., 2014).
Regarding this method, Vienne et al. performed an
analysis on the effect of host polymers in microfiber
knot resonators (Vienne, Li, and Tong, 2007). The
FSR and the maximum Q-factor and extinction ratio
did not change significantly after coating the MKR
with low-index polymer. However, the wavelength
region of high Q-factor and extinction ratio shifts
when the polymer coating is applied. Polymer
coatings allow to fix the knot structure, reducing the
probability of changing the MKR diameter. Li et al.
explored the optical degradation of a MKR over time
(Li and Ding, 2014). In fact, the transmission losses
of a bare MKR increased at the speed of around 0.24
dB/h, reaching 18 dB after 3 days, unlike a Teflon
coated MKR where no change was noticed for half a
month. This result shows that Teflon coating (n~1.31)
provides protection against degradation over time.
In 2011, a MKR was embedded in hydrophobic
aerogel (n~1.05) (Xiao and Birks, 2011). The losses
of the structure off-resonance (0.75 dB) proved to be
much lower than other encapsulants. Due to the low
refractive index, the aerogel avoids the reduction of
light confinment and change of dispersion when
compared with low-index polymers.
Robustness and resistance can also be gained
using large knots made out of larger diameter fibers
(Gomes and Frazão, 2016). However, the resonance
property can be lost due to the small evanescent field
of light.
Microfiber knot resonators can be used to sense a
wide variety of physical, chemical, and biochemical
parameters. A more detailed analysis of some
published results will now be made regarding mainly
the use of MKRs for temperature and refractive index
3.1 Temperature Sensing
Temperature variations around a microfiber knot
resonator will change its length and refractive index,
resulting in a shift of the resonance wavelengths
(Zeng et al., 2009). By monitoring the resonance
wavelength variations one can have information
about the temperature variations around the sensor.
Using this principle of working, many MKRs have
been proposed for temperature sensing.
Wu et al. reported two temperature sensors based
on silica/polymer MKR (Y. Wu, Rao, et al., 2009).
Both sensors were placed in an MgF
crystal plate and
covered with an MgF
slab to make them more robust
and immune to environmental fluctuations, as shown
in figure 4. Moreover, the MgF
substrate ensures
good thermal conductivity and presents low refractive
index, as discussed back in section 2.3.
Figure 4: Schematic of the MKR temperature sensors
presented by Wu et al.
For the silica MKR, a 1.7 µm-diameter silica fiber
taper was used to create a 190 µm-diameter MKR.
The structure presents a Q-factor of 12000. A
temperature sensitivity of around 52 pm/ºC was
obtained between 30 ºC to 700 ºC. For the case of a
polymer MKR, a 2.1 µm-diameter PMMA fiber
(n~1.49) was used to produce a 98 µm-diameter
polymer MKR. Polymer microfibers have the
advantage of bending more easily and with smaller
radius of curvature than standard silica microfibers.
The structure presents a Q-factor of 8000, lower than
the silica MKR. However, in terms of temperature
sensing a sensitivity of 266 pm/ºC was achieved
between 20 ºC and 80 ºC. PMMA present higher
thermal expansion and thermal-optical coefficient
(TOC) than silica, therefore polymer MKRs exhibit
more temperature sensitivity than silica MKRs.
Despite have higher sensitivity, the measuring range
of the polymer MKR is lower than the silica MKR
due to the low melting point of the polymer.
Also in 2009, Zeng et al. presented a polymer
coated MKR for temperature sensing (Zeng et al.,
2009). The assembling of the sensor is similar to the
one presented in figure 4 but with some
modifications. Instead of an MgF
substrate, a glass
plate was adopted as substrate due to its good
adhesion ability to the polymer. A 20 µm thin layer
of low refractive index polymer (EFIRON UVF PC-
373, n=1.3759 at 852 nm) was coated on the surface
of the substrate to isolate the MKR from the high
refractive index of the glass plate. To fabricate the
MKR, a 1 µm-diameter fiber taper was used to
produce a 55 µm-diameter MKR. A second polymer
layer was coated above the MKR to make it immune
to environmental changes. The authors obtained
270 pm/ºC for the temperature sensitivity in the
heating process from 28 ºC to 140 ºC, and -280 pm/ºC
for the temperature sensitivity in the cooling process
from 135 ºC to 25 ºC. These values are similar to the
PMMA MKR temperature sensitivity demonstrated
by Wu et al. The reported resolution for this sensor is
0.5 ºC, although it can be increased if a higher
resolution spectrometer is used.
Later in 2014, a simple silica MKR was
theoretically an experimentally studied for seawater
temperature sensing by Yang et al. (Yang, Wang,
Wang, Liao, and Wang, 2014). Measuring seawater
temperature can be a little tricky since silica and
seawater show opposite thermal-optical coefficients.
So, when the TOC of silica is predominant the
resonant wavelengths with suffer a red shift, while in
the case of a predominance of the seawater TOC, a
blue shift is observed. Theoretically, there is a fiber
diameter for which the effect of silica TOC and
seawater TOC will cancel each other. This happens
for a 1.27 µm-diameter fiber taper. Bellow that
diameter the temperature sensitivity will be negative,
and above that value the temperature sensitivity will
be positive, saturating for fiber tapers with diameters
above 4 µm. Furthermore, the sensitivity will also
increase if the probing wavelength is increased. In
terms of experimental results, a maximum
temperature sensitivity of 22.81 pm/ºC was achieved
from 23 ºC to 33 ºC using a 473 µm-diameter MKR
produced from a 3.91 µm-diameter fiber taper. The
value was obtained with a probing wavelength of
1599.6 nm. The sensor presents a Q-factor of 3000
and a finesse of 11.69.
Still for temperature sensing, a configuration
based on a microfiber double-knot resonator was
developed for multi-point sensing by Wu et al. (Y.
Wu, Jia, Zhang, Rao, and Gong, 2012). The sensor
consists of producing two MKRs and then couple
both structures using the free-end of each MKR. A
schematic of the sensor is depicted in figure 5. The
two created knots, one with 506 µm-diameter and the
other with 500 µm-diameter, were fabricated from a
2.3 µm-diameter fiber taper. The distance between
the knots can be tuned by adjusting the length of the
coupling region.
Figure 5: Schematic of the microfiber double-knot
resonator in series.
If the diameter of both knots is the same (same
loop length), the interference spectrum shows a
regular resonance like a single MKR. On the other
hand, if now one of the diameters changes a new
phase matching condition will arise. In other words, a
second-order resonant peak will appear between the
primary resonant peaks. The authors demonstrate that
if the temperature changes locally on the first MKR,
only the primary resonant peak will shift while the
second-order resonant peak is constant. In the same
case, if the temperature of the second MKR changes,
the second-order resonant peak will shift while the
primary resonant peak is constant. With this, multi-
point temperature sensing is achieved in a very small
3.2 Refractive Index Sensing
Refractive index sensing using microfiber knot
resonators consists mainly of taking advantage of the
large evanescent field, which can interact with the
external environment. Variations in the external
medium refractive index will change the light
properties, which leads to a change in the MKR
resonance conditions. This effect is manifested as a
shift in the resonance wavelengths and in a change in
the FSR that are proportional to the external refractive
index variations.
Li et al. developed a Teflon coated MKR
~1.31) for refractive index sensing (Li and
Ding, 2014). To apply the polymer a dip-coating
technique was used, whose process is outlined in
figure 6. To produce the sensor, a microfiber with an
initial diameter of 2.92 µm was used to create a
1.02 mm-diameter MKR. After the coating process,
the microfiber diameter increased to 3.95 µm,
allowing to estimate a value of 0.5 µm for the Teflon
thickness. The MKR diameter after coated was
reduced to around 0.45 mm due to tensions suffered
during the dip-coating process. A Q-factor of 20000
was obtained for the MKR structure before coating,
increasing to around 31000 after the Teflon coating.
A sensitivity of approximately 30.5 nm/RIU was
reported for this sensor in the refractive range of
1.3322 to 1.3412.
Figure 6: Illustration of the MKR dip-coat process in
Before that, Lim et al. proposed a MKR with
around 0.5 mm diameter in a Sagnac loop reflector
configuration (Lim et al., 2012). The Sagnac loop
reflector configuration allows the signal to be
collected through the incident path. The microfiber
structure was embedded in low refractive index
Teflon (n~1.31), except the MKR sensing region, to
obtain a balance between responsiveness and
robustness. A schematic of the experimental setup is
depicted in figure 7.
Figure 7: Schematic diagram of a MKR in a Sagnac loop
For the sensor, a sensitivity of 30.49 nm/RIU was
obtained in a refractive index range from 1.334 to
1.348. This value of sensitivity is very similar to the
previously analysed Teflon coated MKR proposed by
Li et al. In terms of temperature response, the sensor
shows a sensitivity of 20.6 pm/ºC between 30 ºC and
130 ºC.
More recently, Yu et al. reported a polymer MKR
for refractive index sensing (H. Yu et al., 2014). A
microfiber of Poly(trimethylene terephthalate) (PTT)
was produced with 1.3 µm-diameter. PPT has strong
flexibility, large refractive index (n=1.638) and
presents good transparency in the visible and near-
infrared spectrum. A MKR with 85 µm-diameter was
created from the PPT microfiber and placed on an
-coated glass substrate. A Q-factor of 11000
was obtained. The sensor was analyzed under
different mixtures of water and glycerol at different
concentrations. The structure shows two different
linear regimes: a refractive index sensitivity of
46.5 nm/RIU for low concentration solutions
(1.35-1.38) with a resolution 4.310
RIU, and a
refractive index sensitivity of 95.5 nm/RIU for high
concentration solutions (1.39-1.41) with a resolution
of 2.110
3.3 Other Sensing Applications
Microfiber knot resonators can also be applied for
sensing many other types of parameters. For example,
Wu et al. proposed the first MKR used for
acceleration sensing by optically interrogating the
vibration of a microelectromechanical system
(MEMS) (Y. Wu, Zeng, et al., 2009). They used a 1.1
µm-diameter fiber taper to create a 386 µm-diameter
MKR with a Q-factor of 8500. The MKR is placed at
the top surface of a MEMS cantilever. When
acceleration is applied to the system, the MKR will
experience strain, producing a shift in the resonant
wavelength. Monitoring the detected intensity, a
sensitivity of 654 mV/g was achieved in a dynamic
range of 20 g. In terms of wavelength shift, this
sensitivity is 29 pm/g. The resolution of this system
is 80 µg/
at 300 Hz.
In 2015, the first underwater acoustic sensor using
MKR was reported by Freitas et al. (De Freitas et al.,
2015). The authors use a 4 µm-diameter fiber taper to
produce an 800 µm-diameter MKR. The sensor
encapsulation of the sensor is made by placing the
MKR in a polytetrafluorethylene (PTFE) tray and
embedded in silicone rubber. A Q-factor of 41100
was achieved for this structure, being the highest Q-
factor obtained until that point for an encapsulated
MKR. Acoustic wavefields will change the external
pressure, causing variations in the MKR optical path
length, as well as changes in the fiber refractive index
due to elasto-optic effects. A normalized sensitivity,
, of -288 dB re/µPa was obtained using
acoustic frequencies from 25 Hz to 300 Hz.
Alternatively, the sensitivity can be expressed as
pm/Pa. For this system, a fast spectrometer
is needed to pick the transmission spectrum as it
changes in time.
MKRs can also be used for salinity sensing, which
is somehow similar to refractive index sensing. Liao
et al. presented a MKR for sensing the concentration
of NaCl in solution (Liao, Wang, Yang, Wang, and
Wang, 2015). Fiber tapers with diameters from 3.5 to
2.5 µm were used to make 855 µm-diameter MKRs.
A maximum sensitivity of 21.18 pm/% was achieved
in the range of 20.494% to 37.178%, with a probing
wavelength of 1600 nm.
A relative humidity sensor using MKRs was
proposed in 2014 (Gouveia, Pellegrini, dos Santos,
Raimundo, and Cordeiro, 2014). A 150 µm-diameter
MKR was produced from a 3 µm-diameter fiber
taper. The structure was coated with Nafion. Nafion
is a perfluorosulfonated-based polymer which
presents high hydrophilicity, chemical and thermal
stability, high conductivity, high adherence to silica,
and also mechanical toughness. The sensor shows
two regimes, one for low humidity (30 to 45%
relative humidity (RH)) where a maximum sensitivity
of (0.11±0.02) nm/% RH is obtained, and other for
higher-mid humidity (45 to 75% RH) where the
maximum sensitivity is (0.29±0.01) nm/%.
More recently, the aim of the researchers has been to
incorporate other materials in the microfiber knot
resonators in order to achieve new devices with
enhanced sensitivity to the measured parameters. The
idea is to take advantage of the material and the MKR
resonant property to boost the sensor response.
In 2015, a palladium-coated MKR was presented
for enhanced hydrogen sensing (X. Wu, Gu, and
Zeng, 2015). Palladium (Pd) has been studied for
hydrogen sensing applications due to its highly
selective and reversible absorption of hydrogen
(Hübert, Boon-Brett, Black, and Banach, 2011; Silva,
Coelho, Frazão, Santos, and Malcata, 2012; Wadell,
Syrenova, and Langhammer, 2014). Since Pd
coatings are very thin (less than 1 µm), the interaction
between the confined light in optical fiber and the Pd
coating is insufficient. However, the proposed sensor
takes advantage of the MKR to enhance the
interaction of light with the Pd coating. In fact, due to
the recirculation of resonant light in the MKR, the
interaction of light with the Pd coating will
accumulate each time light travels another turn in the
MKR. This cumulative effect enhances the sensor
sensitivity while using just small interaction lengths
and a thin Pd film (~13 nm-thick), compared with
other existing optical fiber hydrogen sensors. The Pd
coating was performed using a plasma sputtering
device in a vacuum chamber and the hydrogen
concentration was monitored by measuring the shift
and the absorption at a resonant wavelength.
More recently, the deposition of graphene oxide
(GO) in MKR was studied for gas sensing, such as
and CO (C.-B. Yu et al., 2016). The refractive
index of GO is modified when gas molecules are
adsorbed on its surface. Hence, depending on the
concentration of gas molecules, the refractive index
of the GO film will change. The sensor is composed
of a 1.85 mm-diameter MKR, made out of a
5.1 µm-diameter fiber taper, placed over an MgF
structure, and covered with a GO sheet. To form the
GO film, a droplet of a 100 mg/L GO solution was
dropped onto the knot and heated up (~40 ºC) until it
was dried. A Q-factor of 78000 was achieved without
the GO sheet, which was reduced to 49000 after
depositing the GO. The sensing structure was used to
monitor carbon monoxide (CO) and ammonia (NH
concentrations. A CO sensitivity of ~0.17 pm/ppm
and a NH
sensitivity of ~0.35 pm/ppm were obtained
for concentrations bellow 150 ppm.
In addition to the normal microfiber knot resonator
structure, new ways of producing different MKRs
were also explored in the last years. One of those
configurations is the reef knot microfiber resonator
demonstrated by Vienne et al. (Vienne et al., 2009).
The reef knot was fabricated using 2 microfibers, a
1.2 µm-diameter biconical taper and a 1.5
µm-diameter taper with a free end, as depicted in
figure 8.
Figure 8: Schematic of a reef knot microfiber resonator.
Table 1: Comparison between different reported configurations for temperature sensing.
Work Configuration Q-Factor Sensitivity Range
(Lim et al., 2012) MKR in Sagnac Loop Reflector X 20.6 pm/ºC 30ºC – 130ºC
(Yang et al., 2014) Simple Silica MKR (for Seawater) 3000 22.81 pm/ºC 23ºC – 33ºC
(Y. Wu, Rao, et al.,
Silica MKR with MgF
slab 12000 52 pm/ºC 30ºC – 700ºC
(Y. Wu, Rao, et al.,
Polymer (PMMA) MKR 8000 266 pm/ºC 20ºC – 80ºC
(Zeng et al., 2009) Polymer (EFIRON) MKR X 270 pm/ºC (Heating) 28ºC – 140ºC
--- --- X -280 pm/ºC (Cooling) 135ºC – 25ºC
Table 2: Comparison between different reported configurations for refractive index sensing.
Work Configuration Q-Factor Sensitivity Range
(Li and Ding, 2014) Teflon coated MKR 31000 30.5 nm/RIU 1.3322 – 1.3412
(Lim et al., 2012) MKR in Sagnac Loop Reflector X 30.49 nm/RIU 1.334 – 1.348
(H. Yu et al., 2014) Polymer (PTT) MKR 11000 46.5 nm/RIU 1.35 – 1.38
--- --- --- 95.5 nm/RIU 1.39 – 1.41
(Z. Xu et al., 2015) Cascaded MKR X 6523 nm/RIU 1.3320 – 1.3350
To produce the structure, the biconical taper is bent in
a “U” form and the free standing end of the second
taper is guided through the first taper, also in a “U”
shape, forming the reef knot. A non-circular reef knot
was created with 340 µm-diameter in the short axis
and 450 µm-diameter in the long axis. A Q-factor of
10000 was achieved for the “through” port and 3500
for the “drop” port. This device can be used as an add-
drop filter.
In 2015, a microfiber double-knot resonator with
a Sagnac loop reflector was proposed (Yiping Xu et
al., 2015). The difference between this double-knot
resonator and the one explored back in section 3.1 is
the location of the second knot.
Figure 9: Schematic of a microfiber double-knot resonator
in parallel.
In this case, the same microfiber is used to create
two knots, being the second knot is inside the first
one, as shown in figure 9. A Sagnac loop is created in
the end of the resonator so that light can experience
the double-knot structure twice, enhancing the
response, and also returning from the input port
allowing to monitor the sensor in reflection. The
transmission spectrum of a double-knot in parallel is
not the overlap of the transmission spectrum of each
knot independently, just as it happens with the
double-knot in series (Yiping Xu et al., 2014).
Xu et al. created an interesting small-size
refractometer for detecting slight refractive index
variations based on cascaded microfiber knot
resonators (CMKR) with Vernier effect (Z. Xu et al.,
2015). The Vernier effect is commonly used in
calipers and barometers to enhance the measurement
accuracy through the overlap between lines on two
scales with different periods. In this case, the setup
uses two MKR with millimeters of diameter
(1.178 mm and 1.230 mm) assembled from a
microfiber of 1.9 µm diameter. An illustration of the
used configuration is presented i\n figure 10.
Figure 10: Schematic of a cascaded microfiber resonator.
In the experiment, the ambient RI of the first
MKR is kept constant (1.3315), while the ambient RI
of the second MKR is slightly varying. The
wavelength shift due to the RI change was measured
and a sensitivity of 6523 nm/RIU was obtained. This
sensor allows a resolution of 1.53310
RIU because
the measured wavelength shift is an absolute
parameter dependent on the relative optical intensity
variation. So, relative intensity noise in the light
source, thermal noise and shot noise in the photo-
detector of the spectrum analyzer do not affect the RI
detection. Furthermore, if the first MKR is embedded
in a low RI polymer, such as Teflon, it increases its
robustness and long-term stability, ensuring the first
MKR to be immune to ambient RI changes.
Recently, a Mach-Zehnder interferometer (MZI)
with a MKR was proposed for simultaneous
measurement of seawater temperature and salinity
(Liao, Wang, Wang, Yang, and Wang, 2016). Two
microfibers, the first with 2.8 µm-diameter and the
second one with 3.3 µm-diameter, were used to
produce the sensor. The thinner fiber was used to
create the MKR and the thicker fiber was used to form
the second arm of the interferometer, creating the
structure depicted in figure 11.
Figure 11: Schematic of a MZI with a knot resonator.
The transmission spectrum of the structure is a
combined response of the MZI and the MKR. A
temperature sensitivity of -112.33 pm/ºC and
13.96 pm/ºC was achieved for the interference peak
and the resonant peak respectively, from 13.7 ºC to
25 ºC. In terms of salinity, sensitivities of
208.63 pm/‰ and 16.21 pm/‰ were obtained for the
interference peak and the resonant peak, respectively,
between 25 ‰ and 37 ‰. Using these values, a matrix
method can be used to discriminate between
temperature and salinity.
So far, a great diversity of microfiber knot resonators
have been proposed and demonstrated for numerous
sensing applications. From these applications, the
temperature and refractive index sensing using
microfiber knot resonators were the subject of several
studies. A comparison between the different
microfiber knot resonator configurations discussed
previously is summarized in table 1 for temperature
sensing and in table 2 for refractive index sensing.
Microfiber knot resonators present many
characteristics (small size, fast-response, high-Q,
robustness, low cost, among others) which can be an
advantage over some conventional sensors.
Moreover, the ease of incorporating different
materials in microfiber knot resonator, such as
various low index polymers, aerogels, or even
materials like palladium and graphene oxide, reveals
great potential for new applications and for expanding
of the scope of these structures.
In the last years, the aim of the researchers has been
to explore and develop new microfiber knot resonator
configurations, as well as to incorporate materials in
microfiber knot resonators in order to achieve new
devices with enhanced sensitivity to the measured
As a future outlook, we believe that the incorporation
of new materials in microfiber knot resonators is a
field that will continue to be developed. Another field
to be explored is the combination of microfiber knot
resonators with other well-known structures
(interferometers, Bragg gratings, Fabry-Perot
cavities) with the objective of obtain new sensors
with improved sensitivity and possibly being able to
discriminate between different physical parameters.
This work was supported by "Project "NanoSTIMA:
Macro-to-Nano Human Sensing: Towards Integrated
Multimodal Health Monitoring and
Analytics/NORTE-01-0145-FEDER-000016" is
financed by the North Portugal Regional Operational
Programme (NORTE 2020), under the PORTUGAL
2020 Partnership Agreement, and through the
European Regional Development Fund (ERDF).
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