principles of proximity of the object x to own class
in R
The next advantage can be achieved at the
expense of the unification of the parameters when
GP cluster in the space
C is replaced by a single
object-representative. As known, linear DR is one of
the fastest, and the approach using ELR-1 in some
cases can show the record speed because it requires
only comparisons of numbers. In turn, ELR-2
clusters more sparingly describe the borders between
classes, but detection the fact of falling vector into
linear borders requires calculation of scalar product
of coordinates x
with all normals to borders,
which is much more time-consuming. As can be
seen from Figure 3, in clusters c
, c
there are many
marks for guide angles for different ELR-2 borders,
but all of them are concentrated in the immediate
vicinity of values α
, α
. The natural step is to
replace all the divergent marks by the values α
, α
respectively. As result, now for each new object it’s
required to calculate projections into only two
directions instead many represented in GPs of the
clusters c
, c
, and thus the total number of
multiplications may be reduced significantly.
Subsets of ELR with equal normals to border
hyper-planes are called coherent. Of course, the final
decision should be made only if such reduction
doesn’t harm the accuracy of the description of the
sample by these new lineaments with unified
orientation of boundaries.
Finally, we describe some of new possibilities
opened by the use of GPs in the issue of joint
processing. In this case, each group of new objects
of the same class may possess the property of
representativeness and determine preferences in
description by one or another form of basic clusters.
It is natural to expect that the initial training subset
for the class, as well as the group of new objects of
the same class, have analogous typical local features,
and these features are different for different classes.
We can say that classes are distinguished not only by
its location and empirical density distribution in R
but also by multi-dimensional ‘texture’ of inner
Let B
, s=1,2,…,S, is a set of cluster descriptions
that could claim to be the basic. Each vector B
contains parameters of cluster form that may be
relevant to the task of detecting the differences
between classes k = 1,2, ..., K. Let Q
, z=1,2,…,Z, is
a set of quality criteria for representation of classes
using basic clusters of some kind. Thus, we show in
denotation the two variables we need for setting the
criterion Q
(s,k), s=1,2,…,S, k=1,2,…,K, with
which we establish S×Z-matrix of votes for selection
this or that form of cluster as basic. Applying the
form set B
, s=1,2,…,S, and the list of criteria
(s,k), z=1,2,…,Z, to k-th class
⊂ of the
training sample, we obtain a set of matrices
k=1,2,…,K, which may serve as an objective basis
for selection certain form of clusters as basic.
The choice in this case may be based on different
strategies. We describe here a few natural of them.
Thus, if all criteria Q
, z=1,2,…,Z, have standard
normalization and the same degree of confidence θ,
it is possible to simply select that form B
as basic,
wherein the index s(k) points the maximal element
()) of the matrix. Along the way, index z
indicates the criterion Q
, which can turn out among
the best in the evaluation of the differences between
,=1,2,…,. In the inverse situation
with varying θ, the indices of the maxima
()) should be found in each
row at first, and then the decision is made taking into
account the degrees of confidence θ
, for example, in
the form of an index for the maximum of weighted
sum ()=argmax
). There is no
doubt that acceptable may also be many other
strategies. In any case, the index s(k) should be
selected in conjunction with the index z(k) of the
criterion Q
which provides detection of maximal
differences between classes.
In similar manner the calculations are performed
for a set of new objects
⊂, the true class of
which is not known. Thus it is necessary to use pairs
of indices (),() selected in the training to find
some index k as decision, if it provides the minimal
difference between corresponding class
and the
set of new objects
Of course, those described herein as ‘textural’
features of classes
, k=1,2,...,K, or groups of new
objects in R
have to be considered only as an aid,
which can deliver additional information in complex
tasks of pattern recognition, classification and
prediction, when the use of conventional schemes
developed for isolated objects faces difficulties.
In general, the presented approach provides a
wide range of possibilities for the use of secondary
cluster analysis results in order to improve decisions
of data analysis tasks. Recently it was successfully
applied to modelled and real data (Ryazanov, 2015),
Zhuravlev, 2016). Transfer to many types of GP
allows one to build various ‘dissections’ of the
training sample and explore it from different
perspectives. Dimension of the space may be at
decrease or increase: 2N+1 in the case of ELR-1,
N+1 for Gaussian mixture, 1+1 in the case of PR, N-
1 in the last example with coherent subsets of ELR-