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Appendix: Proof for Lemma 1
Here we discuss the execution semantics of our dis-
tributed model, show that they produce runs that are
compatible with the BP semantics, and prove an im-
portant property: assuming communication is instan-
taneous, the distributed system behaves identically to
the undistributed one.
Definition 2. A distributed model produced from a
behavioral model M, with respect to a strict event sep-
aration, S = {C
}, denoted as D (M,S), is de-
fined to be the set of projections of M along the com-
ponents of the event separation:
D (M) = {project(M,C
Executing a distributed model means executing the
component models (i.e., the projections) according to
the operational semantics defined in Section 3.3.
Next we formally define the global state (the cut)
of a behavioral model that is being executed:
MODELSWARD 2017 - 5th International Conference on Model-Driven Engineering and Software Development