Providing the proper security application-layer can
increase the ability of applications to use secure com-
munication efficiently. In the same time, it will make
it more convenient and applicable for protecting the
application communications.
In this paper, we implement new APIs which give
any application the ability to control its security pol-
icy by providing sufficient configurations to the se-
curity layer. Moreover, it enables an application to
get the relevant information about the applied secu-
rity mechanisms and all the parameters of the secure
channel. We also provide APIs which allow any ap-
plication to authenticate the requester’s identity and
indicate whether this request is authorized or not,
based on the security policy of the receiving appli-
cation. The authorization decisions are not based on
packet-filter and ACLs mechanisms.
Adoption of our secure APIs by applications
caused a performance overhead. However, our im-
plementation is still in a proof-of-concept stage; dif-
ferent optimization methods could be used to reduce
this overhead. Hence, as future work, we intend to
implement some of the optimization methods such as
cashing the verified credentials and check its effects
on the performance. On the other hand, we plan to
do more measurement studies and compare the per-
formance of our APIs against existing protocols such
as TLS.
This work was supported by the DFG Research Unit
Controlling Concurrent Change (CCC), funding num-
ber FOR 1800. We thank the members of CCC for
their support.
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ICISSP 2017 - 3rd International Conference on Information Systems Security and Privacy