The state of the art and the state of the practice related
to knowledge reuse from SysML models reflect that
several issues have not been solved yet. Although
there are solutions that can support SysML model
reuse, the solutions can be ineffective, mostly as a
result of usability and applicability limitations.
We have introduced SYSML2RSHP, a new
solution for indexing and retrieval of SysML models.
The implementation of the solution is based on the
RSHP information representation model and the
CAKE framework. SysML models created with
Papyrus have been converted into a XML generic
structure, next indexed according to RSHP, and
finally stored through CAKE, which also supports
model retrieval.
We argue that the proposed solution is a very
promising alternative towards effective SysML
model reuse. In the preliminary validation, the level
of precision and recall of all the queries is good or
excellent. F1 is perfect for 40% of the queries and
above 0.8 on average. SYSML2RSHP is the first step
towards a mature platform for modelling tool-
independent SysML model reuse.
The most immediate pieces of future of work are
the improvement, further development, and further
validation of SYSML2RSHP. It must be shown that
it can index models created in modelling tools other
than Papyrus, e.g. MagicDraw and Rhapsody, and the
search capabilities of the different tools should be
compared. With the ability to index information from
SysML models, another possible line of future
research is the analysis of SysML model quality, e.g.
completeness and consistency. This would also allow
a user to select and reuse SysML models taking their
quality into account.
The research leading to this paper has received
funding from the AMASS project (H2020-ECSEL
grant agreement no 692474; Spain's MINECO ref.
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