The Benefits of Considering Psychological Reactance as Users’
Personality Trait in HCI Research
Profiling Users with Hong’s Psychological Reactance Scale
Patrick Ehrenbrink
Quality and Usability Lab, Technische Universitt Berlin, Ernst-Reuter-Platz 7, Berlin, Germany
Psychological Reactance, User Models, Personality Traits, Adaptation.
This paper argues for considering psychological reactance as a personality trait as an aspect for user models
in the field of human-computer interaction (HCI). It is pointed out that with increasing human-likeness of
services, such as intelligent personal assistants, phenomena from human-human interaction are becoming
more important in the field of HCI, as well. The concept and means of measuring psychological reactance are
explained. Furthermore, methods for adapting to different levels of trait reactance are proposed and discussed.
Usability and user experience research has success-
fully established a set of metrics and requirements for
the assessment and design of human-computer inte-
raction for years. For example EN ISO 9241-11 sta-
tes effectiveness, efficiency and user-satisfaction as
the main criteria for usability (ISO 9241-11, 1999).
This criteria are perfectly valid and have been so for
decades and for most machines, devices and servi-
ces. Modern services, such as Apples Siri (Apple
Inc., 2011) however, have introduced a new aspect to
human-machine interaction: human-likeness.
Even though there have been anthropomorphous ro-
bots and services that were intended to act human-
like before, they have usually lacked the level of
artificial intelligence and flexibility that would have
been required to be really convincing. Modern intelli-
gent personal assistants (IPAs) have reached a level of
complexity and naturalness of interaction that has not
been possible before. Several features and aspects of
interaction that have been implemented into the most
popular IPAs (Siri, Cortana (Microsoft, 2014), Goo-
gle Now (Google Inc., 2012)) are probably responsi-
ble for this. Six of those features are listed below, but
do not necessarily represent the complete list.
Natural Language Understanding. The first one,
natural language understanding, can greatly improve
the naturalness of human-computer interaction be-
cause it allows users to interact with the device in the
same modality, as they do with other humans in their
everyday life
. While natural language interaction is
not always the most precise or fastest interaction mo-
dality, it has become more important with the increa-
sed use of small mobile devices, that have the inherent
lack of effective input devices, such as (large) keybo-
ard and mouse. Also, natural language understanding
provides hands-free interaction for situations in which
the user might not be able or willing to use other me-
ans of interaction, such as when driving a car.
Personality. Siri and Cortana have a their own per-
sonality that is reflected in their behavior and their
voice. Both have human-like voices that can easily be
assigned to a specific gender. Cortana is often asso-
ciated with a face that initially appeared in the com-
puter game ”Halo” (faturing a holographic, fictional
version of cortana). On requests, both IPAs are able
to tell nerdy jokes or talk about their private intere-
sts. Additionally, they can get bored or annoyed by a
conversation and respond with irony or switching the
Adaptivity. Adaptivity is a feature that enables an
IPA (or any other service) to adapt to its environment
or its user. For example, Google Now can analyze
its user’s browsing behavior, identify topics of inte-
rest and then recommend new web-content that fits
Even though other modalities, such as gestures, gaze
etc. take a big part in this, as well, spoken language is the
most salient one.
Ehrenbrink P.
The Benefits of Considering Psychological Reactance as Usersâ
Z Personality Trait in HCI Research - Profiling Users with Hongâ
Zs Psychological Reactance Scale.
DOI: 10.5220/0006265301580164
In Proceedings of the 12th International Joint Conference on Computer Vision, Imaging and Computer Graphics Theory and Applications (VISIGRAPP 2017), pages 158-164
ISBN: 978-989-758-229-5
2017 by SCITEPRESS – Science and Technology Publications, Lda. All rights reserved
the assumed interests of the user. Also, IPAs usually
take environmental information, such as the location,
into account for recommendations of e.g. restaurants.
This gives the IPAs a rough awareness of the con-
text of the interaction, at least in the impression of
the user.
Proactive Behavior. Proactive behavior is often
combined with adaptation to the user or the environ-
ment. The IPA can use data of its user in order to
actively recommend content or services to the user.
Some example of Google’s Now are: The service can
infer from moving behavior and other information,
where its user works and offers navigation for the fas-
test way home on its dashboard when work is finished
(or it inferred, that work should have finished). Also,
it can find boarding cards in the user’s emails and
present it proactively (in the dashboard) on boarding
time. Proactive behavior is usually the expression of
an agenda or intend and therefore probably a feature
that adds strongly to the perceived human-likeness of
IPAs. But proactive behavior implies that the initi-
ative for an action comes from the system, thereby
taking away some control over the situation from the
user. This makes proactive behavior especially criti-
cal for highly reactant users, as explained later on.
Complex Feature Set. Sophisticated IPAs are not
only recommendation and conversation services, they
also feature a wide set of other functions. Thereby,
they act as an interface to other apps of the smart
phone or even devices of the smart home with which
they are connected. E.g. the feature set of Siri inclu-
des managing calendar entries, writing emails, wri-
ting notes, open calls, control smart home devices
and answer all kinds of requests from fact queries to
singing songs. The complex set of feature makes it
unpractical to thoroughly evaluate such a service in
terms of its usability properties, because all functions
would have to be evaluated under reliable conditions.
Also, it becomes impossible or at least not reasona-
ble for the user to grasp the complete functionality of
such a service. This is even amplified by the fact that
IPAs usually do not work locally but are web-based
services and new functionalities can be implemented,
changed or removed without knowledge of the user.
The uncertainty about the abilities of a service adds
to the human-likeness of interaction because the user
is not able to fully understand the limitations of that
service. This might imply an intelligent interaction
partner to the human.
Hierarchy. Humans are used to be in a supreme po-
sition towards the devices that they use. In the tra-
ditional interaction paradigm, humans are taking the
initiative and control the machines that they interact
with. In modern IPAs and some other services and
devices, this paradigm is not fully applicable, any-
more. Such services or devices sometimes take the
initiative themselves, or autonomously adapt to chan-
ges in the situation. They express a certain level of
autonomy, which might reduce the hierarchy gap bet-
ween the service or device and the user.
The above stated features of IPAs and some other
services and devices are reasons that make a broad,
systematic usability evaluation with traditional met-
hods a hard task. The results will be difficult to in-
terpret and reliability will be poor, because users will
react very diverse to many of those features. Just as
in human-human interaction, factors that are not mere
performance indices, such as behavioral patterns of
the service or social presence of an IPA might play an
increasing role alongside increasing human-likeness.
For example, a study with elderly people observed
that users’ reactions towards persuasive attempts are
more positive if the persuasive agent showed social
behavior, such as humans do (Looije et al., 2010).
On the other hand it was observed that highly cons-
cientiousness people like agents that show social be-
havior less, compared to other people (Looije et al.,
2010). In order to gain a more complete and meaning-
ful overview of such a system for both, sumative and
formative evaluation, new metrics are needed that can
access affective user states and personality traits and
thereby help to build heuristics about a user’s prefe-
rences. In this paper, it is argued, that such heuristics
can lead to more acceptance among users.
There are multiple character traits and affective
states that potentially play a role in the interaction be-
tween humans and human-like devices and services.
Among those, probably the big five personality traits
(Goldberg, 1993), that were used by Looije et al. to
investigate users’ preferences for agent based intelli-
gent assistants (Looije et al., 2010), are the most com-
monly known. For this work, however, reactance as a
personality trait is in focus. This is due to reactance
going along with diminished acceptance (Dillard and
Shen, 2005; Ehrenbrink et al., 2016a), what proba-
bly makes reactance one of the more important and
interesting factors for HCI developers. Further, the
discussion will mostly include reactance as a persona-
lity trait, in contrast to reactance as an affective state.
Personality traits can be used to create a personality
profile of a user which would need to be created only
once and would rarely require actualization. The as-
sessment of users’ state reactance would require con-
stant or very frequent measurements and can be con-
sidered as impractical for the lack of appropriate me-
The Benefits of Considering Psychological Reactance as Usersâ
Z Personality Trait in HCI Research - Profiling Users with Hongâ
Psychological Reactance Scale
asurement techniques. During further discussion, se-
veral examples on how to employ reactance measure-
ment in HCI will be given. As the aim of this paper
is to explain the concept of reactance and to argue for
its benefits and possible applications in HCI research
and design, only two simple use-cases will be given.
The seat belt alarm of cars and a fitness application
utilize basic interfaces and their functionality is not
complex. Here, only few factors apart from reactance
have to be considered. This makes those use-cases
easier to explain, compared to a full-scale IPA.
Psychological reactance is a concept from psycho-
logy that was initially introduced by (Brehm, 1966).
Brehm described reactance as a motivational state that
effects a persons behavior towards a perceived threat
to the personal freedom or freedom of choice. The-
refore, a person that has received, or thinks to have
received, a freedom threat will become reactant. As a
consequence, the option that has been eliminated by
the freedom thread will appear more attractive to that
person as it would have been otherwise (Brehm and
Brehm, 1981). On the other hand, the source of the
freedom threat, e.g. the person who denied an certain
freedom will be downgraded in its judgement and ap-
pear more negative (Brehm and Brehm, 1981).
Also, that person will experience a cognitive dis-
sociation because he or she wants to exercise a cer-
tain freedom but is forbidden or unable to do so. In
order to then solve the cognitive dissociation, the per-
son will try to restore the threatened freedom. This
can be done either directly, or indirectly (Brehm and
Brehm, 1981). A direct attempt to restore the threa-
tened freedom would be to directly exercise the thre-
atened freedom. For example, if a child is denied a
cookie, it might wait until the parents leave the room
and then get a cookie even though it is forbidden. Di-
rectly restoring a threatened freedom is however often
regarded as antisocial and therefore, the cognitive dis-
sonance is often resolved indirectly. This can be done
by exercising another freedom that is not threatened
but somehow similiar to the threatened one. Even
though that other freedom was not threatened, exer-
cising it can restore the freedom that was lost (Brehm
and Brehm, 1981). The child whose parents denied
it a cookie would then, instead of secretly eating a
cookie, secretly eat some grapes and by that recreate
its freedom.
Finally, a coping strategy that can be exercised is
denial of the freedom threat. This can often be the
case if the freedom threat is ambiguous or unclear
(Brehm and Brehm, 1981). Denial of the freedom
threat has the advantage that a freedom restoration is
not necessary. Therefore, simply ignoring or denying
the threat, without further acting against the prohibi-
tion (because this could invoke unwanted consequen-
ces) can be an easy and effective way to handle the
cognitive dissonance.
Reactance can be a motivational or affective state
that is time-variant and dependent on the situation.
But reactance can also be a personality trait. Trait
reactance can be regarded as a person’s proneness to
become reactant. A person, who’s personality is very
reactant will also be more likely to enter a reactant
state and then exercise reactant behavior as it is des-
cribed above. If for example a service or device indu-
ces reactance in its user, it is likely to suffer negative
consequences to its acceptance or its persuasive influ-
ence over the user. At this point, it is important to note
that personality traits, such as trait reactance are rela-
tively stable over time and therefore would not have
to be assessed regularly.
Trait reactance can be measured with questionnaires.
Several questionnaires have been developed that me-
asure trait reactance, mostly by a series of self report
items. The fist one was the ”Fragebogen zur Messung
der psychologischen Reaktanz”, published by (Merz,
1983). Merz’s questionnaire was later translated and
adapted by (Hong and Page, 1989; Hong, 1992; Hong
and Faedda, 1996). ”Hong’s Psychological Reactance
Scale” has been validated (Hong, 1992) and discussed
in therms of its psychometric properties (Jonason and
Knowles, 2006; Shen and Dillard, 2010). Findings
in literature support the possibility to treat Hong’s
Psychological Reactance Scale as an unidimensional
scale. It has eleven self-report items that are answered
on a Likert-type scale (Likert, 1932). The relatively
small size of the questionnaire and the simple analy-
sis of its results make it an easy-to-use tool to quickly
assess a person’s trait reactance.
Assessing users’ trait reactance requires them to
fill out Hong’s Psychological Reactance Scale (or
another appropriate one). While this does not take
long, there is still the hurdle of handing out sensitive
information. The act of asking users to give such in-
formation might trigger strong reactance itself, which
could result in opting out to give such information or
in giving false information. To avoid this, it should
be clearly stated, why such information is collected
HUCAPP 2017 - International Conference on Human Computer Interaction Theory and Applications
and how the user will benefit from that. Research
has shown that reactance to the use of personal data
decreases with justification for the collection of such
data and with utility (White et al., 2008). As persona-
lity traits usually do not change much, trait reactance
would have to be assessed either rarely or even only
once and then be stored in the user profile.
Knowledge about a person’s level of trait reac-
tance can be usefull because interaction can then be
tailored and adapted to fit the persons personality pro-
file. Also, evaluation results can be interpreted with
the persons personality traits, here, trait reactance in
mind. For example, a recent (not yet published) eva-
luation of Apple’s Siri, using the AttrakDiff Mini
(Hassenzahl and Monk, 2010) questionnaire, revealed
that highly reactant persons rate Siri’s hedonistic and
pragmatic quality worse than people who show low
levels of trait reactance. The results reached signifi-
cant levels t(22)=2.27, p=0.03, d=0.927 for hedonistic
quality, but failed to do so for pragmatic quality, with
d = 0.496 (N=24).
4.1 Avoiding Reactant Behavior
Multiple techniques exist that are able to decrease re-
actance effects. While it can be adequate to always
use those techniques for many situations, for exam-
ple for non-adaptive systems or if no user information
is known, a user-specific tuning of the trade-off bet-
ween the users’ reactance and frequency and magni-
tude of system-persuasion could often be used to opti-
mize compliance. To further clarify this, an example
on how the seat belt alarm in a car could be impro-
ved is given for each technique. The seat belt alarm
is a particularly fitting use case, because it is a persu-
asive mechanism that car manufacturers use to make
drivers wear seat belts. Because of the importance of
wearing seat belts, the alarm is usually designed to be
quite annoying for the driver. The intention behind
this is to make the driver fasten the seat belt as soon
as possible. The downside of this is that many drivers
get reactant and try to bypass the seat belt alarm while
refraining from fastening the seat belt.
Magnitude of Threat. The level of reactance that
is induced is also dependent on the magnitude of the
threat or request. This means that if a freedom threat
or a request is affecting a person a lot, this will cause
more reactance compared to a freedom threat or re-
quest that has little effect on a person (Brehm and
Brehm, 1981). With respect to reactance as a persona-
lity trait, one can expect that a highly reactant person
is also more sensitive to such requests. A seat belt
alarm for a highly reactant person could likely be im-
proved if it would involve a message like ”Please put
the seat belt on, its not a hard thing to do.”. In the
mobile context, it could be wise for a service or soft-
ware not to request additional access rights or present
lengthy forms to fill out to users that are known to be
highly reactant, because the result could be either the
discontinuation of usage or diminished acceptance. In
the case of forms, a service might also receive in-
tentionally false information because a highly reac-
tant person attempted to restore personal freedom by
acting against the freedom threat.
Magnitude of Request. The magnitude of request
is moderated by the explicitness of the request. This
means that a formulation like ”Fasten your seat belt!”
is a strong magnitude of request, where emphasizes
lies on the request. Whereas ”Fastening your seat belt
can significantly improve your chances of survival in
an accident. might transport the same message, na-
mely that someone should fasten the seat belt, but em-
ploys a more indirect persuasion strategy. The use of
an objective argument against a command can incre-
ase persuasive power by evoking intrinsic motivation
and avoiding reactance. There has been a number of
studies that show that magnitude of request can mode-
rate compliance to the message (Rains, 2013; Silvia,
But You Are Free to Accept or Refuse Technique.
A rather simple method to reduce reactant behavior
and to increase compliance is the so called ”But you
are free to accept or refuse technique” that was tes-
ted by (Gu
eguen and Pascual, 2005). The technique
works by underlining the option to refuse a request. In
that specific study, Gu
eguen and Pascual asked sub-
jects on the streets whether they want to participate
in a survey. Those subjects that were asked using the
technique, that is by emphasizing the possibility to re-
fuse the request, showed a significantly higher com-
pliance rate, compared to the control group in which
the option to refuse was not emphasized (Gu
and Pascual, 2005). The ”But you are free to accept or
refuse”-technique is a simple and easy-to-implement
way that can bring improvements especially in persu-
asive dialogue or recommendation situations.
Adding a bulky affix to sentences is surely a rather
inelegant way of increasing compliance. The other
hand, the principle of emphasizing the option of refu-
sal can also be applied by other means. For example,
The Benefits of Considering Psychological Reactance as Usersâ
Z Personality Trait in HCI Research - Profiling Users with Hongâ
Psychological Reactance Scale
in the case of a graphical user interface, by promi-
nently adding an abort or refuse button. For the seat
belt alarm, a button to shut down the warning is de-
fying the importance of the message and a successful
persuasion. However an option to postpone the alarm
for a couple of seconds could have a similar effect on
reactance because it gives some control to the driver.
Personalities that show a high level of trait reactance
should still be treated accordingly and as the study of
eguen and Pascual showed, affixes to formulations
can have a significant effect (Gu
eguen and Pascual,
2005). In order not to reverse the intended effect by
annoying the user, dialogues would have to contain a
larger body of phrases that emphasize the freedom of
refusal, which would also be needed to be harmoni-
ously inserted into the dialogue.
Commanding Tone. Commanding tone can be ad-
justed by the use of strong, commanding phrases like
”you must to” or ”you absolutely have to” versus ”you
could do” or ”why don’t you do”. Adapting the mag-
nitude of commanding tone in dialogues to trait re-
actance could be an especially promising approach to
adjust to users. In contrast to emphasizing the free-
dom of choice, a highly commanding tone empha-
sizes the freedom threat. This is the opposite effect
as the ”But you are free to accept or refuse techni-
que”. Using a commanding tone on the other hand
adds a component of authority to a message, there-
fore, it could be beneficial for dialogue systems to em-
ploy commanding tone in dialogues that are meant to
persuade users. Again, the use of commanding tone
could be adjusted to the level of trait reactance of a
user in order to achieve the most effective persuasion.
Hereby, users with a low level of trait reactance can
be exposed to a higher amount of commanding tone,
in order to increase persuasion or motivation, whereas
users with a high level of reactance should be exposed
to only minor levels of commanding tone in order not
to spoil persuasion or motivation by inducing reactant
behavior. For the seat belt alarm this would imply,
that drivers with low trait reactance could be addres-
sed more strongly whereas drivers with high trait re-
actance would have to be addressed more politely in
order to achieve the most effective persuasion.
4.2 Inducing Reactant Behavior
Just as there are many situations in which reactance is
better be avoided, there are some situations in which
reactance can be beneficial. This are mostly situations
in which the user is meant to be motivated. One sort
of applications that would benefit from such effects
are fitness applications.
Target-directed Reactance. In fitness applications,
reactance could be induced by giving the user the im-
pression that he or she is underestimated by the appli-
cation. This can be done by presenting goals that the
user can accomplish, like running a certain distance
in 30 minutes, but also indicate that the user is not
yet ready for those goals. The way that this is done
would have to be adjusted to the individual user’s trait
reactance. Highly reactant personalities are probably
already sufficiently reactant when the particular goal
is indicated as a goal for the future: ”Only two trai-
ning lessons until you can run three miles in 30 minu-
tes.”, whereas users with a low level of trait reactance
might require stronger stimuli: ”According to your
schedule, you are not yet allowed to run three miles
in 30 minutes.” This direct stimulation of reactance is
at risk of bearing negative implications for the user’s
opinion towards the fitness application itself. This is
because the fitness application is the direct source of
the threat and reactance behavior will be therefore di-
rected towards it. It is also important not to use mes-
sages that might have negative effects on the users’
self-esteem for inducing reactance, since this can add
to depression or neurosis.
Redirecting Reactance. For a fitness application
(and any device or service) it should be avoided to be-
come the target of reactant behavior. In order to still
be able to induce reactance in its users, the fitness ap-
plication would have to present another target towards
that the reactance behavior can then be directed. One
such target that is proposed here, is the average user
of that fitness application. Alongside the personal go-
als and progress, additional information could be pre-
sented that shows the average progress of other users.
This information is intended to induce reactance to-
wards the average user, therefore the achievements of
the average user have to be better, compared to the
achievements of the actual user. Since the actual user
will often be above average, the application would
have to either fake the average achievements, or use
only the achievements of the most-performing users,
e.g. the 50th percentile. Strength of the threat can be
adjusted to the user’s level of trait reactance by decre-
asing the percentile. For a highly reactant user it is
probably sufficient to present a large percentile, whe-
reas a user with a low level of trait reactance might re-
quire a small percentile. An example would be: ”For
a three mile run, you take 30 minutes, this is five mi-
nutes slower than the average performance of the top
30% of the users.
HUCAPP 2017 - International Conference on Human Computer Interaction Theory and Applications
4.3 Findings in Literature
The concept of reactance has already been addressed
to some extend by the HCI community.
For example, Roubroeks et al. found, that persu-
asive attempts of an online recommendation system
induced more reactance when they were accompanied
by socially relevant agents (Roubroeks et al., 2009;
Roubroeks et al., 2011). They used still images and
videos of a virtual robot as a social agent. On the ot-
her hand, Choi et al. found evidence that the level
of social presence of a virtual agent can positively in-
fluence user’s trust in the stimulus (Choi et al., 2001),
therefore, a socially relevant agent might be beneficial
for persuasive systems in some aspects. The findings
of Roubroeks et al. and Choi et al. imply that so-
cial presence of virtual agents or IPAs could improve
trust in services but that this comes with the risk of
inducing state reactance. The knowledge of a persons
trait reactance could help to determine the optimal le-
vel of social presence that a service or an IPA should
emit for each user individually and thereby increase
acceptance by optimizing the level of trust(Choi et al.,
2001) and reactance (Roubroeks et al., 2009; Rou-
broeks et al., 2011).
The two-sidedness of reactance in persuasive sy-
stems was also noted by Lee and Lee (Lee and Lee,
2009) They found that even though adaption of the
recommendation system to the user can improve the
user’s intention to use the service again, this effect can
tip over at some point and induce reactant behavior,
such as the intention to avoid using the service. De-
termining the individual trait reactance of users could
probably help to determine their individual tipping
point with a user model and improve the adaptation
strategies of recommendation systems.
A user’s level of trait reactance is a valuable informa-
tion to have for developers. Such knowledge can be
used for a couple of purposes.
It can be used to optimize a trade-off between per-
suasive effort and compliance in a situation in which
users are meant to be persuaded or receive recommen-
dations. For example, an artificial fitness coach could
use such information to adjust its motivation beha-
vior to the user. A user that has a low level of trait
reactance could be exposed to stronger motivational
cues more frequently. A user who has a high level of
trait reactance is annoyed more easily and could then
abandon training or switch to another fitness coach.
Such a user might receive a smaller number or less
intrusive motivational cues.
The concept of psychological reactance has alre-
ady been recognized by the marketing industry and
also received attention in the respective research com-
munity (Dillard and Shen, 2005; Tucker, 2014; Ed-
wards et al., 2002). As sophisticated services, such
as IPAs are getting more human-like and their percei-
ved social relevance increases, they are getting more
prone to induce effects like reactance. This was also
shown by Ehrenbrink et al., who showed that an adap-
tive spoken dialogue system can induce more reac-
tance, compared to a non-adaptive spoken dialogue
system (Ehrenbrink et al., 2016b).
To date, utilizing trait reactance is possible and
could prove beneficial for human-computer inte-
raction. The utility of trait reactance is also due
to the fact that it does not need to be assessed fre-
quently and will still be valid month after the mea-
surement. As a future perspective, also the utiliza-
tion of state reactance is an option. State reactance
would allow for higher adaptation precision, because
environmental factors that influence state reactance
would also implicitly be adapted for. The continu-
ous or frequent assessment of state reactance is a pro-
blem, though. Today, state reactance is often asses-
sed via a combination of a questionnaire and thought
listing (Dillard and Shen, 2005). This technique is
however unpractical for continuous measurement be-
cause users will hardly be willing to undergo such a
procedure frequently while interacting with some ser-
vice. Therefore, in order to be able to utilize state
reactance, new assessment techniques need to be de-
veloped. Such techniques could for example employ
behavioral or physiological data from wearable devi-
ces to draw conclusions on state reactance.
This work was supported by BMBF, Software Cam-
pus, grand no. 01IS12056, Sozialpsychologische As-
pekte von Smart Homes (SPASH).
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The Benefits of Considering Psychological Reactance as Usersâ
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