innovative report is presented in the form of monthly
statistics, where aggregation was carried out by
month, by region, by computers that have failed, as
well as by a specific date. Moreover, statistics was
done just for those regions, where faults in system
functioning have been registered.
Figure 6 shows monthly statistics on the negative
trends in running analyzed software package.
Figure 6: Monthly statistics on the negative trends in
running analyzed software package.
In the course of this study, we managed to articulate
issues (problems) and solutions, with which
developer will be facing while building of
monitoring systems for complex distributed systems.
These concepts provide means for covering of all
the key system-of-interest components, provide ease
of handling of designed monitoring system, as well
as contribute to building of relevant, complete and
concise health map.
The described innovative concepts also facilitate
ability to make the system more flexible in the
course of its further modernization. In the process of
identifying the described concepts, all the major
stages of development for monitoring system, have
been reviewed, specifically:
1. Development of servicing model.
2. Implementing tools to detect objects of
3. Generating a health map of system-of-interest.
All data, obtained in the study, serve the
possibility to deepen into the task of building of
visualization maps for status of the system-of-
interest, as well as to explore the possibility of
implementing automatic solution for emerging
failures in operation. That is also very important
when working with Big Data, for it is a perfect
example of an integrated system of many
components and transactions with high availability
However, for applying of preventive measures is
often require to get some statistics for the reporting
period. Such data can be formed, if an optimal
monitoring system, which is not overloaded with
redundant information, but contains a description of
all key aspects of operation for system-of-interest is
in place.
The research is supported by the RFBR grant 16-29-
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