Linear Photometric Stereo using Close Lighting Images
based on Intensity Differential
Zennichiro Sasaki, Fumihiko Sakaue and Jun Sato
Nagoya Institute of Technology, Nagoya, Japan
{sasaki@cv., sakaue@, junsato@}
Photometric Stereo, Surface Normal Reconstruction, Close Light Source.
In this paper, we propose a new linear photometric stereo method from images taken under close light sources.
When an images are taken under close light source, we can obtain not only surface normal but also shape
from the images. However, relationship between observed intensity and object shape is not linear, and then,
we have to use non-linear optimization to estimate object shape. In order to estimate object shape by just
linear estimation, we focus not only direct observed intensities, but also differentials of the intensities in this
paper. By using the set of observed intensity and its differentials, we can represent relationship between object
shape and intensities linearly. By this linear representation, linear estimation of object shape achieved even
if obtained images are taken under close light sources. Experimental results show our proposed method can
reconstruct object shape by only linear estimation efficiently and accurately.
Object shape reconstruction from camera images is
one of the most important problem in field of com-
puter vision. Especially, shape reconstruction taken
under different lighting environment, so called pho-
tometric stereo(Woodham, 1980), is useful for apply-
ing to research on Computer Graphics (CG) and Vir-
tual Reality (VR) since the method can directly recon-
struct surface normal which is important for rendering
image. Therefore, this kind of methods are widely
studied and practically used(Chen et al., 2011; Bros-
tow et al., 2011) recently.
In the traditional photometric stereo method, there
are two strong assumptions. The first assumption is
related to reflection and it assumed that reflection on
the object surface can be described by Lambert (dif-
fuse) reflection model. The second assumption is
for light sources and it assumed that a light source
is placed on infinite point in the scene. In order to
relax these assumptions, many kinds of methods are
proposed. However, effect of first assumption relax-
ation is limited since most of the object surface can
be approximately represented by Lambert model. Of
course although specular reflection such as hi-light
cannot be represented by this model, effect of them
is in limited case. For example, specular reflection by
Phong model can be observed only when a viewpoint
is on specular direction of a light source. That is, this
kind of reflection cannot be observed from most of the
On the other hand, set up of light source by sec-
ond assumption includes serious problem. If light
source is placed at not infinite point but close to the
object, light source direction of each point on the sur-
face changes drastically. In this case, surface normal
cannot be estimated correctly. Therefore, we have to
maintain large space to utilize photometric stereo. In
order to avoid this problem, several methods which
use a close point light source are proposed(Iwahori,
1990; Kim and Burger, 1991; Okabe and Sato, 2006;
Hayakawa, 1994). In these methods, distance be-
tween the point light source and the target object is
near, and then, it is not necessary to prepare a large
space. Furthermore, these methods can obtain addi-
tional information which is lost in images taken under
an infinite point light source. That is, these images in-
clude not only surface normal information, but also
object shape information. Therefore, object shape
can be reconstructed directly by the methods. How-
ever, since relationship between observed intensities
and object shape is non-linear, these methods require
non-linear optimization which requires large compu-
tational cost.
In order to avoid this problem, linear shape esti-
mation methods are proposed(Fujita et al., 2009; Kato
et al., 2010). Although these methods can reconstruct
object shape and surface normal by only linear esti-